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The Village Church - Sermons

The Village Church


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The Village Church exists to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

167 Episodes

Give Me Somebody

God promises His people that if they humble themselves, pray, seek Him, and turn from wickedness, He will hear them, forgive their sins, and heal their land. We respond to this promise with passionate prayer, tenacious seeking, and radical repentance. O God, please hear us and heal us.

Transcribed - Published: 21 July 2024

The Harvest

When we look around us, do we see a world gone mad or do we, like Jesus, see the plentiful harvest? The world is ready for the good news of Jesus, but how can they hear it if no one is sharing it? So we pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He might send laborers from among us into our neighborho...

Transcribed - Published: 14 July 2024

Long-Term Integrity

Whatever your age, someone younger is always paying attention to you. So how do we go the distance, with integrity, and bless the generations coming after us? We wait for the Lord, keeping His way, knowing He has all authority in heaven and on earth. We don’t give up, and we walk humbly with our ...

Transcribed - Published: 7 July 2024

The Scandal of Grace

In the upside-down kingdom of God, losing is winning, dying is living, weakness is strength, and our enemy is our brother. In the abrupt conclusion of Jonah, we see all people—every tribe and nation—are at risk of falling under God’s abundant grace. For He has mercy for whom He has mercy and comp...

Transcribed - Published: 30 June 2024

Belief that Moves

Finding himself right back where he started, Jonah begins his month-long journey to Nineveh. He proclaims a simple yet devastating message, and the people of Nineveh repent and follow God—Yahweh, the God of astounding mercy and another chance.

Transcribed - Published: 23 June 2024

Soul Surgery

Where Jonah desired justice, God desired mercy. Nineveh, a city shrouded in darkness and filled with Jonah’s enemies, is to become a city of light filled with God’s redemption. The Lord is merciful to whomever He chooses, and salvation belongs to Him!

Transcribed - Published: 16 June 2024

Spiritual Slumber

God sent a storm to overtake Jonah. Instead of turning the boat around, Jonah asks to be thrown into the sea. The pagan mariners vow to the Lord while God’s prophet sinks into the depths. In His mercy, God sends a fish to save Jonah.

Transcribed - Published: 9 June 2024


Rather than a lens to see the world through, the book of Jonah acts as a mirror to see ourselves. Jonah’s story exposes our own tendency to co-opt God for the life we want rather than surrender to the life He has for us.

Transcribed - Published: 2 June 2024

Mission, Vision, and Power

The gospel of Jesus is an invitation out of restlessness, anxiety, and anger and into a life of meaning and purpose. By His Spirit, there is power over sin, death, and the dominion of darkness.

Transcribed - Published: 26 May 2024

For Generations to Come

After the death of Joshua, the next generation of Israel embraced false gods and forgot the Lord and all that He had done for them. We read this as a warning and a charge to tell our kids how great our God is and remind them of all He has done for us.

Transcribed - Published: 19 May 2024


God is asking us to live faithfully with the life, time, money, and friend group or spouse He has given us for His glory all the days of our lives. By living for Him, we might leave a legacy for those behind us to reap the benefits of our covenantal faithfulness to King Jesus.

Transcribed - Published: 12 May 2024

Fighting Fair

Whether single or married, you can only truly understand yourself as you develop your relationship with God and others. Conflict with close friends and spouses holds a mirror up, helping us to grow in maturity, and to reflect Christ’s covenantal faithfulness in our relationships.

Transcribed - Published: 5 May 2024

Sex and Intimacy

God made sex for procreation and pleasure. It was His idea, and He called it good. God desires for His people to have healthy sex lives built inside marriages through companionship, covenant, and the mingling of souls.

Transcribed - Published: 28 April 2024

Friends and Companions

Friendship is the lost art of Christian marriage. There isn’t a greater love than someone laying down their life for a friend. In John 15, Christ gives us a unique command, calls us to a new kind of relationship, and demonstrates the greatest form of love.

Transcribed - Published: 21 April 2024

Husbands and Wives

Marriage is an imperfect picture of Christ and His Church. Wives are to respect and encourage their husbands and husbands are to love and build up their wives. The woman does it imperfectly as the church does it imperfectly. And the husband has no chance compared to the perfect love of Jesus Christ.

Transcribed - Published: 14 April 2024

In the Beginning

From the beginning, God’s design for human union came through the partnership and picture of marriage. Through the subordination of their own desires, the man and woman image Christ to each other and push back the darkness in the culture at large.

Transcribed - Published: 7 April 2024

A Miraculous Life

God loves everybody. He can save anybody. He can use everybody. He is always working, and you can trust Him. Jesus longs to meet you, use you for His glory, and bless you beyond measure.

Transcribed - Published: 24 March 2024

Fully Known

We are fully known and fully loved by our God. He calls us His children, priests, heirs, friends, His workmanship, and the chosen citizens of heaven. In full knowledge of our best and worst moments, God pours out His love on us and calls us saints.

Transcribed - Published: 17 March 2024

The Posture and Pace of Discipleship

The Word of the Lord is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold. If any of us lacks wisdom, His Word says to ask for it, and He will give. Whoever hears His words and does them belongs to God and builds their house on the Rock.

Transcribed - Published: 10 March 2024

All In

The current state of our building project is a great picture of the believer’s life. Exciting progress is evident, but it still looks a little busted up. But we are sold out to the legacy we leave, knowing He who began this great work is faithful to complete it. Whether physical venues of worship...

Transcribed - Published: 3 March 2024

For Us and For Them

Christ, the Great High Priest, sat down with the Father because He finished the work of sacrifice forever. So we lift our eyes to Him. We remember our story is a part of the greater story and we run, laying aside sin and lesser loves for His glory.

Transcribed - Published: 27 February 2024

What Does Faithfulness Look Like?

Our long journey home to the Father is an ever-expanding love and allegiance to Him. We give all of life for all of life—our actions, thoughts, money, relationships, careers, and even our imaginations—for the sake of God’s mission. We exist to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Ch...

Transcribed - Published: 19 February 2024

Our Moment

We live in a moment of history that is outraged, anxious, and divided. There are cultural, political, and spiritual realities at play that are unique to our moment. God has placed us at this point in His story; what will we do? How will we respond?

Transcribed - Published: 14 February 2024

Where We Find Ourselves

Three stories are unfolding: your story, our story, and The Story. God has uniquely wired you and called you to a specific place and time so that you might take part in this grand story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.

Transcribed - Published: 4 February 2024

The Ends of the Earth

Transcribed - Published: 29 January 2024

One New Humanity

The lineage of Jesus shows us that His kingdom would be unlike any other. Through Christ, the dividing wall of hostility was torn down. We once retreated to the safety of homogeny. But Christ has brought together people from every tribe, tongue, and nation into a blessed unity.

Transcribed - Published: 23 January 2024

The Offer of Life

Christ is the door to freedom. He is the good shepherd, finding His own and guiding them through the door. Those who came before Him were thieves and liars. They peddled false gospels and murderous ideologies. Christ arrived with protection and care. He offered a clear way, a steadfast truth, and...

Transcribed - Published: 7 January 2024

Christ Our Hope

The cycle of self-improvement and failure persists because we cannot save ourselves. The salvation we need is outside our grasp unless we are reaching for Jesus.

Transcribed - Published: 31 December 2023

The Advent of Christ

The Creator of all things condescended and put on flesh. He came not for our condemnation but for our salvation. He, the pervasive light, has pierced the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome Him.

Transcribed - Published: 24 December 2023

Lost at Home

The parable of the prodigal son has a natural focus on the son who leaves, lives recklessly, and returns. But many of us live out our faith like the older brother—living at home, with the Father, yet refusing to enter into joy. The younger brother chased the desires of his stomach and found himse...

Transcribed - Published: 19 November 2023

Gospel Power

The gospel isn’t aspirational advice but the powerful work of God unto salvation. The gospel is God overpowering all that would rob His people of the fullness of life He has purchased for them in Christ Jesus. Any sin, impasse, addiction, or even Satan himself will not stop the strong arm of our ...

Transcribed - Published: 12 November 2023

Gospel Simplicity

The gospel is both simple enough for a child to understand yet complex enough to never discover its full depth. Each of us is called to share the gospel within our everyday, relational circles. We don’t need to have every answer ready in order to do so; we just need to be willing to let the Holy ...

Transcribed - Published: 5 November 2023

The Gospel Wave

We find ourselves caught up in something that existed long before us and will continue to expand into eternity. What started with 500 people in Jerusalem is now 2.38 billion people worldwide. This gospel wave continues to crash into the farthest shores of the globe and the darkest corners of the ...

Transcribed - Published: 29 October 2023

Stones of Remembrance

Whether through altars built or communion elements taken, God places a high emphasis on remembrance for His people. When we remember correctly, we move forward differently. And how do we remember? We build a memorial for what He has done and testify that He is with us and He is powerful.

Transcribed - Published: 22 October 2023

Gospel Culture: Gifts

The gospel creates a gifted people. God shares the spoils of His victory in Christ by equipping His people with a diversity of gifts. Each of which is meaningful and has a unique role in our shared endeavor of building up the body of Christ.

Transcribed - Published: 15 October 2023

Gospel Culture: People

The gospel moves through every culture throughout history calling people out of darkness and into His marvelous light. From the rich, the poor, the elevated, and the marginalized, Christ is creating a people for His own possession—a community of salt and light, receiving and proclaiming God’s mercy.

Transcribed - Published: 8 October 2023

The Gospel in the Air

All things were created through Christ and for Christ. His atoning work on the cross was for the sins of humankind and the redemption of creation. We now herald this good news to the world around us, especially the places God has placed us in—our work, our homes, and our cities.

Transcribed - Published: 1 October 2023

The Gospel on the Ground

We have all fallen short of God’s glory. While we were stuck in deep ruts of sin, Jesus Christ died for us. Our sins earned us death, but God gifts us with eternal life through Jesus. If we belong to Him, we are no longer condemned. If we confess and believe, we are saved. This is the gospel on ...

Transcribed - Published: 24 September 2023

Waiting on God

The tenured farmer, after preparing the ground with seed, does not pester the crop to hurry the harvest. He waits. James tells us to be patient for the coming of the Lord. We should not wait with grumbling, but with joy, establishing our hearts in the Lord. He has set a time, and He will return.

Transcribed - Published: 19 September 2023

Attention & Eternity

Where our treasure is, our heart is. God called His people to bring their full tithe to Him, not because He needed money, but because He longed for the whole heart of His people. Our hearts are easily distracted and we place our attention on lesser things. God is lifting our heads from temporary ...

Transcribed - Published: 10 September 2023

Sowing and Reaping

There is objective truth that doesn’t erase difficulty, but brings true life. In God’s design, there is accountability for our actions. And God is not mocked. What we sow, we reap. If we sow to the flesh, we reap corruption. If we sow to the Spirit, we reap a bountiful harvest of truth, beauty, a...

Transcribed - Published: 27 August 2023

Justice Promised

In the fourth dispute, God’s people question His justice. They accuse God of delighting in those who do evil. God responds with the promise of His messenger, John the Baptist, and His Messiah, Jesus Christ—the truest proof of His justice. His people will be refined by fire, and justice will be se...

Transcribed - Published: 20 August 2023

Broken Covenants

God’s people had profaned the covenants of their fathers in the treatment of one another, the worship of other gods, and the divorcing of their wives. They chose faithless self-indulgence and unraveled into chaos. For His glory and their own flourishing, the Lord called them back to the harmony o...

Transcribed - Published: 13 August 2023

Worthless Sacrifices

By the end of the Old Testament, the priests were allowing God’s people to bring their worst to Him. God brought a charge against them, reminding them of His love and the discipline that would ensue. He wanted their full attention, not their leftovers. He is not a pet at which to throw the scraps...

Transcribed - Published: 6 August 2023

Questioning God’s Love

God’s people doubt His goodness and are skeptical of His kindness. They are relationally fractured, apathetic, and have turned their backs on Him. His message to them through the prophet Malachi is, “I have loved you.”

Transcribed - Published: 30 July 2023


It is of utmost importance to follow God, and utterly impossible to do it on our own. When we face the important and impossible, we tend to run towards shame, pride, or condemnation. Though our hearts condemn us, God does not, because He is greater than our hearts. So let your mind be convinced a...

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2023

Made for People

The drumbeat of Genesis was God creating and calling it good. But after He made the first human, He saw it was not good for us to be alone. He made more people so that we would have companions and friends. Jesus was friendship made flesh. He modeled vulnerability and commitment showing the path t...

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2023

God’s Grace Guarantees Our Future

Paul, inspired by the Spirit, states that God began a good work in us and will bring it to completion at Christ’s return. This prophetic, rugged verse outlasts the buffeting of life and stands firm as a promise—He started it, and He will finish it.

Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2023

Where's Our Help?

The hills and high places were known centers for idol worship and altars to false gods. The Psalmist, looking up to these places, declares that his help will not come from the mountains, but from the Maker of the mountains. The one true God is our help in times of trouble.

Transcribed - Published: 3 July 2023


All who are led by the Spirit have been adopted into the family of God. He gives to His children a unique identity, places us into time exactly where He wants us, and calls us to flourish, not on our own, but in a family of fellow believers. If we are His children, then we are also heirs to His k...

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2023

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