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Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out Podcast

Joyce Meyer Ministries

Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

4.8 • 1.5K Ratings


Welcome to the Talk It Out podcast with Joyce Meyer, Ginger Stache and Erin Cluley! To learn more, visit our website at joycemeyer.org or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries App. By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to joycemeyer.org/donate

138 Episodes

137. Ask Us Anything

You asked, we answered! Join us for this episode filled with questions from all of you—our amazing friends—about everything from staying organized, to praying for a loved one's healing, to finding a godly man (all the single ladies said amen!), to how to trust God when we're disappointed. Listen, learn, laugh, and be loved. P.S. Summer Break is here! Can you believe it's that time again? Enjoy every moment of your summer and please check out our past 130+ episodes to encourage you in the meantime. Meet you back here on September 3 for our first episode of fall!

Transcribed - Published: 18 June 2024

136. Connecting with the Right People (w/ CeCe Winans)

Today's episode is full of insightful conversations and stories of how connecting with the right people can make ALL the difference in the world! There's nothing like being able to offer some wisdom that helps that young girl through a hard time or receiving game-changing advice from someone a little further along in life. The right relationships will truly help you grow into who God created you to be! Join Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and the iconic CeCe Winans for some tried-and-true tips to help you find, connect with, and learn from godly friends and mentors.

Transcribed - Published: 4 June 2024

135. Discover Your Purpose

Are you ready to discover God's will for your life? So often we overanalyze, freak out, and just put too much pressure on ourselves to "figure it out" and start walking out His exact career plan for us...but we don't have to. Join Joyce, Ginger + Erin as they share practical ways to have peace as you pursue God's plan for your life, one step at a time.

Transcribed - Published: 21 May 2024

134. Keystones to a Life that Works (w/ CeCe Winans)

What makes a life work well? Discover the secret ingredients to a fulfilling life as Joyce, Ginger, and Erin talk with the renowned CeCe Winans about some of the most impactful principles that have infused their lives with beauty, a Christ-centered foundation, and a resilience to stand the test of time.

Transcribed - Published: 7 May 2024

133. Questions, Doubts and Answers About Faith (w/ Christine Caine)

What do you do when something causes your faith to be shaken to the core? Christine Caine joins Joyce, Ginger, and Erin, and they talk through how you can process your questions, doubts, hurts, and fears in an effective, authentic way that will bring you closer to Jesus on the other side.

Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2024

132. It’s Time to Be Brave (w/ Kaeli Fletcher)

Is it possible to be brave even when I feel anxiety? How can I keep being brave even when I'm disappointed? What's the difference between being brave and being dumb? If you're wondering about any of the answers to these questions, tune in to today's episode! Ginger, Erin, and their gutsy, sweet friend Kaeli Fletcher talk through real, day-in and day-out ways to change your life with everyday steps of courage.

Transcribed - Published: 9 April 2024

131. Beyond Labels: Unpacking the Truth of Your Identity in Christ (w/ Riley Clemmons)

Ever feel “less than” or disappointed in yourself and hear this question pop into your head: Who do you think you are? We all have moments where the enemy tries to get us to doubt our value, but thank God His Word is FULL of reminders! Join Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and the uber-talented Riley Clemmons for an episode that will help you beat imposter syndrome and walk into every situation with the confidence of a daughter of God.

Transcribed - Published: 26 March 2024

130. Head to Toe Help from the Book of James (w/ Kim Poe)

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by a difficult season? Maybe you’re looking for advice on a confusing situation you’re in, or you just want to learn how to use your words in the best, most effective way possible. Whichever it might be, this episode on the book of James with Ginger, Erin and their amazing friend Kim Poe has just what you need! WALK IT OUT: This episode’s challenge? Read James. Tell us what you learned. Apply a verse to your life. You won’t regret it. James 1:5 – James 1:12 – James 3:3-5

Transcribed - Published: 12 March 2024

129. Pardon the Interruption—Annoyance or Opportunity?

When someone interrupts you, what do you do first? Get frustrated? Slow down? Wish you were invisible? Join Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and our sweet friend Lisa Harper for an eye opening-episode that will help you find and make the most of the divine opportunity in every interruption. WALK IT OUT: How do you normally respond to life’s interruptions? Take a minute to ask God which interruptions tend to be the hardest for you to handle. What’s He saying? Write out a short prayer asking Him to show you how to best love others the next time you’re interrupted. READ IT OUT: 2 Timothy 4:2 – Luke 10:25-37 – Mark 10:13-16 – Matthew 25:40

Transcribed - Published: 27 February 2024

128. A Messy Conversation with Chris Caine + Lisa Bevere + Sadie Robertson Huff

SO… we have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, life can be messy. The good news? You’re never alone in any situation or problem—no matter how messy it is—because Jesus is ready to walk through it with you! Join Ginger, Christine Caine, Lisa Bevere, and Sadie Robertson Huff for a special episode to bolster your faith and help you enjoy God’s blessings…even in the middle of the mess. WALK IT OUT: What feels like the messiest part of life right now? Take a few minutes to read each of these verses and ask God to show you which one fits your situation the most. Invite Him to come closer (like Sadie’s daughter Honey), listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit, and run with the truth He tells you. READ IT OUT: 2 Timothy 1:7 – John 15:26 – Ephesians 6:12-13 – Hebrews 6:19

Transcribed - Published: 13 February 2024

127. Parenting Through the Hard Stuff

The journey of parenting takes you through all kinds of moments, which sometimes means really difficult or even scary situations. The good news is, they don’t have to pull you under. Join Ginger and Erin as they welcome back Dave Barnes and Jon McLaughlin from the Dadville podcast for some real talk that will encourage you as you navigate each child’s individual personality and parent well, even in hard seasons. WALK IT OUT: Often our own pain impacts the way we parent our kids. Take some time and ask God to show you how to walk out your own healing journey with Him so you can teach your kids from a place of wholeness. He’s ready to help you with each situation, conversation, and challenge you’ll face together. READ IT OUT: Psalm 103:13 – James 1:5 – Proverbs 22:6 - Isaiah 43:2

Transcribed - Published: 30 January 2024

126. From Bible Study to Jerry Springer

How many times have you come across a verse or a passage in the Bible that made you stop and say, “WHAT?!” Sometimes, at first glance, there are scriptures that may seem confusing, and that’s why we all need a little help! Join Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and our friend Lisa Harper on the pink couch as we talk through everything from Jerry Springer situations in the Old Testament, to where the giants came from, to why Jesus yelled at a fig tree. Yes, a fig tree. WALK IT OUT: What’s one passage or verse from today’s episode that got your attention? What did it show you about God’s character? Take a minute to ask Him to show you how to respond when you encounter situations in the Bible that just don’t make sense, and write out what He shows you. Read it out: Jeremiah 33:3, John 16:13, Hebrews 4:12

Transcribed - Published: 16 January 2024

125. Asking God for Bigger

When was the last time you prayed a big prayer? Like, a really BIG prayer? Like a “God-will-You-move-this-mountain” kind of prayer? If it’s been a long time, today’s episode with Joyce, Ginger and Erin will be a shot of faith to help you pray bigger, bolder, and more confident prayers than ever before. Get ready to hope again in 2024! WALK IT OUT: What’s one prayer you’ve given up on? Take a moment to write it out and invite God to help bring it to fruition. Remember, He’s bigger than every challenge and disappointment that’s tried to steal your hope, and He is FOR you. May this year be the year you ask God for the BIG things—and trust Him along the way! Scriptures: Ephesians 3:20 – Matthew 19:26 – Jeremiah 32:17

Transcribed - Published: 2 January 2024

124. Christmas Confessions

I can’t believe she said that! In a new episode, Ginger and Erin dare to say out loud those things you’ve perhaps thought but most people aren’t willing to share. Those secret confessions that make you feel isolated or “less than” when in reality, we all have our stuff. So, let’s get real and deal with it together. Is it… A challenge with one of your kids that makes you want to do anything but spend time with them? The quiet-yet-nagging thought that maybe faith isn’t worth having anymore? Whatever you need to get off your chest, join us and find out just how not-alone you are. WALK IT OUT: Which challenge was your hardest in 2023? Whether it was losing a loved one, relationship struggles, an opportunity falling through or a deep sense of doubt, know that you’re not alone! Spend a couple minutes talking it out with God—whatever hurts, whatever feels impossible, whatever dreams may feel too slow in arriving. Know that even when it feels otherwise, He’s listening, He’s with you, and there is good ahead. Scriptures: Isaiah 40:31 – Romans 15:13

Transcribed - Published: 19 December 2023

123. Think Your Way to Stronger Relationships (with Love McPherson)

Did you know your thoughts play a big role in your relationships? It’s true—a simple idea can either wreak havoc or solidly establish your connections with the people around you. Check out this episode with Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and Love McPherson for a crash course on finding and replacing unhealthy, damaging thoughts with thinking that will help your relationships flourish for the long haul WALK IT OUT: Who do you find yourself the most frustrated with? What kind of thoughts normally fill your mind about the people who get on your nerves? Take a minute to write them out. Look at them. These are your thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you which parts are true, but lack love, and which ones need His fuller perspective. Invite Him to help you, and He’ll give you grace to become quicker to listen, slower to speak and slower to get angry. Scriptures: 1 Peter 4:8 – James 1:19-20 – Colossians 3:14

Transcribed - Published: 5 December 2023

122. Goodbye Loneliness with Love McPherson

Lonely. The word MANY people—whether they’re homebound or in the middle of a crowd—would use to describe themselves. No matter your life circumstances or relationship status, we all feel alone at times, and thankfully, we can all do something about it! Check out this episode with Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and our friend and relationship expert Love McPherson for some practical steps and truths from Scripture to help you fight and overcome loneliness when it tries to bring you down. WALK IT OUT: The next time you feel lonely, remember that you are deeply wanted and loved by God. Take a minute to look up the verses below and invite the Holy Spirit to make His presence more real to you…and show you at least one person in your life you can begin to cultivate a healthy friendship with. He loves you so much and wants you to feel close to Him and to have life-giving connections with others, too. We love you! Scriptures: Isaiah 41:10 – Matthew 28:20 – Romans 8:38-39 – Psalm 68:5-6

Transcribed - Published: 21 November 2023

121. Who Is the Holy Spirit?

POP QUIZ: Who wants to help you at every turn, offer insight, comfort, and answers when there seem to be none? If you said the Holy Spirit, you’re absolutely right! Join Joyce, Ginger and Erin for a conversation that will help you understand and be encouraged by the Holy Spirit, who wants to give you the grace you need for every challenge you face, no matter how big or small. WALK IT OUT: Do you want to be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit but you’re not sure how? Or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve felt close to God? Take a few minutes to invite Him to make Himself real to you. It may happen in a moment or over time, but we’re believing that as you pray and seek God, you WILL find Him and experience the closeness and peace of His Spirit in you. Scriptures: Luke 11:13 – Isaiah 30:21 – John 16:13

Transcribed - Published: 7 November 2023

120. What Are You Thinking? - How Your Thoughts Affect Your Marriage

We have heard you loud and clear…we want more Dave Meyer! So it’s time for a marriage discussion, part 2, that you don’t want to miss. In this episode, Dave’s back on the pink couch with Joyce, Ginger, and Erin to talk through even more of the many lessons they’ve learned in their nearly 57 years married that will help you think the right way when it comes to your spouse so you can maintain, build, or prepare for a loving, godly, life-giving marriage. And make sure you check out episode 67 to hear part 1 with Dave and Joyce! WALK IT OUT: 1) How are you thinking about yourself? How are you thinking about your spouse? Ask God to help you see the way your thoughts are taking you when it comes to your spouse. If something surfaces that you need to deal with, invite Him to help you know the right timing, wording, and approach so you can reach a solution where you both win. 2) Also, dive into 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, and ask God to help you both to love each other well as you relate to each other. <3 No marriage is perfect, but God’s love is, and as we lean on Him to help us, He’ll give us grace to be more and more like Him in the ways we relate to our spouse. Scriptures: Colossians 3:14 – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Transcribed - Published: 24 October 2023

119. How to Think Like a Man – w/ Dadville!

Have you ever asked yourself, What in the WORLD is that guy thinking? Us, too! That’s why we invited a couple of fellas to the pink couch to give us some clarity! Ginger and Erin talk with their special guests Dave Barnes and Jon McLaughlin (from the Dadville podcast) about the many ways men think differently from women…and how we can better understand and communicate with the guys in our lives! WALK IT OUT: What’s something a guy in your life says or does that just doesn’t make sense? Take a minute to listen and ask him what he’s thinking, and not just reply. Remember, just because he thinks differently about something doesn’t mean he’s right or wrong! Ultimately, God wants to use the people in our lives to complement us in wonderful ways. Scriptures: Proverbs 27:17 – Ephesians 4:32 – Ephesians 4:16

Transcribed - Published: 10 October 2023

118. Defying a Culture of Rejection

How do you normally respond when someone rejects you? Whether it’s a disapproving look or a breakup that shatters your heart, rejection has a way of rocking our world.  In this episode, Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and their special guest Lisa Bevere talk through some of the ways rejection finds us in everyday life, share how we can heal from its effects, and remind us of how to remind ourselves of the truth: that God fully accepts and loves us. And His view of us is more accurate than anyone else’s, because it’s truth. Get ready to learn how to navigate your friendships, work, ministry, marriage, and even your own self-talk with the confidence of His constant love for you! WALK IT OUT: Write down the verses below, let them sink into your heart, and put them where you'll see them consistently. Hold on to them, maybe even look up a few more about God's love and acceptance. Make your own list of Scriptures that encourage you. And remember this: rejection is not who you are. YOU are loved, you are accepted, you are a daughter or son of God, and He will never reject you. It's always safe to lean into Him-take some time to receive His love for vou. Scriptures: Proverbs 27:10 – Psalm 139:17

Transcribed - Published: 26 September 2023

117. The Big Questions for Women with Lisa Bevere

What aspects of life as a woman are the most challenging? Frustrating? Beautiful? Downright confusing? We’ve all got questions, and today it’s time for ANSWERS. In this conversation, Ginger, Erin, and Joyce talk with Lisa Bevere about all the things we want to know as women! Joyce and Lisa share their perspectives as female pioneers in a male-dominated profession and how they’ve dealt with people’s endless opinions about their lives. From leadership and ministry to how to carry ourselves in work, church, and other environments, and how to balance it all, this episode is all about letting go of unhealthy expectations and finding the freedom we were born to live in as God’s daughters.

Transcribed - Published: 12 September 2023

116. The Fall of Joyce Meyer *Literally

Oh, how we’ve missed you! And in true Talk It Out fashion, we’re kicking things off with some real talk! In today’s conversation, Ginger and Erin talk with Joyce about some crazy health challenges she’s recently faced, and how God has taught her about pressing on in really difficult circumstances. It’s full of practical encouragement for all of us…no matter what we’re going through, we can’t give up! WALK IT OUT: PRAY. When you’re going through something hard, go to God with this attitude: “God, whatever it is You want to show me, I’ve got an open heart, help me to see it. And [even if things don’t go the way I planned] … I'm going to trust you in the meantime.” THINK. The next time you encounter a problem, let God’s Word frame your thoughts about it. Here’s a few examples from Joyce: God loves me, He’s with me and He's going to help me in this. WRITE IT OUT. Write out today’s two Scriptures and remember to take care of your spirit every day so you can stay strong and be ready for the challenges of life that come unexpectedly. Scriptures: Proverbs 18:14 – Ephesians 6:11-18

Transcribed - Published: 29 August 2023

115. Overcoming Every Problem

Are you worn out from dealing with problems? Not sure exactly where to turn for real answers that work? Whether they’re issues in our relationships, finances, mental and emotional health, physical sickness, or just life’s daily struggles, we all have something that just wants to keep us down. But there’s good news! God wants to help you overcome all of your problems. In today’s episode, Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin discuss practical, guiding tips to help you find and understand specific promises in God’s Word for any and every problem you face. Get ready to conquer the day-in-and-day-out challenges that used to leave you stumped, and stay tuned all the way to the end for a special announcement and prayer for Jai as she takes an amazing next step of faith!

Transcribed - Published: 20 June 2023

114. Happy Birthday Joyce!

It’s party time!! Ever wished you could get Joyce’s advice on life? If you want to know how she’s made it through so many years of ministry, marriage and motherhood all while staying close to Jesus, this is the conversation you’ve been waiting for! Watch or listen in as Ginger, Jai and Erin celebrate Joyce’s 80th birthday and talk about how to age with grace, watching God fulfill His promises as each season of life unfolds. You’ll come away with all kinds of Joyce’s tips (real GOLD!) to live long, strong and joyful! P.S. It’s not too late to wish Joyce a happy birthday on social media!

Transcribed - Published: 6 June 2023

113. The Pain of Pornography

Today’s episode is different. This isn’t just a topic of conversation. This is our lives. We want to share with you a very real and emotional discussion we had about the pain of pornography. A pain that hits really close to home for so many of us and has left us broken and overwhelmed with questions and anger. Whether you are right in the thick of discovering your loved ones addiction, or you are years out, please listen in. We want to remind you that you are good enough, you are beautiful just the way you are, and you are not alone.

Transcribed - Published: 23 May 2023

112. Broken Crayons Still Color

We all have moments that seem to break us a little. Sooner or later, we each face seasons where the pain of those moments feels unbearable, and the effects of what we’ve done or experienced paint a picture that looks like the end of our purpose. But guess what? It’s not over yet. Because in the words of today’s guest, broken crayons still color. Join Ginger, Jai, Erin and special guest Toni Collier for a conversation with grit, candor and humor that will remind you that even in your brokenness, your life is still beautifully filled with purpose.

Transcribed - Published: 9 May 2023

111. A Desperate Prayer for a Baby

There’s an unspoken pain that comes with struggling to conceive. The deep desire in your very core to be a mom just isn’t happening. Or maybe you’re watching friends or family members struggle with infertility, and your heart is breaking for them. Maybe you or someone around you is silently grieving the loss of a precious baby. Because infertility is much more common than we often realize, there’s a good chance it’s affected you or someone you love in a deep way. Whatever your story has been, please join us for this very important episode. Join Ginger, Jai, Erin and their good friends Jami and Kim for a conversation that will encourage and remind you that right here, right now, you are anything but alone.

Transcribed - Published: 25 April 2023

110. Grace to Start Over with Taylor Madu

There’s no way God still loves me…He knows how broken I am. I’ve lost too much and messed up too much to help anybody else. Grace? Yeah, that’s for them, not me. My bad decisions got me here—I deserve this pain. Any of these thoughts sound familiar? When we’re going through deep pain and loss, it’s easy to think that we’re past hope and beyond God’s love, but nothing could be further from the truth. Join Ginger, Jai, Erin and the stunning Taylor Madu (co-pastor of Social Dallas and wife of Robert Madu) to find out why and how He will never leave your side, no matter how deep the pain.

Transcribed - Published: 11 April 2023

109. When Faith Gets Crazy Hard

Faith is great. It even seems unshakable at times…until. Until the layoff. Until that friendship unravels. Until the loved one you’ve been praying for passes away. Until your vision for the future is totally upended by a loss you never saw coming. What do we do when we get to “until”? Join Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin for a conversation where they share keys to help you hold on to your faith, stay close to Jesus and have hope, even in the middle of circumstances that feel too heavy to handle. He’s got you.

Transcribed - Published: 28 March 2023

108. Being a Girl is No Joke

Life as a girl can be both an incredibly beautiful experience and an extremely challenging one, no matter what your background. Satan fights HARD to keep us from living in freedom and boldness, because he knows a God-empowered woman is a massive threat to his plans. But guess what? He loses every time we genuinely discover our value and start fighting back. Join us for a conversation where Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin talk through some of the joys + challenges they’ve overcome in life and in ministry, look at ways we can make life better for each other, and equip you to start taking back what the enemy has stolen.

Transcribed - Published: 14 March 2023

107. The Answer to Anxiety

Anxious but not sure what to do about it? We have BEEN there. Join us for this empowering conversation with Joyce, Ginger, Jai, Erin and Love McPherson where we talk in-depth about everyday ways to fight anxiety, fear, dread and worry that actually make a difference. If you’ve ever wondered, When I feel anxiety start to hit, what should I do? After a lot of disappointments, how do I stop expecting more bad things to happen? How can I calm myself down when I wake up shaking in the middle of the night? …this episode is for you. Listen in for tools and reminders from God’s Word that will equip you to live your best life with real peace.

Transcribed - Published: 28 February 2023

106. Psalm 139: A Love Story

Valentine’s Day. You either love it or you hate it, for a variety of reasons. For some of us, we love the ooey gooey hearts and flowers of it all… others of us are still reeling from a messy breakup, loneliness in a marriage or the aching disappointment of being single for too many years. Wherever you are on the relational spectrum, this episode will build + lift your heart. Listen in as Ginger, Jai and Erin unpack Psalm 139—one of the sweetest love notes in Scripture—and how it relates to you. Get a glimpse of the beauty your Creator sees in you, the unconditional, never-goes-away-or-runs-out kind of love He’s always had for you, and hear a few of the stunning thoughts He’s thinking about you.

Transcribed - Published: 14 February 2023

105. Say It Like You Mean It - w/ Chelsea Perry

What if we told you there was a simple, doable way to start shifting the direction of your life towards everything God has for you? Guess what? There is. And it all starts with being purposeful as you speak over and about your life. Tune in to this episode with Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin as they welcome author and entrepreneur Chelsea Perry (who Joyce has known since Chelsea was in kindergarten!)—to share the most practical steps you can take to harness the power of your words, one of our most underrated tools. And tune in to find out how Chelsea chose to use her words intentionally as she waited for the man of her dreams, even when the years kept going by and by…and how God made those years work together for the absolute best outcome.

Transcribed - Published: 31 January 2023

104. Does Your Past Define Your Future? With Meredith Brock

Is there a part of you that feels like your past has already ruined your future? We all have something—whether it’s trauma that’s wrecked our self-image, a lack of opportunity in childhood, or even a seemingly fatal mistake—that looks like a sentence to a life of less-than. But guess what? It isn’t. And today’s episode can help you find your new beginning. Join in as Ginger, Jai and Erin connect with their amazing friend, Meredith Brock (CEO of Proverbs 31 Ministries) and share the incredible power of surrendering the pain of your past and letting God transform your story…because He’s the best Author.

Transcribed - Published: 17 January 2023

103. The Bible - What's in it for you?

Has the idea of studying the Bible ever felt intimidating? Whether it seems like more of a commitment than you can handle, reading has been a challenge or you just don’t know how long you can actually stare at the book of Leviticus (lol we don’t recommend beginning there, but there is some gold to be found in it!), we’ve got you covered! Tune in as Joyce joins Ginger, Jai and Erin for a conversation where each one of them shares scriptures and tips that will make your time in God’s Word feel like anything but a chore. Listen and find out just how alive, helpful and life-changing your Bible is, and how its Author is right there with you, making each verse come alive like never before.

Transcribed - Published: 3 January 2023

102. Our Favorite Scriptures

Guys, we are GIDDY about this episode. You might think, “Bible verses make you giddy?” Yes, because they can literally change your world! In today’s episode, Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin share some of their favorite scriptures that have seen them through some of both the hardest and the best seasons of their lives. Do you have any favorites? If you don’t, we’d love to share some of ours with you to get you started. This one is definitely a note-taking kind of episode, so grab your coffee and your notes app (or lined paper if you’re like Erin!) and get ready to leave this episode with an encyclopedia of encouragement for whatever you’re walking through.

Transcribed - Published: 20 December 2022

101. Advice to Our Younger Selves w/ Christine Caine + Lisa Harper

Ever wished you could go back in time and give your past self some advice that you needed then? When we’re looking for answers or encouragement in the middle of a hard time, we all need to hear from godly people in different seasons and circumstances, because each one has wisdom we need. On that note, we’re so excited to share this special Q-and-A session with Joyce, Ginger, Christine Caine and Lisa Harper from Joyce’s women’s conference! Watch or listen as they laugh together and share some of the best advice they would give their younger selves when it comes to purpose, being yourself, momming... and even how to handle your Spanx.

Transcribed - Published: 6 December 2022

100. Why You Need to Celebrate Your Progress

When was the last time you really celebrated? Was it a traditionally “big” moment, like someone’s wedding or graduation? If it’s been a while since you took a moment to really note the progress God is bringing you, tap that play button! Today—in Talk It Out’s 100th episode!—Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin are celebrating all the amazing things God has done throughout the last 3+ years in their lives and yours. Watch or listen for a fun, joy-filled time where you’ll laugh, be encouraged, and learn just how powerful it can be to take time to celebrate your progress.

Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2022

99. Lies We Believe

Have you ever found yourself believing a lie? Maybe one of these will ring a bell… I can’t understand the Bible—it’s too confusing. Because ______ said I’m not good enough, it must be true. It’s hopeless—this problem will never go away. NO one understands how I’m hurting…I really am alone. Satan loves to use our circumstances, other people, the culture around us, and even our own thoughts to wedge and cement lies just like these in our thinking... but God’s Word has the power to set us free from all of them. Check out this episode where Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin share the truths from God’s Word that empower you to overcome every lie the enemy tries to throw at you!

Transcribed - Published: 8 November 2022

98. Psalms - Finding Beauty Beyond the Pain

If you’ve been trying to decide what to read in your quiet time, we have one word for you. PSALMS. We love this book so much, we had to do a whole episode about it! With more verses than any other book in the Bible, Psalms is jam-packed with beauty, gut-wrenching honesty, words of wisdom, and comforting reassurance for us, even in the middle of pain. Listen in today as Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin talk through just a few of the most practical treasures we can find in the psalmists’ most authentic conversations with God. P.S. Snag your copy of Joyce’s newest devotional on the book of Psalms at joycemeyer.org/store! The devo you need this fall. Every day God wants us to share the good, the bad and the ugly with Him, openly and honestly. That’s the beauty of Psalms. Each chapter reveals how the psalmists poured out their heart to God when they were joyful, content, peaceful and hopeful as well as when they were fearful, discouraged, angry and lonely. These daily devotions will help you do the same...bringing you closer to Jesus as you worship Him in times of rejoicing and times of difficulty.

Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2022

97. The Heartbreak of a Mom

Mom. The name can bring up a sea of emotions—everything from fear to desire, to grief to frustration. We all have different challenges associated with momming, whether we dream of becoming one, are in the throes of raising several kids, or aren’t sure how we feel about having any at all. Whatever your situation is, there’s gold for you in this episode. Listen in as we look back at a couple of our conversations (including one with the lovely Lisa Harper!) where we share how you can navigate the teen years, embrace God’s unique plan for you, trust Him to take care of your kids, and let Jesus in to heal your heart where you’ve been broken. P.S. You can find this episode’s special offer and get more Talk It Out content at joycemeyer.org/talkitout!

Transcribed - Published: 11 October 2022

96. Discovering Your Style, Designing Your Life with Katie Torwalt

Style…fun to talk about but does it really matter? Does God even care about style? Tune in today as Ginger, Jai and Erin welcome Katie Torwalt for a fun, uplifting talk about everything from wardrobe to decorating. You’ll come away with inspo for days, a glimpse of how your God-given uniqueness can be expressed in fashion, and practical steps that can help you design your life to reflect His glory through your personality. And if decorating or putting outfits together isn’t your jam, listen for some truth bombs that will help you embrace + express your authentic self! P.S. You can find this episode’s special offer and get more Talk It Out content at joycemeyer.org/talkitout!

Transcribed - Published: 27 September 2022

95. What to Do When People Are Hard to Love

Who’s been testing you lately? Whether it’s the terrible driver in the school pickup line, an in-law that just keeps harping on a controversial topic, or even someone close to you who’s hurt you deeply, God has the grace you need to stay calm + respond with love for even the most difficult people. Today, Joyce, Ginger, Jai and Erin talk through some of their biggest pet peeves with people and share some practical wisdom God has taught them in hard situations. Listen in for several keys that will help you keep your cool, stay free from bitterness and act out of His strength in even the hardest tests. P.S. You can find this episode’s special offer and get more Talk It Out content at joycemeyer.org/talkitout!

Transcribed - Published: 13 September 2022

94. When Friendship Isn't Easy

What do you do when a seemingly simple, happy friendship hits a rough patch? Whether it’s an offense, misunderstanding, insecurity, jealousy or even betrayal, we all face challenges that get in the way of having strong relationships with our friends—that’s why we need this episode! Join Ginger + Jai + Erin as they chat about some of the most widespread questions we all have about friendships, like: 1) How can I connect with people to begin with? 2) What should I do when I’m feeling lonely or rejected? 3) How do I need to navigate hard conversations? 4) What are some practical ways to set healthy boundaries? Tune in to join the conversation and snag some solid tips that will help you grow in each of your friendships! P.S. You can find this episode’s special offer and get more Talk It Out content at joycemeyer.org/talkitout!

Transcribed - Published: 30 August 2022

93. How to Unlock Your Purpose

What is God’s purpose for my life? This is the ultimate question that we all come to at some point. It’s one of the hardest to answer, and one that we often spend years trying to figure out. But guess what? You don’t have to. In this episode, Joyce joins Ginger + Jai + Erin to give you the key to escaping analysis paralysis when it comes to your calling, and together they show you how to breathe more easily and embrace God’s will for you as a daily journey. P.S. You can find this episode’s special offer and get more Talk It Out content at joycemeyer.org/talkitout!

Transcribed - Published: 16 August 2022

92. No Offense, But…

Sooooo…… you’re offended. Maybe they hurt you. Maybe they confused you. Maybe they just annoyed you. What are you going to do about it? Today, Joyce joins Ginger + Jai + Erin to give you everyday keys to keep your cool when people aggravate you, shift the atmosphere of a conversation where it’s getting bristly, and believe the best of those around us. P.S. You can find this episode’s special offer and get more Talk It Out content at joycemeyer.org/talkitout!

Transcribed - Published: 2 August 2022

91. How to Enjoy A Life of Freedom

Do you feel trapped by an addiction? Controlled by the opinions of others? Sometimes freedom from the weight of the world feels so far away. But did you know that Jesus wants us to have the best kind of life? He’s promised us freedom from anything that seems to have a hold on us! Whether you’ve struggled with constant temptation, people-pleasing, or even feeling overwhelmed as you’re dealing with someone else’s challenges, join Ginger + Jai + Erin (and their friend Mercy who Zooms in from Zambia!) and learn how you can be free indeed. P.S. You can find this episode’s special offer and get more Talk It Out content at joycemeyer.org/talkitout!

Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2022

90. A Grieving Heart, Ft. Kayla Stoecklein

If you or someone close to you has been affected by deep loss—including death by suicide—tune in ASAP. Today, Ginger, Jai + Erin meet with Kayla Stoecklein to talk through the reality of what it’s like to grieve the death of a loved one or a dream, how to recognize + embrace the different ways we each process our pain, and ways to support those around you in their own grief journey. Listen in for a priceless reminder of the hope + beauty that can be found in life, even after heartbreak.

Transcribed - Published: 5 July 2022

89. How to Be Brave, Ft. Annie F. Downs

What feels too scary right now? Are you in a relationship where you (or people you trust) are seeing red flags, but walking away feels impossible? Maybe you have a dream to start something new, or to see the people around you grow closer to Jesus, but you just don’t know where to start. Wherever you might need a boost of courage, click that play button! Today, Ginger Jai and Erin welcome Annie F. Downs back to the set to share a few of their own do-it-afraid moments + drop some truth bombs that will equip + push you to be brave in the everyday-est of ways.

Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2022

88. What to Do When You’re Feeling Stuck

What do you do when you feel stuck somewhere in the middle of your journey God’s got you on, and He seems to only show you one small step at a time? How do you respond when the destination He’s bringing you to feels not only like a complete mystery, but so far that you’ll never get there? Do you stress out trying to imagine or plan the rest, or sit still, overwhelmed by fear of the unknown? Whichever your knee-jerk response is, being in the middle of a trying season is always a chance to grow. Listen in for some rubber-meets-the-road stories + advice from Ginger, Jai, Erin and their fiercely enduring friend Kim that will help carry you through the middle and give you the endurance to keep on hoping, one step at a time.

Transcribed - Published: 7 June 2022

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