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Wolf 359

Kinda Evil Genius Productions, LLC

Comedy, Drama, Fiction, Comedy Fiction, Science Fiction, Audiodrama, Thriller, Sciencefiction, Radiodrama

4.9 • 4.8K Ratings


Life's not easy for Doug Eiffel, the communications officer for the U.S.S. Hephaestus Research Station, currently on Day 448 of its orbit around red dwarf star Wolf 359. He's stuck on a scientific survey mission of indeterminate length, 7.8 light years from Earth. His only company on board the station are stern mission chief Minkowski, insane science officer Hilbert, and Hephaestus Station's sentient, often malfunctioning operating system Hera. He doesn't have much to do for his job other than monitoring static and intercepting the occasional decades-old radio broadcast from Earth, so he spends most of his time creating extensive audio logs about the ordinary, day-to-day happenings within the station. But the Hephaestus is an odd place, and life in extremely isolated, zero gravity conditions has a way of doing funny things to people's minds. Even the simplest of tasks can turn into a gargantuan struggle, and the most ordinary-seeming things have a way of turning into anything but that. Wolf 359 is a radio drama in the tradition of Golden Age of Radio shows. Take one part space-faring adventure, add one part character drama, and mix in one part absurdist sitcom, and you get Wolf 359.

98 Episodes

Eiffel and Hilbert Present: Writing Stories For Sound with Gabriel Urbina

Want to write great fiction podcasts but don't know where to begin? You're not alone! Wolf 359 creator Gabriel Urbina is offering a new and updated version of his acclaimed online workshop, Writing Stories For Sound this February. Join Gabriel on a guided tour of his own journey into understanding audio, as he retraces his steps and revisits the questions he asked as he was taking his first baby steps into the medium with the first episodes of Wolf 359. He's teaching the workshop twice this month - once on Thursday February 22nd at 7:00 PM Eastern time and once on Sunday February 25th at 2:00 PM Eastern time! For more information or to sign up, please visit wolf359.fm/learn. * * * TRANSCRIPT OF TODAY'S MESSAGE: (sounds of Eiffel fidgeting, while tense, dramatic music plays) Eiffel: Come on come on come on... where is he? Doctor... (door opens) Eiffel: Ah, Doctor Hilbert! Thank goodness, there you are! I need help. Hilbert: Officer Eiffel. What seems to be the problem? Eiffel: I - I don’t know. I feel like nothing I do sounds the way it ought to. The funny parts aren’t funny. The exciting parts aren’t exciting. It’s like I’ve lost the script on my whole life. Hilbert: I see. Do not be worried, Officer Eiffel. Problem is serious but there is simple solution. Eiffel: Is the great clown Pagliacci in town? Hilbert: Even better. (music abruptly changes, replaced by a more playful melody) Hilbert: Podcast creator Gabriel Urbina is offering online workshop on how to write the great audio fiction. Eiffel: He is? Hilbert: He is. Is comprehensive journey through the building blocks of gripping podcast stories. Eiffel: Does it cover the basics of how to write scenes without any visuals? Hilbert: Absolutely. But it goes beyond that. It explains how audio fiction can do things no other medium does, such as making the audience imagine visuals that cannot be seen. Eiffel: You mean like that weird room in the back of the station, where the walls are painted a color that’s darker than black? Hilbert: Precisely. Or the way you can introduce a new detail into scene and completely change audience’s understanding of what was happening. Eiffel: Oh! Is that why you’re dressed up as a Teletubby? To illustrate that concept? Hilbert: Uh... no. I am wearing this for... my own purposes. Do not ask any more questions about the outfit. Eiffel: I am not going to ask any more questions about the outfit. Well, Doc, I have to say I’m sold. (a laminated card is placed on the table) Eiffel: Will my insurance cover this? Hilbert: Eiffel, you know very well that Goddard Futuristics does not offer health insurance to independent contractors such as yourself. Eiffel: Awww man... Hilbert: This is Dave and Busters gift card. Eiffel: But it's still valid! Hilbert: But: more good news. There are scholarship opportunities available for students and others who need them. Visit website for more information. Eiffel: (leaving) Amazing. Doc, this sounds exactly like what I needed. How can I repay you? Hilbert: No need, happy to be of assistance. (lower) Besides, genetic materials nanobots collected while you were in laboratory will be perfectly adequate display of gratitude. Eiffel: What was that, doc? Hilbert: Nothing, Officer Eiffel, nothing! Enjoy the class! (music changes again, replaced with a bouncy, happy theme) Old-Timey Radio Announcer Voice: Writing Stories For Sound, a workshop by Gabriel Urbina. Seats are now open for sessions on February 22nd and 25th. Visit wolf359.fm/learn for more info and to secure your seat today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 5 February 2024

The Wolf 359 Reunion Episode of Pairing Podcast

Merry Christmas, and Happy 4-Year Anniversary to the finale of Wolf 359! To celebrate, Commander Emma Sherr-Ziarko gathered (most) of the cast and crew of the show for a reunion on her own podcast, Pairing, and we wanted to bring it directly to all of you. We reminisce about our favorite memories of making this show, what episodes we loved most, and we discuss what we think our characters would drink. Plus: Noah's slates, Zach Valenti breaking into song, recording at Spaceman, building and living in a character, Hilbert's commercial reads, forgetting episode titles, Horse Wines, predicting the future, Alan's track titles, Gabriel the master synthesizer, How Could Dare You, and, of course, Funzo. This episode features: Julian Silver, Scotty Shoemaker, Zach Valenti, Ariela Rotengold, Noah Masur, Michelle Agresti, Sarah Shachat, Zach Libresco, Michaela Swee, Cecilia Lynn-Jacobs, Alan Rodi, and Gabriel Urbina. It also features music by Alan Rodi. Special thanks to Zach Valenti for helping edit this episode! Zach is doing a Wolf 359 re-listen starting December 25th, 2021, at 3:59pm EST. Join him at wolf359.fm/relisten! Check out more of Pairing - including many episodes featuring members of the Wolf 359 cast and crew as guests - at the show's website! If you would like to access an ad-free feed of Wolf 359, check out the newly relaunched Wolf 359 patreon. Emma humbly asks that you sign up for the pre-launch of Moira Katson's new book, A Sundered Throne, which Emma is on deck to narrate if we raise enough money from the kickstarter. It's free to sign up, and you get a sneak peek of the first 8 chapters! You can also find Emma as an acting coach on SkillsHub, a website founded by another commander (Jennifer Hale). Check out her website and patreon for more info on what she's up to! If you enjoy Pairing, follow us on social media and tell your friends! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & Tumblr! Pairing was created, hosted, and produced by Emma Sherr-Ziarko, with music and audio recording by Winston Shaw, and artwork by Darcy Zimmerman and Katie Huey. This episode was edited by Emma Sherr-Ziarko and Zach Valenti. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Transcribed - Published: 25 December 2021

The Wolf 359 Ad-Free Feed Is Live!

We finally broke through the last of our technical hiccups, friends, and could not be more excited to share with you the brand new(/old) Wolf 359 Ad-Free feed. To access the whole run of the show without ads, head on over to wolf359.fm/support. Or just keep listening to the show on your podcatcher of choice. We're not the boss of you. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Transcribed - Published: 23 November 2021

Making the Final Episode

This is a behind-the-scenes look into the making of the final episode of Wolf 359, produced by Rebecca Seidel. Featuring interviews with its cast and crew, and never-before-heard audio from the studio recording sessions for Brave New World. Note: This special behind-the-scenes extra contains spoilers for Episode 61, Brave New World. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2021

New to Wolf 359? Start Here!

New to Wolf 359? Don't know where you should start listening? Here's the orientation you need for your deep space adventure: how to get started, what to look out for, and how to get the best Wolf 359 experience. For a text version of this guide, please visit www.wolf359.fm/starter-guide Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2021

Wolf 359 Feed Update: The Great Advertising Experiment Begins October 6th, 2021

Hello Dear Listeners!  It’s Doug Eiffel.. also known Executive Producer and actor Zach Valenti here with a brief announcement. Wolf 359 has been finished for… oh man, almost four years now. When Gabriel and I first set out to make the show in early 2014, we were fresh out of film school and excited to tell big, ambitious stories… but without the means to do so in film or TV. But having grown up on a steady diet of radio plays and full-cast audiobooks, and seeing the success of modern audio fiction podcasts, we decided to try our hands at making movies for your ears. Several years and credit cards later, we were shocked by the groundswell of support of you, our amazing listeners. By the time we published the finale, the monthly Patreon funds completely reimbursed all our debt and allowed us to make more of the show than we ever dreamed of while paying everyone involved in the series a modest sum for their hard work.All the while, we’ve kept Wolf 359 completely ad free. While it took a long, long time for ads to even be an option, we felt it was important to keep the listening experience as uninterrupted as possible while we were actively publishing. Four years later, though, we see an opportunity to turn the modest sum we’ve been able to pay the people that made this series into a meaningful sum. We’ve never stopped looking for ways for all the talented humans responsible for Wolf 359 to share in its success. And with the series being downloaded more than ever, we feel that now is the time to run the great advertising experiment. And so, beginning on Wednesday, October 6th, you’ll start to hear a minute or two of advertisements before the start and after the end of most episodes of Wolf 359. Some episodes may even contain mid-roll where we find an appropriate space for an ad break. We want to let you know this change is coming, and that the version of the feed you have now, much like the Hephaestus itself, is about to go through an overhaul. We also want you to know that we’re running this experiment for one reason only: to get money into the hands of the amazing artists who worked on this show, both for their contributions to the series, and so they can all go make more amazing art in podcasting and beyond. If that’s exciting to you, we’ll be running a listener survey sometime in the next month and would really love your participation. It should only take about 5 minutes and will go a long way towards making this experiment a success. If you want to be notified when the survey is ready, just enter your email at www.wolf359.fm/survey and we'll drop you a line when it's hot off the press. And if you would like to help us do that and listen to the show without hearing any ads, well, the good news is: you can! Or… you will be able to real soon. We’re working with Patreon to bring back our old creator page, where for just $1 a month, you will have access to an ad-free feed of Wolf 359. Keep an eye on this feed, as well as our Twitter page @Wolf359Radio for news on that front. Alright! That’s all for now. As ever, thank you so much for listening. https://www.wolf359.fm/news/2021/10/5/the-great-advertising-experiment Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Transcribed - Published: 5 October 2021

Unseen: A New Series from the Makers of Wolf 359

Hello Dear Listeners! We are revisiting the Wolf 359 feed for a very special, very exciting announcement! The creative team behind Wolf 359 has just released a brand-new audio fiction fantasy series called Unseen. The premise behind the show is simple: in a world where magic is real but invisible to almost everyone, the few magical beings that do exist struggle, every day, just to be seen. We're very proud of this new series, and so we wanted share the first episode with all of you. We hope you enjoy "Never-Ending Circles," written and directed by Gabriel Urbina, the creator of Wolf 359! And if you do enjoy this first installment, and you can check out the rest of Unseen at www.Unseen.Show. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 2 November 2020

Zero Hours: A New Series From The Wolf 359 Crew

Hello Dear Listeners! We're re-activating the Wolf 359 feed for a very special announcement from the man of a thousand voices himself, Zach Valenti. The creative team behind Wolf 359 has just released a brand-new audio drama anthology series called Zero Hours. We think it's pretty neat, and so we wanted share the first episode, which features a couple other voices you're probably familiar with... We hope you enjoy, and you can check out the rest of Zero Hours at www.zerohourspodcast.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 21 October 2019

Mini Episode: Space Rage

Faced with yet another affront to his dignity, Communications Officer Eiffel expresses his frustrations the only way he knows how - through the miracle of radio. Written by Zach Valenti, Sarah Shachat, and Gabriel Urbina. Directed by Gabriel Urbina. Performed by Zach Valenti and Emma Sherr-Ziarko. Original music by Alan Rodi. Originally commissioned by Spoke. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 24 December 2018

Mini Episode: Step One

Forced to deal with the unique challenge of figuring out how to put on a space suit, Communications Officer Eiffel does his best to break it down into small, manageable steps. Written by Zach Valenti, Sarah Shachat, and Gabriel Urbina. Directed by Gabriel Urbina. Performed by Zach Valenti. Original music by Alan Rodi. Originally commissioned by Spoke. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 24 December 2018

Mini Episode: Adventure of a Lifetime

Communications Officer Eiffel explores the far reaches of the Hephaestus, and goes on a journey like no other. Written by Zach Valenti, Sarah Shachat, and Gabriel Urbina. Directed by Gabriel Urbina. Performed by Zach Valenti. Original music by Alan Rodi. Originally commissioned by Spoke. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 24 December 2018

Special Announcement: Pryce and Carter's DSSPPM and Three New Mini Episodes!

It's been one year since the release of our finale episode! To commemorate the occasion, we are finally releasing the full version of Pryce and Carter's Deep Space Survival Procedure and Protocol Manual, as well as three new mini episodes. Happy Holidays! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 24 December 2018

Episode 61: Brave New World

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains violence and the use of firearms. Listener discretion is advised. Our finale episode. Faced with a choice between finally going home and stopping Pryce and Cutter's master plan, the crew of the Hephaestus heads towards their final confrontation with their enemies, their past selves, and each other. Plus, the Doug Eiffel Fastball Special, the lies we tell ourselves, another bad plan, cool stuff with robots, and one day more. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 25 December 2017

Mission Mishaps: Happy Holidays

Mission Mishaps, entry eight. SI-5 surveillance log. Entry #CRT004. Maxwell and Jacobi try to talk their way out of a mandatory assignment. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 24 December 2017

Special Episode: Volte Face

Investigative reporter Andrea Nash is having a very good day. She's flown halfway around the world on a very special assignment: an exclusive interview with Marcus Cutter, the infamous Director of Communications for Goddard Futuristics. It's a shot at journalism greatness, and Nash intends to make the most of it. But as she gets closer and closer to unearthing the earth-shaking story she's after, her subject gets more and more defensive... and starts considering more radical means of eliminating the unwanted attention. Plus, terrors to work for, a big, honking private plane, the charms of analog recorders, things no monkey could ever manage, and the fiery intensity of a thousand burning suns. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 21 December 2017

Episode 60: Terms and Conditions

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains instances of violence and use of firearms. Listener discretion is advised. With the wayward pod successfully recovered but Doctor Pryce still in the hands of the rebellious crew, Cutter must find a way to defuse an explosive hostage situation. Will the uneasy truces formed during the state of emergency last long enough for both sides to reach a diplomatic compromise? Or will Cutter and his operatives resort to more... extreme measures in an attempt to give the conflict a more permanent solution? Plus, a homecoming of sorts, supportive company culture, rashness, impulsivity, and a hell of a sunset. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 12 December 2017

Mission Mishaps: No Complaints

Mission Mishaps, Entry Seven. SI-5 Surveillance Log. Entry #FRD916. Kepler and Jacobi try to keep themselves entertained during a stakeout. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 6 December 2017

Episode 59: Crash and Burn

Trapped with Kepler and Pryce on board a jettisoned pod from the Sol, Eiffel and Minkowski must find a way to avoid all manner of imminent death. Before too long, a delicate truce has been struck, as both sides try to find a way out of their predicament. But how long can a fragile ceasefire last in such a volatile situation? And will their respective allies on the Hephaestus come to the rescue... or throw yet another monkey-wrench into the proceedings? Plus, signature looks, Chinny-Chin-Chins, limited vocabularies, very motivational singing, and the "Life Ruiner of the Year" competition! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 30 November 2017

Mission Mishaps: Cold Turkey

Mission Mishaps, Entry Six. Hephaestus Log #TRK536. Day five hundred and fifty-three. Eiffel takes the lead on cooking dinner for the crew's second Thanksgiving on the Hephaestus. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 21 November 2017

Episode 58: Quiet, Please

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains instances of violence and body horror. Listener discretion is advised. Having freed themselves from Pryce's mind control, Eiffel, Minkowski, Hera, Lovelace, and Jacobi need to come up with a plan for how to escape from the Hephaestus. But their new scheme will force them to face a formidable challenge: getting through the Sol's security system, an obstacle unlike any they have ever faced before. Plus, nice blunt objects, partial intelligence, mischief specialists, traumatized breaking down, and the creepiest place in the star system. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 14 November 2017

Mission Mishaps: Lights Out

Mission Mishaps, Entry Five. Hephaestus Log #WYL320. Day four hundred and eighty-seven. Eiffel reads scary stories and hears something in the dark. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 8 November 2017

Episode 57: The Devil's Plaything

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains violence. Listener discretion is advised. Part two of two. Newly released from Pryce's mental control, Eiffel works with Lovelace and Hera to try to save the rest of the crew. But as the situation becomes more and more volatile - and as their enemies get more and more suspicious - will the communications officer be able to retain his newfound freedom? Plus, commemorative plaques, security breaches, crossed wires, dexterous digits, and a fireworks show from the perspective of the fireworks. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 4 November 2017

Episode 56: Idle Hands

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains disturbing content. Listener discretion is advised. Part one of two. With the crew brainwashed into doing their bidding and Hera forced to comply with her creator's wishes, Pryce and Cutter seem to be in complete control of the Hephaestus. But when a a small flaw in their plan and an unexpected opportunity present themselves, will Lovelace be able to fight back against Command and their agents? Plus, small island nations, friendly faces, new recurring nightmares, ice cream scoopers, and slow, painful, entirely avoidable deaths. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 1 November 2017

Mission Mishaps: The Veldt

Mission Mishaps, entry four. Hephaestus Log #NOL858. Day 411. Eiffel ventures into the greenhouse. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 28 October 2017

Mission Mishaps: You Want, I Solve

Mission Mishaps, entry three. Hephaestus Log #WME389. Day three-hundred and seventy-two. Eiffel encounters a stowaway. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 12 October 2017

Episode 55: A Place For Everything

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains disturbing content, threats of violence, and firearms. Listener discretion is advised. Following Eiffel's sudden disappearance, Minkowski and the crew work overtime to try to locate their missing Communications Officer. But when they instead make contact with Command agents en route to the station, the team must make some very difficult decisions about how to handle this new threat. Plus, hands-on work, very slim chances, the kill squad, participation awards, and the image of God. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 3 October 2017

Mission Mishaps: The Space You're In

Mission Mishaps, Entry Two. Hephaestus Mission Log #KWE824. Day 202. Eiffel tries to avoid his daily chores around the station. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 26 September 2017

Episode 54: The Watchtower

Slowly floating towards Wolf 359, untethered and separated from everyone else on the crew, Officer Eiffel tries a radical approach to solving the aliens' riddle. However, it's only a matter of time before he realizes the situation might be more complicated, more unpredictable, and more dangerous than he ever imagined. Plus, a place where the sidewalk ends, very necessary drama, the immortal words of Marvin Gaye, a momentary road bump, and the express train to Grand Central. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 18 September 2017

Mission Mishaps: A Little Night Music

Mission Mishaps, Entry One. Hephaestus Formal Complaint #ARB062. Day 510. Eiffel tries to boost the crew's morale with a bit of sonic artistry appreciation. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 12 September 2017

Episode 53: Dirty Work

This episode of Wolf 359 contains discussions of violence and death. Listener discretion is advised. When Eiffel picks up signs of a transmission from deep space just hours before Hera's scheduled to go through an internal reset, the crew is divided on whether he should attempt to pursue it or not. But with only the autopilot for backup and an unexpected threat waiting in the wings, they soon discover they're more vulnerable than any of them realize. Plus, above average chimpanzees, horrifying threats of bodily mutilation, Plan C, rules of project management, and elaborate pranks to teach important lessons. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 4 September 2017

Episode 52: Constructive Criticism

Following the fiasco that was his latest attempt at radio journalism, Officer Eiffel has retreated away from the crew, working long hours by himself. Things take a turn for the worse, however, when a dangerous gas is accidentally released throughout the station. Quarantined in Hilbert's old lab while Hera works to undo the environmental damage, the crew and their prisoners resorts to increasingly desperate means to stave off boredom, slow-simmering resentments, and Eiffel's growing insecurities about his place on the Hephaestus. Plus, tragic accidents, slight malfunctions, Franken-Nouveau decor, interjection-y glory, and a complete lack of moral compass. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 22 August 2017

Episode 51: Shut Up and Listen

Space Monkey Radio proudly presents U.F.Overview: a new series that offers in-depth analysis on the possibility of alien contact, and explores the complex realities of communicating with non-terrestrial beings. What do we know? How do we know it? When will we know that what we're trying to know is something we can know? Join our two intrepid co-hosts as they ponder these questions. Plus, archive recordings, hapless civilians, nine-dimensional formats, the world's suckiest pleasure cruise, and the forefront of evil in thirty-two different star systems. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 8 August 2017

Episode 50: The Hiccups Method

It’s been a few weeks since the crew aborted repairs on the Urania, and they are no closer to figuring out how to satisfy the aliens' mysterious demands. If only they had someone on board who shared some sort of connection with these beings... But convincing Captain Lovelace to try and reach out to the alien presence for answers is only half the battle - they will have to really think outside the box in order to make contact. Plus, Borg network action, intergalactic twenty questions, Ouija boards, the Avatar State, and purely academic curiosity. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 25 July 2017

Episode 49: Out of the Loop

With the end of the Urania's repairs in sight, the crew is throwing all their energy into one final push. But as the finish line inches closer, Captain Lovelace begins to notice something strange. Work is mysteriously getting undone each morning, and certain events seem to be repeating themselves day in and day out. What is happening? And why does no one else seem to notice? Plus, hydraulic horsepower, horrific manipulation, highly unlikely events, the sledgehammer approach, and Hephaestus Crisis Dog Years. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 11 July 2017

Episode 48: Theta Scenario

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains mentions of violence, death, and suicide. Listener discretion is advised. As Eiffel, Minkowski, Hera, and Lovelace try to decide how to allocate their limited resources, Kepler finally reveals some of Goddard Futuristics's most deeply held secrets. Before the crew can consider the existential implications of these revelations, however, they'll need to deal with their own growing fears, insecurities, and personal conflicts. Plus, snake-filled pits, educated guesses, paradigm shifts, impractical human emotions, and the remainder of our musical program. Tonight's episode features Julia Morizawa in the role of Commander Zhang. It also features The Waltz of the Flowers, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 26 June 2017

Mini Episode 14: One of Them

Eiffel and Minkowski listen in on a tense discussion. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2017

Episode 47: Into the Depths

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains violence. Listener discretion is advised. The crew of the Hephaestus's day just got a whole lot worse. The funeral they were holding was interrupted by one of the deceased seemingly coming back to life, their station is being battered by radiation, and Hera has gone offline. And - oh yes - the alien contact event they've been hearing so much about has only just started. It's going to take everything the beleaguered team has to weather the storm, deal with the two enemy prisoners in their midst, and come to grips with what's happened to Captain Lovelace. Plus, a chain reaction, trash duty, cool dental plans, the sacred tradition of "Nose Goes," and why we get into trouble. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 12 June 2017

Special Episode: Change of Mind

Please be advised this episode of Wolf 359 contains violence. Listener discretion is advised. Captain Lovelace, commanding officer of the U.S.S. Hephaestus Station, is not having a great week. She's butting heads with Communications Officer Lambert, her pedantic second-in-command. Doctors Hui and Fourier, her astrophysicists, seem more interested in an upcoming stellar flare than in basic station safety. Her engineer, Fisher, is getting fed up with the constant bickering, and her chief science officer, Doctor Selberg, isn't exactly... dependable. But things really take a turn for the worse when her superiors at Command decide it's time to put her crew through a very special training exercise, one carefully tailored to get under their skin. Lovelace, Lambert, and the rest of the crew must come together if they hope to make it through the longest, strangest, and most dangerous day of their expedition so far. Plus, apoplectic fugue states, emotional decision-making, corporate acid trips, never-before-seen attractions, and work of real substance. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 9 June 2017

Episode 46: Boléro

As Eiffel, Minkowski, and Hera reel from the results of their mutiny, it soon becomes clear that even worse dangers might be right around the corner. With everyone's psyche in a delicate state and the chances of survival mounting against them, the crew has to decide how to spend their last hours before the alien contact event. Plus, the Grand Ol' Opry, ooga-booga, evolution, the oncoming alien-pocalypse, and getting by with some help from your friends. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 25 December 2016

Episode 45: Desperate Measures

This episode of Wolf 359 contains gun violence. Listener discretion is advised. Part two of two. The crew desperately tries to salvage their mutiny and escape the wrath of the SI-5. But as both sides try to out-maneuver each other, the danger of drastic actions causing irreparable damage becomes more and more pronounced. Plus, the hands of the enemy, disciplinary tools, recreational monster hunting, warning shots, and disgusting pieces of human garbage. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 12 December 2016

Episode 44: Desperate Times

Part one of two. Still reeling from recent revelations, the crew plans to neutralize Colonel Kepler and the SI-5. But it's not long before different factions insist on conflicting ways to overcome their enemies - and about the level of force the situation calls for. Plus, clinical descriptions, war crime fuel, different approaches to weasel-popping, situations of absolutely elephantine proportions, and a lovely set of steak knives. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 6 December 2016

Episode 43: Persuasion

With just over a day left before the long-anticipated alien contact event, Colonel Kepler keeps the crew working overtime to get the Hephaestus ready for anything - and everything - that might happen. As they work around the clock, however, the crew finds that Wolf 359's turbulent air space and a side project of Doctor Hilbert's might offer some unique challenges and some unexpected opportunities. Plus, Q-branch gizmos, Santa's Workshop, studly, manly things, bedtime reading, and the latest in Hephaestus Fashion. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2016

Episode 42: Time to Kill

In order to better study the properties of an incoming solar storm, Eiffel, Lovelace, Jacobi, and Maxwell are assigned to collect data on board a small experimental module. Separated from the Hephaestus and the rest of the crew for four days, they must find ways to occupy their minds and stave off boredom. But as time goes by and the storm draws closer, they soon discover that their expedition may be more exciting than they expected. Plus, responsible scientific surveys, vaguely horrific people, Cthulhu, episodes of The Twilight Zone, and doing things by the book. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 31 October 2016

Episode 41: Memoria

With Hera out of commission, Doctor Maxwell attempts a difficult reconstructive procedure on the unresponsive autopilot program. Before she can even begin, however, she will have to navigate through the shifting landscape of Hera’s memory banks, a task infinitely more complex than it might appear at first glance. Plus, subjective realities, really loud pinball machines, deleted scenes, attempted crew member homicide, and a backdoor into the subconscious. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 19 October 2016

Episode 40: Limbo

While most of the crew tries to enjoy a rare moment of downtime, Doctor Maxwell discovers some previously undetected flaws in the station's systems. When her suspicions about these faults are proven right, the crew is forced to have a series of unexpected and difficult conversations. Plus, the Cybermen Appreciation Society, Cold Shower September, the master of the prank, everlasting funstoppers, and a big pink Heffalump that only you can see. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 3 October 2016

Episode 39: All Things Considered

After a technical mishap causes Jacobi's latest experimental gizmo to discharge within the Urania, a number of the SI-5's personal items are vented into space. A furious Colonel Kepler assembles everyone who was involved, hell bent on determining which of his underlings is at fault. But when Minkowski, Jacobi, and Eiffel each present wildly different accounts of the event, he and Captain Lovelace discover that determining the why, the how, the when, and the who is responsible for this snafu might be trickier than it first appears. Plus, willful destruction of property, outright libel, Thunderdome, excellent opportunities for science, and Exit 101. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 19 September 2016

Episode 38: Happy Endings

Preparations are underway to deal with the next contact anomaly from Wolf 359. But the old crew of the Hephaestus is still unsure what preparations they should make to deal with Colonel Kepler and his team, and the divide in strategies is only getting sharper. Hoping to bring an end to the standstill, Dr. Hilbert decides to try a more radical approach, and seek help from an unlikely source. Plus, the Midnight Society, botanical incidents, inane military mantras, perfectly equitable solutions, and a little Easter Egg. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 4 September 2016

Mini Episode 13: Kansas

Captain Warren Kepler undergoes an evaluation. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 29 August 2016

Mini Episode 12: Pagliacci

Communications Specialist Douglas Eiffel considers consequences and responsibilities. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 22 August 2016

Mini Episode 11: Decommissioned

Unit 214 is given a second chance to prove her value as a company asset. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Transcribed - Published: 14 August 2016

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