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As For Me And My House

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Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

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Husband and wife duo Jordan and Milena Ciciotti take you on a raw and unfiltered journey through their lives as followers of Jesus and parents of Three. Whether they are sharing truth and Biblical wisdom, giving relationship advice, or telling funny stories of their dogs, Samson and Delilah, Jordan and Milena seek to exist as a platform for encouragement, love, and support for all who listen.

173 Episodes

Throwing Away Her Entire Wardrobe at 17 - Modesty with Joana Sosa

Have you been feeling a nudge towards dressing more modestly but don’t know where to even start? We often overcomplicate modesty while failing to see the heart behind it. The way we dress and carry ourselves as women of God is an outward expression of inward transformation. In today’s episode Milena sits down with Joana Sosa, a modest fashion influencer who has been instrumental in helping Milena embrace a modest wardrobe by proving that modesty can still be stylish! Joana shares her journey from intentionally showing off her body in revealing clothing, to throwing away her entire wardrobe at 17, and how she truly encountered God right in the midst of it all. We all have to start somewhere and we pray this episode is a starting point for many women to embrace the beautiful call to modesty from the inside out.

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024

Honoring Toxic Parents

“What if my parents aren’t deserving of honor?” “You don’t know what they did to me!” You’re right. We don’t know your exact story and we’re not claiming to. The truth is our parents will not always be deserving of honor. And yet the truth is we’re called to honor them anyway. In this episode we publicly acknowledge the mistakes that we’ve made regarding honoring our own parents and what honoring them can look like practically speaking. There’s a promise attached to this biblical mandate and our God always keeps His promises. When the world screams “cut them off!” and “never speak to them again!” God’s word says “honor them” and “pray for them”. We pray this episode is an encouragement and a reminder that the redeeming grace of God is truly our only hope.

Transcribed - Published: 14 May 2024

Submission… It’s Easy to Get It Wrong with Feminine Not Feminist

Why is the word “submission” so taboo in today’s society? What does submission *actually* look like according to God’s word? Formerly known as Feminine Not Feminist on IG, today we hear from Anneliese as she recounts her struggles with submission early on in her marriage. From an unhealthy view of submission, to learning how to respect her husband, Anneliese shares how she relied on God’s word to shape her understanding of this biblical mandate. Whether single, engaged, or married, we truly believe all women can benefit from this encouraging and edifying conversation. Enjoy!

Transcribed - Published: 7 May 2024

Submission… It’s Easy to Get It Wrong with Feminine Not Feminist

Why is the word “submission” so taboo in today’s society? What does submission *actually* look like according to God’s word? Formerly known as Feminine Not Feminist on IG, today we hear from Anneliese as she recounts her struggles with submission early on in her marriage. From an unhealthy view of submission, to learning how to respect her husband, Anneliese shares how she relied on God’s word to shape her understanding of this biblical mandate. Whether single, engaged, or married, we truly believe all women can benefit from this encouraging and edifying conversation. Enjoy!

Transcribed - Published: 7 May 2024

Stop Letting Other Kids Raise Your Kids

Who has the most influence over your children? Whose voice does your child value the most? As parents, we’d love to think it was us, but more often than not, it’s actually other children. Peer-centered settings in school, church, sports, and extracurriculars have created an environment where our kids are solely around children their age for the vast majority of their days. What’s the problem with this? Kids are unable to raise kids. Duetronomy 6 and numerous scriptures demonstrate that it’s the duty of parents and elders to properly raise their children— not the tv, not cellphones, and definitely not other kids. Join us as we share our strategies to combat this and what we’ve implemented along the way!

Transcribed - Published: 30 April 2024

Don’t Waste Your Waiting - Singleness with Alia Jones

Practically speaking, what does preparing for marriage look like? How can we use our singleness to set ourselves up for success in marriage? In this week’s episode we bring back our good friend, Alia Jones, to share her journey to contentment in singleness while still contending for her future marriage. For many, our 20s can feel like an awkward space between grieving where we once were, while longing to be where we desire next. Alia shares her struggles with life-altering transitions and how she still honors God and her parents in the process.

Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2024

Don’t Waste Your Waiting - Singleness with Alia Jones

Practically speaking, what does preparing for marriage look like? How can we use our singleness to set ourselves up for success in marriage? In this week’s episode we bring back our good friend, Alia Jones, to share her journey to contentment in singleness while still contending for her future marriage. For many, our 20s can feel like an awkward space between grieving where we once were, while longing to be where we desire next. Alia shares her struggles with life-altering transitions and how she still honors God and her parents in the process.

Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2024

We Can't Keep Outsourcing Our Kids' Education

How can we expect our children to have a biblical worldview and know their identity according to God's word when they're so influenced by the world? Why is it so weird that parents want to actually have a say in the education of their children? Christian parents are often told we're "indoctrinating" our kids, yet as we continue our "world vs. word" series, in this epsiode we explore the idea that it's *all* indoctrination. Public school, home school, higher education, etc. all have an agenda and an end goal in mind. For us, our goal is simple- to follow the example given in the Scriptures and teach our children the word of God. We created an app! New stories are uploaded every week. Bible Stories for Kids (Apple): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-stories-for-kids/id6451037832 Bible Stories for Kids (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bibleforkidsstories

Transcribed - Published: 16 April 2024

Your Child's Behavior Isn't The Problem with Ginger Hubbard

This week’s guest has been one of the *most* influential voices in our parenting - Ginger Hubbard! You can have all the parenting books and study all the articles, yet if the Word of God is not your source of wisdom it will accomplish absolutely nothing. Ginger has taken principles found in the Word of God and teaches practical approaches to raising children that don’t just obey you, but most importantly honor the Lord. This conversation was an absolute honor! Ginger’s Wise Words for Moms chart and books referenced in this episode can all be found here https://www.gingerhubbard.com/collections/all (https://www.gingerhubbard.com/collections/all) AND she has given our listeners 10% off her resources using code ‘PARENTING’ at checkout!

Transcribed - Published: 9 April 2024

Dear Parents, the World is Lying to You.

Continuing our World vs. Word series, today’s “hot take” is God’s original design for raising children. When we look at the Scriptures we see how much emphasis God places on family, yet when we look at our society today we see more and more people choosing to delay starting their families or even opting to not have children at all. Our hearts behind today’s episode is to get back to the significance of why strong families are still important and desperately needed. Our children need Biblically sound parenting, but more importantly they need Jesus.

Transcribed - Published: 1 April 2024

Trusting God through the Heartache of Miscarriage & TTC with Brittany Dawn

TW: miscarriage and TTC. Welcome back fam! This is an episode that is long overdue. Milena sits down with Christian Content Creator and good friend, Brittany Dawn. If you’re familiar with Brittany, you know that she boldly takes a stand for the Kingdom of God and in the wake of cancel culture doesn’t shy away from speaking the Truth. From sharing how Jesus radically saved her life, to miscarriage & trying to conceive, Brittany uses every part of her story to bring God glory. Join us for a raw and extremely vulnerable conversation on trusting God through such pain and heartache.

Transcribed - Published: 26 March 2024

Q&A - 5 Years of As For Me And My House

Dear friends, it’s an honor to reach this milestone with you all. Today marks 5 years since we released this podcast, and it’s been such a joy to share parts of our lives with you all and receive such encouraging feedback from you. Whether you have been here since the beginning or are just tuning in for the first time, we want you to feel welcomed in “our house” and experience the unfiltered truth of God’s Word and how it applies to our marriages, child rearing, and relationship with Jesus. We took 5 questions you asked us in celebration of 5 years together and answer them on this short but meaningful episode. Thank you again for your love and support, and Lord bless you!

Transcribed - Published: 19 March 2024

World vs Word on Marriage

Hey friends! This week’s episode is a continuation in our examination of the various ways in which the world’s ideas have influenced our way of life. Join us as we look at what God is calling us to regarding His institution of marriage versus the rationale the world has to offer. May God richly bless you and lead you into all truth!

Transcribed - Published: 4 March 2024

Family Vision and Mission

Hey friends! We are thrilled to hear your feedback from last week’s episode, and how so many of you are thinking and feeling the same as we are regarding the need to take an objective look at the world around us. As we delve into our series on opting out of the ways of the world, we—like you—desire to re-examine our approach to things like marriage, raising kids, and finances in light of everything happening in the world around us. Of course, there’s no better foundation to start with than the Scriptures and how God envisioned the meaning and purpose for family from the very beginning. Genesis 1:27-28 serves as the origination point for how we can think about making changes in our family for the better, and how we can opt into what God has called us to. In this episode, we will share our thoughts as well as some rich insights from our friends Jeremy Pryor and Jeff Bethke from Family Teams. Be sure to check out their website, podcast, and resources for more content that has inspired this podcast tremendously!

Transcribed - Published: 26 February 2024

Opting Out of the World’s Systems

Hey friends! Have you felt that it is becoming increasingly difficult in our world today to raise children in the way of the Lord and seek to live out the Scriptures in a practical way? We shouldn’t be surprised by this, as we are told throughout the Bible that we are in a spiritual battle and that we who know Jesus are “in the world but no longer of the world.” Still it seems that we are highly under-resourced, or simply not even having the conversations we ought to be having about what we should do in light of this reality. Over the next few weeks, we are going to share some ideas regarding how we plan to implement a God-honoring approach to raising our kids in 2024 and beyond. We want to preface by saying that with this approach comes the likelihood of opting out of certain systems or ways of thinking that have become commonly accepted and considered standard—even for many Christians. We are simply opening the door for conversation and not shying away from asking questions like “why do we do things in *this* way?” or “Should we do something different instead?” If you’ve felt the same or are considering your own options, we welcome you to join us as we unpack this new mini series and we welcome your feedback and insight also! Thank you to Caden Lane for sponsoring this episode! Head to CadenLane.com/myhouse and use code “myhouse” for 20% off your order.

Transcribed - Published: 19 February 2024

Opting Out of the World’s Systems

Hey friends! Have you felt that it is becoming increasingly difficult in our world today to raise children in the way of the Lord and seek to live out the Scriptures in a practical way? We shouldn’t be surprised by this, as we are told throughout the Bible that we are in a spiritual battle and that we who know Jesus are “in the world but no longer of the world.” Still it seems that we are highly under-resourced, or simply not even having the conversations we ought to be having about what we should do in light of this reality. Over the next few weeks, we are going to share some ideas regarding how we plan to implement a God-honoring approach to raising our kids in 2024 and beyond. We want to preface by saying that with this approach comes the likelihood of opting out of certain systems or ways of thinking that have become commonly accepted and considered standard—even for many Christians. We are simply opening the door for conversation and not shying away from asking questions like “why do we do things in *this* way?” or “Should we do something different instead?” If you’ve felt the same or are considering your own options, we welcome you to join us as we unpack this new mini series and we welcome your feedback and insight also! Thank you to Caden Lane for sponsoring this episode! Head to CadenLane.com/myhouse and use code “myhouse” for 20% off your order.

Transcribed - Published: 19 February 2024

Stop Parenting Your Children

Hey friends! This week’s episode is probably going to be a spicy one, but necessary. We want to encourage our listeners who have children how important your role as a mother or a father are in your child’s life. Confusion around the specific roles and identity of mother and father in our world today has caused a ripple effect to our children. It’s our desire to revert to an ancient, Biblical model of raising children and have a discussion around just how vital fathers and mothers are. If you’ve ever felt inconsequential to your child in your role, think again! God has made you (and no one else) the mother or father of your children for a specific purpose. Please do not take that fact for granted. If you are not yet a mom or a dad, there are many ways you can spiritually father or mother others who are younger than you who desperately need your encouragement and fellowship. If you are a single mom or dad who is seeking to honor the Lord in the way you raise your children, please know the Lord has a very special place for you in His heart. Your ability to live in such a super-human way ought to be celebrated, never shamed! Let us know your thoughts in the comments and how the Lord has called you to care for your children either biological, adopted, fostered, or spiritual.

Transcribed - Published: 12 February 2024

Preparing for 4 Under 5

Hey friends! In this episode, we are sharing our 2¢ on what our family & parenting plan will be as we get ready to welcome our newest addition to team Ciciotti. If you’re a new parent, first time parent, or expanding your family with us, please share with us your thoughts and feedback on what your plans look like as you make adjustments to your family rhythms. God bless you tremendously! Thank you to Hillsdale College for sponsoring this episode! Go to hillsdale.edu/MyHouse to enroll. There's no cost, and it's easy to get started.

Transcribed - Published: 9 February 2024

How to Show Hospitality

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” - ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13‬:‭2‬. Hey y’all! Join us on this episode as we share some of the ways we show hospitality and use our home as ground zero for ministry opportunities. As Christians, we ought to be opening up our homes as much as possible to bring others into the world of the gospel on display. Share meals, have fellowship, and involve multiple generations in your life as often as you are able to. This is how the early church operated and it serves as a model for us in the church today. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and how you practice hospitality also!

Transcribed - Published: 29 January 2024

Sure Ways To Have A Failed Marriage

Hey all! On today's episode, we discuss some of the key mistakes we made (and still sometimes make) when it comes to our marriage and how we are striving to improve in those areas. If you want to fail in marriage, do what we did and make no changes, LOL. If however, you want to have forward progress in your marriage and not continually run into the same problems over and over, this episode is for you! Thank you to Caden Lane for sponsoring today's episode! Caden Lane is your one-stop shop for all your newborn, infant, and toddler apparel. Head to CadenLane.com/MYHOUSE and use code MYHOUSE for 20% off your order.

Transcribed - Published: 23 January 2024

Why Now Is The Best Time To Have Children Featuring Now That We're A Family

Hey friends! We are honored to have our dear brother and sister in Christ, Elisha and Katie, from Now That We're A Family on today's episode! We often hear about the downside of having children in today's day and age, and that position is only growing more and more popular in society. But what if we took seriously God's intent for our lives to be fruitful and multiply in all aspects of our lives, and that includes having children of our own, adopting, fostering, and mentoring the next generation? Join us as we discuss the benefits of large family teams and the joy that comes from doing life in this way for the glory of God! For more amazing content from Elisha and Katie, check out their website, www.nowthatwereafamily.com/, and follow them on Instagram at @nowthatwereafamily.

Transcribed - Published: 18 January 2024

Serving Your Pregnant Wife

Hello Friends and Happy 2024! We pray your year is off to a good start thus far. Since announcing the news that we are expecting again, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for Jordan to share seven ways to care for your wife during pregnancy in hopes of helping other husbands out there when they experience it. If you're a mama, let us know in the comments what your husband has done that helped you during your pregnancy! Thank you to Hillsdale College for sponsoring today's episode! Go to hillsdale.edu/myhouse to sign up for more than 40 free online courses in the most important and enduring subjects. They have numerous offerings that are sure to enrich your life and deepen your knowledge such as studies through The Book of Genesis, the Works of C.S. Lewis, or our recommendation, "Ancient Christianity."

Transcribed - Published: 13 January 2024

Celebrating Christmas Differently

Hey friends! It's hard to believe this is our last episode of 2023!! We are just blown away at the love and support y'all have shown us this year and we are so grateful you've been with us for the journey. We wanted to share some new adjustments we are making to our Christmas traditions in an attempt to honor the Lord in how we observe and celebrate the coming of Jesus. While we are certainly not against gifts and holiday festivities, we do want to examine our hearts inwardly to see if what we have always done should stay that way or change for the better. We pray this episode encourages you to keep the focus on Jesus and not lose sight of what (and who) really matters this Christmas season. Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2024! A big thank you to today's sponsors: Caden Lane: Head to cadenlane.com/myhouse and use code, "myhouse" for 20% off your order ReliefBand: Get 20% off plus free shipping when you use promo code, "myhouse" at reliefband.com

Transcribed - Published: 12 December 2023

Glorify God With Your *Entire* Life

What’s up Fam! Today we’re diving into the nitty gritty of what the life of a Christian should truly look like– glorifying God in ALL things. On this Christian walk, it’s crucial to reflect often, taking the time to determine if our habits are truly reflecting Christ as they should. God has given us His Spirit which allows us to live a life that is pleasing and honoring unto Him. With Christ we can do all things, but apart from Him we can do nothing. May we glorify Him in ALL things. Join us as we share from our heart to yours.

Transcribed - Published: 4 December 2023

Touching the Untouchable

Hey friends! Wow, this episode was emotional for us (clearly lol). We thought it would be cool to take a look at some of the aspects of Jesus’s encounters with others in the gospels—and this week in particular—how his hands played such a powerful role in his ministry. We pray this episode blesses you as it has blessed us. We are honored you’re here! A big thank you to today’s sponsors! Caden Lane: Get 20% off at cadenlane.com/myhouse Paint Your Life: Text “HOUSE” to 87204 to get 20% off and free shipping

Transcribed - Published: 27 November 2023

Teaching Your Children The Gospel

Hey friends! On today’s show, we are discussing some practical ways to implement rhythms of instilling Biblical truths in your household from the time your kids are very little all the way through their young adult years. The Bible tells us that when we train up children in the way of the Lord, they will not depart from it when they are older (proverbs 22:6). And when Jesus was asked about the heavenly kingdom, he took a child and said “the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Little children have a special place in God’s heart, and he has entrusted us as parents and guardians to care for them in the same way the Lord cares for us. Let us know what you found helpful in the comments below! We are also excited to officially announce to our AFM+MH family a special project we’ve been working on called “Bible Stories for Kids” app! If you want a screen-free, immersive audio experience for your children that can be played at home, in the car, or as your child is being lulled to sleep, this is the app for you! You can check it out and download at this link: https://biblestoriesforkids.app/ God bless you!

Transcribed - Published: 21 November 2023

Speaking Life and Death Over Your Children

Hey friends! As you can tell, we are in a different set for today’s show, thanks to our friends at XO Marriage, whom we had the pleasure to spend some time with at their brand new headquarters facility in Southlake, Texas. We are looking forward to doing some fun stuff with XO in 2024, and can’t wait for y’all to experience it with us! On today’s episode, we provide some thoughts about how we speak to our children and how much a parent’s words weigh in a child’s life. The Lord has already brought much conviction to us in this regard, and we pray it’s an encouragement to you as you navigate conversations with your children. A big thank you to today’s sponsors! Relief Band: Get 20% off plus free shipping with promo code “myhouse” at reliefband.com Caden Lane: Go to cadenlane.com/myhouse and use code “myhouse” for 20% off Paint Your Life: Text HOUSE to 87204 to get 20% off plus free shipping

Transcribed - Published: 13 November 2023

Juicy Q&A - Sex Toys, Social Homeschoolers, and More

Hey y’all! It’s been a minute since we did a Q&A and these were some GOOD questions you sent in! Let us know in the comments your thoughts on the topics discussed, and tell us what questions you want us to answer next time!

Transcribed - Published: 6 November 2023

Why We're Not Celebrating Halloween

Hey friends! As we pivot slightly away from our most recent series on the Spirit Realm, we thought a discussion on Halloween is both timely and relevant to what we've been discussing previously. While we both grew up trick or treating, dressing in costumes, and even going to ghost and ghoul-themed parties, our perspective on how we choose to observe Halloween has shifted greatly since becoming parents and journeying with the Lord in recent times. While we do not seek to pass judgment or condemn anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with us on this topic, we do desire to share our thoughts and convictions on why we are choosing to not celebrate Halloween and what we are still trying to figure out ourselves. Let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on the whole topic of Halloween! A big thank you to today's sponsors! Caden Lane: Head to CadenLane.com/MYHOUSE and use code MYHOUSE for 20% off your order. Trust & Will: Get 10% off plus free shipping of your estate plan documents by visiting trustandwill.com/myhouse. Paint Your Life: Text HOUSE to 87204 to get 20% off and free shipping.

Transcribed - Published: 30 October 2023

The Spirit Realm Part VIII: Post-Flood Nephilim

Last week we examined some of the discussions surrounding the first-generation Nephilim and what the ancient historical records mention about their reign of terror in the antediluvian (pre-flood) world. This week, we are discussing the post-flood return of the Nephilim and looking at some theories surrounding how they came to be. Regardless of how exactly they reappeared after the flood, we know they were found all throughout the Tanakh/Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, and God had good reason for ordering Israel to wipe them out. When one begins to unpack the extent of corruption that was happening on the earth in those days, it is easy to see how sending a worldwide flood to destroy everything was actually an act of mercy by God on behalf of His "true" creation. Tune in to hear more on this and we encourage you to weigh in by leaving us a comment below on your thoughts!

Transcribed - Published: 23 October 2023

The Spirit Realm Part VII: Pre-Flood Nephilim

Hey y'all! On today's show, we are tackling one of our favorite Biblical topics to explore: The Nephilim. Who were they? How did they come to be? What does the Bible and other extra-biblical books have to say about them? If you had those questions, tune in today as we attempt to seek some clarity on the misty chapters of Genesis 4-6 and how it all fits together into God's master plan. Feel free to leave us a comment below and weigh in on this topic too! We love hearing from you all!

Transcribed - Published: 16 October 2023

The Spirit Realm Part VI: The Third Rebellion

Hey fam! We hope you enjoyed the last episode featuring the Alexanders, but we are also very excited to pick back up with our conversation on the Spirit Realm! On today's show, we wrap up the rebellions that happened in the spirit realm by looking at what happened with humanity after the Tower of Babel event found in Genesis 11. God did something with the nations after Babel, and it ties in so amazingly with what Jesus commissioned us to do as we share the gospel with everyone we can. For more in-depth content on this topic, check out the late Dr. Michael Heiser's Unseen Realm conference presentation and books. A big thank you to ReliefBand for sponsoring today's show! Use promo code "myhouse" at reliefband.com and get 20% off plus free shipping.

Transcribed - Published: 5 October 2023

Married Life & Parenting So Far with Josh and Sav Alexander

Hello friends! We are so glad to be back with you and to share this fun episode we did with our good friends Josh and Sav before they moved across the country! While we are sad they are no longer living nearby, we are so excited for them to begin their journey in a new place close to family. Join us as we exchange stories and hear from the Alexanders in how the Lord has worked in and through them in their marriage and journey as parents to two sweet girls. And please pray for God to bless them in their transition phase! A big thank you to today’s sponsors: Reliefband - Use promo code “myhouse” at Reliefband.com to get 20% off plus free shipping. Trust & Will - Get peace of mind with Trust and Will. Get 10% off plus free shipping of your estate plan documents by visiting trustandwill.com/myhouse

Transcribed - Published: 20 September 2023

The Spirit Realm Part V: The Seed War (Continued)

Well, we wish we could say we are surprised that we had to make a part 2 to this topic, but we aren't (LOL), and if you've been around here for a while, you know we can be long-winded on things. The depth of the subject matter doesn't help with how much there is to cover in only so much time, but we hope our excitement and passion for the Bible makes your time invested with us worthwhile! We are picking back up on the Genesis 6 events in today's show as a continuation of last week's discussion. We are far from over on this series, and by the looks of it, y'all are here for it! Let us know your thoughts in the comments on what's been discussed thus far as well as where you'd like to see us delve into next. Lord bless you!

Transcribed - Published: 26 August 2023

The Spirit Realm Part IV: The Seed War

Ok y'all, buckle up. If you've been intrigued by the content in this mini-series thus far (which is the overwhelming majority) then get ready to go even deeper with us today. So far, we've taken a look at the first rebellion which happened in the Garden of Eden, but now we are going to examine the second rebellion, which we are calling "The Seed War" because of the prophecy God proclaimed to satan after Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and fell into sin. Among other judgements, God told the serpent, "I will put enmity between your seed and the woman's seed. You will bruise his heel, but he will crush your head," (Gen. 3:15). Did you catch that? Who's seed will have their head crushed? The serpent. You mean the devil will have offspring? It would appear this is the case when one takes the Scriptures seriously and at what it says. So if you're the serpent receiving that prophecy, what would you do in order to prevent the seed of the woman from crushing your head? You'd try to wipe out the seed who comes from Eve, right? Well, after Adam and Eve are driven out of the Garden, their sons Cain and Abel are born. It's logical to believe that the devil used/influenced Cain (the ungoldy) to kill his brother, Abel (the godly). This would accomplish the devil's plan of preventing his head being crushed--or so he thought. With Abel killed and Cain having blood on his hands, Adam and Eve have another son (Seth) and the promise God made is preserved through the line of Seth. But that doesn't mean Satan and his fallen angels don't stop trying to wipe out the seed of the woman. This is where we pick up today's discussion surrounding the events that took place leading up to the flood of Noah. We are so glad you're here!

Transcribed - Published: 16 August 2023

The Spirit Realm Part III: The Serpent

Welcome back for another installment of our series on the spiritual realm! If you are new to the show, welcome! You might want to check out the previous episodes in this series, as they build onto one another each week. So far the response has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are so glad y’all are enjoying this particular topic! It has been a blast for us to research and take a dive into this very interesting subject matter. This week we will examine the fall that took place in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tempted Eve. What’s really going on in this story, and what might’ve we missed in Sunday school? How can understanding this rebellion in its context help us know our Bible and know the Lord better? We are so glad you’re here, and hope you enjoy our take on this account from Genesis 3!

Transcribed - Published: 8 August 2023

Understanding the Spirit Realm Part II: The Three Rebellions

If you were to ask a Bible-believing Christian, what the reason for all the evil in the world is, the answer you’ll most likely get is “Adam and Eve giving into temptation by the serpent.” While this is certainly a major part of the story, it is not the full answer. In today’s episode, we are continuing in our series on the spirit realm by taking a tour through three events detailed in the Bible which scholars have identified as “the three rebellions.” Dr. Michael Heiser is one of the most notable scholars who has done extensive work on the subject in his publications. For more on this topic, please check out his books—namely the Unseen Realm—and his podcast, The Naked Bible podcast. In the coming weeks, we will take a deep dive into each of these rebellions to get a better idea of what happened, why it happened, and how to better understand the world around us today in light of these events. it is an absolute joy and honor for us to study alongside you in these extremely fascinating topics. Lord Bless you!

Transcribed - Published: 21 July 2023

Understanding the Spiritual Realm Part 1: Intro

Dear AFM+MH Family--It is a joy and honor to bring you our first ever miniseries! It is our hope and prayer that this series builds up over the coming weeks and gets better with every episode to leave you eager for the subsequent episode. And we couldn't think of a better subject to discuss than the Spiritual Realm. Shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, the Spirit Realm is a widely discussed topic in both the Church and pop culture. But how many of us really understand what's going on in the domain of the supernatural? In this introductory episode, we seek to set the stage for the rest of the series by explaining our motivation to delve into these subjects and where the Church has misunderstood some key elements of God's Word. We are so honored you are along for the ride with us and eager to see where the Lord takes us over the course of this series. Leave us a comment below to let us know your thoughts and what specifics you'd like to see us get into over the coming weeks. Be blessed! Thank you to ReliefBand for sponsoring this episode! Get yours at Reliefband.com and use promo code "MYHOUSE" to receive 20% off plus free shipping. Helpful Notes: In this introductory episode, we cover some of the key players we find in the Biblical account of the Spirit Realm. The scriptures parse out multiple different kinds or classes of spiritual beings. The following is a list of the various types of beings and at least one scripture reference for where they appear in the Bible. Among the types of Angels (or Messengers of God), we find: Archangels (1 Thess. 4:16; Jude 9), Cherubim (Genesis 3:24; Ezekiel 10:4; Hebrews 9:5), Seraphim (Isaiah 6:2; Revelation 4:8), Fallen Angels (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Revelation 12:7-9), and the Watchers (Daniel 4:13, 17, 23). Additionally, you see further subsets of spiritual beings referenced throughout the Bible, such as: Shedim (Deuteronomy 32:17, Psalm 106:37), Rephaim (Joshua 15:8, 18:16), Nephilim (Genesis 6:4), Principalities/Powers/Rulers of Darkness (Ephesians 6:12). It is our intention to examine some other ancient historic literature which is outside the canon of Scripture, but endorsed or directly quoted by the Biblical authors. It is important to note that while these extra-Biblical books may not be regarded as divinely inspired, that does not mean they aren't helpful in providing important context to help us gain a historical picture of what was going on in their culture and worldview as the Biblical authors wrote. For more on this subject, we refer you to Dr. Michael Heiser in this episode. Dr. Heiser sadly passed away earlier this year, but his legacy for the Kingdom continues on. Let's be students together on this subject and discover some amazing truths in God's Word!

Transcribed - Published: 14 July 2023

6 Things We've Learned in 6 Years of Marriage

Hey friends! We recently celebrated 6 years married, and while that might seem like a short amount of time to be wedded together, in this day and age we consider that a miracle by God’s grace. We’ve learned a few things along the way in our journey of marriage and have compiled a list of 6 things we’ve been really honing in on and (should) have as routine patterns in our lives at this time. Drop us a comment and add to our list what you’re learning in your marriage! And don’t forget to let us know your thoughts on the upcoming series we are planning to kick off next week! Be blessed.

Transcribed - Published: 3 July 2023

Rekindling With Your Spouse

Hey friends, this week's episode is all about some practical ways we can reconnect with our spouse to grow deeper in your intimacy and affection. The Apostle Paul encourages believers to "outdo one another in honor" (Romans 12), and when your focus is to care for the needs of your spouse and vice versa, you are guaranteed to be blessed and be a blessing. Let us know in the comments what you do to grow deeper in your love with your spouse!

Transcribed - Published: 27 June 2023

Healing After Miscarriage

Dear friends, Today’s episode is by far the most difficult one we’ve ever done, but it was absolutely needed. Fair warning—this discussion may be triggering if you’ve gone through a miscarriage, but our hope is to offer encouragement to you and your family that God is near to you in your pain. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:4, “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” May you find peace and strength in Jesus Christ who heals all things and will one day wipe every tear from our eyes when we get to heaven. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4867953/advertisement

Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2023

Thoughts and Prayers: Praying the Scriptures through Adversity

Hey friends—many of you know by now that we are currently walking in the middle of a pretty deep valley. We were expecting our 4th child to be born in late October, but sadly we found out we miscarried and our baby is now with the Lord. While we took several weeks to grieve and mourn, God has wrapped His arms around us and brought us tremendous comfort through His Word, even in spite of the most difficult of seasons we’ve experienced. We will share more about our journey of healing in the next episode later this week, but wanted to share some Scriptures we’ve really clung to during this episode of Thoughts & Prayers. We pray this will serve to bless and comfort you when you experience pain and hurt. Thank you to ReliefBand for sponsoring today’s episode! Go to reliefband.com and use our promo code “myhouse” for 20% off plus free shipping! This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4867953/advertisement

Transcribed - Published: 16 June 2023

Lies We've Told Ourselves

Whether you're a new Christian or have been walking with the Lord for decades, we all have struggled with believing lies, or have even bought into them at one time or another. On today's show, we want to share some common lies we've believed and how we can recognize, reject, and remove those lies from our life by the power of the Holy Spirit and replace them with God's Truth. Thank you to Relief Band for sponsoring today's show! Use promo code "MYHOUSE" at reliefband.com for 20% off plus free shipping. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4867953/advertisement

Transcribed - Published: 1 June 2023

Thoughts and Prayers: After You're Convicted

Hello dear friends—thank you so much for joining us on this week’s show. As Christ-followers, we believe one of the most important disciplines we can practice is having a posture of repentance. Even after our conversion to Christ, we still do wrong and succumb to our flesh on the side of heaven. But by God‘s grace, He has already forgiven every sin of ours—past, present, and future. And while that is comforting news, we are to never take advantage of God’s grace as a license to stay stuck in our sinful ways. In this episode, we want to submit to you some steps we personally take in our walk with the Lord after we’ve been convicted by the Holy Spirit. Paul implores us to examine ourselves in the faith, and reminds us that God’s kindness is what leads us to repentance. As His children, we do not fear His discipline and correction, rather, we can boldly approach the Throne of Grace with confidence as we repetitively return to the feet of the cross. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/4867953/advertisement

Transcribed - Published: 26 May 2023

Q&A Catch Up

Hey friends! We missed y’all so much and are excited to be back with you. What better way to come back from a break than with a Q&A?! It’s been a minute since we’ve done one of these, so join us as we catch you up on the latest going on and our 2¢ offered on some important questions. Thank you to Relief Band for sponsoring today’s show! Get yours at reliefband.com and use promo code “myhouse” for 20% off plus free shipping!

Transcribed - Published: 15 May 2023

After A Fight With Your Spouse

Hey friends! We are excited to bring you this episode because it hits home for us and no doubt many of you who are married and/or in a serious dating relationship. You don’t have to be together long to experience tension and struggle within your interpersonal dynamics. The good thing is, it is healthy and even at times necessary to work through such issues because it’s part of maturing and growing closer together. In this episode, we go through a recent “fight” we had and share some practical steps you can implement to seek resolution and reconciliation. Ultimately, with Jesus continually at the center of your relationship, there is no conflict too big that a humble heart and attitude of repentance before the Lord cannot resolve. “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” - 1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ A big thank you to our show sponsors! BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month at https://www.betterhelp.com/myhouse KiwiCo: Get 50% off your first month plus free shipping on any crate line at https://www.kiwico.com/asforme Earth Breeze: Get 40% off at https://www.earthbreeze.com/myhouse

Transcribed - Published: 27 March 2023

The Dangers of Gentle Parenting

Hey friends! As you know we have been exploring and researching various approaches to parenting that seem to best reflect the Scriptural instructions given to us by God. For the last couple of years, we’ve been implementing many of the tenants of what is called “gentle parenting.” The term and movement itself if left undefined can be misleading and even unbiblical. In today’s episode, we seek to take the good attributes of gentle parenting into account while “spitting out the bones” of where it goes wrong. Our endgame is to Biblically parent and instruct our children in the way of the Lord, so that when they’re old, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). A special thank you to today’s sponsors: BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month at https://BetterHelp.com/myhouse Earth Breeze: Get 40% off at https://EarthBreeze.com/myhouse

Transcribed - Published: 20 March 2023


Hey guys! In today’s episode we wanted to encourage you with some invaluable information we learned at the 2023 XO Marriage Conference in Houston, TX. Join us as we reflect on some of our favorite highlights that really hit home for the both of us. Lord bless! Thank you to today’s sponsors: Simplisafe: Get a free indoor security camera plus 20% off your order with Interactive Monitoring at https://simplisafe.com/myhouse BetterHelp: Get 10% off your first month at https://BetterHelp.com/myhouse KiwiCo: Get 50% off your first month plus free shipping on any crate line at https://KiwiCo.com/asforme

Transcribed - Published: 13 March 2023

Thoughts & Prayers: Sabbath Habits

"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." - Jesus in Mark 2:27. Many Christians in the West have lost the Jewishness of our worldview due to being removed by time and physical proximity to the Holy Land. But what if we rediscovered the "why" behind some of the most ancient disciplines of our faith? How might that help us rekindle family time and healthy rhythms? You don't even need to make it a religious or spiritual experience to see the fruit that can be borne out of practicing healthy sabbath habits. We are cautious to not become legalistic or hyper-spiritualized in this discipline, but rather, see it as a way to reorder our priorities. So many of us put rhythms to our work, play, outings, etc., so why not have that same intentionality with our rest? Today, we share some practical things we do to make memories with our family during our Sabbath.

Transcribed - Published: 27 February 2023

Witnessing to Unsaved Parents featuring Brooklin White

In a perfect world, there is no one who pours into you, cares for you, and invests in enriching your spiritual life more than your parents. We are even told in Deuteronomy 6 exactly how God desires for the family unit to interact together for the glory of God. But what happens when your parents fail in that? Or better yet, what do you do when your family doesn’t grow up knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior, and you are the first one drawn to God? How do you have those conversations with your family after they see a visible change in your life? Milena sits down with her good friend Brooklin to share some of her stories of how she has witnessed to her parents since becoming a follower of Jesus. We pray this encourages you to share the gospel with those in your sphere of influence—especially those closest to you. A big thank you to today’s sponsors! BetterHelp - Get 10% off your first month at https://BetterHelp.com/myhouse Simplisafe - claim a free indoor security camera plus 20% off your order with Interactive Monitoring at https://simplisafe.com/myhouse Earth Breeze - Go to https://earthbreeze.com/myhouse for 40% off your order!

Transcribed - Published: 20 February 2023

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