Reducing distractions is important if you have a God calling. The enemy wants nothing more than for you to waste your days distracted from what God is leading you to do. Today’s episode is all about reducing distractions and staying diligent to move forward in what God has lead you to do.Â
Transcribed - Published: 4 February 2025
Keeping an eternal perspective helps us face the challenges of life because it reminds us that this life is temporary and this is not our home. We are only here for a little while so let’s not get so caught up in the things that won’t matter in the end. Keeping an eternal perspective will also help us overcome our fears and not let our fears stop us when we remember it’s all temporary anyway. There is nothing to be so afraid of other than not doing what we are here to do!
Transcribed - Published: 21 January 2025
God promises that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. This is an amazing promise to remember even when we face adversity and challenges. God is bigger than our challenges and He has a plan in all of it. Today goes deeper on this promise and how to live accordingly
Transcribed - Published: 15 January 2025
When God Becomes the Source of Your Joy and Peace you have complete and total freedom. You no longer need certain outcomes or answered prayers to have joy and peace, You no longer have the pain of the ups and downs of having your joy in circumstances and outcomes. The joy of the Lord is something nobody and nothing can take from you once you have it. But the only way to truly experience it is to walk through the not having certain prayers answered and surrendering your desire to God, trusting Him through that and experiencing HIS peace and joy in the face of it. When you get everything you ever wanted in this world you never get to experience the gift of having God be your everything and having God be the true source of your joy and peace. That is the gift that comes from full and complete surrender of the outcome to God. Any blessings from Him and answered prayers from Him all become a bonus in life, but you’re free from needing anything to give you joy and peace when God is truly your source for that. Today we cover how to get to that place and how to experience HIs true freedom.
Transcribed - Published: 9 December 2024
Using our time wisely as women in business is so important. We must ensure first of all that we don’t let the business conflict with our top priorities and roles in life and secondly we must make sure we focus on income producing activities when we do work on the business so that we see progress and growth from our focused effort.
Transcribed - Published: 1 November 2024
Here are 7 lessons from a challenging season in life and business. I hope they encourage you on your journey as an entrepreneur and help you get back up when you fall down.
Transcribed - Published: 20 October 2024
2 steps to help women in business have fun and enjoy the entrepreneurial journey. If we don’t enjoy the journey we are missing out on all the joy God has for us in our business calling. And when we don’t operate in our feminine design as women we burn ourselves out and wonder why we don’t feel inspired in business. Today will help you have more fun and get more results while you enjoy the journey as a women in business
Transcribed - Published: 13 October 2024
3 Steps to identify and respond to a God given assignment in business requires that you recognize it as a God calling, respond to the assignment and also recognize when that assignment is over and you are called to the next one. Today we cover all 3 steps and how to know the difference between and God calling and something else.
Transcribed - Published: 13 October 2024
These two steps will help you overcome resistance and get into action in business and important areas of life. When we understand these two concepts we are less likely to get discouraged and give up. We are more likely to succeed when we understand what I am about to cover in this episode.
Transcribed - Published: 30 September 2024
Trusting God through unanswered prayers is easier said than done. These are the times our faith is tested. Sometimes we keep the faith through it and sometimes we turn away from God or lose our fire for God. We struggle to trust Him and sometimes we struggle to keep praying the big prayers and trusting God with the desires of our heart. Some prayers are still in the process of being answered and some are prayers that had a deadline and the prayer was not answered. It can lead to a crisis of faith even though we see in the Bible over and over people who had to walk through very difficult things before they say the promises of God and the promise land. This episode will encourage you and help light the fire in your heart for God again.Â
Transcribed - Published: 8 September 2024
When your faith is tested is when you discover how strong or weak your faith in God truly is. When your faith is tested you can respond by drawing closer to God or doubting God. No better way to see a real life example of when your faith is tested than to hear from someone who was just told she has 3 years left to live due to stage 4 cancer. Listen to how she is responding to her faith being tested and be encouraged.
Transcribed - Published: 4 August 2024
In life we have those wake up calls where we get the reality check that we aren’t promised tomorrow. We all know we don’t know how long we are here but how rarely we live our day like it could be our last. It’s more common to take time for granted like we have forever. In business and life we can live our lives with intention and purpose when we wake up to the reality that we are not promised tomorrow. If today could be our last what are putting off that God has called to us to do? This episode will inspire you into purposeful, intentional action.
Transcribed - Published: 17 June 2024
Stepping into your God given assignment requires these 7 simple steps we are going to cover today. The steps are simple but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. We constantly have the enemy trying to pull us away from and distract us from our God given assignment . These 7 steps will help you stay strong in doing what God has called you to do!
Transcribed - Published: 19 April 2024
If you are feeling behind or feeling like it's too late to do what you have been called to do imagine shifting your perspetive to an empowered mindset that you are right where you are supposed to be to take the next step. This perspective shift will bring you peace, contentment and peace of mind. It will also get you into action instead of feeling discouraged and stuck. Listen and get into action in what you have been called to do!
Transcribed - Published: 24 February 2024
Ready to experience peace, joy, and focus no matter what is going on in this crazy world? In today’s episode we cover how to have your peace, joy and focus remain through the storms of life and through whatever changes are happening in our world. God’s word has the answer for us to stay in peace through it all. Listen and apply for the year ahead!
Transcribed - Published: 28 January 2024
These 3 simple steps will help you have your best year yet. It's the power of these simple small steps that have a huge compound effect by the end of the year so get started on these right away and get ready for an amazing year no matter how crazy the world gets!
Transcribed - Published: 4 January 2024
How to start a podcast is something a lot of people are researching these days so in this episode we are going to cover the top 3 questions I get on how to start a podcast. Let's get these questions answered so you are empowered to move forward to create your podcast!Â
Transcribed - Published: 30 December 2023
There’s a reason God’s word tells us not to be conformed to the pattern of this world and all the more this applies to us entrepreneurs! What does it mean to go against the flow of the world and why does it matter. Romans 12;2 Explained for entrepreneursÂ
Transcribed - Published: 30 December 2023
Why start a podcast? and why podcasting? are questions I get from a lot of Christian entrepreneurs. Anyone who wants to build a business online will benefit from starting a podcast and this episode covers why start a podcast, and why start a podcast now! Listen and take action to get your podcast started!
Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2023
Here’s a simple step to maintaining peace of mind in all seasons of life and business. Remembering this truth and maintaining a biblical peace of mind is critical to living the way God intended us to live free of anxiety and worry. When we put our peace in the giver and not the gift we have a steady foundation through it all.
Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2023
What Is Personal Branding and Why Is a Personal Brand Important Online is what we are covering in this episode. When done correctly this is a very powerful and critical marketing strategy that allows you to attract your ideal clients by fully being your authentic self. There is no better way to build a business online then with a personal brand. No more hiding out!Â
Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2023
How to put on the armor of God is so important to know as entrepreneurs which is why in this episodes is Ephesians 6 explained. Ephesians 6 is on spiritual warfare and how to put on the armor of God to protect yourself from the attacks of the enemy. We must know how to put on the full armor of God and stand firm and take ground in what we have been called to do.
Transcribed - Published: 19 October 2023
Are we in end times and what is the end times timeline is a question many people have these days so let's chat about it. I am also going to cover why it's especially important for us entrepreneurs and leaders in this time. As entrepreneurs building a business it can be very distracting and confusing when we see the increase and rise of evil on the planet as well as Biblical prophecies coming to pass, but it's important to stay the course in our unique assignment so I pray this video encourages you to stay hopeful, encouraged and keep your eyes on God as His bigger plan all comes to pass. We know the full story and how it end and we already know GOD WINS. So be encouraged! End times timelines are clear in end times Biblical prophecy but we never know exactly when so stay ready!
Transcribed - Published: 13 October 2023
What is spiritual warfare and How to combat spiritual warfare in business is what we are covering in today's episode. Spiritual warfare is something we all face but especially when building a business. As entrepreneurs who follow God it's important to understand that we have an enemy and we are on a battlefiled. Understanding what spiritual warfare is and how it shows up in business and life will help us move forward in our business calling and stay the course. Learning how to combat spiritual warfare in so important for success especially with our mindset as entrepreneurs
Transcribed - Published: 6 October 2023
God is our provider in business but knowing God as provider in entrepreneurship changes everything. God has a supernatural provision for His children. Don't confuse this with the fame and money the devil gives to those who bow down to him in this world. There is a big difference and today we discuss that difference. It's important to know that God is our provider, God IS provider and experiencing God AS provider. He provides for his children with supernatural provision. Not like the world does.
Transcribed - Published: 21 August 2023
Bible verses on focus and perspective can be applied to our business and life. The Bible says to focus on the things above and focus on eternity rather than getting so caught up in the things of this world. Keeping an eternal heavenly perspective in business will keep every challenge you face in perspective in light of eternity. This saves you from getting too caught up and stressed out about the every day challenge we all face in business. This will also help you never lose sight of the bigger picture and what will matter in the endÂ
Transcribed - Published: 10 August 2023
Having a Biblical peace of mind while building a business is possible and today we cover what that means, how to have God's peace and how to keep a peace that surpasses all understanding. Keeping your peace while building a business is possible with God. God is our provider of peace and when we put our peace in Him our peace remains steady through it all. Imagine have a steady consistent peace no matter is happening in your business instead of having your peace fluctuate depending on the circumstances. If you are ready to heave a steady state of peace in the face of whatever comes your way in business then listen and apply the steps in this podcast episode.
Transcribed - Published: 27 July 2023
Business Procrastination is so common so it's important to know how to overcome procrastination in your online business is critical for your success as an entrepreneur. The only way to get results in business is to take action and Procrastination of action cost you time and money. This week’s episode will help you overcome the resistance that’s causing the procrastination as long as you apply it ! We aren’t promised tomorrow so overcome procrastination in your online business and get into action with the steps we cover in this episode.Â
Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2023
You know that uneasy feeling when it’s time for big changes in business? When God gives you a fresh new vision you have to be willing to leave what you know and go on the pilgrimage to the new land. That’s what’s happening for me and I wanted to share the new vision, the new brand and encourage you to step into whatever new things God is calling you to as well! Let’s go!
Transcribed - Published: 11 July 2023
Preparing for a new season in business and life requires that we first recognize that season change. Life is full of seasons and if we are in a difficult season we have to remember it’s temporary. That being said we also want to remember that we can prolong our seasons in the wilderness with a bad attitude and mindset so this episode is all about making the mindset shifts you need to enter a new season
Transcribed - Published: 9 June 2023
Getting into action is the most important element of business success but so often we find ourselves out of action or stuck in inaction. This can show up as procrastination, overwhelm, confusion or discouragement but either way it leads to inaction which leads to no results or a plateau in results. This can happen at any point as an entrepreneur so this episode will help you stay the course in what you have been called to do.
Transcribed - Published: 11 May 2023
Staying focused on what matters most in this life is not an easy thing to do. This world is constantly trying to pull us off course and keep us distracted from what God put us here to do. Today is all about focusing in on what matters in this life, what will matter in the end and how to create urgency to live on purpose and not waste another day.Â
Transcribed - Published: 24 April 2023
Spiritual fuel for faith based entrepreneurs is so critical to keep in check. Just like our bodies need food to work properly, our spirit needs time with God and the word of God to thrive. There are symptoms that show up when we are not giving our spirit what it needs and these are a warning signs to us to get back on track. The answer is time with God and time in the word and this episode will get you back on track.Â
Transcribed - Published: 17 April 2023
When you feel weak in your faith there is a way to strengthen your faith and become stronger in your walk of faith. This episode is all about increasing your faith and overcoming the doubt and fear that hinders your faith.Â
Transcribed - Published: 1 April 2023
Your timeline vs God’s timeline are often two different things. This episode talks about a simple way to lose the attachment to your timeline and stay open to God’s timeline. This will bring more freedom in your ability to set goals and stay in momentum regardless of how long it takes to get there.Â
Transcribed - Published: 17 March 2023
Course correction as a faith based entrepreneur is all about getting back on course when you’ve been knocked down. I share my personal journey and where I have needed a course correction. This will help you to course correct so you can stay on the course God has called you to.Â
Transcribed - Published: 17 February 2023
Persevering through adversity is imperative as an entrepreneur or leader. Most people give up in the face of adversity instead of persevering through it so they never have the success they could have. Many people want to avoid failure and struggle but the entrepreneur journey is full of it so perseverance is required to walk through the adversity. In this episode I give you a powerful mindset shift on failure that will help you have a lot more fun and success in business. Go listen now!
Transcribed - Published: 5 November 2022
There’s room for you to succeed online as a purpose driven entrepreneur. The lie that the market is oversaturated keeps so many entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs from sharing their message and gifts online. It’s important to clear this lie and step out in faith in what God has called you to do and today’s episode will help you take that step.
Transcribed - Published: 19 October 2022
Resisting God’s calling causes us a lot of unnecessary pain. Often times we don’t trust God fully to listen to Him and be obedient to what He leads us to do or what He leads us to let go of. The longer we resist the longer we cause our own pain. There is a freedom and joy available to us when we surrender and take the step He is calling us to. This episode will empower you to take that step and say on course with God.
Transcribed - Published: 22 September 2022
Distractions from God are everywhere we look in this world. Our attention is constantly being pulled in so many directions that we can easily end up distracted from keeping God number one. Here is a simple way to keep God first in life and business.
Transcribed - Published: 20 May 2022
When God gives you a gift He calls you to share it with others. Sometimes we lose hope that we will ever be able to make difference with the gifts God has given us. Today’s episode will restore your hope in the calling and gifts God has given you and renew your strength to go make a difference in the world.
Transcribed - Published: 24 April 2022
Knowing the the truth the value you bring as an entrepreneur will bring you so much peace, joy, and hope. Imagine no longer striving and trying to be enough. Imagine no longer trying to prove yourself to the world. Imagine coming from a place of pure contribution to others with no need to fill a void of not feeling enough. Today’s episode is all about how to know and own your inherit value and worth and shine your light in this crazy world.
Transcribed - Published: 6 March 2022
Your money mindset has a huge impact on your success as an entrepreneur and your ability to answer your entrepreneurial calling. It’s so critical to line your mindset up with the word of God and clear the lies so that’s exactly what I am walking you through in this episode
Transcribed - Published: 29 December 2021
Imagine living your life as an entrepreneur where you worry about nothing! Most entrepreneurs are full of worry and anxiety through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. This episode is all about how to break free from that vicious cycle and live in the freedom and faith God intended for you
Transcribed - Published: 20 November 2021
Normal isn’t coming back, Jesus is. Instead of placing our hope in perfect circumstances our true freedom comes from placing our hope in Jesus and trusting God’s written plan for the world
Transcribed - Published: 29 August 2021
Responding to God’s calling allows us to take action each day for the kingdom of God. Often times we respond to the voice of doubt and discouragement and take no action at all. Whatever God has been calling you to do now is the time to respond and take the first step. Responding to God’s calling will lead you into purposeful action.
Transcribed - Published: 7 June 2021
The trap of unmet expectations is something that can lead to a great deal of disappointment, discouragement, and doubt. This can show up in our journey of entrepreneurship, our relationship with God and even our relationships with other people. It’s a slippery slope that we must watch out for. This episode will help you get back on track where you have fallen into the disappointment of unmet expectations.
Transcribed - Published: 2 May 2021
Clearing discouragement is a must for influencers, leaders and entrepreneurs. Discouragement is sign we have our focus on the wrong thing and we are putting our hope in the wrong thing, It’s a sign we aren’t fully trusting God and walking in faith so this episode is all about how to clear it so you can let your light shine.
Transcribed - Published: 22 March 2021
Unanswered prayers test our faith and it’s so important that we keep the faith and fight the good fight of faith. This episode is all about what to do when our deepest desires of our heart aren’t coming to fruition and what to do when we face unanswered prayers. I pray you are encouraged and drawn closer to God through this teaching.
Transcribed - Published: 6 March 2021
Accessing God’s peace in a crazy world will keep you in a state of calm and joy no matter what happens in the world. As leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers it is critical that we don’t let the world bring us down or allow the world to constantly affect our internal state. This episode will help you access God’s peace anytime you need it!
Transcribed - Published: 29 December 2020
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