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The Life Coach School Podcast

Brooke Castillo

Education, Self-improvement, Business, Entrepreneurship, Coach, Life, Lifecoach, Weightcoach, Training, Lifecoachschool, Certification, Successd, Qualification

4.8 • 9.1K Ratings


The Life Coach School Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and becoming certified as a Life Coach & Weight Loss Coach. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from the Master Coach Brooke Castillo to help you better understand life coaching, the required skills and mindsets, and how we focus on serving the client to get them the results they seek. At The Life Coach School, we offer a thorough and intense certification course that produces some of the most successful coaches coaching today. Learn more at TheLifeCoachSchool.com.

542 Episodes

Ep #525: Say vs. Hear

How do you talk to yourself when you’ve done something wrong? In these moments, it is so common to beat ourselves up. To get angry and berate ourselves as if that will ensure we don’t mess up again. In this episode, learn how to interpret what you really need to hear in tough moments in order to keep moving forward. You’ll hear how to be the best coach you can be to yourself, and how to provide the level of support you need to show up the way you want to. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/525

Transcribed - Published: 4 July 2024

The End of An Era: Get Coached Final Enrollment

We’re spending the final six months of the program doubling down on serving our amazing students inside the program with: Weekly private coaching, Weekly group coaching with Brooke, Monthly live classes with Brooke, A new 12-part workshop called Money is Your Friend, Access to the complete Life Coach School Library, All of Brooke’s books, PLUS a special pay in full bonus AND discount that we’ve never offered before. Now is the BEST and only time to join. You won’t even recognize yourself—in the best possible way. Sign up now at https://thelifecoachschool.com/join

Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2024

Ep #524: Growth & Peace with Stacey Boehman

Pushing your limits and seeing what you are capable of comes with some discomfort. However, some people don’t let themselves even attempt to grow because they’ve decided they would rather have peace over discomfort. Tune in this week as Stacey Boehman and I explore the choice many people think they have to make between growth and peace, and why hiding from your dreams doesn’t automatically mean you feel peace instead. We discuss the power of deciding to give something your all, how to handle the discomfort of growth, and we share our experiences of choosing to go all in on our businesses while balancing motherhood. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/524 If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join

Transcribed - Published: 20 June 2024

Ep #523: Busy Work vs. Result Work

Newer entrepreneurs work just as hard as the more experienced entrepreneurs, but their results are not the same. Why? Tune in this week to learn about the difference between busy work and result work and how you can start creating new results in your life. I encourage you to try new things, see what works and doesn’t work, and change directions if necessary. Remember, if you’re not winning, you’re learning! Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/523 If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join

Transcribed - Published: 6 June 2024

Ep #522: Take Back Your Brain with Kara Loewentheil

If you are a woman who struggles with people pleasing, with making conscious decisions that are solely for you, with the idea of creating wealth, listen in. I’m joined by the one and only Kara Loewentheil, author of Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head--and How to Get It Out. In this fascinating conversation, Kara and I explore the ways men and women are socialized throughout history, how this socialization impacts how we show up in our lives, and what we can do to take back our brains. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/522 If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join

Transcribed - Published: 23 May 2024

Ep #521: How Thought Work Works

Through the teachings of a lot of amazing leaders, reading all the self-help books, and my own introspection, I came to understand the importance of thought work. Through thought work, you can access your highest consciousness and make decisions that create the results you’ve always dreamed about. In this episode, I share what thought work truly is, how it works, and how mastering it is one of the most freeing experiences a human can have. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/521 If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join

Transcribed - Published: 2 May 2024

Ep #520: 10 Years Proud

The Life Coach School Podcast is turning 10. This journey has been a testament to the power of consistency and re-deciding. Join me as I reflect on the importance of acknowledging your progress, embracing change, and giving yourself permission to evolve. Plus, I'm revealing some exciting updates about the future of the podcast and how you can continue to grow with me. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/520 If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join

Transcribed - Published: 4 April 2024

Ep #519: Big Goal Fun

How often do you find yourself setting a goal, and then not following through? Some people don’t even bother setting a goal in the first place because they just don’t believe they can truly achieve it. There is so much magic in the evolution that comes with working on a goal, and it all starts with a thorough cultivation of it. Find out why simply writing down your goal isn’t enough, why you might be getting discouraged by your dream, and how to experience the real magic of big goal setting. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/519 Join me in Get Coached for a live, 3-day Big Goals workshop! Click here to plan your big, compelling goal with me: https://thelifecoachschool.com/join-get-coached/

Transcribed - Published: 28 March 2024

Ep #518: Walking

One of the things that has helped me more than anything else during hard times is walking. Having a walking practice has brought me more peace and calm than I could have ever imagined, and I encourage everyone I know, including all of you, to start one. This week, hear all the benefits I’ve experienced from having a consistent walking practice, the types of walks my practice includes, and some tips for making the most of your practice. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/518 Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you'll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL: https://thelifecoachschool.com/coachathon/ Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami...? Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/letsgo/

Transcribed - Published: 21 March 2024

Ep #517: Doing It Alone with Alessia Tenebruso

For many people, especially women, the idea of spending time alone brings up uncomfortable feelings. However, as my guest Alessia Tenebruso shares, the benefits of exploring yourself through alone time far outweigh the discomfort. If you’re curious about traveling alone, even if it’s just to your local hotel for a night, this episode is a must-listen. Alessia shares why the idea of solo travel is so intimidating, how to deal with the discomfort, and all the benefits you’ll experience when you do this for yourself. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/517 Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you'll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL: https://thelifecoachschool.com/coachathon/ Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami...? Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/letsgo/

Transcribed - Published: 14 March 2024

Ep #516: Business Emotions

One of the best ways to build emotional strength is through entrepreneurship. You start doubting your doubt. You develop the courage to do hard things. And it all starts with feeling your feelings on your entrepreneurial journey. Listen in this week to hear the four most important negative business emotions to feel and the four most important positive business emotions to generate. Once you can master these emotions, your level of self-love, emotional strength, AND business success will amaze you. Tune in to find out how. Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/516 Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you'll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Register for the Coachathon on April 2, 2024 in beautiful Miami, FL: https://thelifecoachschool.com/coachathon/ Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami...? Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself, April 4-8, 2024. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/letsgo/

Transcribed - Published: 7 March 2024

Join Brooke Live in Miami: An Invitation to Coachathon & Our Final Coach Certification

Experience a day of transformation and growth with Brooke at the live Coachathon, where you'll witness the power of coaching to change lives—including yours. Whether you're on the mic or in the audience, prepare for insights that will redefine your purpose, boost your income, and harness your brain's full potential. Register for the Coachathon on April 2nd in beautiful Miami, FL: https://thelifecoachschool.com/coachathon/ Ready for even more exciting life and career expansion in Miami...? Dive deeper and take your evolution to the next level with our Coach Certification Training. Join the last ever in-person Coach Certification, led by Brooke herself. Experience the unparalleled connection and mentorship that comes from learning directly from Brooke in a small intimate setting. This isn't just about becoming a confident coach; it's about undergoing a total life transformation. It will be an unforgettable journey of growth, joy, and clarity. Apply for Coach Certification Practicum here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/letsgo/

Transcribed - Published: 5 March 2024

Ep #515: Journal Coaching with Ashley R. Wright

Writing down your thoughts is a powerful way to understand them and the effects they are having on your life. Sure, you could spend days thinking about a problem. Or you could write your thoughts down and find clarity, awareness, and healing in the process. Tune in this week as Journaling Coach Ashley R. Wright shares the power of journaling, the benefits of writing down your thoughts, and why doing so empowers you to free yourself from whatever is holding you back. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/515

Transcribed - Published: 29 February 2024

Ep #514: Action Audit

What happens when you are taking action, but not getting the results you want? That’s where an action audit comes in. Using the scientific method and two other concepts I talk about in this episode, you can analyze why your actions are not creating the results you want and adjust. I share how to conduct an action audit yourself, and the biggest difference between those who get their desired results and those who don’t. Learn about the Coach Tools Certification and enroll here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/tools/ Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/514

Transcribed - Published: 22 February 2024

Ep #513: Types of Regret

One of the least useful emotions we have is regret. It usually comes after we’ve made a decision. Sometimes the decision was made a minute ago and sometimes it was made 10 years ago. However, you don’t have to let regret stop you from moving forward. Listen in this week to learn about the two types of regret we typically experience, and how to stop letting regret keep you stuck. I share a concept that set me free from my regret, why I don’t beat myself up when I feel regret, and how you can use your regret as an opportunity for progress. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/513

Transcribed - Published: 15 February 2024

Ep #512: Best Year Yet

When your work contributes to your mission, it is a very powerful place to be. You focus on creating value for the world, and that value comes back to you. That’s how I feel about the year ahead, and I want you to join me in that space. Tune in this week to learn how to have the best year yet. I share what’s coming up at The Life Coach School in our programs, the brand new value we are creating there, and a concept you can use to spark ideas for how to make this year your best year yet. Learn about the Coach Tools Certification and enroll here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/tools/ Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/512

Transcribed - Published: 8 February 2024

Ep #511: Fast Success with Cayla Horey

Success doesn’t always come quickly, but when it does, it makes everyone stop and ask what that person is doing differently. My guest this week is one of those people. Cayla Horey is a certified life coach who made six figures in the first year of her coaching business. Tune in this week to hear Cayla’s incredible story of fast success, what it took to get to where she is today, and how you can use her story as inspiration for your own success. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/511

Transcribed - Published: 1 February 2024

Ep #510: What Is Hard?

One thing all successful people have in common is that they can do hard, really well. But the word “hard” is incredibly subjective, so what is hard? Tune in this week to learn about the stages of success and where learning how to do hard things comes into play. This episode gets you thinking about what hard means to you, how willing you are to experience it right now, and the kinds of challenges you need to overcome to get to where you want to go. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/510

Transcribed - Published: 25 January 2024

Ep #509: Goal Achievement

When we set a goal, it’s easy to think that the best part will be achieving it. We imagine what life will be like when we finally get what we’ve been working so hard for. Despite what you might think right now, the process is the point. Listen in as I share how being in the early stages of goal achievement differs from the later stages or even from the subsequent goals you set. You’ll learn about the rarely-discussed downsides to achieving your goals, and why it’s so important to take time to be proud of what you’ve accomplished so far. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/509

Transcribed - Published: 18 January 2024

Ep #508: Be Good?

Most people would generally agree that being empathetic, generous, and kind-hearted makes you a good person. But is that true? And, who says? In this episode, I explore what it means to be a good person. Find out why the socially accepted traits of being good aren’t always good for you or the world, what being a good person could mean to you, and how to live your life by your own definition. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/508

Transcribed - Published: 11 January 2024

Ep #507: The Soft vs. Hard Life

Does living a softer life mean you won’t achieve your goals or be successful? Does it mean you avoid building the emotional strength needed to overcome obstacles? Listen in to hear my take on a soft vs. hard mindset for living, whether one is better than the other, and how to reach your goals regardless of which one you lean towards. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/507

Transcribed - Published: 4 January 2024

Ep #506: Sturdy Self Love

Sturdy self love is fierce love. Committed, dependable, and consistent love - the kind of self love that can change your life. This week, discover how to cultivate sturdy self love and a quick exercise you can do right now to start creating this type of love for yourself. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/506

Transcribed - Published: 28 December 2023

Ep #505: Change Your Life in One Year

It’s time to stop living a default life, stop making decisions with your survival brain, and start taking small, daily steps to create real change. Tune in this week to hear how I will help you do all of that inside Get Coached in 2024. I share what the year will look like inside the program, what you will learn, the changes it will help you make, and why now is the time to start. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/505

Transcribed - Published: 21 December 2023

Ep #504: Determination

We know that building a business or trying anything new comes with a lot of trial and error. Unfortunately, we’ve been taught that error is bad. We should just quit. My friends, I urge you not to quit. Instead, develop the skill of determination. In this episode, discover what it means to truly be determined, how to develop this skill, and how to maintain it. Learn how to keep going when faced with adversity, not to reach the end result faster, but to become who you want to be along the way. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/504

Transcribed - Published: 14 December 2023

Ep #503: The Best Financial Investment

What if you saw your brain as an ever-appreciating asset that brings you compounding interest? We aren’t taught to think about investing in our brains this way and it’s time to change that. Find out what the best financial investment you can make is, how to make it, and the wonderful things that can happen when you do. If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/503

Transcribed - Published: 7 December 2023

Ep #502: The Last Best Year

Tune in this week to learn what's changing next year in Get Coached. I'm going to give you everything I’ve got in terms of coaching you directly, helping you directly, and I cannot wait to share with you all of the wonderful things that I’m doing, and all of the awesome opportunities that I’m creating in my life and in yours. Have you been on the fence about joining? Have you been a member and quit? If you are ready to create a life that is unrecognizable by the end of 2024, you have to join me for the last best year in Get Coached: http://thelifecoachschool.com/join Get full transcript, show notes, and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/502

Transcribed - Published: 30 November 2023

Ep #501: How to Take an L

Are you making your Ls, or losses, mean that you should give up? Are you making them mean that you’re a loser? I get it. I lose a lot. But I also win a lot - because I stay in the game. Today, I'm sharing how to take a loss and use it to make yourself even better than had you not lost at all. The bigger your dreams are, the more opportunities you will have to practice these steps. Let’s go. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/501

Transcribed - Published: 23 November 2023

Ep #501: How to Take an "L"

Are you making your Ls, or losses, mean that you should give up? Are you making them mean that you’re a loser? I get it. I lose a lot. But I also win a lot - because I stay in the game. Today, I'm sharing how to take a loss and use it to make yourself even better than had you not lost at all. The bigger your dreams are, the more opportunities you will have to practice these steps. Let’s go. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/501

Transcribed - Published: 23 November 2023

Ep #500: The Best of 500

What an incredible milestone we have achieved together. This body of work is a testament to the power of consistency. Mine and yours. In this collection of clips, we're going all the way back to the first episodes, to the introduction of how our thoughts create our feelings and how to do a thought download, to the compound effect that small, consistent action has on our lives and on our successes. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/500

Transcribed - Published: 16 November 2023

Ep #499: Fight For It

Too many people aren’t willing to fight for what they really want, and instead, they blame themselves or others for not getting it. In this episode, I invite you to consider where you aren’t fighting for what you want and why maybe you should. I share some examples of where I’m willing to fight and the importance of having your own back. Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Brig Johnson talks to Akilah Folami, coach for attorneys, about why you have to be willing to fight for what you want and what you believe, and the benefits of doing so. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/499

Transcribed - Published: 9 November 2023

Ep #498: Influence

From the people we have personal relationships with to the people we follow on social media, we are constantly being influenced. The people you allow to directly or indirectly influence you have an impact on your decisions, your habits, and how you show up. In this episode, I show you how to see who is influencing you, how to stop being influenced by people you don’t want to be influenced by, and how to consciously choose who influences you moving forward. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/498

Transcribed - Published: 2 November 2023

Ep #497: Negative Self Noise

Do you ever suddenly find yourself down the rabbit hole of negative self talk? Do you ever ask yourself, "Are these thoughts serving me?" In this episode, I talk about our brain’s negative noise. Negative noise tells us negative things about our lives, self, and the world. I discuss how to identify negative noise so that you can process and heal from it. Some negative thoughts get lodged into our minds and we don’t even realize it, but there are ways to counteract this and program our brains to lead the lives we want. Also, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Brig Johnson is joined by Cathy Council, a Master Certified Life Coach who coaches women on how to look good naked and enjoy the foods they love at the same time. Brig and Cathy discuss how identifying and processing difficult emotions actually allows for more energy to get things done. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/497

Transcribed - Published: 26 October 2023

Ep #496: Goal Cost

Every goal you set comes with a cost. The problem is, most people don’t consider the cost of a goal when they set it. In this episode, I share how to do a Cost-Benefit Analysis of your goal so that when the costs come up, you are prepared to pay them. Discover why establishing the cost (and all the added benefits) of setting your goal is crucial for anything you want to achieve. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/496

Transcribed - Published: 19 October 2023

Ep #495: Create or Consume

It is completely normal for us to consume a lot. It’s what we’re trained to do as humans. However, when we’re consuming more than we’re creating, we run into problems. In this episode, I share what over-consuming looks like, how we get there, and how to break out of over-consumption by creating more. If you’re tired of feeling stagnant in your life, it’s time to look at your output and start creating a life you truly love. Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Brig Johnson is joined by Dielle Charon, sales coach for women of color. They discuss the thoughts that got in Dielle’s way on her path to making seven figures, and the first thought she had once she made it. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/495

Transcribed - Published: 12 October 2023

Ep #494: Overdesire. Overhunger. Overtrying.

You might think that once you lose the weight and get the body you want, you can finally be happy. Unfortunately, this usually leads to burnout from trying to get those results as quickly as possible. This week, find out why overdesire, overhunger, and overtrying won’t get you the results you want faster. I share how to create sustainable, long-lasting results without rejecting the body you’re in right now. Join Mental Weight Loss happening on October, 17th, 2023. Click here to sign up. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/494

Transcribed - Published: 5 October 2023

Ep #493: Remember Your Future

We get so caught up in the surface-level, petty nonsense of our lives that we forget to remember our future. I invite you to remember it now. What would your future self say to you today? Tune in this week as I explore this question. Whenever you think about how precious life is, do this exercise to tune in to your future self. Consider what they would want you to spend the next two decades doing, and start. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/493

Transcribed - Published: 28 September 2023

Ep #492: Secret Pain

If you feel like you’re just going through the motions and life is happening all around you but you’re not in it, I see you. I’ve been there. In this episode, I share two ways to heal your secret pain. Learn how to stop dissociating from it and drop the shame. Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Judith Gaton is joined by Master Certified Coach Sara Fisk to talk about how to stop ruminating and start looking inward for validation. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/492

Transcribed - Published: 21 September 2023

Ep #491: Feel Harder

Most people try to avoid feeling anger and other negative emotions. You might want to repress it or even meditate it away. However, after a recent realization I had about a time when I felt very angry, I was reminded how important it is to process our emotions. Tune in this week to learn why we need to feel harder, process our negative emotions, and the magic that happens when we do. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/491

Transcribed - Published: 14 September 2023

Ep #490: Boundaries vs Avoiding

If you’re experiencing resentment, agitation, frustration, and even anger as it relates to someone you’re in relationship with, understanding the difference between boundaries and avoidance is vital. Join me to hear the differences between boundaries and avoiding, and an exercise you can try that will distinguish which camp you currently fall into. Plus, on this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Brig Johnson speaks to Master Certified Coach Gabrielle Smith about how she helps coaches get over their niche drama and sign their first paid clients. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/490

Transcribed - Published: 7 September 2023

Ep #489: Feminine Selling with Aprille Franks

Do you ever wonder why selling feels uncomfortable? If you’re a woman who’s afraid to sell, doesn’t want to come across as pushy, or feels uncomfortable raising your prices, this is for you. Join me and Aprille Franks to hear why every woman needs to learn the Feminine Selling process, and why it’s the antidote to everything you hate about selling right now. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/489

Transcribed - Published: 31 August 2023

Ep #488: 10 Ideas About Life

There are a lot of concepts and teachings I’ve created over the years that you can begin exploring right now to change your life. But have you ever wondered where to start? Hear 10 ideas about life that I’ve distilled and simplified down to their core, and why each one is worth trying on. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/488

Transcribed - Published: 24 August 2023

Ep #487: Deserved Hate

We all make mistakes, fail, and show up in ways we wish we hadn’t. Our actions have consequences that can include others being disappointed and angry at us. This week, learn what accepting responsibility and acknowledging your mistakes does for your experience as a human. I share how to own your behavior, hold space for those you hurt, and use their feedback to improve. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/487

Transcribed - Published: 17 August 2023

Ep #486: Help People

When you feel frustrated, annoyed, and like the world is against you, there is one thing that will put things into perspective for you. Helping others. That’s what I explore in this episode. I share why helping others helps you, how to shift your mindset to be able to help someone else, and why this action is so empowering. Plus, on this week’s Examples of Awesome series, Master Coach Brig Johnson interviews Life and Weight Loss Coach Jennifer Dent Brown on the power of creating a “Success Squad” and how you can create one for yourself. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/486

Transcribed - Published: 10 August 2023

Ep #485: Increased Experience

Once you find a job, relationship, or location that feels safe, your brain will resist changing it. But what kind of life are you missing out on by staying safe? What new experiences or even new idententities are you denying yourself? In this episode, I explore all the benefits that come with increased experience in your life. Learn why intentionally increasing your experiences can lead to an even more amazing life, and how to consciously choose something new despite your brain’s resistance. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/485

Transcribed - Published: 3 August 2023

Ep #484: Weakness

What would happen if you deliberately looked at your weaknesses and embraced them? Would that change how you show up in the world? Is it possible that you could even enjoy your weaknesses? In this episode, I break down the ways we typically deal with our weaknesses and the impacts of those decisions. Discover what could happen when you bring awareness to your weaknesses and embrace them. Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome segment, Master Certified Style Coach Judith Gaton interviews Master Certified Marriage and Relationship Coach Maggie Reyes on cultivating “sexy bestie” energy in your relationship, and much more. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/484

Transcribed - Published: 27 July 2023

Ep #483: Create Your Work for the World

Why aren’t you sharing your work with the world? If you’re like most people, you either lack the confidence or the motivation. This week’s episode shows you how to find the confidence and motivation you need to bring your unique offering into the world. Discover the six phases of creation, why you can and should monetize what you create, and how to do this work alongside me this summer. Ready to Create Your Work for the World? Join me August, 2023, for a month-long workshop on just that. Click here for all the details and to sign up: https://thelifecoachschool.com/create/ Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/483

Transcribed - Published: 20 July 2023

Ep #482: Let's Get Rich, Ladies

There are people out there that don’t want you to get rich. Some of those people are even other women. Maybe you’re one of them but haven’t realized it. In this episode, I invite you to acknowledge the tremendous effort women throughout history have made so that you can be an entrepreneur, why you should get as rich as you can and want to, and why you should support other women on this journey, as well. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/482

Transcribed - Published: 13 July 2023

Ep #481: Take Responsibility

There are many circumstances in our lives that we cannot control. The one thing we always have control over, however, is ourselves. And taking responsibility for ourselves is incredibly empowering. This week, hear how amazing taking responsibility can be for your life and how to do it without beating yourself up. Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome segment, Brig Johnson talks to Master Certified Life Coach TaVona Denise about the longevity of her career, and why it’s not over until you win. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/481

Transcribed - Published: 6 July 2023

Ep #480: Identity and Self Authority

Certified Life Coaches Dex Randall, Dr. Sonia Wright, Zayne Khan, and Chris Hale share their amazing insights on what identity actually is, how we shape our identities to fit in, and the power of deciding to be ourselves. Find out how being “othered” might impact your experience and how to balance your desire to fit in with the desire to accept yourself for who you are. We discuss how living with one or more marginalized identities is laborious, but it’s also an act of activism, and share the importance of having compassion for yourself as you do this work. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/480

Transcribed - Published: 29 June 2023

Ep #479: Opportunities

You currently have opportunities waiting to be presented to you and opportunities waiting to be created. You also have opportunities in your past that you missed. In this episode, learn how to bring awareness to the opportunities available to you and how to take action on them. I share the three different types of opportunities, why you might not be seeing all of them in your life, and how to change that. Get full show notes and more information here: https://thelifecoachschool.com/479

Transcribed - Published: 22 June 2023

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