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Ground Zero Media

Clyde Lewis


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Ground Zero is a nationally syndicated three-hour…

721 Episodes

Show sample for 7/25/24: KINGS OF THE NORTH

As parts of the Arctic are thawing, it is revealing what can only be described as alien life forms. It brings to mind old Viking apocalypse stories of monsters opening the icy gates of the North ready to pounce in an unforgivable Dark Winter. Within the past couple of years, we’ve been hearing about strange metal objects shot down over Canadian airspace. It happened during the time of the Chinese balloon hysteria. Furthermore, The U.S. Defense Department must invest more to upgrade sensors, communications and interestingly enough, space-based technologies in the Arctic to keep pace with China and Russia. Could it be the region has already been established to be a possible alien outpost that needs to be observed in case of a possible incursion? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks about KINGS OF THE NORTH. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Published: 26 July 2024

Show sample for 7/24/24: OLYMPIC GRAVES – A RUN FOR THE GALLOWS

With the opening Olympic ceremony in Paris just days away, French authorities have reassured the public that it has taken every possible security precaution. The recent Olympic movement is a very politicized phenomenon characterized by commercialization involving some of the world’s main corporate leviathans. These cartels have major involvement in many aspects of the military-industrial-surveillance branches of the corporate culture. Moreover, these games are seen as a ritual for the Illuminati and represent the world in their vision. The games demonstrate how it has always been – a way for globalists to sell the idea of a one-world government. Every aspect of mysticism, pagan imagery, and occult symbolism is produced to mesmerize the observer and to desensitize them to the idea of a New World Order. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks about OLYMPIC GRAVES – A RUN FOR THE GALLOWS. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 25 July 2024

Show sample for 7/23/24: TRUMPUS FUGIT W/ TROY ANDERSON

After Donald Trump’s brush with death by an assassin’s bullet on July 13, our timeline may have suddenly changed. Several theories are being revisited about Trump concerning who he is and how he may be a man of destiny as time seems to bend for him — or that Trump and even his son Baron, may have an impact on our timeline and how it moves like a quantum snake in the unfathomable universe. Although it may sound farfetched, there is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that Trump may be part of a group or a secret organization called, Plus Ultra, that has been the subject of conspiratorial mythology involving time travel. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with journalist, Troy Anderson about his upcoming book, The Trump Code: Exploring Time Travel, Nikola Tesla, and the Trump Lineage. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 24 July 2024

Show sample for 7/22/24: PUPPET PUTSCH

We can say that Joe Biden was the perfect puppet for the Deep State but is no longer of use — and so with their Puppet Putsch, they can provide a more malleable replacement. This is a political party coup — never before have we seen this silent insurrection being carried out against a leader in power. The sycophants are now rallying around Vice-President Kamala Harris — another candidate who in the 2020 Presidential Primary against Biden wasn’t even a speck on the radar of the American people. Don’t we realize this coup now offers us the false choice of the lesser of two evils in a corrupt system? To go from a senile old man to an obnoxious amateur is highly suspicious – this leaves us wide open for an attack from beyond. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks about PUPPET PUTSCH. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2024


Today, massive Microsoft outages worldwide were attributed to an apparent “third party” CrowdStrike software glitch disrupting major airlines and businesses. We have been warned about a computer glitch and the introduction of a new utility proposed by the World Economic Forum. This has been part of their Cyber Polygon proposals for years — they have been running exercises where banks, hospitals, and air traffic control, all fail due to a cyber attack or major malfunction. Does anyone find this suspicious? The dark day has arrived as we are witnessing the fragility of the internet and its ability to crash. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with cyber security expert, James Ponder about CROWDSTRIKE – GLITCH SOCIETY. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 20 July 2024

Show sample for 7/18/24: BLUE ANON – KING KILL 45 W/ JP BOVENZI

It was a shock to the mainstream media that the Left was capable of spinning conspiracy yarns about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The accounts being weaved by the Left or their spurious theories claim the whole incident was taken out of the pages of the WWE. As more Americans lose trust in established media outlets and turn to online partisan commentators and social media influencers for information, experts are seeing a big uptick in the manufacturing and spread of “Blue Anon” conspiracy theories. People want to argue for whatever crazy conjecture they wish to push because they so desperately want to save face for their criminal political party– and a corrupt government that has been lying to them for years. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with the host of The Paradigm Shift, JP Bovenzi about BLUE ANON – KING KILL 45. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2024

Show sample for 7/17/24: DREAM A LITTLE WORLD WAR III

Several media reports say the US government received intelligence in recent weeks that Iran was working on a plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump. A national security official said the Secret Service and the Trump campaign were aware of the threat before Saturday’s rally. So why did it appear that security was lax at the event and that it seemed that the shooter was able to proceed with his mission? If the conspiracy truly leads to Iran, it would be a convenient False Flag for the Deep State. The Republican Convention is an excellent distraction from revealing just how the assassination attempt on Trump has moved us closer to World War III. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks about DREAM A LITTLE WORLD WAR III. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 18 July 2024


Estate attorneys are now creating trusts aimed at extending wealth until people who get cryonically preserved can be revived, even if it’s hundreds of years later. These revival trusts are an emerging area of law built on a tower of assumptions. Still, they’re being taken seriously enough to attract true believers and merit discussion at industry conferences. The revival trust is a twist on the dynasty trust, a tool used by ultra-wealthy people who plan to pass wealth down to multiple generations. If you are rich enough, there is the “Dead Money” plan where you are sharing refrigerator space with Walt Disney — you can bet against the house that someone will remember your wealth as you are dripping away during the thawing process. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with financial analyst, Alan Johnson about DOLLAR OF THE LIVING DEAD. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 17 July 2024


An apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump Saturday at a rally in Pennsylvania has created a plethora of speculation in the media as to why this occurred. It’s enough to radicalize people against one man and 50 percent of the country as the profuse and inflammatory rhetoric from the Left has the potential to trigger civil war. And we almost got one with a headwound and an angry inch — one inch or less and Trump would have been dead. On the other hand, this traumatic event may be yet another psy-op upon the political stage of smoke and mirrors. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with political analyst, Donald Jeffries and astrologist, Robert Phoenix about HEAD WOUND AND THE ANGRY INCH. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2024


There appear to be connections to what is referred to as “White Crawlers” and the mysterious lights of New Mexico. Many consider them the acts of conjuring from Brujeria or witchcraft. The conjuring is meant to make thought into a servitor – a servant created to do your bidding. It is a creature brought into existence on the astral plane that performs a certain task. Some cling to the belief the lights are UFOs or portals where an anomalous alien-like creature comes out – a pale bald creature called the White Crawler, which is at least 7 feet tall and has glowing red or yellow eyes. In Latin America, they are called, “Los Falcaras” or “Face Peelers.” Can the paranormal be manifesting into our dimensional plane for nefarious purposes? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with publicist and author, Dan Harary about WHITE CRAWLER – THE INVASION OF THE ULTRA TERRESTRIALS. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 13 July 2024


The idea of deprogramming or re-education camps is back as a fearmongering tool and if implemented, it would most likely be under the direction of FEMA or some other unknown Deep State entity. A scientist has proposed a method in which high-intensity mind control can re-educate and rehabilitate anyone in a matter of minutes. It is called Cognify and although it’s still on the drawing board, this controversial project is seriously being seen as a way to alter one’s perceptions through AI and virtual reality, especially those sent into the prison system. Creating and implanting artificial memories directly into the prisoner’s brain could offer a new approach to criminal rehabilitation, transforming how society deals with offenders by focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about COGNIFY – THE ACT OF DREAM IMPRISONMENT. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024


Hurricane Beryl was originally supposed to strike Corpus Christi, Texas, but changed course to make landfall in Matagorda. Beryl is a precious stone of the emerald variety and Corpus Christ is the corpse or body of Christ. Matagorda means ‘fat kill’, something we find reference to throughout the Bible in the form of sacrifices. The Book of Daniel describes a man with a body like beryl, shining bright, which many believe is a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. In Revelation 21 it is said that emerald is one of the foundations of the New Jerusalem. In Revelation 4, a rainbow shining like an emerald surrounded the throne in heaven. A rainbow and emerald are also key symbols in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Frank Baum, the theosophist. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Ryan Gable talks with Clyde Lewis about BERYLING TOWARDS THE SMARAGDINE APOCALYPSE. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2024


The Roswell incident is the most well-known of all the thousands of UFO cases on record. Even people with no interest or belief in UFOs know of Roswell and the story’s basic theme. Namely, that of a flying saucer crashing to earth in the late 1940s, and a hasty cover-up of the facts – suppression which persists to this day. Roswell isn’t just any mystery – it’s potentially one of the greatest mysteries and stories in human history. The persistence continues and even the city of Roswell acknowledges an event occurred that cannot be explained and as long as there are no real files left in the annals of the military, this becomes a cosmic cold case that needs to be solved. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with co-hosts of the new Discovery Channel series, Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction, Chrissy Newton and Mitch Horowitz about ROSWELL – THE GATHERING. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 6 July 2024


There have been numerous conspiracy theories spun about the Roswell Incident in 1947. Alleged eyewitnesses to the crash debris had come forward and raised questions as to what exactly happened out in the middle of the hot New Mexico desert. A darker side to the story began most notably with the publication of Leonard Stringfield’s, Situation Red: The UFO Siege, a book that surmised the country was in the midst of a wave of increasingly violent UFO encounters, incidents that had led to physical injuries and abductions. Furthermore, it detailed how US government cover-up was not only alive and well, but far bigger, deeper, and more nefarious than anything the enthusiasts and researchers had ever imagined. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time, Clyde Lewis talks with UFO author and investigator, Donald R. Schmitt about UFO CANON – THE DOCTRINE OF ETERNAL RECURRENCE. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 3 July 2024


The Liberals are just now realizing that they have been morbidly obtuse about all of the denial, lies, and projecting they have been doing for the last 4 years. How do politicians, diplomats, the media, and even the human rights community keep us politically ignorant, docile, and passive – a collective mindset that prevents us from challenging their power and the status quo they benefit from? The answer is by constantly misrepresenting reality to us and their role in shaping it. It’s been previously performed successfully because they have gaslighted us by flaunting the pretense of creating a better world, however, it’s an illusion now falling apart. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with political analyst, David Knight about CHEAP FAKE! THE ART OF BEING MORBIDLY OBTUSE. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024


It was all but a week ago that the media and the Democratic party defended Biden’s mental acuity. However, after last night’s debacle during the presidential debate, they are humiliated by his lackluster performance and throwing him under the bus while scrambling for a suitable candidate. Independent presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned that President Biden’s poor showing at Thursday night’s CNN Presidential Debate calls into question who’s really running the country. This also begs the question: Don’t we have any reasonable and cogent politicians who give Americans a viable choice to vote for? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with founder of the Free and Equal Elections Foundation, Christina Tobin, and, Libertarian presidential candidate, Chase Oliver, about MENTAL MASTER DEBAT’N. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 29 June 2024

Show sample for 6/27/24: WIKISPEAK W/ VINNY EASTWOOD

In the last 4 years, there has been a substantial increase in people being targeted, bullied, harassed, arrested, and fined for bringing up different opinions while demonstrating their research with valid documentation. One of the more noteworthy whistleblowers, Julian Assange, is now free from prison through a plea agreement. The reality is free speech and the notion of a free press is dead in America today, killed by our collective passivity and the brutalization of other whistleblowers by the US government for the “crime” of exposing their crimes for all the world to see. The truth is a major casualty in all warfare. The truth no longer sets us free. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with radio host, Vinny Eastwood about WIKISPEAK. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2024


Is it possible that we are reverse engineering history for the sake of saving face? We need to somehow do a chronological reversal of our consensus narrative to understand when and where we ignored the signposts in time and made decisions that have put us in this position. What can we do to stop the looping of the same mistakes and problems that have been plaguing us for millennia? None of us know what is going to happen but we are in a more dangerous, chaotic, and unpredictable timeline than any other which makes us again question why we are, where we are — knowing what we know – now. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with the founder of Reverse Speech, David John Oates about REVERSE PSYCHOSIS – YOU KNEW BEFORE YOU KNOW. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 27 June 2024


We often think of the paranormal as something born from the natural world. Malevolent spirits, mysterious beasts, aliens, and cosmic horrors all terrify us because they’re part of a natural order that humans can scarcely understand, control, or even escape from. However, with Artificial Intelligence and particle physics breakthroughs, we may have answers about aliens, demons, and ghosts within a multiverse. Furthermore, if there is a quantum code for all things, living and dead, there is an existence after death where a gatekeeper or ferryman may be there to meet you. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with paranormal investigator and author, and, psychic and medium, Sarah Lemos about CHARON – PAYING THE TOLL. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 26 June 2024

Show sample for 6/24/24: ANIMAL PHARMA W/ AMBER KING

Today, the farmer is considered an enemy of the state and this administration is supportive of an Orwellian “food transition” agenda that the World Health Security Complex has proposed. Globalists insist that feeding the general public GMO food, plastic waste, maggot extract, and insect powder will “save the planet” from “climate change.” The groundwork has been laid out for alternative food sources as our staple diet is being squeezed out. It is as if Animal Farm is being transformed into Animal Pharma where you cannot consume natural meats, fish, eggs, chicken, and organic vegetables without being tampered with by a pharmaceutical company or a genetics lab. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with organic food activist, Amber King about ANIMAL PHARMA. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024

Show sample for 6/21/24: THE DAY THE MOON STOOD STILL W/ DR. SKY

When we read in ancient texts that stars will fall out of the sky or that the sun and moon will come to a standstill, are we to believe it to be literal? It is remarkable how things like eclipses of the sun, sun activity, blood moons, and other anomalies make us feel vulnerable to what can be seen as biblical fulfillment. We are now in an 18.6-year cycle where the moon rises and sets at its most extreme points on the horizon, while also climbing to its highest and lowest point in the sky. They call it a Lunar Standstill. These cycles seem to show a cosmic synchronization from a superior influence or intelligent design that has always been part of the great secrets of the universe. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Sky about THE DAY THE MOON STOOD STILL. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 22 June 2024

Show sample for 6/20/24: FIAT FIRE W/ ALAN JOHNSON

The American way of life is slowly diminishing and we are becoming just like any other country – nothing special and no dreams to dream. It is difficult to budget, keep up with runaway inflation, and live better lives. One of the core economic staples over the past 50 years for the U.S. and an anchor propping up the dollar’s reserve status, was a global financial system based on the petrodollar. Sorry to say but the petrodollar quietly died recently. This will accelerate global de-dollarization which in turn, will be a disaster for the U.S. economy as other countries are becoming bullish for gold. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with financial analyst and precious metals consultant, Alan Johnson about FIAT FIRE. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2024

Show sample for 6/19/24: SHOW AND TELL TRIAL W/ DR. LEE MERRITT

The media has gaslighted those who have made the decision not to vaccinate. When did the news outlets decide to report the vaccination status of someone who has contracted a disease and is it relevant or even ethical? Do you understand that not being “up to date” is Orwellian corporate speak for not being vaccinated? It is all about the show trial through pivoting the language in order to tell people that unless they blindly obey, they are not in compliance. We are like 1984, which depicted the ominous rise of ubiquitous technology, fascism, and totalitarianism, and has become an operation manual for the omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Lee Merritt about SHOW AND TELL TRIAL. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 20 June 2024


The study of cryptids has always been downplayed as a field where investigators are out to find a creature that might exist. Some experts also investigate the possibility that some of these cryptozoological creatures are supernatural or are the product of some rogue manifestation. A recent movie titled, Sasquatch and the Missing Man, shows individuals describing their harrowing encounters with Bigfoot while leaving an indelible impression on them. Those who come in contact with this mythological monster certainly feel they are in an apex predator’s crosshairs and their lives are forever changed. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with filmmaker and host of “The Confessionals,” Tony Merkel about A CLOSE SHAVE WITH BIGFOOT. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2024

Show sample for 6/17/24: DREAM THEATER W/ DR. JOHN HALL

There are those in the advertising and propaganda fields who see potential in hacking the brain during dream time by projecting ads and propaganda into the subconscious. Sleep scientists have expressed concern about this sort of intrusive dream advertising. What’s lying beneath the marketing speak about better dreams? Is it better to have a naturally occurring stress dream or a “fun” dream that a company just so happened to plant in your head as an advertisement? The future of dream advertising will likely depend on the delicate balance between innovation and ethics. As technology continues to advance, it will be essential to establish clear regulations and ethical guidelines to ensure that dream manipulation is used responsibly and respects individuals’ autonomy. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. John Hall about DREAM THEATER. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 18 June 2024


Some of the most interesting paranormal cases are found in police files. We all tend to take for granted that UFO cases and other such anomalous activities are mostly experienced by the military but take a look at law enforcement files and you see bizarre reports that go beyond our scope of scientific understanding. It certainly makes you wonder if we live in a demon-haunted world. Unfortunately, many sightings or experiences by law enforcement officers are not reported due to possible ridicule and in other instances, censored by known alphabet agencies. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with retired police officers, Marriane Robb and Dave Rich about COP AND SAUCER. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 15 June 2024

Show sample for 6/13/24: ICE HOLES W/ DANE WIGINGTON

Scientists have a new idea to stop the Arctic ice sheet from melting – they want to modify the climate to save the cold region from global warming. One experiment involves the pumping of water onto the surface so as to produce a protective ice layer over the Arctic snow. In another geoengineering test, reflective glass beads are scattered over the snow to reflect the sun’s rays. As they manipulate the weather to lower the temperature, it is mixing with warm air masses to create aberrant and violent storms. The ice speaks volumes and the ice holes continue to jack the planet for their agendas. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with founder of geonegineeringwatch.org, Dane Wigington about ICE HOLES. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 14 June 2024


The media that is bought and paid for by Pfizer is amplifying fear again with 24/7 coverage of Bird Flu, another potential pandemic, and breathless reports this is the new Black Death and millions could die. What they do not tell you is the passing of this Bird Flu from bird to cow to human is rare and if it does happen, you can be right in saying that a mad lab somewhere toyed with it and made it a biological weapon. It is a culling scheme with plausible deniability and consequently, has a profound impact on our health and the food supply. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with integrative medical practitioner, Dr. Jason West about IN FLEW ENZA ANOTHER GLOBAL PANIC. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 13 June 2024

Show sample for 6/11/24: SEE EMILY PLAY W/ DAVE SCHRADER

Haunted dolls in horror movies always seem to leave the audience scared. An inanimate object coming to life through possession or magic has been steeped in mythology since ancient times. Many people have had experiences with haunted dolls because they are puppets of humans and perhaps they can be animated by our minds in some psycho-kinetic exchange. One such small-scale figure of a human being named, Emily, has displayed poltergeist activity and frightened those around her. She has evoked strong emotions in those who have interacted with her. Furthermore, people have reported feeling uneasy, anxious, and sometimes, overwhelmed with sadness when in the presence of such entities. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with the owner of Emily, paranormal investigator, Dave Schrader about SEE EMILY PLAY. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 12 June 2024

Show sample for 6/10/24: PROJEKT:1794 W/ JOE MURGIA

Newly declassified materials show the U.S. Air Force had a contract with a now-defunct Canadian company called Avro to build an aircraft unlike anything seen before. Schematics and details of a 1950s military venture, Project 1794, was the blueprint to build a supersonic flying saucer. This vehicle was said to be able to spin through the Earth’s stratosphere at an average top speed of about 2,600 miles per hour. David Grusch, a former US intelligence officer turned whistleblower, resurrected the topic of reversed engineered craft when he testified the US Government has been covering up evidence of UFOs for many years. The evidence supporting the existence of UFOs and possibly reverse engineering of these craft is overwhelming and to any open-minded person, indisputable. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Joe Murgia about PROJEKT:1794. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 11 June 2024


Cognitive warfare is no longer science fiction – it is a fact and anyone, whether they are civilians or military, are potential targets. The war for the mind is not just a clever euphemism, it is a fact and it is a battlefield that can be entered in various forms such as neurolinguistic programming, electronics, and chemicals. The military concept now is to treat “cyber” as a place, not a mission. Cyberwarfare relates to fifth-generation warfare, but transcends and expands that model. NATO Allied Command defines cognitive warfare as including, “activities conducted in synchronization with other instruments of power to affect attitudes and behavior by influencing, protecting, or disrupting individual and group cognition to gain an advantage over an adversary.” Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with military analyst and writer, Sean Patrick Hazlett about OMEGA POINT – THE ADVENT OF COGNITIVE WARFARE. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 8 June 2024


Today, we recognize the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy. President Biden gave a speech that sounded like we should be preparing for World War III. Meanwhile, Russia is preparing to deploy aircraft and combat naval vessels to the Caribbean to conduct military exercises in the coming weeks – their first ones in the Western Hemisphere involving air and sea activity in five years. Last week, the Bilderberg meeting spoke of the “future of warfare”. And with conflicts raging from Sudan to Ukraine to Gaza, it feels like it is all in the spirit of the age. As the war drums beat loudly with Russia, China, and the Middle East, it certainly has raised alarm about what the future holds. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with cybersecurity and military analyst, James Ponder about D-DAY 2.0 – THE FALSE FLAG DIMESTORE DOOMSDAY. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 7 June 2024


Globalist elites representing the rich and powerful in politics, banking, big tech, media, industry, and academia recently converged at the Bilderberg meeting in Madrid, Spain to discuss the launching of World War III and policies to advance the global control grid and one-world system. The thought police are working overtime to groom people into believing they would be better off with a world government and those who question these processes are faced with the charge of thought crime. Above all, they want thought control — they want you to lose body autonomy — they want you to be an obedient serf and adhere to the New World Order. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks about THOUGHT CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 6 June 2024

Show sample for 6/4/24: IMAGO DEI

The surveillance apparatus in this country is about to become more draconian as the world dragnet is being established for the Great Reset. From your health status to political attitudes, everything goes into your file. A prime example is the REAL ID that all U.S. citizens must have by May 7, 2025, if they want to fly on commercial airlines. The Deep State is entirely responsible for establishing a beast system that is the Artificial Intelligence facsimile of God in the machine. It is a digital counterfeit of God’s omniscience fallen to earth. We are now being reduced to data within the emerging Police State. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks about IMAGO DEI. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 5 June 2024


Neuroscience and biomedical engineering startup, BrainBridge, has announced a mind-bending concept that would allow a head to be grafted onto a donor body. The whole-body procedure involves transplanting a patient’s head onto a healthy, brain-dead donor body, ensuring the preservation of consciousness, memories, and cognitive abilities. The company plans to employ high-speed robotic systems to prevent brain cell degradation and ensure seamless compatibility between the transplanted head and donor body. Medical ethicists have raised concerns, citing the tricky ethics of organ donation and the high risk for the patients involved. Are we playing “God” by creating a more sophisticated and aesthetic Frankenstein monster? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks about HEAD CASE – YOU WOULD FORGET YOUR HEAD IF IT WASN’T ATTACHED. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 25 May 2024


Earlier this month, international financing giant VISA announced they will be offering a service that allows customers to connect to several banks and money accounts with just a singular card. They are calling it a PASSKEY. On the same day, VISA also announced that the future of these cards will remove the unique serial numbers on the card and instead, with biometric data in a digital ID verification system. This financial innovation will be a great reset with a whole new way bankers can monitor transactions, control increases, and redistribute wealth. It is all about equality and the idea that all of your hard work gets you a peasant’s pittance. It literally is their pass key – their one ring to rule you all and a CBDC card to bind us. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with economic and financial analyst, Joe Zane Morgan about PASSKEY – ONE CARD TO BIND THEM. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 24 May 2024


More European countries are recognizing the sovereignty of Palestine, agreeing a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region. The acknowledgment marks a significant accomplishment for the Palestinians, who believe it confers international legitimacy for their struggle, especially amid international outrage over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Israel, of course, is furious, as they strongly oppose the move, arguing that it amounts to “rewarding terrorism.” Meanwhile, Washington DC will continue to support extremist ideologies and fuel sectarian hatred. Indeed, as imperialism and anti-white jihad foment racism, and multiculturalism and radical feminism fan the flames of sexism, tribalism, and atomization, Zionism fans the flames of anti-Semitism. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks about MAKING WAR NOT LOVE – ROMANTICISING WRATH. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 23 May 2024


Last week, a leader of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that COVID is “still a pandemic.” We are now being told to worry about a family of variants called FliRT that appear to have independently picked up the same set of mutations. It has been four years – are we about to get fooled again by these mad scientists, bureaucrats, and Big Pharma executives who profit off of death and disease? They are counting on ignorance and fear to pass their health treaty where the United States will cede its sovereignty to a world body. The Intelligence Industrial Complex that was directly responsible for the misinformation “pandemic,” and associated slow-kill bioweapon “vaccines,” is now gearing up to disrupt, or even possibly outright cancel the presidential election. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks about CONVERGENT EVOLUTION – FROM HELL’S AMBASSADOR. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 22 May 2024


There’s a growing opinion that the upcoming presidential election will be the most important one of our lifetime. Furthermore, many people think we are headed toward civil war in the United States due to the tumultuous political climate. We now have a so-called administrative government that uses “democracy” as an excuse to weaponize the Deep State to eliminate political rivals. The planned coming technocracy is likely to maintain the semblance of democracy as long as it continues to keep the illusion alive and a majority of its citizens actually believe it. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with author, professor, and political analyst, Michael Rectenwald about DEMOCKRACY – THE MOCKING OF DEMOCRACY. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 21 May 2024

Show sample for 5/17/24: GODLIKE W/ DR. CHRISTOPHER MACKLIN

Today, the Vatican held a press conference about apparitions and supernatural phenomena. This updated stance was requested by Pope Francis in order to pay special attention to the topics of UFOs, aliens, and their relationship with faith. The urgency of discussing these matters has sent ripples through the UFO community as the church has now doubled down on the idea that extraterrestrials exist and are perhaps a part of God’s creation. Confirmation of alien life is becoming a constant at this time but there is still some apprehensive containment of the information that is being doled out here in the United States as NASA wishes to have the monopoly on just what isn’t and what is the truth about the cosmic imperative. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Christopher Macklin about GODLIKE. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 18 May 2024


The Royal painting that was recently unveiled of King Charles III has created a lot of controversy on social media. It was shown yesterday and people on the internet, and social platforms are polarized over the fact that the painting gives off an eerie vibe. The striking red depiction of the British monarch in uniform and the opinion of the masses is that the portrait is ‘satanic’ and ‘disturbing’. The fact that the artist puts King Charles in a red environment also puts people ill at ease. They claim that he appears to be bathing in blood– or that he is the devil incarnate. Is the butterfly in the king’s painting an omen or a symbolic precognition of his passing? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with esoteric researcher and author, Ryan Gable about THE KING’S GRAVEN IMAGE – TALES OF A SATANIC RORSCHACH TEST. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 16 May 2024


It appears that the Catholic Church is concerned with the veil thinning and is willing to illustrate guidelines for encounters and how to discern from apparitions, demons, and communication with divine beings such as saints and angels. An “apparition” refers to an instance in which a divine entity such as a saint, the Virgin Mary, or Jesus as they make themselves known to a person on Earth. The concept is a recurring theme in the Bible and most Christian denominations affirm the belief that such brushes with the supernatural can still occur today in various capacities. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with filmmaker and author, LA Marzulli about 5/14/24: HAUNTED HOUSES OF THE HOLY. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 15 May 2024


The past few days have demonstrated both the beauty and fury of the sun’s plasma ejections. This is just the beginning of a very violent solar cycle – perhaps it’s the very thing that could wipe out all of our advanced technology. If astrophysicists’ predictions are accurate, we are in for a long series of extreme weather events and climate changes globally over the coming decades, until about 2055. Furthermore, the magnetic health of the Earth is in trouble and one hopes that it will correct itself or all of the ideas of an electric future will not happen. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with astronomer, Marc Dantonio about GEOMAGNETIC GENESIS – ALPHA OMEGA AND THE LATTER-DAY BIG BANG THEORY. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 14 May 2024

Show sample for 5/10/24: NOWHERE TO HIDE – THEY ARE NOW HERE

Last month, President Biden rushed to sign a two-year renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). FISA allows the federal government and its intelligence agencies to spy on, collect, and monitor the data, phone calls, text messages, and emails of foreign nationals outside of the United States without a warrant. In conjunction, the Anti-Defamation League and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations also pushed Congress earlier this month to pass the controversial FISA law to spy on Americans for the protection of Israel along with the “National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism.” Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide: this is the mantra of the architects of the Surveillance State and their corporate collaborators. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks about NOWHERE TO HIDE – THEY ARE NOW HERE. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 11 May 2024


About a year ago, a Las Vegas teenager claimed he along with members of his family saw “nonhuman” beings in his backyard. He now claims there have been more strange occurrences in his house. The 17-year-old is saying that what he once witnessed as aliens may have been demons. Furthermore, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, former director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) said that people who have had encounters with UFOs or so-called aliens had been “harmed or injured.” There appears to be a general sense among evangelical Christians that the UFO alien experience is somehow bad or sinister or even evil because it can’t be reduced to ancient writings from the Holy Bible or even the Christian understanding of the world. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm. pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with UFO/Alien experiencer, Rob Ball and filmmaker and author, Craig Campobasso about DARK DISCLOSURE – BONDING THE AETHER. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 10 May 2024


Weather authorities across the U.S. have reported over 100 tornadoes tearing through central and southern regions, leading to significant destruction of homes and infrastructure from Oklahoma to Nebraska and Iowa. This supercell front moving through the region may seem normal to residents in the area — the tornadic activity is in no way normal. Geoengineering the planet to get the desired catastrophe is working – people need to consider that this is why we are seeing spikes and anomalies in our current weather. The extreme power of the storms and how they are behaving should make you think long and hard about weather modification and how these violent atmospheric disturbances seem to be triggered by remote control. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm. pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Dane Wigington from geoengineeringwatch.org about TORNCON 9 – REMOTE CONTROLLED TORNADOES. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 9 May 2024

Show sample for 5/6/24: CHICKEN COUP – TURNING A PINK EYE

The world is being primed for the Bird Flu crisis and it is looking more and more like COVID propaganda all over again. Historical concerns about the lethality of this avian contagion to humans have consistently proven unfounded, with no recorded deaths in the U.S. from such outbreaks, despite significant government spending and public warnings. Knowing the history of the pathogen cartel, we may have to go through the motions of another pandemic and it appears that they do not care about the psychological harm it does to the population. Recent discussions around “global biosecurity” and the potential for disease outbreaks to foster a totalitarian world government have intensified. A weaponized Bird Flu could be the next major threat. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks about CHICKEN COUP – TURNING A PINK EYE TO BIRD FLU. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 7 May 2024


This morning there was a headline on the Drudge Report that looked like it could easily have been placed on a newspaper being read by someone on the TV show, FALLOUT. There was a picture of a destroyed Statue of Liberty with the headline: APOCALYPSE GOES MAINSTREAM – END OF WORLD CHATTER NEW NORMAL. Do the apocalyptic fears we read about the most actually pose the greatest danger to humanity? Some journalists have recently issued warnings that a nuclear war is more plausible than we realize. The psy-op is working as expected and now we have “apocalypse” trending on Google and X. Weaponizing the apocalypse is one more tool in the box of hybrid warfare. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks about HYBRID WAR FOR A RADIOACTIVE WORLD. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 4 May 2024


There has been a groundswell of riots at college campuses across America as the media attempts to reveal that most of those protesting are paid agitators. New York City officials warned of “radicalization” infiltrating the city amid ongoing pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protests at Columbia University and other educational institutions. This radicalization is spreading all over. How soon will it become a massive cause that becomes an armed and dangerous conflict? The difference between these ideological extremes might be explained by the most contested space in the present war — the struggle for the hearts and minds of our citizens. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with political analyst and host of the livestream show, Truth Will Set You Free , Anthony Russo about THE CRUSADE NARRATIVE – THE STRUGGLE FOR HEART AND MIND. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 3 May 2024

Show sample for 5/1/24: DEER DIE-ARY W/ DR. JASON WEST

Last month, it was reported that two hunters died from the “Zombie Deer Disease” which is contagious among deer and spreads with bodily contact, bodily fluids, and contaminated environments – it can remain in the soil of an area for years after it is introduced. Experts have been warning for years that nearly 100 percent of fatal chronic wasting disease could jump from animals to humans. The wasting disease comes from a prion which is similar to Mad Cow Disease and causes rapid and severe neurological deterioration and eventually, death. This appears to be just one more health problem we have to deal with and be coerced into following irrational rules while taking in toxic chemicals that render us agitated and weak, until we wander around and drop dead. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with integrative medical practitioner, Dr. Jason West about DEER DIE-ARY. Listen Live: https://groundzero.radio Archived Shows: https://aftermath.media

Transcribed - Published: 2 May 2024

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