It’s reported that 20-30% of marriages have a higher-desire wife and lower-desire husband. This means that while many women may wish their husbands requested less sex, there are also many women who experience the opposite. For the woman who wants her husband to want sex a little more, Sheri Mueller, LCPC, author of “I Want Him to Want Me”, joins Juli to share insights, wisdom, and encouragement. Guest: Sheri Mueller, LCPC Sheri’s Website: Sheri’s Instagram: @growthtrac Book: I Want Him to Want Me by Sheri Mueller, LCPC Blog: Why Christians Need to Care About Sex Missed last week’s episode? Listen to it here. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 3 February 2025
What secret are you keeping? Many of us keep secrets to protect ourselves. But secrets also hide us from others. They can prevent us from being fully known and fully loved. Jason VanRuler, author of “Get Past Your Past”, joins Juli to share some insights about secrecy and why it’s worth us living in the light. Guest: Jason VanRuler Website: Instagram: @jason.vanruler Book: Get Past Your Past by Jason VanRuler Java with Juli: #539 The Impact Of Shame And How To Overcome It Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 27 January 2025
Sexual pain makes sex challenging, stressful, and a source of tension rather than a source of pleasure. Sadly, it’s a very present reality for many couples, and one that can quickly erode sexual intimacy for years or even decades. Many women are told to ‘watch porn’, ‘drink wine’, or ‘relax’, with no clear diagnosis found and no real solution given. Today’s guest, Jess Setiz, knows this reality all too well. Now a trauma-informed pelvic health practitioner, Jess struggled through painful sex for 8 years before she and her husband were able to find a solution that really worked. She joins Juli to share what she learned, and how she’s helping other women enjoy pleasurable, pain-free sex. Guest: Jess Seitz Website: Instagram: @painfree.intimacy Facebook Group Java with Juli: #547 How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sex Check out more resources on sex in marriage Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 20 January 2025
How many men and women consume porn on a regular basis? How common is porn use within the church? How is porn affecting us? Nick Stumbo, Executive Director of Pure Desire Ministries, unpacks the surprising results of a recent study conducted by Barna on pornography use, and shares potential solutions. Guest: Nick Stumbo, Pure Desire Ministries Website: Instagram: @puredesirepdmi Beyond the Porn Phenomenon Report Java with Juli: #542 A Pastor, His Porn Problem, and How His Church Restored Him Missed last week’s episode? Click here to listen to it! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 13 January 2025
What does it take to have good friendships, healthy family relationships, or a strong marriage? John Van Epp, creator of the RAM theoretical model, has some strong and well-researched ideas about what it takes to make your relationships stronger than ever. Guest: Dr. John Van Epp John’s Website: Book: Endgame: The Church's Strategic Move to Save Faith and Family in America by John Van Epp and J.P. De Gance Book: Becoming Better Together by John Van Epp Website: Java with Juli: #539 The Impact Of Shame And How To Overcome It Learn more about online book studies Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 6 January 2025
Talking about sex and sexual issues with your spouse can be intimidating. Dr Corey Allan breaks down why discussing sex can be challenging for married couples, and what husbands and wives can do about it. Corey’s Website: Corey’s Instagram: @sexymarriageradio Explore more resources on sex in marriage! Java with Juli: #528 The 3 Superpowers Your Sex Life is Missing Java with Juli: #534 Four Surprising Things Killing Your Wife’s Sex Drive Blog: How To Talk to Your Spouse About Sex Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 30 December 2024
Juli and Hannah answer your questions about sex and singleness in this week’s special Java with Juli episode. Hannah’s Website: Hannah’s Instagram: @hannahnitz Explore resources on Singleness and Dating Check out our online book studies! Partner with Authentic Intimacy— donate today! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 23 December 2024
Raising your kids to love and know Jesus has never been easy, and in a culture saturated with messages about human sexuality, it can feel next to impossible to raise your kids with biblical values and a Christian sexual ethic. How do we effectively disciple our kids? Dr. George Barna, founder of the Barna Group and America’s foremost faith and culture researcher, joins Juli to talk about his new book, “Raising Spiritual Champions”, and what parents can do to equip their kids with a robust faith. Website: Book: Raising Spiritual Champions by Dr. George Barna Trying to teach your kids about Christian sexuality? Check out our free resource, “10 Questions and Answers Your Child May Ask About Sexuality” Partner with Authentic Intimacy— donate today! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 16 December 2024
How do you know you’ve started menopause? Can you get pregnant during menopause? What happens to your sex drive during menopause? Experts Dr. Debra Taylor, LMFT and Dr. Michael Sytsma, CST, CPS, join Juli to share some crucial information about menopause, options for easing symptoms, and how husbands can be sympathetic supporters at this pivotal moment in a woman’s life. Guests: Dr. Debra Taylor, LMFT and Dr. Michael Sytsma, CST, CPS Debra’s Website: Mike’s Website: Mike’s Instagram: @buildingintimatemarriages @drsytsma Find out more about our Online Book Study groups! Partner with Authentic Intimacy! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 9 December 2024
Was the God of the Old Testament less benevolent than the God of the New Testament? Or are too many of us missing the greater truths and narratives woven into a beautiful, historic text? Dr. Sandra Richter, author of The Epic of Eden, joins Juli to bring a rich and refreshing perspective to women, God, and the Old Testament. Guest: Dr. Sandra Richter Sandra’s Website: Sandra’s Instagram: @sandralynrichter Book: The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament by Dr. Sandra Richter Book: Deborah Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges (Epic of Eden) by Dr. Sandra Richter Donate to Authentic Intimacy! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 2 December 2024
What should a pastor with a porn problem do? How should his church respond? Pastor Garrett Kell joins Juli on the podcast to talk about his years-long struggle with porn, coming clean, and how his church responded to his sin. Garrett’s Instagram: @j.garrett.kell Book: Pure in Heart: Sexual Sin and the Promises of God by J. Garrett Kell Donate to Authentic Intimacy on Giving Tuesday! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 25 November 2024
Purity culture taught a lot of unhelpful things and left a lot of questions unanswered for believers. While it’s clear a new approach is needed, it’s challenging to know how to leave legalism behind and teach a true-to-scripture vision of sexuality. Noah Filipiak, the author of Beyond the Battle, joins Juli to share where he sees a need to educate today’s youth, and why he wrote his new book, “Needed Navigation”. Guest: Noah Filipiak Book: Beyond the Battle by Noah Filipiak Book: Needed Navigation: A Teen’s Guide to His or Her Identity in Christ in a Sex & Porn-Filled World by Noah Filipiak Java with Juli: #535 What Men Weren’t Taught About Sex (with Sam Jolman) Partner with AI SUBMIT A QUESTION FOR THE SHOW! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 18 November 2024
Knowing what God’s word says about a topic and walking that out in a way that honors Him and dignifies others are two very different things. So how do we move in love and integrity towards friends and loved ones struggling with gender dysphoria? Pastor Sam Ferguson joins Juli to get practical about loving the hearts of hurting people while staying rooted in God’s Word. Guest: Sam Ferguson Book: Does God Care About Gender Identity? By Sam Ferguson SUBMIT A QUESTION FOR THE SHOW! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 11 November 2024
We all experience shame, and for many of us that shame is deeply connected to our sexuality. “Why am I drawn to sinful things?” “Will I ever overcome my addictions?” When it comes to addressing shame, few of us know how to address it effectively, so Curt Thompson, MD, author of “The Soul of Shame”, joins Juli to help explain what it is, where it comes from, and what to do with it. Guest: Curt Thompson, MD Curt’s website: Curt’s Instagram: @curtthompsonmd Book: The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson, MD SUBMIT A QUESTION FOR THE SHOW! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 4 November 2024
buse so often warps our sense of self and our sense of who God is. How do you lose the lies and rediscover your faith? Author and adventurer Ryan George joins Juli to talk about how he disentangled the manipulation and abuse of his past and discovered who God really is. Guest: Ryan George Ryan’s Website: Ryan’s Instagram: @ryplane Book: Hurt and Healed by the Church by Ryan George Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 28 October 2024
Why did God design our bodies the way He did? Is our gender more than our bodies? What does it look like to live out our male and femaleness? Dr. Abigail Favale, author of “The Genesis of Gender”, joins Juli to talk about why our bodies matter and how to cultivate a deep and rich theology around sex and gender. Guest: Dr. Abigail Favale Abigail’s website: Book: The Genesis of Gender by Dr. Abigail Favale Learn more about becoming an Authentic Intimacy member! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 21 October 2024
When we struggle with sexual sin, what is God’s ultimate hope for us? Is it that we stop our sexual sin? Or does it go beyond that to addressing our sinful nature and hearts, bringing us to a place of submission and surrender? Jackie Hill Perry shares how God drew her to Himself and brought her out of a lesbian lifestyle. Guest: Jackie Hill Perry Book: Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry REGISTER FOR RECLAIM: SURRENDERED SEXUALITY! Learn more about becoming an Authentic Intimacy member! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 14 October 2024
How do we root our identities in Christ and help our children do the same? Jonathan Holmes, Executive Director at Fieldstone Counseling, shares with Juli how we can avoid identity traps and teach our kids to do the same. Guest: Jonathan Holmes Jonathan’s Instagram: @akjonathanholmes Book: Grounded in Grace: Helping Kids Build Their Identity in Christ by Jonathan Holmes Get more info about Reclaim: Surrendered Sexuality! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 7 October 2024
Many men and women experiencing same-sex attraction struggle to imagine they can be loved by God and live a life of real freedom. Is there a future where you can be free and fulfilled? Laurence Koo, guest speaker at our upcoming Reclaim Conference, joins Juli to share what freedom looks like when you experience same-sex attraction. Guest: Laurence Koo Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 30 September 2024
The vast majority of men didn’t get a sufficient sex education. Besides a handful of condoms and advice to not get girls pregnant, wasn’t there more they needed to know about women, sex, and romance? Sam Jolman, LPC, author of “The Sex Talk You Never Got”, joins Juli to talk about what men didn’t learn about sex growing up. Guest: Sam Jolman, LPC Sam’s Website: Sam’s Instagram: @samjolman Java with Juli: #275: Finding Freedom from Unwanted Desires Blog: Purity Culture Failed Men Too Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 23 September 2024
Female sexuality is complex, with numerous factors weighing into how a woman may feel about sex at any given time. Obstacles run the gamut, from parenting young kids, to demanding jobs, and sexual pain. What about the lesser-explored reasons why a woman might not feel excited about sexual intimacy with her husband? Dr. Jennifer Degler joins Juli to share her thoughts and observations. Guest: Dr. Jennifer Degler Jennifer’s Website: Jennifer on Instagram: @drjenniferdegler Blog: Five Things You Need to Know About Women, Orgasm & Intimacy Donate to Authentic Intimacy! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 16 September 2024
Are we supposed to battle our sin or surrender it to the one who has already defeated it? Juli and Hannah discuss the difference between struggle and surrender, the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and what happens when we resist God’s leading in our lives instead of embracing it. Co-host: Hannah Nitz Hannah’s Website: Hannah’s Instagram: @hannahnitz Book: Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray Find out more about Reclaim: Surrendered Sexuality Claim your free sex and culture resource! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 9 September 2024
Studies have shown that churches are often among the first places people turn when they are experiencing domestic abuse, but unfortunately churches aren’t always well-informed when it comes to how to help victims. Chris Moles and Stacey Womack, who work independently in organizations PeaceWorks and Abuse Recovery Ministry Services, join Juli to talk about what churches need to know when it comes to helping abuse victims. Guests: Chris Moles and Stacey Womack Chris’s Website: PeaceWorks Podcast Website:PeaceWorks Podcast PeaceWorks Live: Peaceworks Live 2024 Stacey’s Website: Abuse Recovery and Ministry Services National Domestic Violence hotline Sign up for Second Cup! Learn more about Authentic Intimacy membership. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 2 September 2024
Discussing sexuality with children can be intimidating. As a Christian parent you long to give your kids a faith-based sex education and you want to do so without shame, but often the very first step towards this is the most challenging. Thankfully, there are more and more experts providing support and guidance in this area. Dr. Julia Sadusky, author of “Start Talking To Your Kids About Sex” and “Talking with Your Teen about Sex”, joins Juli to provide wisdom on age-appropriate sex education and give some practical parenting tips for Christian families seeking to engage in healthy conversations with their kids about sex. Guest: Dr. Julia Sadusky Julia’s Website: Julia’s Instagram: @drsadusky Book: Start Talking To Your Kids About Sex by Julia Sadusky Book: Talking with Your Teen about Sex by Julia Sadusky Get your free resource: 10 Answers to Questions Your Child May Ask You About Sexuality Sign up for an Online Book Study! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 26 August 2024
How do you help your kids develop a healthy relationship with social media, avoid the traps and pitfalls, and learn how to connect with peers safely and authentically? Pastor James Talbert from Citizens Church Akron joins Juli to share what he’s learned through ministry about the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media. Guest: James Talbert Website: Instagram: @citizensakron Get your free resource on answers to questions your child may have about sexuality! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 19 August 2024
How do you set the pace for a dating relationship? What kind of expectations should you have? How do you break up with someone without disrespecting them? Kait and JJ Tomlin from Heart of Dating join Juli to help singles navigate the ups and downs of modern dating. Guests: Kait and JJ Tomlin Heart of Dating website: Heart of Dating Instagram: @heartofdating @kaitness @jjtomlin Book: Thank You for Rejecting Me by Kait Warman Tomlin Podcast: @HeartofDating Get the free Heart of Dating Boundaries in Dating Guide Sign up for the School of Dating first dibs list for first dibs at registration and the lowest price! Sign up for Second Cup here! Learn more about becoming a member! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 12 August 2024
Wondering how to improve your sex life? Beyond the general relationship advice and intimacy tips you might have found online, there’s an unpopular argument you might not have heard: that the key to improving your sexual connection lies with you. Christian Sex Therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma joins Juli to talk about three underrated ways couples can boost their sexual and emotional intimacy. Guest: Dr. Michael Sytsma Michael’s website: Java with Juli: #516 Don’t Skip Foreplay! (and Other Advice from a Christian Sex Therapist) Explore more resources on Sex in Marriage Find out more about Online Book Study groups here! Ladies, check out our upcoming Online Coaching Intensives: Dr. Jennifer Degler: Sexuality for Wives Lyschel Burket: Hope and Healing for Wives for Sexual Intimacy After Betrayal Click here to learn more and sign up! Register for Second Cup on August 20th! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 5 August 2024
In this special re-release, Troy and Melissa Haas of HopeQuest join Juli to answer the question: Can a couple’s sexual relationship survive and thrive after infidelity? While they were serving as missionaries, Troy’s long-term addiction to pornography was revealed. As hard as this was on their marriage, Melissa soon realized she had her own issues around sexuality too. They join Juli to tell her what was wrong, and how God helped them heal and find restoration. Guests: Troy and Melissa Haas Instagram: @hopequestgroup Website: Sign up for Reclaim now and save $20! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 29 July 2024
Have we lost our vision for loving relationships outside the context of marriage and the nuclear family? What was the greatest love Jesus described in the Bible? Was it romantic love, or a different type of sacrificial love? Rebecca McLaughlin joins Juli to explain how we’ve minimized friendship and overemphasized sexual relationships. Guest: Rebecca McLaughlin Rebecca’s Website: Rebecca’s Instagram: @rebecc_mclaugh Book: “No Greater Love” by Rebecca McLaughlin Register for Reclaim: Surrendered Sexuality FREE with code: JWJ24* *code only works for first four registrations Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 22 July 2024
Abuse and the trauma it creates run deep. How can survivors begin to move forward? In this episode we explore a deeply personal journey of recovery from decades of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, discussing how embracing the fatherhood of God can transform your life. Author Jennifer Michelle Greenberg shares how her heavenly father and a healthy marital relationship helped her heal from her painful past. Guests: Jennifer Michelle Greenberg and Jason Greenberg Website: Jen’s website Instagram: @jenmgreenberg Book: “Not Forsaken” by Jennifer Michelle Greenberg Book: “Defiant Joy” by Jennifer Michelle Greenberg Java with Juli: #512 Friends Who Hurt Us: How To Recognize Unlikely Sources Of Abuse Java with Juli: #92: When the Woman You Love Was Abused Blog: I Was Sexually Abused. Now, God Is Restoring My Identity Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 15 July 2024
Struggles with pornography are incredibly common within the Church, and the problem isn’t going to go away on its own. What can churches do to be an environment where it is safe for congregants and leaders to admit struggles and get the support they need to overcome them? How can those going into ministry receive sufficient discipleship and care so they can heal from past traumas, win the battle, and walk closely and authentically with Jesus? Sam Black, Director of Life Change Education at Covenant Eyes, and author of “The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong about Pornography and How to Fix It”, joins Juli to discuss what the church at large can do to address the issue of pornography. Guest: Sam Black Website: Website: App: The Victory App Instagram: @covenant.eyes Book: “The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong about Pornography and How to Fix It” by Sam Black Book: “Her Freedom Journey” by Dr. Joy Skarka and Dr. Juli Slattery Get your free 5-day guide to finding freedom from sexual sin! Check out Authentic Intimacy’s partner ministry, Sexual Discipleship®! Be Broken Ministries Pure Desire Samson Society SheRecovery Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 8 July 2024
Introducing “Her Freedom Journey”, Juli and Joy’s brand new book! In this very special podcast episode, Joy and Juli talk about the lack of discussion around female sexuality in the Church, and particularly around issues like pornography and masturbation. Joy shares some of her personal story, and together she and Juli talk about the heart behind the new book. Guest: Dr. Joy Skarka Website: Instagram: @joyskarka Listen to the episode where Joy tells her full story. Get your free copy of “Her Freedom Journey! Email [email protected] with your name, address, and why you love listening to Java with Juli. First 10 senders will get a free copy.* Pre-order “Her Freedom Journey” here! Be Broken Ministries SheRecovery *Open to those in the US only. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024
The way we are brought up has a significant influence on the way we form attachments with others. There are few relationships in which this is as pronounced or as obvious as marriage. Kay and Milan Yerkovich, authors of the breakthrough book, “How We Love”, want to empower couples to become more aware of the ways in which their early years formed them, and to acquire the skills to develop secure attachments for healthy, long-lasting relationships. Guests: Kay and Milan Yerkovich Book: How We Love by Kay and Milan Yerkovich Website: Instagram: @howwelovebook Get your free resource on marriage conflict resolution! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 24 June 2024
In Jesus there is hope for healing and transformation, but that doesn’t mean that in this life we won’t experience hardship and brokenness. Brenna Blain, renowned speaker and new author, knows this better than most. Experiencing same-sex attraction and fighting her own mental health battle from around the age of 14, Brenna joins Juli to explain how coming to the very end of herself led her to a place desperate enough to long for God Himself, and not just His healing. Guest: Brenna Blain Brenna’s Website: Brenna’s Instagram: @bunonmyhead Help is available. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call or text 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Explore more resources on healing. Learn more about the Authentic Intimacy member community and available resources. Partner with Authentic Intimacy. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 17 June 2024
My spouse keeps acting out, why won’t he stop? Is my wife still keeping secrets? How do I know if my spouse is truly repentant after betrayal? Infidelity changes everything, and relationship recovery is extremely challenging to navigate. What signs of change are you supposed to look for? How do you build trust after cheating Jeremy Smith, LPC and founder of the Marriage Recovery Course joins Juli to discuss the unique approach he’s developed to help couples heal their marriages and achieve deep, lasting change as individuals and together. Guest: Jeremy Smith, LPC Website: Smith Counseling Website: Marriage Recovery Course Java with Juli: #480 How to Heal and Rebuild Trust and Sexual Intimacy After An Affair Explore more resources on healing Find out more about becoming a member Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 10 June 2024
Have we the Church lost our way when it comes to living in unity? What would Jesus say about Christian cancel culture and the many threads on social media where people criticize one another in the name of Christianity? God’s Word says, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”, and yet, in the modern American Church, unity can often be hard to find. Join Juli and co-host Hannah Nitz as they discuss: The need for a biblical perspective of the Church as Christ’s bride How to extend God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness to others and ourselves How to cultivate a true Christian response to disagreements within the Church Why maturity in the faith requires engagement with those with whom we disagree How we can use the churches of the New Testament as a model to work through disagreements and pursue unity Co-host: Hannah Nitz Hannah’s Website: Hannah’s Instagram: @hannahnitz Book: “Until Unity” by Francis Chan Check out more resources on Sex and Culture and get your free download! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 3 June 2024
When a marriage ends through divorce, it makes sense that the people involved would experience deep grief. So how do we care for those walking through it? What is a Christian approach to divorce-care and helping divorced individuals in the church? Laura Petherbridge, who suddenly found herself divorced at 29, joins Juli to share her experience as a divorcee, discuss the work she is doing, and explain how the Church can be a place of healing and empathy for those mourning the loss of their marriages. Guest: Laura Petherbridge Laura’s Website: Laura’s Instagram: @laurapetherbridge Java with Juli: #376: What Does God’s Word Actually Say About Divorce and Remarriage? Java with Juli: #409: Divorce & Remarriage (Abuse, Infidelity, Porn & All the Hard Things) DivorceCare Celebrate Recovery Single Again Sign up for an Online Book Study! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 27 May 2024
Widowhood presents profound challenges, with loneliness permeating every aspect of life, including the realm of sexuality. The loss goes beyond losing a life partner; it extends to losing a sexual companion as well. In this week’s Java with Juli, Dr. Carol Tanksley, who became widowed after just seven years of marriage in 2016, delves into the complexities faced by widows, and sheds light on the emotional and psychological hurdles they face. She also shares her personal experience of surrendering her sexuality to God in widowhood. Guest: Dr. Carol Tanklsey Carol’s website: Carol’s Instagram: @drcarolt Book: Sexpectations by Dr. Carol Tanksley Book: The Other Half of Church by Michel Hendricks and Jim Wilder Java with Juli: #407 Masturbation: The No. 1 Question You’re Asking Us! Blog: Masturbation: Is It Wrong? Blog: “Is Masturbation a Sin?” You May Be Asking the Wrong Question Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 20 May 2024
Why are we all so lonely? Why is it that at a time when we are more connected than ever, many of us find ourselves feeling lonely and isolated? Jeff Kemp and Juli explore what’s making us feel lonely, how to bring more vulnerability and honesty into our relationships, and why understanding our identities is pivotal when it comes to cultivating deep, long-lasting friendships. Guest: Jeff Kemp Jeff’s Website: Book: Receive: The Way of Jesus for Men by Jeff Kemp Book: Level 5 Friendship Playbook (download through the pop up on his website) Register for Reclaim: Surrendered Sexuality with code: JWJ24* *code only works for first four registrations Find out more about Reclaim: Surrendered Sexuality Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 13 May 2024
Married sexuality has its challenges, internal and external, and it can be tempting to quit having sex or step outside the marriage, but there are ways to address some of the issues and overcome them as a couple. Christian sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma joins Juli to talk about: How to manage mismatched libidos Why foreplay matters What to do if you experience symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction Why sex is important in marriage How to re-enter holy sexuality and eroticism after abstaining without it becoming sin Guest: Dr. Michael Sytsma Website: Building Intimate Marriages Instagram: @buildingintimatemarriages Explore more resources on Sex in Marriage Sign up for Second Cup! Learn more about becoming a member. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 6 May 2024
What do your attractions say about you? Do they say anything about you? Is attraction always about sex, or are there more layers to it than we tend to think? Hannah Nitz joins Juli for a conversation all about attraction and desire. Co-host: Hannah Nitz Hannah’s Website: Hannah’s Instagram: @hannahnitz Blog: 3 Subconscious Beliefs You May Hold About Living With Same-Sex Attraction Partner with AI! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 29 April 2024
For most marriages, the most challenging years are the earliest ones. Marital problems can come in any number of forms, but sometimes the most difficult to navigate are those you don’t see coming. Few know this better than Chris and Stephanie Teague, the duo behind Out of the Dust, who experienced divorce suddenly after only three and a half years of marriage. The couple join Juli to discuss exactly what happened before their marriage fell apart, and what God did in both of them to put it back together. Guests: Out of the Dust (Chris and Stephanie Teague) Website: Instagram: @outofthedustmusic Check out the new album from Out of the Dust, releasing April 26th! Q&A: Where do I begin healing? Explore more resources on healing Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 22 April 2024
Gender dysphoria is becoming more and more common, and parents with kids who are struggling are at a loss at what to do. Should they affirm their kids? Should they approve hormone blockers? In this week’s episode of Java with Juli, Juli is joined by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child psychiatrist and author who has testified before congress about some of the hidden dangers behind transgender activism. Guest: Dr. Miriam Grossman, MD Book: "Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness" by Miriam Grossman M.D. Book: “You’re Teaching my Child What?!” by Miriam Grossman M.D. Java with Juli: #507 What You Need To Know About The Gender Conversation Java with Juli: #508 What Does Healthy Masculinity Actually Look Like? Check out more resources about sex and culture! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 15 April 2024
While many of us are familiar with the concept of abuse, we are typically familiar with the conventional stereotypes around abuse. We typically picture a younger, weaker party who is taken advantage of by a dominant person. It’s rare we picture a friend, mentor or someone we trust harming us. Unfortunately this is what happened to Tricia Lott Williford. In the same 72-hour span in which she experienced the sudden and unexpected death of her husband, she experienced sexual assault from someone she considered a friend and a mentor. Tricia and her therapist, Jana Richardson, join Juli to talk about how to recognize, fight, and recover from abuse in all its forms. Guests: Tricia Lott Williford and Jana Richardson Website: Instagram: @tricialottwilliford Book: You Are Safe Now by Tricia Lott Williford and Jana Richardson, MA, LPC, EMDR Book: And Life Comes Back by Tricia Lott Williford Java with Juli: #497 Trying to Heal? Here’s Why Knowing Your Story is Essential Blog: How Do I Know If I’m in an Abusive Relationship? Blog: As Christians, How Do We Respond to Abuse Allegations in the Church? If you're a member, we’ll be discussing this episode in more depth and taking your questions, live, during Second Cup tomorrow, April 9. Members, sign up for Second Cup here! If you're not a member you can learn more here. Learn more about the Authentic Intimacy member community Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 8 April 2024
Is laughter important? Why did God give us the ability to laugh? Laughter might not be top of mind when it comes to how we live as Christians or how we live in relationship with others, but laughter is a gift God has given to us, and there are many reasons why. This week, comedian, author and Pastor Ted Cunningham is Juli’s guest, and he explains the health and relational benefits of laughing much and laughing often. Guest: Ted Cunningham Website: Woodland Hills Church Book: A Love That Laughs by Ted Cunningham Blog: Your Marriage Should Be Fun Partner with Authentic Intimacy Join the Love Like You Mean it Cruise in 2025! Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 1 April 2024
Accidental influencer and author of “Forever Home”, Anh Lin, shares her story of journeying through trauma and brokenness to a place of healing. You’ll hear Anh talk about: Her unlikely encounter with Jesus How she medicated her pain and grief with partying and alcohol Experiencing rock bottom, even after finding Jesus Guest: Anh Lin Anh’s website: Anh’s Instagram: @girlandtheword Book: “Forever Home: Moving Beyond Brokenness to Build a Strong and Beautiful Life” by Anh Lin Blog: How Do I Know If I’m in an Abusive Relationship? Blog: Don’t Waste the Pain Sign up for Second Cup on April 9th! Learn more about the Authentic Intimacy member community This is the last episode you’ll be able to listen to on your Google Podcasts App. If you usually listen to Google Podcasts, don’t worry, our episodes are still available on YouTube and Spotify, or if you’re an iPhone user, you can find us on Apple Podcasts as well. Make sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts, on YouTube, or on Spotify. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness
Transcribed - Published: 25 March 2024
David and Terri Sumlin are the founders of Marriage Life Ministries, a ministry that helps couples improve their marriages through a focus on communication, conflict and intimacy. Years ago, when their own marriage was on the brink of divorce and rocked by a 3-month affair, this ministry was exactly what they needed. Join Juli, David and Terri, as the couple talk about how God’s intervention saved and restored their marriage. Guests: David and Terri Sumlin David and Terri’s Website: David and Terri’s Instagram: @marriagelifeministries Blog: Forgiveness is Hard, Grace is Harder Find out more about becoming an Authentic Intimacy member! Google Podcasts is closing at the end of March. Make sure you’re subscribed to Java with Juli on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 18 March 2024
What can we learn from close examination of the lives of the men we read about in scripture? These were real people,who the Bible reveals had their own very human struggles, battling insecurity, pride, deception, and lust. This week’s podcast guest, Chase Replogle, is a pastor at Bent Oak Church in Missouri, and is the author of “The Five Masculine Instincts". The book covers the lessons we can learn from male Biblical figures like Samson, Moses, and Cain. This is a great episode that discusses some common motivators for men (and women), and offers guidance on how to address inner motivations that push us further from God’s heart and calling on our lives. Guest: Chase Replogle Website: Instagram: @thepastorwriter Find out more about becoming an Authentic Intimacy member! Google Podcasts is closing at the end of March. Make sure you’re subscribed to Java with Juli on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 11 March 2024
Is there a theological approach or framework to understanding gender? Is there scriptural support for the messages we receive about gender from movies, books, and institutions? And what does it mean for us to live as ‘lights on a hill’ within a culture that continually evolves in its discussions about gender and sexual issues? Join John and Sarah Stonestreet from the Colson Center as they join Juli in exploring some of the underlying beliefs surrounding sexuality in our culture, and talk about how we can embrace and pursue the good and beautiful narrative found in scripture. Guests: John and Sarah Stonestreet Website: The Colson Center Website: Instagram: @thecolsoncenter Google Podcasts is closing at the end of March. Make sure you’re subscribed to Java with Juli on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Java with Juli with Dr. Juli Slattery – Christian Discussions on Marriage, Sex and Singleness.
Transcribed - Published: 4 March 2024
Ed and Lisa Young, founding pastors of Fellowship Church, join Juli for an honest and faith-filled conversation about their journey through grief. The couple’s oldest daughter, Lee-Beth, passed away a little over two years ago after an ongoing battle with poor mental health and alcohol abuse, and in this powerful interview, they share about the unexpected comfort and hope they discovered as they wrestled with their pain, loss and sorrow and held their faith in tandem. Guests: Ed and Lisa Young Website: Fellowship Church Book: A Path Through Pain by Ed and Lisa Young Blog: How To Heal And Grow: Four Surprising Pathways To Christ-Likeness Blog: God’s Healing Stinks Sign up for Second Cup Become a Member
Transcribed - Published: 26 February 2024
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