Trauma is more than a single event—it is the accumulation of unrepaired ruptures that we carry in our bodies and souls. In this episode, we explore how these ruptures—whether from minor conflicts or deeply wounding experiences—shape our lives and relationships.  Drawing from biblical stories and contemporary examples, we discuss the ways our unresolved pain influences our decisions, interactions, and sense of self. From the silent grief of barrenness in the lives of the matriarchs to modern challenges like road rage and smartphone dependency, we examine the pervasive impact of ruptures.  With thoughtful insights, we point to the hope of repair and the courage it takes to face the cost of healing. This week, Curt and Pepper invite you to reflect on your own journey and consider how God's redemptive work transforms even the most broken parts of our stories.   . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 5 February 2025
In this episode of The Being Known Podcast, Curt Thompson, MD and Pepper Sweeney explore the increasing societal fragility and its impact on our ability to repair relational ruptures. They discuss how diminished resilience and imagination hinder our capacity to connect, drawing insights from biblical narratives and interpersonal neurobiology.  This conversation addresses the challenges posed by social divisions, the concept of "othering," and the importance of community in fostering healing and restoration.  They invite you, the listener, to reflect on your own experiences of rupture and repair, considering the role of faith and community in navigating these challenges.  Episode Links and References John 16:33 1 Peter 5:10   . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 29 January 2025
In this powerful live episode of the Being Known Podcast, Dr. Curt Thompson, Amy Cella, and Pepper Sweeney dive into the theme of "rupture and repair." This entire season we are exploring how brokenness impacts our relationships, imagination, and sense of self. Through stories, neuroscience, and biblical reflections, we'll discuss how repairing even small ruptures can lead to greater resilience, beauty, and connection. Join the conversation on naming our longings, addressing unresolved pain, and embracing the transformative work of healing in community. This episode kicks off a season dedicated to helping us imagine—and incarnate—a future of hope and wholeness.   . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 22 January 2025
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are looking at season 9 - The Deepest Place. If you pick up a book on suffering, you might hope it will tell you how you can learn to suffer less, or even not at all. That’s not what we’re doing here. Instead, we will discover that before we even get to suffering, we must, as Christians, begin long before that, just as Paul does in Romans 5. Who knew that to talk about suffering, it is first really important for us to get a handle on how our attachment to Jesus—through our attachment to the members of his Body and the Spirit? In this episode you are invited to imagine how Paul’s words of faith and justification reflect our real-life attachment processes, and how that lays the foundation for our forming hope in the presence of suffering. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Romans 5 Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 4 September 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are focusing on season 8 - In the Path of Oncoming Beauty. There’s nothing quite like an encounter with beauty to remind us that we are temporal—and, temporary—creatures. Who hasn’t wanted the gorgeous sunset to just go on and on and on? Who has listened to Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil, and not desired it to go on indefinitely? Beauty is like that. It transports us into states of timelessness that remind us that we were made, not for this world—but for the world that is coming. Join us as we look back at this last episode season 8 and be reminded of what it means that God has placed eternity in our hearts, and that putting ourselves in the path of oncoming beauty is the beginning of the time for which there will be no end. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Nature in your own community... Get outside. Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 28 August 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are focusing on season 7 - Confessional Communities. We have shared a great deal about confessional communities over the last several seasons on Being Known Podcast. We thought we would take this opportunity to dive in and take a closer look at their purpose and how they operate. Although the best way to discover these things is to actually participate in a confessional community, however, we hope this season gets you a little closer to what it means—and what it takes—to be part of one. . . . . Episode Links and References Genesis 1-2 Luke 24: The Road to Emmaus John 20: Thomas’s encounter with Jesus Artistic offering - Carravaggio: Thomas The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 21 August 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are focusing on season 6 - The Beauty of Wisdom. We often assume that wisdom is to be equated with knowing things. And indeed, knowing things is important. But only to the degree that it enables us to create beauty and goodness in the world, not least that of flourishing relationships. Our challenge is that so often we are interested in acquiring knowledge because we are more concerned with being right than we are about being loving. The horizontal domain of integration—that of the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the brain—is the setting in which we learn that wisdom is so much more than knowing: it’s about being known. In this episode, Curt and Pepper will connect with their right and left brains—and with you—as we continue on this marvelous journey of becoming people of wisdom. . . . . . Episode Links and References Ecclesiastes 3 The Time Jumpers Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 14 August 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are focusing on season 5 - The Soul of Shame. It’s not enough to know what shame IS. We also have to know how and where it works. Our problem with shame is not just a sensation in which we feel bad. It’s about all the ways that it hijacks our mind, relationships, and mostly, the story in which we believe we’re living. Join us as we open up the hood and begin to look at the engine of this thing we call shame. You may be surprised to find that it’s so much more than a feeling. Episode Links and References The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson, MD Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 7 August 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are focusing on season 4 - Trauma. Despite our fierce commitment to individualism, trauma is far more likely to follow the way the mind has actually been made, rather than the way we have for the last several hundred years tried to pretend that it works. We would like to think that the trauma that we experience or perpetrate will only have effects on us or the ones upon whom we inflict it. But that would not be true to the way the brain works. As we will discover, what happens in one generation doesn’t necessarily stay in that generation. Rather, it can have the tendency to travel down ancestral lines, leaving others to pay the price for events that occurred long before they were even born. Join Pepper and Curt as we discover the steam that the train of trauma can gather over the course of generations—and what we can begin to do to stop it in its tracks. Links and References It Didn't Start with You by Mark Wolynn Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! Scripture References Numbers 14:18 . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 31 July 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are focusing on season 3 - The Soul of Desire. It takes very little to see that if longing and beauty go hand in hand, then trauma and shame are more than willing to make sure that none of that ever lasts, and in some cases makes sure no handshake ever happens. For truly, as sure as we are people of desire, we are people of grief. From our brains to the rest of our bodies, from our inner lives to our relational realities, our grief so fills our minds that we hardly notice that so much of life’s work consists of managing our grief, looking for trouble so we can head it off before it finds us. Given the brokenness and pain that seem so ubiquitous, no wonder we mostly see ourselves as problems to solve rather than beauty waiting to be revealed. Join Pepper and Curt as we unflinchingly name our grief—without forgetting that we were made for so much more. Episode Links and References The Soul of Desire by Curt Thompson, MD Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 24 July 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. This week we are focusing on season 2 - The Domains of the Brain. Storytellers. That’s what we are, and we can’t get away from it. But just how truly do we tell them? It turns out that, just as important as the story you tell, is how you tell it. And that makes all the difference. Join us as we explore the narrative domain of integration, and discover the interpersonal neurobiology of attachment. We can assure you: After you’ve listened in, you’ll have quite a story to tell. Episode Links and References Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson, MD Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 17 July 2024
Welcome to season 10 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are taking a look back at where we have come over the last couple of years, to determine where we are headed in the future, and as a way to continue bringing you the best content for how to live a life being fully known. Each week we are spotlighting one episode from a previous season (the best of the best, so to speak). This is just a sample of what that entire season was all about. We hope you have, or will, take the time to listen to all the episodes again. Let’s start at the very beginning. Join host Pepper Sweeney and psychiatrist Curt Thompson as, together, we awaken to the journey of being fully known. Episode Links and References Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson, MD Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. Today we are addressing your questions about suffering and the formation of hope. We hope you have enjoyed this season. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 5 June 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. We started this season on suffering with what necessarily must precede it if hope is what we want. And now that we are near the season’s conclusion, we find ourselves where we started. Come hang out with us to discover how what we first thought would only be painful—our suffering—ultimately, because of Jesus and the way our brains and relationships are made to operate, leads to the joy that enables us to fearless encounter our suffering wherever it will emerge in our lives over the course of them. We can’t wait for you to be with us, and join us in all that God has in store. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 29 May 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. Hope is one thing. Durable hope—that’s something different altogether. What is hope, after all? Is it something that merely happens to fall in our laps? Something that we can only hope to have? The world of interpersonal neurobiology has some things to say about hope that are, well, very, very hopeful. And at the same time, shed light on where Paul is going, as he has come all the way from suffering, through perseverance and character to bring us to where we are. Join the conversation this week as we walk together into the hope that is more than just a word. More than what we merely hope we will have. And we’re far more than hopeful that you will agree with us when you do. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 22 May 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. We deeply long to be persons of character; we would much rather not, however, have to persevere through suffering to get there. But it turns out that that is exactly how character is formed. Moreover, the formation of character is the necessary prerequisite for hope that lasts, not the flimsy kind that so much or our lives are used to. And therein lies the good news. The resilience of character, something that others see in us but that we often do not see in ourselves, brings us ever closer to the hope we long to form and maintain. Listen in to these two characters (Pepper and Curt, that is. Well, maybe just Pepper) as we learn what we can do to develop the character that we so long to have. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 15 May 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. Who hasn’t felt like giving up when the going got, not only tough, but tough for a really long time. We love the idea of what perseverance can ultimately lead to; we would often rather arrive at what we want without having to persevere. Because to be sure: perseverance is not easy. But as we have said on this podcast before, the brain can do a lot of really hard things for a long time, as long as it doesn’t have to do it by itself. Tune in to hear Pepper persevere in having to be in conversation with Curt yet one more time, and discover again what it means to SNAG the brain while we form durable hope in the process. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 8 May 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. Finally, we’re here. We’ve reached the topic that this series is about. It’s just that, now that we’ve arrived, we don’t want to be here. Nobody wants to suffer. We want less of it, or none of it at all, not just some tired old story of how to grin and bear it. The good news is that, there are some things we can learn about suffering from what we know of the brain and relationships, things that, once we are aware of them, begin to shed even brighter light on the hope that we are durably forming on our journey through this part of Paul’s letter. This week we talk about why we suffer, and how we can begin to reframe it in our first steps toward suffering differently. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope S2E6: What's Your Story - episode on the narrative domain S2E9: It's Only a Matter of Time - episode on the temporal domain Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 1 May 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. Who would ever imagine that glory and suffering would have anything to do with each other? As it turns out, a great deal. So much so, in fact, that when we consider a particular aspect of God’s glory (one that we rarely do), we see how, when we take it seriously, it utterly transforms and prepares us for the suffering we will inevitably encounter. But we can’t encounter it alone. It requires community. This week you are invited to draw close to God’s glory, even as we draw close to our suffering. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-25, 2024 Use code KNOWN to save $25 off conference registration! Bonus conversation on GLORY with the Being Known Podcast team. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 24 April 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. For Jesus followers, as we approach the topic of suffering, we can’t bypass the body. Fortunately, neither does Paul in Romans 5, or what we know from neuroscience. For indeed, the more we pay attention to how the body works, the more the texts of scripture make sense in our world, a world which has somehow over many centuries found a way to separate the body from the spirit in ways that they simply are not. Come along this week as we learn how “grace in which we now stand” is no mere metaphor—and shapes our response to suffering in ways we might never imagine. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-26, 2024 (save the date for more information coming soon) . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 17 April 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. Although the bible doesn’t begin with violence, it gets there pretty quickly, beginning with a snake, then a brother killing his brother, and on and on it goes. And as it turns out, as much as we are at war in so many ways with so many others, we are more at war with God than anyone, and more at war with him than we know. Not that he’s at war with us. We just think he is. It’s no surprise, then, to discover that our suffering is grounded more than we are aware of in the parts of us that still believe, like Adam before us, that God is out to kill us. This week we address the necessary task of identifying the parts of us that still believe we are at war with God—so that in making peace, we can begin to change the story we tell about our suffering. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Boundaries for Your Soul: How to Turn Your Thoughts and Feelings into Your Greatest Allies by Kimberly June Miller and Alison Cook Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-26, 2024 (save the date for more information coming soon) . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 10 April 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. If you pick up a book on suffering, you might hope it will tell you how you can learn to suffer less, or even not at all. That’s not what we’re doing here. Instead, we will discover that before we even get to suffering, we must, as Christians, begin long before that, just as Paul does in Romans 5. Who knew that to talk about suffering, it is first really important for us to get a handle on how our attachment to Jesus—through our attachment to the members of his Body and the Spirit? In this episode you are invited to imagine how Paul’s words of faith and justification reflect our real-life attachment processes, and how that lays the foundation for our forming hope in the presence of suffering. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-26, 2024 (save the date for more information coming soon) . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 3 April 2024
Welcome to Being Known Podcast. This season we are discussing Curt's latest book, The Deepest Place as we carefully cover each chapter to deepen your understanding of suffering and the formation of hope. To be human is to suffer. To be transformed does not deliver us from it. In fact, a great deal of what we do in life is dedicated to avoiding so much of the suffering that inhabits our stories. I only want to read a book that tells me how I can suffer less, or even not at all. But that’s not how life works. This week we begin to explore The Deepest Place, using Romans 5:1-5 and what we are learning from interpersonal neurobiology, and discover how the gospel helps us form durable hope, not by being fully delivered from suffering, but in and because of its very presence. . . . . Episode Links and References The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope Connections Conference 2024 - Oct. 24-26, 2024 (save the date for more information coming soon) . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 27 March 2024
There’s nothing quite like an encounter with beauty to remind us that we are temporal—and, temporary—creatures. Who hasn’t wanted the gorgeous sunset to just go on and on and on? Who has listened to Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil, and not desired it to go on indefinitely? Beauty is like that. It transports us into states of timelessness that remind us that we were made, not for this world—but for the world that is coming. Join us for the last episode of this season that will remind us of what it means that God has placed eternity in our hearts, and that putting ourselves in the path of oncoming beauty is the beginning of the time for which there will be no end. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Nature in your own community... Get outside. . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 20 December 2023
Beauty is not just something that sits there and waits for our reaction. It is something that, should we allow ourselves to be open to it, actively draws our attention not only to it, but draws us to draw others’ attention to it as well. In this way, beauty’s purpose serves to engage us with each other—so that we can create and curate even more beauty. Join us as we discover how beauty reveals the inescapable reality that we were made for connection, and that beauty is one of God’s most powerful means of showing us that this is true. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Van Gogh Irises Artistic Offering for next week: Nature in your community... get outside! . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 13 December 2023
So much of what shapes our perceived distress or joy in life is related to how we transition from one state of mind to another. Our willingness to place ourselves in the path of oncoming beauty does many things, not least slowing our pace in life, such that we become much more aware of when and how we are making a transition from one to another state of mind. This slowing of our pace makes it possible for us to be aware of so much more that is going on in that very transition—and respond to it in the ways we want to, even if those states are distressing. Listen in as Pepper and Curt explore how our willingness to practice encountering beauty can help us regulate our affect, and so strengthen our transitions from one state of mind to another—and thereby see the potential for the creation of beauty in situations that would otherwise leave us unable to do so. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Meditation Breathing Exercise Artistic Offering for next week: Van Gogh Irises . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 6 December 2023
During Curt and Pepper’s recent trip to El Salvador, they each found themselves surprised by beauty in various ways. Surprise can lead to any number of emotional reactions, depending on what, exactly, it is that surprises us. When it is beauty that is doing the surprising, we are opened to joy, goodness and even greater beauty than we would expect out of life. Join Pepper and Curt as they explore surprising stories of beauty, and along the way introduce you to Shaun Groves, a pastor and Compassion International ambassador, whose compelling story of his own surprise with beauty has had him involved with the ministry since 2005. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Pepper Sweeney's Driftwood Beach photos Artistic Offering for next week: Meditation Breath Exercise . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 29 November 2023
Like no other creatures, humans are storytellers. Moreover, our stories all have a beginning, a middle and an end. And the way we tell stories has to do with the end in mind. So, think of it: the stories we tell about our lives—not least the parts that we hate the most—will be governed by where the story is ultimately going. Despite the carnage that we see all around us, the God of the bible is intent upon telling a story of beauty. He does not intend to have us waiting until the very end for that beauty to find us. He intends for us to experience it now, if only in the hints of what are the harbingers of the deep weight of beauty that is coming. Join Curt and Pepper as we discover how beauty is shaping who we are becoming as storytellers, as well as the stories we tell. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Dave Wilcox: "How Did You Find Me Here?" Artistic Offering for next week: Pepper Sweeney's Driftwood Beach photos . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2023
Pepper and Curt had the privilege of spending five days in El Salvador as part of a Compassion International team of visitors. Join us as we share about the extraordinarily durable beauty that is emerging in some of the hardest stories we could imagine—and how all of this is pointing to the emerging kingdom of God. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Gustav Holst; "Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity" Artistic Offering for next week: Dave Wilcox: "How Did You Find Me Here?" . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 15 November 2023
It is easy to be amazed, even astonished in the presence of beauty. But it is just as easy to forget it, given how easily distracted we are by so many things. If it is true that what we pay attention to, we remember; and what we remember becomes our anticipated future, then we don’t just recall beauty for the sake of itself, we do so in order to shape the futures of our lives that we anticipate. And this is as much true for the parts of our stories that are traumatized as those for which we have fond memories. Listen in as Pepper and Curt wade into how committing beauty to memory doesn’t just remind us of a past we love; it transforms our past traumas into futures we would otherwise find hard to imagine. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Shawshank Redemption movie Artistic Offering for next week: Gustav Holst; "Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity" . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 8 November 2023
Once we sense beauty, we begin to tell a story about it. We make sense of it. We pay attention to it. We sometimes analyze it. But beauty often reveals things about us. In sensing things, we become aware of feelings and memories that before we were unaware of. In this way, we are enabled to tell our stories more truly. And all of this employs the horizontal domain of integration—the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Listen in as Curt and Pepper explore how the differences between our right and our left enable beauty to assist us in making better sense of our lives. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Take Five by Dave Brubeck Artistic Offering for next week: Shawshank Redemption movie . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 1 November 2023
First, we sense. And then we make sense of what we sense. Beauty is not first something we think about. It is first something we behold with our senses. And our senses necessarily involve our bodies. For indeed, even when we imagine beauty in our mind, we use our brains to do so. This follows the sequence of creation in Genesis 2 when God first formed a body, and then breathed life into it. Join Pepper and Curt as they explore the role of the body in encountering beauty, and how paying attention to the vertical domain of integration leads to greater awareness of beauty in our world, and in ourselves. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright Artistic Offering for next week: Take Five by Dave Brubeck . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2023
In the path of oncoming beauty. Given that we are wired to pay attention to danger for the sake of protection, purposefully attuning to beauty can at times feel risky. But when we make it our intended purpose to create space for beauty, we find ourselves seeing any number of things that we didn’t before. Some of those things include our wounds that we have covered for longer than we know. But that only gives us the chance to imagine the emergence of beauty from parts of our lives that heretofore we could only imagine carnage. Listen in as Curt and Pepper explore what it means to awaken, become alert and attuned to beauty, and how that can chart a course for a new direction of renewal in our lives. . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering discussed today: Ansel Adams art Artistic Offering for next week: architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright Connections Conference 2023, hosted by Center for Being Known . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 18 October 2023
In the path of oncoming beauty. Sure, we have talked about this notion over many seasons of The Being Known Podcast. But of what practical value is it? How does it speak to our longings, our grief or the renewal of our relationships, communities and institutions? Is it merely an intellectual exercise, divorced from making a difference in my real life? Join Pepper and Curt as they answer with a resounding, “No!” Instead, journey with them into the deeper recesses of what it means, exactly, to place yourself in the path of oncoming beauty, and discover how God’s resounding “Yes!” to beauty begins where we can’t see it, and ends with the new creation that is surely coming. . . . . Episode Links and References Roger Scruton book: Beauty Artistic Offering discussed today: Poem "As Kingfishers Catch Fire" by Gerard Manley Hopkins Artistic Offering for next week: Ansel Adams art Connections Conference 2023, hosted by Center for Being Known . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this Being Known Podcast season, we invite you to join us in sponsoring a child with Compassion International. Just $43 a month provides a sponsored child with all their basic needs and the hope for a brighter future. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversation.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 11 October 2023
Thank you for joining us this season to learn about confessional communities. In this final season episode, Curt, Pepper and Amy answer listener questions to draw you closer to finding and creating your own community. . . . . Episode Links and References The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health Connections Conference 2023 - Register today for this incredible Oct. 27 event on the theme of Emergence. PLUS, access to the Being Known Podcast LIVE on Thursday, Oct. 26 The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope (pre-order now, available August 29, 2023) . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 26 July 2023
Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities. How do we end anything well—and especially those experiences that have become so significant in our growth? Moreover, how do we say goodbye well in a culture that gives us very few resources in knowing how to do that? Pepper and Curt explore how bringing a confessional community to close—either for an individual who is leaving, or for the entire group that is coming to an end—is itself an opportunity for greater growth and integration as we practice for the heaven and earth that is coming. . . . . Episode Links and References The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health Bang! by AJR . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2023
Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities. This week we are continuing the conversation we started last week to "love doing the work" Over the course of time that a confessional community gathers, many things will be learned, including the process of growing in your awareness of what the process is actually doing to provide the opportunity for growth that you are experiencing. Pepper and Curt talk about that process of what happens in a confessional community that actually fosters the integration and wholeness that we so long to experience, and the beauty and goodness that we so long to become. . . . . Episode Links and References SIFT-B - Sense, Imagine, Feel, Think, Behave The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health Artistic Offering - Mark Rothko, No. 61 . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2023
Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities. Over the course of time that a confessional community gathers, many things will be learned, including the process of growing in your awareness of what the process is actually doing to provide the opportunity for growth that you are experiencing. Pepper and Curt talk about that process of what happens in a confessional community that actually fosters the integration and wholeness that we so long to experience, and the beauty and goodness that we so long to become. . . . . Episode Links and References SIFT-B - Sense, Imagine, Feel, Think, Behave The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 5 July 2023
Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities. This week, Pepper and Curt walk you through the early stages of starting a confessional community, the questions that might come up, and what is necessary to get yourself ready to be part of one. How does a Confessional Community get started? What are the fundamental requirements, and am I ready to dive in? Who are the people and how many can be in one? How long do they last? Do you need to have a leader who is a trained therapist? . . . . Episode Links and References Artistic Offering - "Bailero" sung by Netania Davrath The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2023
Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities. There are multiple forces in play that are part of what forms us. That is no different in the confessional community. What are the realities that we encounter in confessional communities that set them apart from other relational and social encounters—and, as a result, then set us apart to be formed into the image of Jesus. Join Curt and Pepper as they explore the various features of a confessional community that, given their differences and their interactions with each other enable us, like a beautiful symphony, to become more than the sum of our parts. . . . . Episode Links and References Genesis 1:26-27 Psalm 31:8 Luke 3:22 Artistic offering - "Hope is a Thing with Feathers" poem by Emily Dickinson The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2023
Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities. We are continually being formed by something. The question is always, BY WHAT? If we want to become more like Jesus, there is no question that this does not happen magically. It takes work—the hard work of submitting to those formational realities that are most likely to do that. Confessional communities have the potential to form us into truer versions of ourselves, precisely because we are not doing it alone, but in the context of a community whose center is Jesus that is empowered by the work of the Spirit—who is taking advantage of our willingness to vulnerably open our lives to each other. Pepper and Curt explore what it means to be formed into our best versions of Jesus—and how the confessional community enables that to take place. . . . . Episode Links and References Genesis 1-2 John 15:18-20 Romans 12:1-2 Ephesians 6:12 Artistic offering - U2 song "One" The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 14 June 2023
Welcome to season 7 of Being Known Podcast were we are continually looking at what it means to be truly known. This season we are exploring confessional communities. We have shared a great deal about confessional communities over the last several seasons on Being Known Podcast. We thought we would take this opportunity to dive in and take a closer look at their purpose and how they operate. Although the best way to discover these things is to actually participate in a confessional community, however, we hope this season gets you a little closer to what it means—and what it takes—to be part of one. . . . . Episode Links and References Genesis 1-2 Luke 24: The Road to Emmaus John 20: Thomas’s encounter with Jesus Artistic offering - Carravaggio: Thomas The Center for Being Known New Story Behavioral Health . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Compassion International The world is currently facing a devastating global food crisis caused from numerous variables: the war in Ukraine, fertilizer shortages, effects of COVID-19, and extreme weather, just to name a few. Couple any of these with the fact that food prices are climbing, and hunger and malnutrition in vulnerable children intensify. During this season of Being Known Podcast you can support Compassion International with a one time gift of $50 and you'll feed a family of five for a month. We are all part of a global community and hope you will consider giving. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 7 June 2023
BONUS!! This week Curt and Pepper are joined by our very own Amy Cella, producer of BKP and creator of Bottom Left Drawer (BLD). Together, we discuss the beauty and wisdom of being prepared for various seasons of our life. Bottom Left Drawer is all about getting your ducks in a row, so you’re good to go. But what does that mean? Amy shares about BLD and the process of getting your affairs in order, whether that be crafting a will, securing vital documents or getting intentional about the relationships in your life. In this episode we discuss the nine segments of BLD, share some fun stories and get real about the beauty and wisdom being prepared. Amy also has a Bottom Left Drawer Podcast where she shares tips and tricks for preparedness, as well as a FREE Bottom Left Drawer Starter Kit. Follow Amy on IG @amycella
Transcribed - Published: 12 April 2023
We've come to the end of our season on the Beauty of Wisdom. In this end of season episode we review our conversations, answer your questions, and pull it all together. . . . . . Thank you to our season sponsor - Hope Heals Hope Heals - Hope Heals Camp is a truly unique offering in the world. No other space in existence today invites families experiencing disabilities – of any age, with any diagnosis, from any place – to enjoy multi-day respite, a rich network of relationships, and access to world class Christ-centered resources, all free of charge. . . . . . Episode Links and References Connections Conference hosted by The Center for Being Known . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts.
Transcribed - Published: 5 April 2023
Welcome to season 6 episode 9 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are looking at The Beauty of Wisdom. Shame doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. Shame begins in the earliest communities in which we dwell. It is to those communities we now turn to see how shame emerges there—but also what we can do to retell the stories of those communities: our families, our churches and schools. Listen in as we get to the bottom of the places where our stories begin, and begin to reimagine how God can transform them on the way to doing the same for the larger communities in which we live. . . . . Episode Links and References The St. John's Bible Ecclesiastes 3:9-14 . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Hope Heals: Hope Heals Camp is a truly unique offering in the world. No other space in existence today invites families experiencing disabilities – of any age, with any diagnosis, from any place – to enjoy multi-day respite, a rich network of relationships, and access to world class Christ-centered resources, all free of charge. The week-long camp experience empowers suffering people to embrace their “good/hard” stories by choosing to see the God-given purpose in their pain. And this season we are working to help five campers get to camp FREE. Learn more about partnering with Hope Heals Camp and donate HERE. Learn more about our passion for Hope Heals with this short video. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 29 March 2023
Welcome to season 6 episode 8 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are looking at The Beauty of Wisdom. We live in a world that has trained us to believe that we each live in our own personal silo. But this flies in the face of what neuroscience tells us about the interconnectivity of our minds. So much of our anxiety—and our lack of wisdom—stems from our trying to live against the current of how God has created our minds to function. We think we need to be able to live life on our own, and we seek knowledge so that we can do just that. But wisdom tells us that we were not made for silos, we were made for each other. Curt and Pepper have learned just how true this is, and invite you to join us as we explore the wisdom of having many advisers by whom we are deeply known. . . . . Episode Links and References Duke Ellington: Take the A Train Proverbs 15:22 . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Hope Heals: Hope Heals Camp is a truly unique offering in the world. No other space in existence today invites families experiencing disabilities – of any age, with any diagnosis, from any place – to enjoy multi-day respite, a rich network of relationships, and access to world class Christ-centered resources, all free of charge. The week-long camp experience empowers suffering people to embrace their “good/hard” stories by choosing to see the God-given purpose in their pain. And this season we are working to help five campers get to camp FREE. Learn more about partnering with Hope Heals Camp and donate HERE. Learn more about our passion for Hope Heals with this short video. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 22 March 2023
Welcome to season 6 episode 7 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are looking at The Beauty of Wisdom. It’s hard to know where we are going if we first do not know where we are. The integration of the domain of our state of mind is critical if wisdom is what we seek. For if we are not aware of the state that our mind occupies—knowing where we are—how will we be able to move in the path of wisdom? Join us as Pepper and Curt discover how being known enables us to more consistently be aware of our states of mind, and so have greater access to the wisdom that is being offered to us there. . . . . Episode Links and References The Bible Project - Proverbs video Proverbs 1-9 . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Hope Heals: Hope Heals Camp is a truly unique offering in the world. No other space in existence today invites families experiencing disabilities – of any age, with any diagnosis, from any place – to enjoy multi-day respite, a rich network of relationships, and access to world class Christ-centered resources, all free of charge. The week-long camp experience empowers suffering people to embrace their “good/hard” stories by choosing to see the God-given purpose in their pain. And this season we are working to help five campers get to camp FREE. Learn more about partnering with Hope Heals Camp and donate HERE. Learn more about our passion for Hope Heals with this short video. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 16 March 2023
Welcome to season 6 episode 6 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are looking at The Beauty of Wisdom. The book of Proverbs portrays Wisdom as calling out in the streets. She, in effect, is telling her story, and asking us to join her. As it turns out, it is crucial in becoming people of wisdom that we not only understand the stories we tell about ourselves, but that we tell them wisely. And to do this, we need other trustworthy people in our lives who can help us do this. For it is in the very process of telling our stories that we knead wisdom into the dough of our lives. In this episode, Pepper and Curt have the opportunity to continue to tell each other their stories, a telling that opens the door for wisdom to enter. . . . . Episode Links and References The book of Proverbs Jeremiah 6:16 David Wilcox: Covert War video David Wilcox; How Did You Find Me Here video . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Hope Heals: Hope Heals Camp is a truly unique offering in the world. No other space in existence today invites families experiencing disabilities – of any age, with any diagnosis, from any place – to enjoy multi-day respite, a rich network of relationships, and access to world class Christ-centered resources, all free of charge. The week-long camp experience empowers suffering people to embrace their “good/hard” stories by choosing to see the God-given purpose in their pain. And this season we are working to help five campers get to camp FREE. Learn more about partnering with Hope Heals Camp and donate HERE. Learn more about our passion for Hope Heals with this short video. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 8 March 2023
Welcome to season 6 episode 5 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are looking at The Beauty of Wisdom. The memory domain of integration is not only about the past, it’s about the future. The future we are remembering. And indeed, becoming wise has everything to do with how you make sense of your past, something you are doing every moment of your life, even if you are not aware of it. For if we are to be wise as we approach our future, we must be aware of how our past is shaping us as much as any new information we accumulate along the way. Curt and Pepper explore how our own memory—and the memory of those who have gone before us—enable us to be more deeply known, and people of greater wisdom as a result. . . . . . Episode Links and References Jeremiah 6:6 Matthew 28:16-20 Makoto Fujimura: New Wine collaboration video and New Wine finished painting. . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Hope Heals: Hope Heals Camp is a truly unique offering in the world. No other space in existence today invites families experiencing disabilities – of any age, with any diagnosis, from any place – to enjoy multi-day respite, a rich network of relationships, and access to world class Christ-centered resources, all free of charge. The week-long camp experience empowers suffering people to embrace their “good/hard” stories by choosing to see the God-given purpose in their pain. And this season we are working to help five campers get to camp FREE. Learn more about partnering with Hope Heals Camp and donate HERE. Learn more about our passion for Hope Heals with this short video. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 1 March 2023
Welcome to season 6 episode 4 of Being Known Podcast. This season we are looking at The Beauty of Wisdom. We often assume that wisdom is to be equated with knowing things. And indeed, knowing things is important. But only to the degree that it enables us to create beauty and goodness in the world, not least that of flourishing relationships. Our challenge is that so often we are interested in acquiring knowledge because we are more concerned with being right than we are about being loving. The horizontal domain of integration—that of the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the brain—is the setting in which we learn that wisdom is so much more than knowing: it’s about being known. In this episode, Curt and Pepper will connect with their right and left brains—and with you—as we continue on this marvelous journey of becoming people of wisdom. . . . . . Episode Links and References Ecclesiastes 3 The Time Jumpers . . . . . Special Thanks for our Season Sponsor - Hope Heals: Hope Heals Camp is a truly unique offering in the world. No other space in existence today invites families experiencing disabilities – of any age, with any diagnosis, from any place – to enjoy multi-day respite, a rich network of relationships, and access to world class Christ-centered resources, all free of charge. The week-long camp experience empowers suffering people to embrace their “good/hard” stories by choosing to see the God-given purpose in their pain. And this season we are working to help five campers get to camp FREE. Learn more about partnering with Hope Heals Camp and donate HERE. Learn more about our passion for Hope Heals with this short video. . . . . . Stay connected: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter YouTube (Unedited videos of each episode AND the Post Show Conversations.) Please subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode and we always welcome your reviews on Apple Podcasts. Sign up to access the Being Known Podcast applications, the weekly exercises that connect what you are learning to your life in a practical way.
Transcribed - Published: 22 February 2023
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