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All In The Mind

All In The Mind

ABC listen

Life Sciences, Health & Fitness, Science

4.4782 Ratings


All In The Mind is ABC RN's weekly podcast looking into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour — everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.

225 Episodes

'Bad behaviour' or just misunderstood? What to know about kids' mental health

Developmental paediatrician Dr Billy Garvey has seen a lot of kids with behavioural issue over the years, and there are ten things he wishes all parents understood about their kids mental health.From insecure attachment to separation anxiety to emotional difficulties – he gives us the low down on why kids get labelled ‘bad’ – and what’s really going on (usually).Looking for something to listen to next? Check out our episode, Wanted: Unicorns. Mission: Mars.All in the Mind is heading to Podfest in Adelaide this March. You can read more about it here. 

Transcribed - Published: 15 February 2025

The baby decision — how to decide when you can't decide

There are some decisions in life that can be trickier to navigate. Do you want to get married? Should you change careers? Do you want a baby?Parenthood is a choice more vexed than ever in a world threatened by climate change, political instability and cost-of-living crises. So how can people approach this choice? And if you're lucky enough to have a choice, how do you make peace with your decision?Decision coach Merle Bombardieri has been working with couples on this very topic for decades — today, we ask her about the tools, tips and strategies you can use to tackle the baby question.If you're interested in hearing more about parenthood, check out our episode called Why do we sing to babies?

Transcribed - Published: 8 February 2025

'My brain snapped': Harry's sudden psychosis

Harry had been lucky. He'd never struggled with his mental health.Then, when he was 18, seemingly out of nowhere — he had his first psychotic episode.It was an abrupt change, with ripple effects across his family.Today, the shock of experiencing psychosis, why you're most likely to get it when you're young, and how you can recognise the signs and support a loved one.If you'd like to hear more about this topic, we have an episode called A musician processes her bipolar diagnosis.Extra resources:SANE AustraliaOrygenHeadspace

Transcribed - Published: 1 February 2025

Age of rage: the psychology behind our moral outrage

Politics, war, abortion, gun control — why do some topics make us so outraged?One theory is that our preoccupation with preventing harm is to blame.So today, we examine how humans developed morality, why we differ in what we consider right and wrong, and how that drives us to moral outrage.And after all of that, we'll find out how to have better conversations with people you disagree with (even if you're feeling outraged).If you want to hear more about that, check out The skills supercommunicators use, which you can learn too.

Transcribed - Published: 25 January 2025

The promise and perils of manifesting

If you could manifest anything into your life, what would it be? A perfect partner, your dream house, winning the lottery?Manifesting promises a limitless potential of dreams to achieve — through methods like vision boards and affirmations.But does manifesting actually help us realise our goals? Is it harmless fun? Healthy positive thinking? Or can manifestation lead the brain down some dark alleys that you might not expect?In this episode we mention another episode called Visualisation and values — goal setting like a winner. It's part two of our two part series on the athlete's mindset. Part one is called A winning mindset — how top athletes think. This episode was first broadcast in March 2024.

Transcribed - Published: 18 January 2025

"Scarier than killer robots": why your brain isn't ready for AI

The AI revolution is coming. Your mind isn't ready for it.Cognitive neuroscientist Joel Pearson walks us through the many ways artificial intelligence is messing — and will mess — with our psychology.From falling in love with AI to unforgettable deep fakes, we dive into an uncertain future and what you can do to prepare for it.This episode was first broadcast in April 2024.If you'd like to hear more from Joel, he featured on our episode about intuition called When to trust your gut instinct, and when to ignore it.

Transcribed - Published: 11 January 2025

What influences your inner voice?

That voice inside your head - where does it come from? We bring back a topic that was one of our most popular for a long awaited part two. Today, what shapes your internal chatter.This episode was first released in March 2024.Our original episode on chatter is called Controlling the chatter in your head, if you liked this episode you'll love that one!

Transcribed - Published: 4 January 2025

Inside a sociopath's mind: "I'm capable of almost anything"

Patric Gagne is a sociopath, but she doesn’t fit the stereotype.From a violent kid, to a PhD and author - we track the unusual story of a sociopath who learned to be 'good'.Plus, there's been some controversy and questions about the veracity of her PhD - so, we fact checked it.This episode was first released in May 2024.Need something to listen to next? Check out our episode Why heartbreak hurts so bad.

Transcribed - Published: 28 December 2024

The skills supercommunicators use (and how you can learn them)

What do working for the CIA, navigating hot button topics and talking to teenagers all have in common? They're all situations that supercommunicators excel at.Today, we explore how you can become a supercommunicator too. This episode was first broadcast in February 2024. Why not check out Introversion vs Extroversion. If you enjoyed this episode, you'll love that one too. 

Transcribed - Published: 21 December 2024

The design tricks brands use to get you to buy

What influences your shopping behaviour? Well, it's likely a mix of what you need, what's presented to you in store and probably some neuromarketing (which we've covered on our program before).But what about the role of product designers? Today, we get into the psychology of design and the battle designers face balancing innovation with our human need for the familiar. And given all the ways design can manipulate us into wanting something, what role will AI play in the future of design?Extra information:The Psychology Behind Design: A Marketing PerspectiveSee the Yamaha Silent Violin

Transcribed - Published: 14 December 2024

When life is too loud: what are sound sensitivities?

How do you feel as you move through a busy space — like an airport, a city street or a crowded shopping centre?For some of us, these spaces are energising — being among the rush of people and the noise of the crowds. But for others, these situations can be a little much. And for some neurodivergent people — especially those with sensory issues — being in these public spaces can be utterly overwhelming, even harmful. That's a problem when you want or need to use them just like everybody else.Today, audio engineer and producer Amelia Geiss takes you inside their mind — for a first-hand perspective of what it's like to move through public spaces as someone with sound sensitivities. We'll hear about how these sensitivities manifest in the brain — strategies for managing them — and building public spaces that are accessible for everyone.If you're looking for something to listen to next, why not check out our episode, How the drive to be perfect is linked to eating disorders.

Transcribed - Published: 7 December 2024

Should you do a 'dopamine detox'?

Dopamine feels great, but is it always good for us?The answer is complicated, so today, we get into what dopamine actually does in the brain.How does it affect our motivation, movement and behaviour? And how does our environment influence that?Plus, should we be detoxing from dopamine ... and why are people raw dogging flights?If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode, Nine big myths about depression — busted.

Transcribed - Published: 30 November 2024

Trauma or a tough time? How our mental health labels are changing over time

We've come a long way in how we talk about mental health.But while diagnoses like depression and anxiety can empower people to seek help and support — they also influence how we see ourselves and how others might see us, too.Today, we investigate 'concept creep.' It's the idea that the labels we use to describe mental health are expanding and being applied to an ever-wider array of human behaviours.We look at what's causing this, the impacts it might have (both positive and negative), and what it means for how we understand mental health conditions.Looking for something to listen to next? Check out our episode about parasocial relationships: Moog became a Youtube megastar — and it messed with his mental health.

Transcribed - Published: 23 November 2024

Anauralia: what's it like to have no inner monologue?

How clear is your inner voice? Do you internally narrate your life? And do you get songs stuck in your head?Almost all of us can imagine sounds in our minds. But a small part of the population don't have internal auditory imagery — a phenomenon called anauralia.Today, we explore the experience of anauralia, in an episode from Radio New Zealand's Our Changing World.Our Changing World is produced and presented by Claire Concannon and Ellen Rykers for RNZ.The original version of this episode was first broadcast on RNZ as The puzzle of the silent mind.Special thanks to Auckland University Student Chamber Orchestra, for allowing use of their recording of Beethoven's 5th symphony.

Transcribed - Published: 16 November 2024

Can you recognise a love song in any language?

Music is a universal feature of the human experience — present from our very first cultures and civilisations.But do the features of particular songs and styles translate across cultural boundaries? Like, is a lullaby recognisable even when it's from a different culture? Can you identify a love song in another language?Today, we explore the special relationship between music and our minds, in an episode from Radio New Zealand's Our Changing World.Our Changing World is produced and presented by Claire Concannon and Ellen Rykers for RNZ.The clips from the Natural History of Song project used in this episode are available online under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.The original version of this episode was first broadcast on RNZ as Our Musical Minds.

Transcribed - Published: 9 November 2024

Girl, Interrupted: the extreme emotions of PMDD

Laura would spend weeks feeling normal — even happy. But like clockwork, every month, suddenly she would feel intense depression, making her unrecognisable to herself and friends.It took her nearly two decades to identify what was causing this rollercoaster of mood: PMDD, AKA Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.So what is it about hormones that make some people feel such intense emotions? And why is PMDD still so misunderstood?This episode touches on the topic of suicide. Please take care while listening and don't hesitate to reach out for support if you need it. You can reach Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.It was first broadcast in June 2023.Looking for something to listen to next? Why not check out Demystifying menopause.

Transcribed - Published: 2 November 2024

Spooky science: What's behind a paranormal experience?

Professor Chris French has been studying the paranormal for decades. But — he’s a sceptic.In an All in the Mind Halloween special, we explore the psychology behind our spooky encounters.What's going on in your brain when you see a ghost? How do people talk to the dead?And why would a sceptic study the paranormal?

Transcribed - Published: 26 October 2024

Sick of scrolling? Digital minimalism could help

How many hours have you spent on your phone today? And do you feel like it's too many?A growing movement of people are going without their smartphones and computers in favour of just about anything that doesn't have a screen.They say it's giving their lives more meaning — and improving their mental health.This week, meet the digital minimalists ditching their devices, and how you can do it too.Want to hear more about the impact social media is having on your mental health? Check out our episode When doom scrolling leads to actual harm.

Transcribed - Published: 19 October 2024

Can we trust our memories?

We don't remember everything that happens to us — so why do we remember what we remember?And the memories we do lock away aren't always accurate or trustworthy.This week, we're talking about the fallibility of memory and why sometimes it's healthy to forget.We'll also get into how to remember special moments more clearly, and here's a hint — you might want to put down your camera sometimes.If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode Overcoming resentment with gratitude.

Transcribed - Published: 12 October 2024

Grit and a goal: tricking your brain into loving running

We know running is good for the body, but what about the brain? Hear from people who love running about the psychological tools they use to stay active, including some advice from a professor who's taught their entire class to run a marathon. Looking for something to listen to next? Check out our episode Why being a beginner is good for you.

Transcribed - Published: 5 October 2024

Once taboo, now good for you: the psychology of masturbation

This week we're talking about something intimate … And at-times taboo … Masturbation.From self-love, to disordered behaviour, and back again, how our perceptions of masturbation have changed over the course of history and why it's still linked to shame and confusion for some.Also — why do humans (and other animals) masturbate in the first place?Just a heads up, if the topic didn't give it away, this episode may not be suitable for little ones.After listening, why not check out Sex is Weird, a series from our fellow science podcast, What the Duck?!

Transcribed - Published: 28 September 2024

Mates vs strangers — why humans connect and divide

It's human nature to form groups — families, friends, online communities. We love to be surrounded by people similar to us.But that can also make us discriminatory and defensive. And social media makes that instinct worse.Today, we look at how our brains evolved to connect and divide, and what that means for the problems we face in our modern world.This episode was first broadcast in April 2023.Looking for something to listen to next?  Check out another All in the Mind episode, The Certainty Myth.

Transcribed - Published: 21 September 2024

Cranky and depressed: Why bad sleep equals bad mental health

When you think about pillars of health a few things might come to mind — nutrition, exercise, connectedness. But there's something many of us miss off that list — sleep.Insomnia does so much more than make us cranky, it's closely tied to our mental health. Not just how we feel on a day to day basis, but our likelihood of developing depression.This week, what happens when you don't get enough sleep; the effect on your brain and why it's so impactful on your mental health.If you'd like to learn more about sleep, check out the science team's Sleeptember content.This episode touches on the topic of suicide. Please take care while listening. If you need support, you can reach Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

Transcribed - Published: 14 September 2024

The five types of stalker and how to spot them

Earlier this year, the Netflix program Baby Reindeer brought stalking firmly back into the zeitgeist - sparking discussion about the psychology of people who stalk and the impact it has on victims.So what goes on in the mind of a stalker? How do the various types, from incompetent suitor to intimacy seeker, differ? And what should you do if you think you have a stalker?

Transcribed - Published: 7 September 2024

What we get wrong about attachment styles

Attachment theory is a foundation of modern psychology — a framework for understanding human relationships and how we connect other people.But has social media taken this concept — grounded in decades of research — too far?Scroll through Instagram or TikTok for too long, and you might think that if you have a certain attachment style, you're fundamentally unlovable — or that you need to steer clear of people who are avoidant, anxious or not secure enough.Today, what we get wrong about attachment styles. Plus, the experiments that helped discover them in the first place ... and how a better understanding of attachment could help us to heal.If you liked this episode, you'll love our episode on when to trust your gut instinct and when to ignore it.

Transcribed - Published: 31 August 2024

The false promise of love languages

Do you know your love language? Maybe you've done an online test — tested your partner — spent time talking it over — even made decisions about your relationship on the basis of your love language.But where did this concept of love languages even come from? And how good is the evidence that backs it up?Today, two research psychologists go deep on the concept of love languages — and what they really mean for your relationships.Want more relationship content from All in the Mind? Check out our episode Why heartbreak hurts so bad.

Transcribed - Published: 24 August 2024

The damage done by emotionally immature parents

How would you describe your parents?Nobody's perfect, of course, but some parents leave more of a mark than others.Today, we revisit the life-long impact of having 'emotionally immature' parents, as Dr Lindsay Gibson's book hits bestseller lists.This episode was first broadcast in May 2021.If you're looking for another episode to listen to, why not check out Milgram Shock and Stanford Prison — what we misunderstand about the most infamous experiments in psychology.

Transcribed - Published: 17 August 2024

Turning sleeplessness into stargazing

Can't sleep? Worries keeping you up at night? It might be time to look to the stars.For National Science Week, we're investigating the relationship between the night sky and mental wellbeing.So can spending time under the night sky give you a mood boost? And if it does … why?Looking for more nature in your life? Check out our episode Nature prescriptions — just what the doctor ordered.

Transcribed - Published: 10 August 2024

The Tetris effect: How we learnt to manipulate dreams

It sounds like fantasy, but the manipulation of dreams is now possible — and it's thanks to a well known video game, Tetris.So what does Tetris have to do with dreaming, and could companies use this to shape what we see when we sleep?Want to learn more about dreams? Check out our episode 'As real as waking life' — exploring lucid dreams.Hear our first episode about Tetris: Why people are playing Tetris to treat their trauma. 

Transcribed - Published: 3 August 2024

Why people are playing Tetris to treat their trauma

For people with PTSD, flashbacks can be an unwelcome and distressing experience. To tackle this problem, researchers have turned to Tetris. Yep - the falling blocks puzzle game from the '80s.Today, we discover how Tetris can be used to treat trauma. If you'd like to listen to more All in the Mind, check out our episode The confusion around concussions. 

Transcribed - Published: 27 July 2024

Why do athletes choke under pressure?

The siren has sounded. The scores are even. A footy player has one final chance to kick an easy goal to get his team into the finals.He’s right in front of the goals. He lines up. Kicks. Misses. The pressure of such a moment was phenomenal, and the player choked under it.So what happens in the brain during such intense periods? Why can some people remain calm while others can’t handle it?If you're keen to listen to another episode, check out Wanted: Unicorns. Mission: Mars.

Transcribed - Published: 20 July 2024

Conspiracies: why people change their mind

What if your entire understanding of the world — your beliefs, how you parent, how you work, how you interact with friends at the pub — all came crashing down?For Stephanie, Jules and Joel — who are all former conspiracy theorists — that was their reality.And digging their way out of the conspiracy rabbit hole came with a whole lot of challenges.Today on All in the Mind: falling into and out of conspiracy ... and rebuilding your life after breaking free.And if you enjoyed listening, you should go back and check out our earlier episode on how to help conspiracy theorists.

Transcribed - Published: 13 July 2024

How bystanders (like you) can help stop domestic violence

After enduring years of abuse, Robyn Westgate was jailed for the murder of her husband. Now out of prison, she runs training programs that aim to reduce domestic violence.Robyn says the key is empowering people to be better bystanders.Today, one woman's story from domestic violence survivor to domestic violence consultant, and the importance of speaking up.Please note this episode includes graphic descriptions of sexual assault and domestic violence. It may be distressing for some listeners. Please take care while listening.Resources:1800 RespectMen's Referral Service

Transcribed - Published: 6 July 2024

Dark tourism + selfie sticks = moral outrage

Since the days of gladiator battles and public hangings, dark tourism — our attraction to places linked to death and despair — has been a part of human behaviour.But there's something in the 21st century that's causing debate… Selfies.Digital media isn't all bad though. It's also creating opportunities for authentic storytelling.Today, we examine what dark tourism is, if it's ethical, and when it is (and isn't) appropriate to snap a selfie.If you're keen for another episode of All in the Mind, check out You've got the music in you. 

Transcribed - Published: 29 June 2024

How to win the battle for better sleep

Do you wake up each morning refreshed and well-slept? Or are you the kind of person who tosses and turns for ages before falling asleep, ruminating on all of your missteps and stresses from the day?If you chose option two, this episode is for you. Two sleep experts share advice on making night-time more restful — beyond the standard 'don't look at your phone before bed.' (Though that's important too).This episode was first broadcast in March 2023.Looking for something to listen to next? Check out our episode, Busting bias: what works and what doesn't.Credits:Presenter/Producer: Sana QadarProducer: Rose KerrSound engineer: Ann-Marie DeBettencor

Transcribed - Published: 22 June 2024

Can music inspire mania?

Long before Bieber fever and Swifties, there was Lisztomania.Franz Liszt was a Hungarian composer who inspired such intense fandom and frenzy that it was dubbed mania.So, was it true mania? What caused fans to respond to him so passionately? And what can Lisztomania reveal about the way we talk about female obsession?If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode; Hook me baby one more time: the psychology of pop music.

Transcribed - Published: 15 June 2024

When doom scrolling leads to actual harm

For 8 months, images and videos of the carnage in Gaza have been flooding social media. They give a powerful view of what's happening to Palestinians on the ground – but they also have the potential to cause vicarious trauma.Today – what is vicarious trauma, and why doomscrolling doesn't help.

Transcribed - Published: 8 June 2024

Gender euphoria and an untold story of joy

Trans non-binary performer Dax has spent most of her life not loving who she sees in the mirror. That is, until earlier this year.A few months ago, Dax finally experienced a particular kind of joy — gender euphoria. And it's transformed the way she sees herself.So what is gender euphoria? Why is it so powerful for trans and non-binary people? And why are researchers keen to flip the script and talk about trans joy?If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode Taking back control of your time. 

Transcribed - Published: 1 June 2024

Inside a female sociopath's mind: "I'm capable of almost anything"

Patric Gagne is a sociopath, but she doesn’t fit the stereotype.From a violent kid, to now a PhD and author - we track the unusual story of a sociopath who learned to be 'good'.Plus, there's been some controversy and questions about the veracity of her PhD - so, we fact checked it.Need something to listen to next? Check out our episode Why heartbreak hurts so bad.Guest:Patric Gagne, Author, Sociopath: A Memoir.Credits:Presenter/Producer: Sana QadarProducer: Rose KerrSound engineers: Tegan Nicholls and Ann-Marie de Bettencor

Transcribed - Published: 25 May 2024

No control, no agency. The housing crisis is warping people's view of the future

Madi's had 25 rental applications rejected. Seen absolute horror houses while searching for a rental. It's all driving her to despair.Today, how housing insecurity can alter our sense of agency and how we perceive the world around us.If you're looking for something to listen to next, check out our episode, Is life coaching legit?

Transcribed - Published: 18 May 2024

Searching for awe, when you've never felt it

Have you ever experienced the feeling of awe?Maybe it was sparked by an awesome view, a moving artwork or witnessing the birth of a child.Today we follow one person's attempt at finding awe when she's never felt it before.What does awe do to us? What benefits can it offer?If you'd like to listen to more of All in the Mind, check out our episode Does guilt have a silver lining?

Transcribed - Published: 11 May 2024

How to help a conspiracy theorist: an ex believer and an expert weigh in

So you've got a loved one who's fallen deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Are they destined to stay there forever?Today, we hear from a former conspiracy theorist and a social psychologist on what fuels these beliefs, how likely people are to change their minds, and what you can (and can't) do to help.Want to listen to more All in the Mind? Check out our episode, The Certainty Myth. 

Transcribed - Published: 4 May 2024

Stigma, shame and schizophrenia

Over the last couple of weeks, schizophrenia has been appearing in headlines across the country as details of the Bondi Junction attack unfold.Coverage of mental health conditions, especially one as complex as schizophrenia, can be shrouded in stigma.So today, we revisit our conversation with journalist Elfy Scott, sharing the one thing her family never spoke about - her mother's schizophrenia. This episode was first broadcast in April 2023. If you're looking for what to listen to next, check out our episode ADHD, TikTok, Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria — meet Matilda's brain

Transcribed - Published: 27 April 2024

"Scarier than killer robots": why your mind isn't ready for AI

The AI revolution is coming. Your mind isn't ready for it.Cognitive Neuroscientist Joel Pearson walks us through the many ways artificial intelligence is messing — and will mess — with our psychology.From falling in love with AI to unforgettable deep fakes, we dive into an uncertain future and what you can do to prepare for it.If you'd like to hear more from Joel, he featured on our episode about intuition called When to trust your gut instinct, and when to ignore it.And if you want to hear more about artificial intelligence, check out the latest season of Science Friction, Hello AI Overlords.

Transcribed - Published: 20 April 2024

Being a human lab rat for 30 years: what happens next

Researchers knew Susannah better than her own parents.They may have even known her better than herself.Today, how spending thirty years in a psychological study warped journalist Susannah Breslin's life.If you enjoyed this episode and want to check out another, take a listen to Trauma, OCD and a PhD. 

Transcribed - Published: 13 April 2024

The unspoken rules that govern our behaviour

Whether it's shaking hands or which side of the road to drive on, social norms dominate the way we behave.But when norms change suddenly, you get chaos.Just ask Sweden.If you'd like to hear more from today's expert, Matt featured in an episode in 2021 called Neuromarketing — how brands target your brain. Check it out!

Transcribed - Published: 6 April 2024

Are animals conscious?

Have you ever looked at your pet and thought, what is going on inside your brain?Today, we're heading to the World Science Festival Brisbane for All in the Mind live to discuss animal consciousness.If you enjoyed this episode and are keen to listen to another, check out How our brain chemicals drive our behaviour. This episode was recorded live at the World Science Festival Brisbane. 

Transcribed - Published: 30 March 2024

Cults and coercive control

Popular culture is endlessly fascinated with cults, and they have the capacity to make ordinary people do unthinkable things.Today - how cults reel people in, how coercive control keeps them there and what it takes to get out.This episode was first broadcast in October 2022. And if you enjoyed listening, you should check out our episode The History of Brainwashing.

Transcribed - Published: 23 March 2024

What influences your inner voice? Controlling 'chatter' part two

That voice inside your head - where does it come from? We bring back a topic that was one of our most popular for a long awaited part two. Today, what shapes your internal chatter.Our original episode on chatter is called Controlling the chatter in your head, if you liked this episode you'll love that one!

Transcribed - Published: 16 March 2024

How (not) to manifest a million dollars

If you could manifest anything into your life, what would it be? A perfect partner, your dream house, winning the lottery?Manifesting promises a limitless potential of dreams to achieve — through methods like vision boards and affirmations.But does manifesting actually help us realise our goals? Is it harmless fun? Healthy positive thinking? Or can manifestation lead the brain down some dark alleys that you might not expect?In this episode we mention another episode called Visualisation and values — goal setting like a winner. It's part two of our two part series on the athlete's mindset. Part one is called A winning mindset — how top athletes think.  If you have a topic idea for All in the Mind, reach out to us via email at [email protected] 

Transcribed - Published: 9 March 2024

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