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3 Martini Lunch Podcast

Radio America

News, Daily News, Politics, News Commentary

4.6 • 1.3K Ratings


Three Martini Lunch is a funny, edgy and fast-paced podcast of the day's major political stories, hosted by Radio America's Greg Corombos and Jim Geraghty

1254 Episodes

Voters See the Biden Cover-Up, Trump Wavers on Debate, Obama Caves on Kamala

Today, Jim and Greg discuss polls emerging that show Americans believe Vice President Harris helped to cover up President Biden's decline, Donald Trump not committing to debate Harris yet, and the reluctant endorsement that the Obamas finally gave Kamala. First, they raise a double-fisted good martini to polls that confirm a broad acknowledgement of the cover-up of Biden's declining health, with many Americans believing Kamala had a role to play in concealing his true condition. They also observe how she is slowly coming more and more into the spotlight, taking on duties and making appearances that one would expect of the president. And they applaud the Free Beacon's Matthew Continetti for pointing out the media whiplash on how it characterizes Biden. Next, they comment on Trump's statement that he won't commit to debate Kamala until it has been confirmed that she will be the nominee. Jim thinks that this is not the right move, saying Trump should be pushing for as many debates as possible. Finally, they cringe through a video of the Obamas endorsing Kamala over the phone, which was released in the middle of the night. Jim and Greg also break down the Democratic veepstakes. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order. Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%.

Transcribed - Published: 26 July 2024

Biden's Bizarre Speech, Bibi vs. Pro-Hamas Protests, Media's Bogus 'Border Czar' Spin

Today, Jim and Greg discuss President Biden's address to the nation last night, Prime Minister Netanyahu's remarks to Congress, and the media trying to cover up the fact that Kamala was tasked with stopping the tide of humanity illegally crossing our border - and failed. First, they go over some highlights from Biden's address, which gave us no clarifying information about why he decided not to run again. They also roll their eyes at his final attempts to gaslight the American people about the merits of his presidency and his ugly insinuation that the fate of our republic depends upon Kamala Harris winning in November. Next, they dive into the good and bad parts of the news surrounding Netanyahu's visit to Washington, the good being the content of his speech and the bad being the insanity of anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protesters. They also take a moment to appreciate Vice President Harris's denouncement of the protests. Finally, they chuckle at some hilarious flailing from the media as they attempt to cover up Kamala's responsibility for the border, even though they were all calling her "border czar" not long ago. Jim takes them to task for this, and points out that the best strategy for Kamala would be owning up to the title while throwing the rest of Biden's administration under the bus. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order. Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%.

Transcribed - Published: 25 July 2024

Kamala's Radical Record, DOJ's Curious Timing, Secret Service & Trump Rallies

Today, Jim and Greg discuss the best strategies for conservatives to attack the Harris campaign, the DOJ finally forking over transcripts from the Bide classified documents probe, and the latest Secret Service embarrassment. First, they praise Pennsylvania U.S Senate hopeful David McCormick's attack ad that ties his opponent, incumbent Democrat Bob Casey, to Kamala Harris and her radical positions on energy, immigration, health insurance, and much more. Jim analyzes the pros and cons that the Harris campaign has to work with, and formulates a plan of attack for conservatives. Next, they sigh at the Justice Department suddenly releasing transcripts from President Biden's interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur after Biden has stepped down from the presidential race. Jim mocks them for their reasoning behind noncompliance with FOIA requests before Biden dropped out. Finally, they react to the news that the U.S. Secret Service is requesting that Donald Trump not hold outdoor rallies anymore because of the danger they pose. Jim suggests Trump probably ought to agree just to be on the safe side. But he is far more disheartened that the Secret Service is admitting that it is not competent enough to keep Trump safe at such rallies. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order. Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%.

Transcribed - Published: 24 July 2024

Cheatle Resigns, Kamala Uncontested, Dems Ghost Netanyahu

Today, Jim and Greg discuss Kim Cheatle's resignation as director of U.S. Secret Service, the swift ascendance of Kamala Harris as the Democrats' nominee, and Biden & Harris can't be bothered to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his visit to the U.S. First, they toast a good martini to Cheatle's resignation after a disastrous performance before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. Jim sees some clear parallels between her resignation and President Biden stepping down from his campaign. Next, they observe how Vice President Harris successfully cleared the field to be the next presidential nominee, securing the endorsement of top Democrats and a majority of DNC delegates. Greg points out the irony in how quickly the party of "defending democracy" was to shut down any chance of a robust primary. Finally, they talk about Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to the United State and how neither Biden nor Harris seem to have any time for him. Jim points out the impropriety of this and says it only adds to questions about who is running the country right now. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order. Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%.

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2024

Dems Force Biden to Abandon Re-Election Bid & Kamala Tries to Clear the Field

Today, Jim and Greg discuss President Biden bowing out of the presidential race, his endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, and Republican reactions to the news. First, they dive into the biggest news of the weekend: Biden is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. Jim raises his eyebrows at the troubling fact that Biden has not made any public appearances since the news came out, and wonders what kind of state the president is in. They also explain how Biden's decline was obvious for a long time, and Democrats only dumped him because they were finally convinced he would lose. Next, they mull over the political future of Vice President Harris, whom Biden and many other prominent Democrats have now endorsed, with a few notable holdouts. Jim thinks that her future is much more secure as a running mate, and that if she loses, her political career is as good as over. Finally, they go over the multitude of responses to the news from Republicans, from jabs that Kamala will be easier to beat to calls for Biden to step down immediately. Jim emphasizes the need for Biden to resign, and cautions against assuming Kamala will be easy to beat. Please visit our great sponsors: Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%. Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.

Transcribed - Published: 22 July 2024

Trump's Two Speeches, Biden Exit or Dem Wishcasting? Dems Doubt Trump Shooting

Today, Jim and Greg discuss the two speeches within Donald Trump's RNC address, reports that President Joe Biden plans to continue with his campaign while other Democrats plant stories that he is quitting, and the shocking number of Democrats buying into conspiracy theories about the attempted assassination of Trump. First, they analyze the very different parts of Trump's speech last night. They agree that the beginning of the speech, discussing the assassination attempt and honoring Corey Comperatore, was the strongest part. They also suggest that the rally-style improvisation made the speech too long. And while it probably didn't cost him any votes, a tighter speech may have appealed to more people. They agree that it seemed to be a successful convention and that every Gen X kid loved Hulk Hogan's appearance. Next, they compare conflicting reports about the likelihood that Biden will discontinue his re-election campaign, with sources close to the president reporting that they are "furious" about the pressure campaign that has been launched against him. Jim thinks that the liberal media is essentially dreamcasting, and that Biden will not step down if those closest to him want him to stay in office. Finally, they raise their eyebrows at the startling one-third of Democrats who believe that the attempted assassination of Trump was a hoax. Jim observes that you have to have an animal hatred of Trump for your first instinct at the shooting to be contemptuous disbelief.

Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2024

The JD Vance Speech, Biden Campaign Circles the Drain, MSNBC 'Huffing the Copium'

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim. Today, Inez and Greg discuss J. D. Vance's RNC speech last night, the latest from a steadily collapsing Biden campaign, and Joy Reid's latest unhinged take on Donald Trump and President Biden. First, they highlight the most salient points from Vance's speech. While Jim explained in the Morning Jolt why he did not like the speech because of how it represents an unfortunate shift in the Republican party and Greg has been bothered by heavy union embrace at the RNC, Inez contends that we are living in different times, and Vance's vision is a necessary one for the country's future. Next, they pull out the popcorn as high profile Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer shove Biden harder towards ending his re-election bid. His recent gaffes, forgetting the names of President Herbert Hoover and his own Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, as well as his recent contraction of Covid-19, are certainly not helping his case. Finally, they rip Joy Reid's attempt to compare Joe Biden's (hopeful) recovery from Covid to Trump recovering from getting shot. Inez quips that Democrats are just "huffing copium" at this point, because Trump obviously has all the luck on his side and has a knack for making the most of key moments.

Transcribed - Published: 18 July 2024

Powerful Convention Moments, Biden Panders to the Far Left, Cheatle's Sloppy 'Slope' Excuse

Today, Jim and Greg discuss the most compelling and important moments from the Republican National Convention Tuesday evening, President Biden's pandering to the hard left, and U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle's unsatisfying interview about the assassination attempt against Donald Trump. First, they review convention speeches from former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, as Haley sought to unite the party and DeSantis took a blowtorch to Biden and his record. They also highlight Madeline Brame's impassioned speech soft-on-crime policies of Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and other far left prosecutors. Jim believes that Nikki Haley's speech may turn out to be the most impactful in the coming election in moving the needle for Trump skeptics. Next, they shake their heads as Biden scrambles to save his campaign by appealing to hardline progressives with promises of federal rent control in a gaffe-filled speech. Jim is bewildered at why Democrats are pushing so hard to make him the nominee, seemingly terrified of a delegate fight this late in the election cycle. Finally, they put the spotlight on an interview that Director Cheatle did with ABC News, which raised more questions than it answered about how the shooter gained access to the roof of a building just 400 feet from Trump. They hope to see investigations and hearings that hold the Secret Service to greater accountability, but are resigned to the fact that Cheatle will not be stepping down and probably won't be fired.

Transcribed - Published: 17 July 2024

Trump Picks Vance, More Secret Service Mistakes, Biden's Weak Interview

Today, Jim and Greg discuss Donald Trump's selection of Ohio Senator J.D Vance as his running mate. They also talk about DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas's dubious statement of confidence in the U.S. Secret Service director, and President Biden's very weak interview with NBC's Lester Holt. First, they open with a conversation about Trump's choice of Sen. Vance as his running mate. They weigh the pros and cons that might come with this decision and touch on other notable aspects of the Republican National Convention. Next, they raise their eyebrows as Sec. Mayorkas claims that he has 100% confidence in Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, despite the agency's failure to stop the would-be Trump assassin from shooting. Greg recalls one of Trump's noteworthy lines from the debate: what does it take, in this administration, to get fired? Finally, they review Biden's NBC interview, in which he makes no effort to walk back the incendiary rhetoric he has used against Trump, and once again showcases his mental decline. They close with the breaking news that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez has been convicted on all counts, and Jim looks forward to the next corrupt Democrat who will take his place. Please visit our great sponsor: Moink https://moinkbox.com/martini Visit today to get one year of the best Bacon you’ll ever taste free.

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2024

The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

Today, Jim and Greg do wall-to-wall coverage of Saturday's attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. They discuss the miracle of Trump's survival, the suspicious details coming out about how the Secret Servicefailed to stop the shooter before he fired, and a mainstream media that will always find a way to attack Trump, even as he recovers from an attempt on his life. First, they take a few moments to express gratitude for Trump's survival. Jim points out that mere microseconds made the difference between what could have been one of the darkest moments in our nation's history, and the survival of our former president. Next, they point to the very obvious need to beef up the quality of the Secret Service, which failed to secure an obvious security concern with a clear line of sight to Trump. Officers also did not respond to the threat of the gunman climbing onto the roof until he began firing. Jim recalls many instances of lax, unprofessional behavior on the part of the Secret Service in the past, and hopes that this near-disaster will lead to a serious investigation of the agency. Finally, they facepalm at how the media handled coverage of the shooting, starting with their hesitancy to call the shooting a shooting even though video footage made that clear. They also slam prominent reporters for criticizing Trump's initial reaction to being shot and his perfectly normal statement a short time later. And Jim and Greg discuss Morning Joe being pre-empted this morning, reportedly because NBC wanted to avoid any of the guests making an inappropriate comment.

Transcribed - Published: 15 July 2024

SWING STATE SWEEP? Inside Trump's Powerful Plan To Win Congress & The White House

Sara Carter Sara A. Carter is an award-winning investigative reporter who is taking back the story. Each week, Carter shares her unique perspective as a mom, a wife to a wounded war hero, and a reporter who’s told stories from the darkest corners of the world. Join her as she takes you on a journey taking listeners inside exclusive stories and interviews you won’t hear anywhere else.This is where the story begins. About Sara Carter Sara A. Carter is a national and international award-winning investigative reporter whose stories have ranged from national security, terrorism, immigration and front line coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.Sara A. Carter is currently an investigative reporter and Fox News Contributor. Her stories can be found at saraacarter.com. She formerly worked as a senior national security correspondent for Circa News, as well as Los Angeles News Group, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner and wrote numerous exclusives for USA Today, US News World Report, and Arutz Sheva in Israel. In 2008, Sara was awarded the Society of Professional Journalists nationally recognized Sigma Delta Chi award for her multiple-part series in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico that uncovered the brutality of the Gulf and Sinaloa Cartel wars along the border.

Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024

Dems Still Stuck, Biden's Gaffes & Gaslighting, RNC's Regrettable Guest Speaker

Today, Jim and Greg discuss President Biden's press conference last night and how Democrats are still twisting in the wind. They also highlight Biden's embarrassing verbal fumbles. And they weigh in on the news that former stripper and Kanye West girlfriend Amber Rose will speak at the Republican National Convention. They begin with an overview of the press conference. Jim notes that while it was not bad by Biden standards, that still does not make it remotely good. Next, they highlight some of Biden's worst gaffes from the conference, including referring to President Zelensky as President Putin and to VP Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump." Greg notes Biden's horribly revionist view of the economy and his ongoing demonization if Israel. Jim says Dems should be shuddering over Biden's statement that he would refuse to step down even if the polls hypothetically showed that Kamala Harris was more likely to beat Trump than him. Finally, they lament the Republican National Convention's unfortunate speaker choice of Amber Rose, an ex-stripper who dated Kanye West and has several other tawdry items on her resume. Jim wonders whose idea it was to pick Rose, observing that this decision makes the RNC seem desperate for anyone remotely famous. Please visit our great sponsors: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com The key to better health today is Field of Greens. Use code 3ML to save 15% off your first order plus free rush shipping. Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.

Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024

Casey's Curious Family Funding, Obama Double-Crosses Biden, Bill Kristol's Political Fiction

Today, Jim and Greg discuss an attack ad that exposes Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey using his politics to help his siblings get rich, the news that former President Obama greenlit George Clooney's New York Times op-ed calling for President Biden to step down from the race, and Bill Kristol's ridiculous claim that Biden's old age is the only thing working against Democrats in this election. First, they applaud the Republican attack ad that takes Sen. Casey to task for using his position to enrich his family. They analyze the effect that this ad may have in the upcoming senate race, especially given that the ad ties Casey's actions to the Hunter Biden scandal, which is still a recent memory. Next, they shake their heads at what appears to be Obama's attempts to publicly support Joe Biden but privately sabotage his campaign, greenlighting George Clooney to call for Bide to step aside from the presidential race. Jim thinks that if Obama believes Biden is not fit to be president, then he should tell Biden himself instead of making underhanded moves to hint that Biden should step down. Finally, they dissect Bill Kristol's recent tweet that the Democratic party and its policies are basically sound, and that Biden's old age is the only thing holding them back. Jim and Greg point to the terrible results on the border, economics, and foreign policy that we have seen from this presidency, and wonder what backwards logic led Kristol to his conclusion. Please visit our great sponsors: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com The key to better health today is Field of Greens. Use code 3ML to save 15% off your first order plus free rush shipping. Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.

Transcribed - Published: 11 July 2024

Sotomayor & the 2nd Amendment, Sen. Bennet Bails on Biden, Goodbye Gaza Pier

Today, Jim and Greg discuss the implications of U.S. Marshals protecting Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor shooting a a would-be carjacker, the latest Democrat voices to turn on President Biden, and the curtain call of the Gaza pier disaster. First, they react to the news that the U.S. Marshals protecting Justice Sotomayor shot a man that pulled a gun on them and was likely attempting a carjacking. Jim wishes he could ask Justice Sotomayor if this incident changes her mind on the importance of second amendment rights. Next, they dissect Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet's public statements on CNN that Biden cannot win the upcoming election, as well as George Clooney's report that Biden was just as fragile behind closed doors at a recent Hollywood fundraiser as he was on the debate stage. Jim is very concerned about what this means for the next six months that Biden is in office, unless the 25th Amendment is invoked. Finally, they roll their eyes as the ridiculous Gaza pier saga finally comes to an end. Reports suggest it will likely soon be closed down because of how badly beaten up it has been by the weather. Jim points out that this project to send aid to Gaza was a failure in every sense. Please visit our great sponsors: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com The key to better health today is Field of Greens. Use code 3ML to save 15% off your first order plus free rush shipping. Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.

Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2024

The Media & Biden's Health, The GOP's Pathetic Platform, Biden's 'Big Boy' Plans

Greg is back today. Join Jim and Greg as they discuss the growing discussion surrounding President Biden's neurological health, the supremely unimpressive Republican Party platform, and Biden's press team treating him like a tiny child. First, they analyze the assessment of Dr. Tom Pitts, the board-certified neurologist who appeared on NBC News to share his belief that Biden clearly shows the symptoms of Parkinson'ss. Jim says this is a good martini not because of Biden's deteriorating health, but because the mainstream media have finally been forced to talk about it. Next, they tear into a painfully inadequate and "depressingly unserious" Republican party platform. There are some strong policies but from the poor writing to the glaring lack of specifics on spending and other issues, the platform is stunningly unimpressive. They are especially disappointed with how the platform surrenders on abortion. Finally, they have a good laugh at the way Press Sec. Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC Spokesman John Kirby are handling damage control for the president as they describe Biden's upcoming "big boy" press conference. They remark on how the president is clearly being infantilized by everyone surrounding him, and Jim laments that the nation is being run by Edith Wilsons. Please check out our great sponsors: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com The key to better health today is Field of Greens. Use code 3ML to save 15% off your first order plus free rush shipping. Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order.

Transcribed - Published: 9 July 2024

Biden's Non-Comeback, Staffers Run the Show, A Difficult Decision for Dems

Chad Benson, of the Chad Benson show, is in for Greg today. Join Jim and Chad as they discuss the dumpster fire that President Biden's campaign has become, from his shaky interview with George Stephanopoulos, to reports that his staffers manage every detail of his presidency, to the difficult situation that Democrats find themselves in when it comes to potentially replacing Biden. First, they kick things off with a double-fisted good martini as Biden's planned post-debate comeback flops immediately. His latest media appearances, especially the interview with Stephanopoulos and his call-in comments on Morning Joe, in which he did not even appear on video and was apparently reading from a script, confirm that his debate performance was not a fluke, and he is not, in fact, in the position to make successful public appearances. Next, they examine the troubling reports coming out from various sources that Biden is so closely managed by his staffers that he has no independence. If this is true, Jim says, then Biden is no longer truly the president: he is only a man waving and pretending to be president while others make the decisions. Finally, they chuckle at Biden's claim that he should be the presidential candidate because he won the primary, and they point out that the primary was skewed in Biden's favor to begin with. They also weigh the possibility of Democrats invoking the 25th amendment to oust Biden. Please visit our great sponsors: Zbiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15% off your first order. Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com The key to better health today is Field of Greens. Use code 3ML to save 15% off your first order plus free rush shipping.

Transcribed - Published: 8 July 2024

Jim's Return to Ukraine: State of the War, A Complicated Ally, Secret Drone Factory

Back in April, we brought you a full episode describing Jim's reflections following his second trip to Ukraine for two weeks in March. Here again are his descriptions about the reality of where the war stands, how complicated relationships can be in this conflict, and his visit to a truly fascinating drone factory. First, Jim explains why he wanted to go back to Ukraine a little more than six months after his visit last summer. He also updates the war effort, the relentless Russian "meat waves," the impact of U.S. aid being on hold, and what conditions for an end to the war might be under consideration. They also discuss Ukraine's policy of not holding elections while under martial law. Would it be better to demonstrate a commitment to democracy regardless of the circumstances or is it simply impossible to hold elections under the current circumstances? Next, Jim recounts his meeting with Ilya Ponomarev, a former member of the Russian Duma who is now working with Ukraine against the Russians. His tactics are certainly fodder for debate but Jim explains why what Ponomarev is doing is quite courageous. Finally, Jim describes his visit to a secret drone factory somewhere in Ukraine and shares as much as he can about the innovations happening to assist the war effort and the people working there. Jim may be the first western journalist to visit the plant.

Transcribed - Published: 5 July 2024

July 4th Special: More of What We Love About America

Today, Jim and Greg kick off the Fourth of July by each sharing three things that they are grateful for in the American experience. First, Jim is thankful for how accessible a wide variety of good food is in the United States. Greg expands on this, pointing out that if someone is able to do something well or produce a good product in the United States, they can succeed. Next, Jim appreciates state parks, and how easily we have access to the great outdoors. Greg discusses how there is fascinating history to learn in all different corners of the country. Finally, they reflect more on our history. Jim observes how bestseller selections at bookstores usually include historical fiction or nonfiction, and how Americans are passionate about their history. Greg feels indebted to our founding fathers and their wisdom expressed in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence - including how our precious rights are from God and not from government. Have a safe and Happy 4th!

Transcribed - Published: 4 July 2024

Biden Backup Plans; Biden Polling; Biden's Age

Chad Benson, of the Chad Benson show, is in for Greg today. The White House says it is absolutely false reporting from The New York Times that President Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week. Data from OpenLabs, reported by Puck News, indicates that if the election were held today, the 81-year-old Biden would not only lose all seven of the swing states thought to hold the key to the White House in 2024 — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — but also states he won convincingly four years ago. One White House reporter blames the media for not spending even more time than they have discussing President Biden's age.

Transcribed - Published: 3 July 2024

Biden Behind Closed Doors, Curated Briefings, Media Finally Wakes Up

Chad Benson, of the Chad Benson show, is in for Greg today. Join Jim and Chad as they discuss three of today's crazy stories about the horror show of President Biden's failing mental acuity, how his staff are scared to give Biden bad news in his daily briefing, and the mainstream media's shock on how they missed America's biggest story of a president unable to function at the necessary level. First, they dissect Carl Bernstein's revelation that many people close to the president could confirm that Biden's showing on the debate stage was not a one-off occurence, and his mental state is, in fact, often shaky. Jim wonders why these figures close to the president waited until now to come forward and inform Americans that their president is not able to keep up with the demands of his office. Next, they delve into a troubling Politico article that details how Biden's staff are scared to give him bad news in his daily briefings, as it sets him off and makes him very difficult to deal with. They point out that while no one likes to receive bad news, it is crucial for the president to get the whole picture in his briefings, and it is very worrisome that Biden is not getting the whole story. Finally, they roll their eyes at the mainstream media, which is shocked that they never realized the extent of Biden's mental decline. Jim and Chad point out that the mainstream media never saw the reality right in front of them because they simply did not want to see it.

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024

Biden Administration Bulldozes Critics, SCOTUS Confirms Presidential Immunity, Jill Biden and the Sweet Life

Chad Benson, of the Chad Benson show, is in for Greg today. Join Jim and Chad as they discuss the Biden campaign's dubious plan to attack those concerned about the president's senility, the Supreme Court's reasonable ruling on presidential immunity, and the Vogue article that unmasks Jill Biden's true intentions. First, they toast a martini in front of the cozy dumpster fire blaze that is the post-debate Biden campaign. They note that no one can hide the truth about Biden's mental state any longer, but that the campaign has no choice but to deny a reality that we all have seen as their main strategy. Next, they delve into the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity, which found that the activities a president performs as part of his office are covered by immunity, but that criminal activity outside of that is not protected. Jim points out that you must give the president a wide leeway to perform his duties, so this ruling should make sense no matter which side of the aisle you are on. Finally, they pull back the curtain on what is likely the main force that is pushing Biden back into the presidential race: Jill Biden. They react to the Vogue article that fully displays Jill Biden's love of the power and glamour that comes with being the first lady.

Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024

The Debate: Biden's Decline Exposed, The 25th Amendment Question, and Everything in Between

Greg and Jim dissect the good, the bad, and the crazy of last night's debate. First, they celebrate the vindication of everyone who has been calling out President Biden's inadequate mental state.They take shots at all the media and White House figures who were championing Joe Biden's mental acuity, most notably Joe Scarborough and Chris Cillizza. Next, they worry about the message that Biden's display of senility sent to nations that are hostile to the U.S. They weigh the possibility of invoking the twenty-fifth amendment to remove Biden from office for his physical and mental decline. Finally, they examine other aspects of the debate, such as the fairness of the moderators and the usefulness of holding the debate without an audience. They also review the golfing interlude in the debate, lamenting how presidential discourse has declined to the level of Statler and Waldorf. Please visit our great sponsor: Moink https://moinkbox.com/martini Visit today to get one year of the best Bacon you’ll ever taste free.

Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2024

There's No Gaza Famine, Bowman Blames the Jews, Previewing the Debate

Today, Jim rejoins Greg, and has a wild moose story to tell from his trip to Alaska. Then they discuss the latest updates indicating that Gaza is not in danger of starvation, Rep. Jamaal Bowman's ridiculous reasoning for why he lost his primary, and their predictions about the tonight's presidential debate. First, they are pleased to see a revised report confirming that Gaza is not under threat of starvation. They hope this is a lesson to news agencies not to take Palestinian reports about damage to their civilians at face value, since they have been known to wildly exaggerate such reports. Next, they facepalm as Rep. Jamaal Bowman blames dark money super PACs for his defeat, accusing them of trying to "brainwash" voters. Jim jabs that Bowman is the dumbest member of the squad, and set himself up for a failure of this magnitude. Finally, they offer up their predictions for the presidential debate tonight, weighing the different factors that play in the favor of each candidate. Jim speculates that the debate has been overhyped, and that, barring a dramatic turn of events, it will not move the needle for voters very much.

Transcribed - Published: 27 June 2024

Voters Boot Rep. Jamaal Bowman, SCOTUS Fails on Free Speech, Sen. Baldwin's Obesity Attack Ad

Today, Undisputed King of Stuff and Discourse Magazine & Arizona Republic contributor Jon Gabriel is in for Jim today. Jon and Greg discuss the mighty fall of New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, the Supreme Court's decision in favor of the Biden administration on social media censorship, and Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin's bizarre attack ad on challenger Eric Hovde. First, they applaud the voters of New York's 16th congressional district for their round rejection of Rep. Jamaal Bowman's re-election bid, as he lost by a gaping 17-point margin. They remark that it is delicious to see Bowman get his just desserts for his childish fire alarm stunt and, more importantly, for his vile anti-Semitic rhetoric. Next, they lament the Supreme Court's disappointing decision on Murthy v. Missouri, which challenged the federal government's role in social media censorship. The court decided in favor of the Biden administration, ruling that the plaintiffs did not have sufficient standing. Finally, they attempt to make sense of Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin's illogical attack ad on likely GOP opponent Eric Hovde because of his support for higher insurance rates when one is obese. Jon and Greg point out that everyone with significant health risks faces higher insurance premiums, and there is no logical reason to make obesity an exception.

Transcribed - Published: 26 June 2024

SCOTUS Grapples With Gun Laws, Assange Saga Seems to End, Biden Guilt Trips America

Former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney and National Review Contributing Editor Andy McCarthy is in for Jim. Join Andy and Greg as they discuss the Supreme Court's latest Second Amendment ruling, the final chapter of the Julian Assange legal saga, and President Biden's latest fatuous message to the American public. First, they dissect the Supreme Court's 8-1 ruling that the state can bar people with domestic violence restraining orders against them from owning a gun. Andy is pleased to see the courts grappling with how to apply clear Constitutional precedents to the modern world. Next, they dive into Julian Assange's upcoming plea bargain on criminal information charges. Andy and Greg agree that Assange is no hero, but Andy also points out that Assange was never charged for the dissemination of allegedly hacked DNC emails in 2016 - largely because it could never be proved how those emails were obtained. And those facts further put the lie to Russian collusion allegations. Finally, they roll their eyes at President Biden's ridiculous appeal to the American public, as he says that we know who Donald Trump is, and must now decide who we are. They point out that Biden is running a campaign on January 6 and abortion, due to the utter failure of his administration.

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024

Was Jack Smith's Appointment Legit? Sharia Law Infecting America, Trump's Terrible Green Card Plan

Former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney and National Review Contributing Editor Andy McCarthy is in for Jim. Join Andy and Greg as they discuss the constitutional problem with attorney Jack Smith's appointment to be special counsel on the Trump cases, the dangers in the U.S. and beyond stemming from radical interpretations of sharia law, and Donald Trump's crazy proposal to grant green cards to all foreign graduates of U.S. colleges. First, Andy walks through the legal and political problems surrounding ack Smith's appointment to special counsel in the Trump cases concerning classified documents and January 6. Such appointments must either be made by the president or permitted by statute, neither of which is the case in this instance. Andy also points to the inconsistency in Smith's claim that he is closely supervised by Attorney General Merrick Garland and AG Garland's claim that he does not interfere with Smith's activities. Next, they walk through the perils that radical proponents of Sharia law pose to the western world, from virulent anti-Semitism to the Taliban pushing to keep Afghan women off of the UN council on Afghanistan. Andy hammers home that radical sharia law is antithetical to Western values and to democracy, and that we must recognize this reality, not gloss over it. Finally, they raise their eyebrows at Donald Trump's radical proposal to grant green cards to all foreign college graduates. Andy and Greg emphasize the importance of dealing with the border crisis before making plans to grant foreign nationals a right to remain in the country.

Transcribed - Published: 24 June 2024

Bragg Frees Columbia Criminals, Left Unhinged on Education, The War on Paper Towels

Hillsdale College Radio General Manager and Radio Free Hillsdale Hour Host Scot Bertram is in for Jim. Join Scot and Greg as they discuss Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's dropping charges against most of the Columbia students arrested to taking over a campus building, the latest delusional narratives from anti-school choice leftists, and Good Morning America's bizarre campaign against paper towels. There are no good martinis today, so Scot and Greg start by tearing into Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for giving the Columbia students who occupied a building (and held a custodian hostage) a free pass on the grounds that the university would handle their discipline internally and that there somehow wasn't sufficient evidence to charge them. They point out the glaring double standard in how Bragg treats individuals who line up with his political preferences. They next raise a double-fisted bad martini to the unhinged anti-school choice rhetoric that leftists are pushing, starting with Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Gates claiming that conservatives want black children to stay illiterate. They then delve into Scientific American's push for greater federal regulation of homeschooling, specifically parents, and why it makes no sense. Finally, they puzzle over "Good Morning America's" stunning and brave stand against paper towels as it offers various (ineffective) alternatives to viewers. Scot notes that the point of these useless alternatives is really to feel better about yourself, not to get anything done. Please visit our great sponsor: Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%.

Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2024

Condi's School Choice Mic Drop, DOJ Hounds Trans Surgery Whistleblower, Deficits Quickly Snowballing

UnHerd DC Correspondent and Breaking Points co-host Emily Jashinsky is in for Jim. Today, Emily and Greg discuss former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's brilliant defense of school choice, the Justice Department' persecution of Dr. Eithan Haim for blowing the whistle on sex-change surgeries happening on minors in Texas Children's Hospital, and the sky-high national deficit that continues to mount. First, they applaud Condoleezza Rice's incisive criticism of the left's hypocrisy when it opposes school choice. Rice aptly observes that elites who oppose school choice often send their own children to expensive public schools. Next, they examine the chilling reality that Dr. Eithan Haim exposed at Texas Children's Hospital: minors are being given sex-change surgeries, though the hospital previously claimed that this was not happening. Emily and Greg tear into the DOJ's obvious political targeting of Dr. Haim, alleging HIPAA violations though Dr. Haim took every care not to reveal the identity of patients. Finally, they toast a double-fisted crazy martini to the $24 trillion deficit that the government will run over the next decade, thanks to out-of-control and ineffective spending. They also consider the steep interest payments on the debt that taxpayers will face in the coming years. Please visit our great sponsors: Moink https://moinkbox.com/martini Visit today to get one year of the best Bacon you’ll ever taste free. Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%.

Transcribed - Published: 20 June 2024

GOP Caving on Drafting Women? The Russia-North Korea Coalition, KJP's Lame Damage Control

Former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney and National Review Contributing Editor Andy McCarthy is in for Jim. Join Andy and Greg as they discuss Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley sounding the alarm as both parties seem ready to pass a bill that would subject women to military drafts, the increasingly worrisome alliance between Russia and North Korea, and Press Sec. Karine Jean-Pierre's almighty struggle to explain away President Biden's gaffes. First, they delve into Sen. Hawley excoriating a bipartisan bill that has passed the House of Representatives that would require women to register for Selective Service. They agree with Hawley's criticism of the bill and that our daughters should not be forced into combat. However, Andy unloads on Hawley for suggesting Republicans are backing the idea so they have enough people to fight "endless wars." Next, they explore the implications of the recent pledge between Russia and North Korea to defend one another if either is attacked. Andy thinks that pledges between such unreliable actors are flimsy at best, but that does not negate the potential evils that may come of this agreement. Finally, they roll their eyes at White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's lackluster excuses for former President Obama having to guide President Biden offstage at a campaign event. Andy observes that events like these can be given the benefit of the doubt if they are one-time occurrences, but Biden's gaffes happen too often to be written off. As a bonus, Andy weighs in on his expectations for upcoming Supreme Court decisions. Please visit our great sponsor: Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout for $100 off.

Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2024

Dueling Six Demons: Previewing Jim Geraghty's New Spy Thriller

Today, Greg interviews Jim about his soon-to-be-released thriller, "Dueling Six Demons," the latest in his Dangerous Clique series. First, Jim talks about the role of setting in his thrillers, and how, over the past year, his writing has become increasingly more tied to his personal experiences in locations like Ukraine and Taiwan. Next, Jim discusses how he creates his characters, almost all of whom draw inspiration from real figures in Jim's life. Jim also talks about the nature of a story's ending, and how it must either be an earned happy ending or a complex, imperfect ending. Finally, Greg asks Jim about the growing mood of cynicism in the series, and whether or not that reflects Jim's personal views. Jim also speaks about the tension between creating a world that feels lived-in and believable, while also avoiding the injection of political commentary into the story. Please visit our great sponsor: Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout to save 15%.

Transcribed - Published: 18 June 2024

Unionized Coffee Shop Collapses, Biden Steamrolls Constitution (Again), CNN Demonizes 'Republic'

Today, Former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney and National Review Contributing Editor Andy McCarthy is in for Jim. Today, Andy and Greg discuss the Philadelphia barista union that led to the closure of their own coffee shops, the latest unconstitutional executive order that President Biden is planning on immigration, and CNN's fear mongering over using the word "republic" rather than "democracy" to describe the United States. First, they roll their eyes at a newly minted union of baristas in Philadelphia that got their own store closed down, losing all their jobs. Andy offers them a reminder: you cannot repeal the laws of economics, and the minimum wage is always ultimately $0. Next, they tear into the executive order that President Biden reportedly plans to sign which would allow illegal immigrants to obtain work permits if they have been here at least 10 years and are married to U.S. citizens. Andy points out Biden's double standard in blaming Congress for his inability to deal with the border crisis and then turning around to issue an executive order that unconstitutionally supersedes the authority of Congress. Finally, they facepalm as CNN tries to paint the use of "republic" by conservatives as an attack on democracy. Andy discusses the importance of a republic, which safeguards liberty by limiting the power of institutions and placing necessary checks on the will of the majority. Please visit our great sponsor: Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout for $100 off.

Transcribed - Published: 17 June 2024

Bump Stocks Ban Reversed, U.S. Troops to Patrol Gaza? Biden Nominees Protect Pedophiles

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim. Today, Inez and Greg discuss the Supreme Court's reversal of the ban on bump stocks, the alarming speculation that the Biden administration is seriously considering a post-war U.S. intervention in Gaza, and some nauseating decisions made by two Biden judicial nominees which protected criminal pedophiles. First, they applaud the Supreme Court for overturning the ban on bump stocks, ruling that they do not transform semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons. They also touch on Merrick Garland being held in contempt of Congress for refusing to release the unedited Biden-Hur recording, and whether or not this action on the House's part will lead to the eventual release of the recording. Next, they raise their eyebrows at the Biden administration's apparent consideration of U.S involvement in post-war Gaza. Inez and Greg point out that placing our soldiers in this hotbed of terrorism severely risks exposing them to attack. Finally, they delve into the sordid rulings of two of President Biden's judicial nominees, one of whom, Julia Lipez, suspended the prison sentence of a predator who sexually assaulted two girls, saying she "saw good in him." The other, Sarah Netburn, infamously recommended the transfer of a male child rapist to a women's prison facility after the perpetrator claimed to identify as a woman. Please visit our great sponsors: Omaha Steaks https://omahasteaks.com Visit OmahaSteaks.com to get Father’s Day packages starting at $89 with code MARTINI. Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com Use code 3ML to save 15% and get FREE shipping.

Transcribed - Published: 14 June 2024

Biden Blocked on Title IX, GOP Stumbling on Abortion, Left Redefines 'Democracy'

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim. Today, Inez and Greg welcome a federal judge strongly rejecting the Biden administration's rewrite of Title IX, wonder if Republicans will be able to punch back effectively on abortion anytime soon, and laugh as the left says election results they don't like are a threat to democracy. First, they applaud the federal court ruling that the Biden administration's efforts to redefine "sex" in Title IX to enshrine the left's gender identity agenda and evisceration of due process rights clearly guts the intent of Title IX and also violates the constitutional requirement for such changes to come through Congress. They also note Thursday's Supreme Court decision dodging the merits of the case on the FDA and abortifacients and consider whether Republicans are ever going to get out of the political starting blocks on this issue nearly two years after the Dobbs decision. Inez says Americans are suddenly having to exercise political muscles that had atrophied since Roe v. Wade and Republicans were caught flat-footed by their own victory. Finally, they shake their heads as leftists in Europe and the U.S. try to argue that victories by "far right" parties in Europe are a "threat to democracy," noting how the left now casually labels any result of policy they don't like as imperiling democracy. Please visit our great sponsor: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com Use code 3ML to save 15% and get FREE shipping.

Transcribed - Published: 13 June 2024

Terror Suspects & the Border, Biden's Inflation Gaslighting, MSNBC Spins Hunter Convictions

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim today. Inez and Greg discuss the chilling revelation of how easily eight terrorism suspects entered the U.S. at our southern border, President Biden's obvious gaslighting over inflation, and MSNBC's claims that Hunter Biden's convictions are a major political setback for Donald Trump. First, they shudder at multiple reports detailing how eight men from Tajikistan easily entered the U.S. at our southern border and were later allegedly caught conspiring to commit acts of terrorism. Inez discusses how the border has devolved into "security theater" and how there has been a big, troubling shift in where these people are coming from. Next, they sigh as President Biden tries to spin a tiny decrease in year-over-year inflation as significant news and especially how he is trying to blame grocery stores for the high prices. It's complete fiction, but Inez warns critics not to underestimate the appeal Biden's fake blue collar messaging might still have with some voters. Finally, they get a kick out MSNBC's Chuck Todd insisting that Hunter Biden was dealt with more harshly than other Americans facing the same charges because he is the president's son. And he asserts that the guilty verdict is further proof that there is no merit to Trump's argument that Biden's DOJ is waging lawfare against him. Please visit our great sponsor: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com Use code 3ML to save 15% and get FREE shipping.

Transcribed - Published: 12 June 2024

Hunter Biden Convicted, Biden Butchers Border Control, AOC Covers for Anti-Semites

Today, Jim and Greg open the discussion by toasting a martini to Hunter Biden's recent convictions, but then they have to contend with President Biden's complete failure to accomplish anything down at the border, as well as Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's apparent attempt at damage control for the rampant anti-Semitism among pro-Palestinian activists. First, they celebrate Hunter Biden's guilty verdict on all counts, which only took the jury a few hours to decide. They go through the indisputable evidence of the the case and point out how this verdict makes clear that no one is above the law, no matter how much influence the Biden family has in Delaware. Next, they tear into the implementation of Biden's executive order, which has more holes than Swiss cheese. In particular, they dissect a memo ordering Border Patrol agents in SanDiego to release illegal immigrants from all but six countries, showing how Biden's executive order has done nothing to change the entrenched catch-and-release policies that take the teeth out of border security. Finally, they scratch their heads as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims that accusing "people of color" of anti-Semitism is racist. Jim wonders whether columnist and Twitter commentator Stephen Miller is right in speculating that AOC wishes she were an activist instead of a congresswoman. Please visit our great sponsors: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com Use code 3ML to save 15% and get FREE shipping. Omaha Steaks https://omahasteaks.com Visit OmahaSteaks.com to get Father’s Day packages starting at $89 with code MARTINI.

Transcribed - Published: 11 June 2024

IDF Rescues Four Hostages, Criminal Protestors Go Unpunished, Young Lefties Avoid Having Kids

Today, Jim and Greg discuss the wonderfully successful hostage rescue operation by the Israel Defense Forces, the unpunished criminal activity of pro-Palestinian protestors in front of the White House this weekend, and the disheartening phenomenon of young progressives pushing off having children until it's too late. First, they celebrate the IDF's triumphant rescue of several hostages from Gaza. They criticize those whose first reaction to the news is to look for the negatives, and they examine the flaws in the Biden administration's naive plan to establish peace in the Arab world. Next, they point out the inconsistencies in how left and right-leaning protestors are treated when they break the law. This weekend, pro-Palestinian protestors vandalized sculptures in Lafayette Square and threw projectiles at National Park Service employees along with the Secret Service, but none of the perpetrators have been arrested. Finally, they discuss the disturbing trend of young progressives putting off or avoiding having children in greater and greater numbers. They point out the necessity of taking on responsibility and bringing forth the next generation, and how facing the challenges of parenthood is ultimately much more rewarding than eternal adolescence. Please visit our great sponsors: Field of Greens https://fieldofgreens.com Use code 3ML to save 15% and get FREE shipping. Omaha Steaks https://omahasteaks.com Visit OmahaSteaks.com to get Father’s Day packages starting at $89 with code MARTINI.

Transcribed - Published: 10 June 2024

Youngkin Cancels EV Mandates, Rattle in the Economic Engine, Weary of Woke 'Star Wars'

Today, Jim and Greg discuss Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin divorcing Virginia from California's EV standards, what the latest job report does and doesn't tell us about the state of the economy, and the sad, steady decline of the Star Wars franchise and Hollywood products in general. First, they react to Gov. Youngkin's announcement that Virginia will no longer follow California's EV policies, jumping ship as California changes their regulations. They criticize the law that tied Virginia's policy to California's in the first place, and they celebrate this victory for consumer choice. Next, they analyze the May jobs report, which boasts of 272,000 new jobs, though unemployment is now at four percent. Jim warns that, whatever the trends in job creation and unemployment may be, the real economic problem to watch out for is inflation. Finally, they lament the deterioration in quality of the more recent Star Wars movies and series. They roll their eyes at the latest series being rolled out, Acolyte, whose stars promise that it will be "the gayest" Star Wars series yet.

Transcribed - Published: 7 June 2024

Left Relitigating 2016, Hillary Hijacks D-Day, Menendez Pleads...Independent

Today, Jim and Greg toast three crazy martinis to our chaotic political landscape. They discuss the ridiculous theory Laurence Tribe is pushing, which states that Donald Trump's recent convictions means Hillary should have been the winner of the 2016 election; Hillary Clinton's embarrassing attempt to politicize D-Day; and the surprising party switch of Sen. Bob Menendez, which comes with an even bigger surprise behind it. First, they delve into legendary Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe promulgating the idea that Donald Trump's felony convictions invalidate the results of the 2016 election, and his accompanying lament of all that could have been had Hillary Clinton ascended to the presidency instead. Jim gives Tribe credit for pushing the least plausible argument for doubting the results of the 2016 election, pointing out that, long before this recent conviction, voters were aware of Trump's long record of dubious moral behavior. Next, they roll their eyes at Hillary Clinton's D-Day tweet, which compares those who vote to "save democracy" to the military heroes of 1944. They point out that voting in a free country is very obviously not the same as risking your life in battle, and they observe that Democrats only value democracy insofar as it gets them the election results they want. Finally, they unpack New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez running as an independent, allegedly so that he can angle for a presidential pardon no matter who is president after the next election. Jim and Greg are a little dubious as to whether this plan will be successful. Please visit our great sponsor: Omaha Steaks https://omahasteaks.com Visit OmahaSteaks.com to get the Deluxe Father’s Day Gift for just $89.99 plus 4 Free Burgers with code MARTINI.

Transcribed - Published: 6 June 2024

Garland Grilled Over Border, Biden's Border Posturing, Scarborough's Absurd Biden Defense

Today, Jim and Greg discuss Texas Rep. Chip Roy's unrelenting takedown of Attorney General Merrick Garland's border security record, Biden's useless new executive order to limit border crossings, and Joe Scarborough's dubious assertion that Joe Biden is sharper than any House Speaker over the past 30 years. First, they applaud Texas Rep. Chip Roy for taking Attorney General Merrick Garland to task for trying to excuse the egregious lack of enforcement at the border and pin the blame on a lack of funds. Jim says for Garland to blame the problem on a lack of funding is insulting. Next, they explain why President Biden's executive order that supposedly tightens border security has no teeth because there are so many loopholes that nothing really changes. Finally, Jim has little patience for MSNBC's Joe Scarborough trying to rebut a Wall Street Journal story about Biden's cognitive decline by claiming that Biden is mentally sharper than every Speaker of the House over the past 30 years. Please visit our great sponsors: Omaha Steaks https://omahasteaks.com Visit OmahaSteaks.com to get the Deluxe Father’s Day Gift for just $89.99 plus 4 Free Burgers with code MARTINI.

Transcribed - Published: 5 June 2024

Fauci's COVID Bullying Exposed, Mexico Stays Far Left, Biden Badmouths Bibi Again

Join Greg and Jim as they discuss Fauci's ugly bullying behind the vaccine mandates Covid mandates, Mexico’s recent election of another far-left leader and the potentially big implications for the U.S., and Biden’s claim that Israel’s war with Hamas is unnecessarily being prolonged to keep Netanyahu in power. First, they unload for the second straight day on former NIH official Anthony Fauci, who was sold as a symbol of trust to the American people. They specifically target comments exposed during Monday's hearings in which Fauci is heard saying they needed to threaten people trying to get an education or a job (or keep one) that they had to get the COVID vaccination. Fauci further said when you apply that kind of pressure, people have no choice but to abandon their ideologies and beliefs. Then, amid a swirl of breaking news, the Mexican presidential campaign and election went mostly unnoticed, until Claudia Sheinbaum was easily elected the new president. Sheinbaum, Mexico’s first female and Jewish president, ran on a platform of continuing former President Lopez Obrador’s policies and of expanding the government and consolidating power. The election, coming in conjunction with Biden’s proposed border control, could have big implications for the United States relations and trade with Mexico. Finally, after supporting Israel for months, Biden turned tail and claimed that the prolonged war against Gaza is a power grab for Netanyahu and an attempt to occupy Gaza completely. Biden says that Hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another October 7th attack, and so, enough is enough. Biden claims that the war in Gaza is as bad as the American occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and is unnecessary.

Transcribed - Published: 4 June 2024

Hunter Heads to Court, Fauci's Made-Up COVID Rules, DOJ's 'Deepfake' Drivel

Join Jim and Greg as they have a lot to say about Hunter Biden finally facing federal charges, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitting some of the most repressive COVID restrictions were not based on science at all, and the Justice Department saying we can't hear the audio of President Biden's conversation with the special counsel because of concern over artificial intelligence "deepfakes." First, they're glad that Hunter Biden is finally facing federal charges for lying about his drug use on federal forms when buying a gun years ago. They also pull no punches in response to the excuse that Biden's legal team offered for why Hunter should not be held responsible for lying about his drug use on the forms. Next, they skewer Dr. Anthony Fauci after the former NIH head of allergies and infectious diseases admits to lawmakers that the six-foot social distancing rule and the decision to mandate the masking of kids was not based on science. And Fauci still disputes whether closing schools and extended online learning and mandatory masking stunted kids' educational progress. Finally, they blast the Justice Department for the utterly stupid explanation that it cannot release the audio of President Biden's interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur over Biden's mishandling of classified documents. The DOJ insists that it must keep the audio under wraps because there is great concern that bad actors could create artificial intelligence "deepfakes" of Biden using the audio.

Transcribed - Published: 3 June 2024

Check Out Hollywood In Toto!!

Check out Hollywood in Toto! Most Hollywood news sites either ignore or malign readers who crave more freedom, less regulation, and a smaller government footprint.You won’t find that at Hollywood in Toto.Christian Toto is an award-winning journalist, film critic, and podcaster with more than 20 years of experience covering Hollywood. Toto is a Rotten Tomatoes certified reviewer and belongs to both the Critics’ Choice Association and the Denver Film Critics Society. Most importantly? He loves movies. What he doesn’t love is how both Hollywood and the media can’t stop trashing people that don’t agree with their point of view. AKA Conservatives.Toto has worked in media long enough to know the vast majority of entertainment coverage leans to the left. And it’s getting even more imbalanced. That’s why he created Hollywood in Toto in 2014 – to give fellow conservatives a place where they can discover the latest news and reviews without insults.HiT also cheers when Hollywood gets it right, no pun intended (this time). Stars giving ’til it hurts. Movies celebrating freedom and liberty. Actors using their platforms for unabashedly good causes.

Transcribed - Published: 31 May 2024

The Trump Verdict: The Case, The Rule of Law & What Comes Next

Jim is back just in time to discuss the fallout from Thursday's verdict, as a Manhattan jury convicted Donald Trump on all 34 counts of falsifying his campaign expenditures in 2016. First, they dissect the many different ways this case was twisted to target Trump - from the creative dating on the statute of limitations, to the unprecedented contortions needed to turn it into a felony, to a judge who seemed partial throughout the trial to the basic fact that no one other than Trump would likely have faced these charges. And they note that a lot of legal experts who openly don't like Trump are highly critical of the case being brought and the way it was conducted. Next, they assess the contention of many on the right that this case and this verdict are clear evidence that the left is openly using the justice system for political ends and that the rule of law itself is in danger of collapse. Jim offers a simple but powerful explanation of what justice should be and why we fell short of that standard in this case. Finally, they conclude that the Biden team made the right call in sending the president out for an on-camera victory lap on Thursday. They suspect it might have something to do with the disastrous De Niro PR stunt this week - and because Trump may not be the only convicted felon in Biden's orbit within the next few weeks.

Transcribed - Published: 31 May 2024

Alito Rejects Recusal, Baseless Attack Against Barrett, Awaiting the Trump Verdict

Today, Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in again for Jim. Join Greg and Inez as they discuss Justice Alito rejecting demands from Democrats to recuse himself on certain cases, a hilariously dumb attack from Rolling Stone designed to discredit Justice Barrett, plus Inez's latest observations from the Trump trial. First, they are pleased, though not surprised, to hear that Justice Samuel Alito refuses to recuse himself from the Trump immunity case (or other possible January 6-related lawsuits), a request made by Senate Democrats on the absurd grounds that his wife flew an upside-down American flag outside their home after a dispute with the neighbors and the Appeal to Heaven flag outside of their beach home. Next, they shake their heads as Rolling Stone tries to smear Justice Amy Coney Barrett simply due to her husband representing the parent company of Fox News in a defamation lawsuit. They explain why the left is trying to manufacture outrage against the right-leaning justices and they also make the obvious point that spouses of Supreme Court justices are still allowed to have jobs and still allowed to exercise free speech rights. Finally, they weigh in on Donald Trump's hush money trial, in which jurors are not provided with written instructions from the judge. They also note the judge's guidance that jurors need to agree that at least one of the charges against Trump is valid to have a unanimous verdict - but they don't have to agree on which of those charges he's guilty of. Inez also laments the way in which the justice system has been politicized and weaponized, which this trial has made clear.

Transcribed - Published: 30 May 2024

Harvard Fakes Free Speech, Another Biden Gas Price Gimmick, Biden's Dumb De Niro Stunt

Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum and host of the "High Noon" podcast is in for Jim. Join Greg and Inez as they discuss Harvard's new "Institutional Voice Working Group" report, Biden's attempts to explain away high oil prices with pre-election pandering, and the fast-approaching denouement of the Trump trial, along with all the implications associated with the verdict. First, they raise their eyebrows at Harvard's professed commitment to upholding free speech and open inquiry. They point out that Harvard's Institutional Voice Working Group is only making such statements to appease both angry donors and radical students, and that they will, in all likelihood, proceed with anti-speech policies when it comes to conservative voices. Next, they dissect President Biden's deceptive attempts to use Russia as the reason for high gas prices and to fashion a scapegoat out of oil companies and corporate greed. They also shake their heads at his inappropriate use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to essentially pander to voters. And they shake their heads at the counterproductive impact California Democrats may inflict with their new law that's supposedly designed to prevent gas price gouging. Finally, they wonder why the Biden-Harris campaign chose Robert DeNiro, of all people, to make a statement of endorsement outside of the Trump trial proceedings. They also consider the possible impacts, positive and negative, of the trial on Trump's popularity, as well as his chances of acquittal. Please visit our great sponsor: Omaha Steaks https://omahasteaks.com Use promo code MARTINI for additional savings when you shop Gourmet Gift Packages for Father’s Day.

Transcribed - Published: 29 May 2024

Florida School Choice Soars, Gaza Pier Collapse, Buttigieg's EV Bluster

Hillsdale College Radio General Manager and Radio Free Hillsdale Hour Host Scot Bertram is in for Jim. Join Scot and Greg as they discuss Florida's rising enrollment numbers in public school alternatives, the disastrous situation on the Gaza pier, and Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg's lackluster explanation for the mere seven EV charging stations that took a $7.5 billion in taxpayer investment to produce. First, they take time to appreciate the fruits of Florida's school choice policies, as more and more parents choose charter schools, private schools, or homeschooling for their children. They point out that this will force public schools to up their game in order to compete, as many Florida public schools face the threat of closure. Next, they lament the collapse of the Gaza Pier. They also discuss how this policy always seemed doomed from the moment it was announced. Scot notes that there are still five Americans held hostage by Hamas, and they examine the failure of the Biden administration's foreign policy in the Middle East. Finally, they laugh right alongside Margaret Brennan at Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg's verbose yet milquetoast response to her question about the $7.5 billion spent on the production of EV charging stations, an effort which has produced a grand total of seven charging stations across the country. They observe that consumers are not rushing to buy EV's, and that the government, along with automobile producers, will have to reckon with that.

Transcribed - Published: 28 May 2024

Reflections on Memorial Day and an Inside Look at How We Do the Podcast

Today, Greg and Jim take time to honor those who gave their lives for our great country. They also give you a look behind the scenes of the Three Martini Lunch podcast. First, they pay tribute to the heroic men and women who paid the ultimate price to defend our liberty throughout our history. Next, they pull back the curtain to show you how they plan each episode of the Three Martini lunch and select their stories. Finally, they discuss how each episode organically unfolds.

Transcribed - Published: 27 May 2024

GOP's Big Voter Gains, Is Russian Encroaching on Estonia? Illegals Stunned By Lax Border

Today, Greg and Jim dissect the positive trend of Republican voters registering in encouraging numbers in several key battleground states, the concerning impingement of Russia on the Estonian border, and a reality at the border that's so alarming that even illegal immigrants are concerned about it. Plus, some fun with outgoing New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu's unvarnished opinions of other governors. First, they analyze the data showing that Republicans are registering voters in higher numbers in battleground states. They consider what the causes of this trend might be, pointing out how anti-establishment young voters might be rebelling against the left, which they see as the establishment. Next, they raise their eyebrows at the news that Russia has moved buoys along the Narva River that distinguish its territory from Estonia. They wonder why the US has so far refrained from commenting on the situation, though Estonia and NATO seem to be on high alert at this encroachment. Then they highlight the testimony of an illegal immigrant from Turkey, who expresses shock at the lack of security at the U.S. Border. Finally, they wrap up the episode with a good laugh courtesy of Gov. Sununu, who does not mince words about the two governors that no one likes. Please visit our great sponsors: Moink https://moinkbox.com/martini Visit today to get one year of the best Bacon you’ll ever taste free. Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout for $100 off. ZBiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Visit today and save 15% at checkout with code 3ML.

Transcribed - Published: 24 May 2024

Leftist Lies Exposed: Kerry Protected Terrorists, NIH Cover-Up, More Hunter Lies Revealed

In this episode of the Three Martini Lunch, Greg and Jim have trouble separating the good, the bad, and the crazy from each martini as more details come out about John Kerry blocking the FBI from arresting terrorists, the NIH evading FOIA requests during the pandemic, and Hunter Biden lying under oath three separate times. First, they slam former Secretary of State John Kerry for running interference for Iranian terrorists, as FBI whistleblowers have brought to light. They also note the positive aspects of having a Republican House which can investigate such shady dealings in the State Department. Next, they are exasperated with the testimony of former NIH official Dr. David Morens, as he plays dumb about what it means to delete federal records and insists that his references to communicating with Dr. Anthony Fauci through "back channels" were intended as jokes. They observe that you know the situation is dire when even Democratic Rep. Kweisi Mfume takes Morens to task for his behavior during the testimony. Finally, they find themselves not so shocked to learn that Hunter Biden has lied under oath three separate times about matters such as his communications with a Chinese Communist Party official and his involvement with procuring visas for foreign nationals. They wonder whether Hunter will face jail time for his refusal to cooperate with the subpoena, the way that former Trump advisor Peter Navarro did. Please visit our great sponsors: Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout for $100 off. ZBiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Visit today and save 15% at checkout with code 3ML.

Transcribed - Published: 23 May 2024

Woke Portland DA Dumped, Michigan GOP's Petition Mishaps, College Students Resist Reading

Greg and Jim dive into the latest conservative victories in the justice system, the Michigan GOP's latest trouble with accusations of fraudulent signatures, and the rise of college students' mulish insistence on not completing assigned reading. First, they kick off the episode with a double fisted martini: woke Portland DA Mike Schmidt looks like he will be ousted from office for his soft-on-crime policies. Additionally, Georgia Supreme Court Justice Andrew Pinson successfully fended off the challenge of former Rep. John Barrow, who campaigned primarily on a pro-abortion platform. Next, they sigh and shake their heads at the Michigan GOP, which never seems to learn its lesson, as candidates are coming under fire for allegedly committing ballot signature fraud once again. They examine the poor condition that much of state-level GOP management has fallen into, in Michigan and beyond, and why gathering petition signatures is one of the most basic parts of politics. Finally, they find themselves bewildered by the latest trend among college students, who are constantly demanding that professors lower coursework expectations and workload. They point out the paradox that, while Ivy League schools are getting more and more selective, college students across the board are learning less and show poorer work ethic than past generations. Please visit our great sponsors: ZBiotics https://zbiotics.com/3ML Visit today and save 15% at checkout with code 3ML. Lumen https://lumen.me Take the next step in improving your health. Use code 3ML at checkout for $100 off.

Transcribed - Published: 22 May 2024

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