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Best of Both Worlds Podcast

Best of Both Worlds Podcast


Kids & Family, Careers, Business

4.6761 Ratings


Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.

394 Episodes

Challenging "Good Mother" Myths with Nancy Reddy EP 394

What does a "good mother" image conjure up for us, and WHERE did we get those ideas, anyway? Nancy Reddy seeks to answer these questions in her book The Good Mother Myth, and this interview goes through many of these myths (those that apply to the early years and the later parenting years, too) with a nod to where they came from and where we might go next. In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah answer a question about how they find babysitters.See for privacy information.

Published: 18 February 2025

Keep It Hot: Valentine's Day Inspired Tips for Keeping the Romance Alive EP 393

In today's episode, Sarah and Laura are going to share listener challenges and tips around keeping the spice in their relationships. (Neither will get too personal given the nature of the topic, so grateful for the anonymous contributors!) You might want to use headphones on this one around kids :) Topics addressed include time challenges, hormonal fluctuations, strategies for prioritizing relationships, and more -- with lots of ideas submitted by listeners! In the Q&A, Sarah and Laura answer a listener wondering what the "male podcast equivalent" of BOBW is. (Spoiler: they had a few ideas, but weren't entirely sure - so feel free to let them know!)See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 11 February 2025

All the Money In the World: Interesting Money Questions to Ponder EP 392

This is a money-themed episode WITHOUT the usual tips to invest in low-fee index funds and avoid the expensive avocado toast. Laura revisits some of the interesting lessons from her 2012 book All the Money in the World, and provides some thought-provoking money questions that she and Sarah answer. Take these prompts as a chance to do some money-related soul-searching for yourself! Examples: - What would you do with an unexpected windfall? What would change about your life? - What's the biggest financial mistake you've made? - What are your earliest money memories? . . . and more!See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 4 February 2025

Repurposing: Ideas for Using It Again (Plus Bonus "Empties" Segment!) EP 391

Laura and Sarah open by discussing "empties" in several categories - the things they find themselves buying over and over again. Then, they discuss the concept of repurposing and share ideas for repurposing in multiple categories, from intellectual property to kids' clothes and household items. In the Q&A, a listener writes in wondering how to handle it when a friend or relative offers them hand-me-downs and they'd prefer not to keep most of them.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 28 January 2025

Airtight Task Management: Ideas + Strategies EP 390

In today's episode, Sarah and Laura conquer a common January conundrum: task management! Sarah came up with the term "airtight task management" to describe a system that allows for you to effectively corral all of your tasks and also ensure they bubble up at the right times! In general, this involves capturing all of the necessary inputs and prioritizing them in places you know you will look, but there are nuances and variations, too. Laura and Sarah discuss their systems, practices for handling undone tasks, thoughts on digital vs paper systems, and more! In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking how they track the questions that come in! (very meta)!See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 21 January 2025

Reading Habits + Book Talk with Traci Thomas of The Stacks Podcast EP 389

If you're looking to increase your reading in 2025, today's episode is for you!. Sarah and Laura discuss their reading habits and the Traci Thomas joins Sarah to discuss all things books, from reading habits during busy seasons (Traci has twins!), curating your reading lists, getting out of ruts, tracking reading, and much more. In the Q&A, a listener asks about the logistics of having overnight care for a couples getaway.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 14 January 2025

Winter Fun & A Time Tracking Challenge EP 388

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah discuss their ideas for a Winter Fun list, even though they definitely have different winter climate experiences. Then, Laura introduces this year's Time Tracking Challenge! Sarah asks Laura questions about her time tracking practices, from methods to insights gained. Laura invites listeners to join her in tracking a week in January - visit her website for details (! In the Q&A, a listener asks if it's really necessary to start thinking about summer camp now . . .See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 7 January 2025

2025 Goals Extravaganza! EP 387

It's that time of here - here comes the annual goals ep, just in time for 2025! Today, Sarah and Laura share their 2025 goals (in mostly-finalized form) in several domains: personal, work, relationships, and home! In the Q&A, they discuss how often they review their own lists: seasonally or more?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 31 December 2024

2024 in Review: Highlights, Lowlights, and Goals Report EP 386

It's the annual "look back" episode, covering 2024 in review! Sarah and Laura share their 2024 highlights, lowlights, and do a detailed reviews of the goals they set one year ago (and shared on the show!). Find out how close they came to their stated goals (spoiler: nailed it in some areas, not so much in others), and stay tuned for next week when they share goals for 2025! Domains discussed included personal, work, relationships, and household. In the Q&A, they answer a question about the role of house manager.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 24 December 2024

Kid-Friendly Adventures Abroad with Travel Expert Oneika Raymond EP 385

Laura and Sarah open by discussing the top trips they've ever taken with kids, and whether they ever dreamed of living abroad. Then, Sarah interviews Oneika Raymond! Known as Oneika the Traveller, she is an Emmy-award-winning journalist, speaker, and TV host with a passion for travel and sharing all about it! She has a 5-year old, and shares tips, best destinations, and what she has learned over the years of including her daughter in her adventures starting from a young age. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking for ideas to get through a long winter break sans childcare! (Episode referenced: )See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 17 December 2024

Little Life Hacks: Small Actions that Make the Rest of Life Easier EP 384

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah record live together! They take turns alternating their favorite life hacks, from the philosophical (be okay repeating certain things, if you love them) to the mundane (keyboard shortcuts and apps)! In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking about activities for tweens and teens - what are some things this age group will be excited to do with the family?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 10 December 2024

Organizing Your Home and Beyond with Shira Gill EP 383

In today’s episode, Sarah chats with Shira Gill, author of LifeStyled, out this week about all things organizing. Shira shares all about her philosophy of “edit then elevate”, and discusses cataloguing all of her belongings, and her advice for getting started w a big intimidating organizing project! In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah answer a listener question about management of tasks that need to happen “soonish”, but not necessarily on a defined date.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 3 December 2024

Design Your Holiday 2024! EP 382

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah discuss all things holiday planning, including the idea of going in to plan your holiday season with a 'blank slate' mindset - choosing things to do NOT just based on what you've done before, but because at least someone enjoys them! Laura notes that tradition itself does have value, so likely the things you've done over and over will carry more weight, but nothing necessarily needs to feel 'required'. They discuss various ideas and their own decisions about this year's holiday season in categories: hosting, cooking fancy meals, cards, gifts, parties, decor, and more! In terms of planning next year, Sarah shares two fun options if you'd like a guided planning experience: Detailed 4 hr sessions (with workbook) in Best Laid Plans at Home: Planning 2025 ( OR 1 hour visioning/planning 2025 session that will definitely get you started at the BOBW Patreon: ( In the Q&A, Sarah and Laura note which gifts they would choose for themselves :)See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 26 November 2024

Lighten Your Mental Load EP 381

Today's episode brings you lots of ideas for lightening your own mental load. Sarah and Laura share their own current 'mental load' challenges, and then Laura shares 7 tips that you might consider if you're looking to feel less overwhelmed by the cognitive and emotional effort it takes to manage life. Strategies discussed include writing things down (always!), batching, automation, embracing vertical ownership, encouraging kids to be independent, spending out when it will help your mental peace, and the all-time favorite: care less. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking about what the best high-paying AND flexible jobs are. (Interesting question with no straightforward answer!)See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 19 November 2024

The Kids ARE All Right: Enjoying Parenting with Less Stress with Gabrielle Blair EP380

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah open with a discussion of what they wishes parents could be less stressed about (or fixated on, as the case may be!). Then, Sarah interviews Gabrielle Blair, longtime (18 yrs!) blogger at Design Mom and coauthor of The Kids Are All Right, along with her husband. Gabrielle feels strongly that current parents worry too much about some of the wrong things, and offers her valuable perspective as a mom of 6. In the Q&A, a listener writes in about kids' activities - is it true that one has to develop soccer talents as a toddler to play in high school? Do the hosts wish they had pushed their kids more in younger childhood?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 12 November 2024

168 Hours of Meals: We All Have to Eat! EP 379

Need a break from politics? In today's episode, Laura and Sarah provide a 'palate cleanser' of sorts in the form of 168 hours of food! It's always interesting to hear what "real people" do in the everyday, and so this episode captures the minute of 1 week of meals from each of them. It's pumpkin season. . . does this popular fall flavor make an appearance? Listen to find out! In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah share their favorite cookbooks.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 5 November 2024

Plannerpalooza V2.0: Your 2025 Planner Guide! EP 378

If you are trying to decide on a planner for 2025, you are in luck! Sarah provides guidelines for choosing a planner for 2025, and Laura shares her current planning systems as well. They discuss various choices/preferences that will dictate options available, some popular brands to consider, and more! In the Q&A, a listener writes in wondering what the highest costs are in raising teens. Please note that most of the things discussed are absolutely optional, but they will give you an idea of what teens may ask for and what you may want to provide!See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 29 October 2024

Getting Outdoors with Kids Featuring Sara McCarty EP 377

Are you an "outdoorsy" family? Would you like to enjoy nature with kids more than you do right now? In this episode, Laura interviews Sarah McCarty, head of Run Wild My Child, to learn tactics for getting outside together, even if it isn't your family's natural inclination. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking about Halloween costumes -- how do you handle it when kids change their minds?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 22 October 2024

Fall Favorites + Energy Ideas EP 376

Today's episode is an expanded Love of the Week in multiple categories, from personal care to clothing to kids' stuff and household goods, with some of the items fall themed or inspired. Then, Sarah and Laura answer a listener question related to energy management as a toddler parent (doing lots of solo parenting, to boot!). Finally, they share their thoughts on a bonus Q&A on common time derailers.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 15 October 2024

Doing Good Together: Kind Acts as a Family with MiaLisa Millares EP 375

Laura and Sarah open with a brief discussion of the ways their kids have been exposed to service and volunteer work, and then Laura interviews MiaLisa Millares, mom of 3 and executive director of Doing Good Together, a national nonprofit based in Minneapolis that equips families with tools to raise kids who care and contribute. In the Q&A segment, a listener expresses (understandable!!) frustration about not being able to reliably obtain childcare, despite spending a lot of time and energy on the issue.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 8 October 2024

Mixed Bag: New routines, whining, and preschool vs daycare EP 374

It's a mixed bag episode! Sarah and Laura open by sharing a bit about their current routines now that the school year has been in full swing for a few weeks. Then, they discuss all things whining, from the inevitability to tips to help tone it down. Finally, they address a great (and interesting!) question from a listener about the merits of preschool vs daycare.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 1 October 2024

Getting Kids to Notice + Contribute with Sam Kelly, Creator of Little Cycle Breakers EP 373

Sam Kelly is a therapist turned course creator with a passion for getting kids to NOTICE and contribute to household management. Sarah and Laura discuss their own current statuses in this realm, and then Sam joins Sarah for the interview portion of the episode. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking how to manage teens not wanting to participate in as many family activities, in part because they are busy with school and their own stuff?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 24 September 2024

Nobody Cares About Your Career with Erika Ayers Badan EP 372

To open, Laura and Sarah talk about previous visions for their own career. Then, in the interview portion Erika Ayers Badan shares some fascinating ideas around work and what it takes to build a career that is truly fun and fulfilling -- she and Sarah discuss failure, boss challenges, coming back from maternity leave, and much more. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking about career coaches. Are they useful, and if so, how do you find a good one?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 17 September 2024

Would You Rather . . . EP 371

Today is a fun but also thought-provoking episode -- Sarah and Laura chose "would you rather?" questions to pose to each other, and both the questions and answers provide a lot of interesting fodder for thought and reflection! Would YOU choose to be more attractive or more intelligent (and what did the hosts pick)? Would you rather work the job you have now for a year at double pay, or take a year off with regular pay? . . . and many others. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking for a "permission slip" to outsource cleaning even though her current hourly rate is less than that of a service.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 10 September 2024

Insider College Admissions Advice with Alice Chen, Expert Coach and BrightStory Founder EP 370

In the intro, Sarah and Laura discuss memories of college applications. There may or may not have been typewriters involved! Then, Laura welcomes Alice Chen, BrightStory founder and top college admissions counselor to chat about all things college admissions, from building a narrative that makes sense to viewing the process as an opportunity for teens to learn valuable life skills. In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah answer a listener question about paying for college. Find more from Alice and BrightStory here: for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 3 September 2024

Celebrating 7 Years of BOBW! EP 369

Happy birthday to the podcast! Laura and Sarah share their memories from the very beginnings of BOBW, and then reminisce and discuss favorite episodes from the past. They share their biggest surprises, favorite guest eps, favorite conversation eps, and then Laura ends with a piece on the "why" behind the podcast -- illustrating how women can love their jobs AND their families, and truly enjoy doing both. In the Q&A, a listener writes in with job dilemma - choose the one with more flexibility or the one that sounds more enticing overall?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 27 August 2024

Long Weekend with Little Kids: A Survival Guide EP 368

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah discuss the challenges of long weekends home with young kids! These longs stretches of unstructured time can be really challenging when kids are young (babies / toddlers / preschoolers) and so Laura and Sarah share practical strategies to improve your little-kid weekend outlook. In the Q&A, a listener asks: Having a 3rd kid! Do I need a minivan?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 20 August 2024

Back to School: 2024 Edition EP 367

Laura and Sarah celebrate back-to-school season with a discussion of all things school-related! They share their own kids' school stages and transitions, and Laura shares a little bit about what it is like to have a college senior (and driving teen with parking permit!). They discuss lunches, back to school shopping, activities, and more. In the Q&A, they discuss the question of when to (and when not to) plan around kids' activities.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 13 August 2024

Digital Decluttering with Amanda Jefferson EP 366

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah open with the state of their own digital clutter. Then, Amanda joins Sarah to discuss all things digital decluttering as well as her very simple yet powerful method of brain dumping via Google Sheet. Some notes referenced: Cleaner Kit App for photo cleanup iPhone: swipe notifications --> options --> turn off Amanda's brain dump acronym: 5-step FOCUS Method: Finish It, Outsource It, Cut It, Uncomplicate It, Scooch It Where to find Amanda: Indigo Organizing: Her Podcast: In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking for advice in helping kids with learning disabilities - what resources and approaches were helpful to navigate these kinds of challenges?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 6 August 2024

Design Your Ideal Work Week EP 365

Today's episode is all about designing your work week! Sarah was given some leeway to choose her clinical days for next year, sparking a whole discussion about strategies once might use to intentionally craft a weekly work rhythm. Laura and Sarah discuss choices that might be made when choosing a part-time schedule or a hybrid WFH/in-office schedule. Finally, they discuss the Ideal Week exercise and how it can be a valuable tool to help really demonstrate whether theoretical schedules and routines would actually fit together in real life! In the Q&A, a listener writes in wondering if investing in a second home might be worthwhile and whether either Laura or Sarah had considered it.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 30 July 2024

Rest and Trading Off (A Manifesto!) EP 364

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah talk all about REST. They talk about the realities on rest and leisure time as well ways to really enjoy the downtime we do have. Then, they focus on the idea of trading off parenting duties so that (in two-parent homes) BOTH partners can enjoy some much-needed rest and rejuvenation. They discuss common challenges such as variations single parents might consider as well as resistance a partner might have. In the Q&A, a listener and mother of 4 writes in wondering how to think about returning to the workforce at age 29.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2024

Mailbag! Podcasting/business questions, back-to-work advice, dream travel destinations, and more! EP 363

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah chat live, answering listener questions about a variety of topics! Topics include: - all about the podcast itself (the time it takes, division of labor, etc) - advice for returning to work part time - dream travel destinations - thoughts about future child care arrangements - ways to address loaded questions at work after mat leave return - where do all the episode / blog post / writing ideas come from!See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2024

Intentional Subtraction with Amy Laski of the Difference Lab EP 362

In today's episode, Sarah interviews Amy Laski of the Difference Lab., and they discuss the idea of intentional subtraction -- removing things rather than just shuffling priorities or succumbing to "cram-it-all-in syndrome". Sarah and Laura discuss their own thoughts on this concept, and then Amy joins Sarah to provide her in-depth perspective on this idea and how it can be applied in both personal and business settings. She also shares her career path and her current day-in-the-life with 3 tweens/teens at home. In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah address a listener question on kid 1:1 days. Does it need to be a full day, or do other variations work?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 9 July 2024

The Best Career Advice and Much More with Jessi Hempel EP 361

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah open with a discussion of how much their own jobs have changed in the last decade. Then, Laura interviews Jessi Hempel, host of the Hello Monday Podcast on navigating work/life issues, and they also discuss how parenting roles and expectations might be different (or not!) in a two-mom or two-dad household. In the Q&A, Sarah and Laura provide tips for a listener looking for ideas on resetting or momentum planning after a big goal of accomplishment (like achieving tenure!)See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024

Mid-Year Check In 2024! EP 360

In their traditional midyear episode, Laura and Sarah share progress (or lack thereof, as it may apply!) on 2024 goals, halfway in. They discuss goals in the domains off work, relationships/family, and personal/self, as well as provide updates on daily habits + long term goals. In the Q&A, they address a common question as to where they KEEP all of these goals!See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024

Summer Struggles: Bedtime, Bathing Suits, Bugs & Beyond EP 359

In today's episode, Sarah and Laura tackle some common struggles, starting with BEDTIME. They discuss struggles and strategies in each category, including bathing suit shopping, summer uniforms, kids' summer assignments, screen time dilemmas, and more. In the Q&A, a listener already thinking about *next* academic year writes in asking about creating a "last minute school request" emergency kit.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 18 June 2024

Modern Friendship with Anna Goldfarb EP 358

Sarah and Laura open today's episode discussing the ways that they keep their friendships (both near + far-flung) alive. Then, Laura interviews Anna Goldfarb, author of Modern Friendship (released just last week!) -- a practical look at how to make and strengthen friendships as an adult in the current very digital world. In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah answer respond to a question about how to best respond when close couple friends are getting a divorce. Additional wisdom from listeners who have been through this welcome!See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 11 June 2024

Myths of Working Parenthood EP 357

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah do a deep analysis of some common myths about working parenthood, from "A stranger will raise your baby!" to "You'll never get any free time every again" to "I can't take on this leadership role, I have (insert # here) kids!" -- and many more. This episode goes out especially to anyone just beginning their parenting journey and wondering whether to believe the hype, but it's also valuable reflection for seasoned parents who continue to both enjoy work and life. In the Q&A, Sarah and Laura chat about a question that came up recently through their Patreon (for more, visit ) : "Is it okay to work less than 40 hours if I'm getting my work done?"See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 4 June 2024

Parenting in the Teen Years with Ellen Galinsky EP 356

In today's episode, Sarah and Laura open with a discussion of teen parenting (mostly with Laura's experience so far!) and then Sarah interviews Ellen Galinsky, longtime researcher and author about all things related to teenhood, as inspired by Galinsky's recent book: The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens. One thing that sets Galinsky apart is how positive she is about this phase of life. Of course there are challenges, but there are so many wonderful things about this incredibly important developmental phase. You can find Ellen's new book wherever books are sold, or visit her website: In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah answer a question about going from 3 kids to more -- how do you know whether to go for it?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 28 May 2024

Conquer the World in 40 Hours a Week EP 355

Today's episode is all about building career capital and raising your profile without working around the clock. Sarah and Laura discuss their own work hours, and then discuss strategies in 4 categories listed below: - Building a schedule that prioritizes space for the important - Minimizing other work and making life sustainable - Paying into career capital accounts - Be everyone's favorite to work with! In the Q&A, a listener asks how to tactfully get chattier coworkers to give her some space during downtime so that she can be productive.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 21 May 2024

Packing Like a Pro & Travel Q&A EP 354

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah open with some recent travel planning talk, and then delve into all things packing! They share thoughts on carry-on vs check, current luggage situations, packing processes, and include a discuss ion on packing cubes and the merits of unpacking at your destination. Then, they address some listener travel questions. Topics include managing selective eaters on international trips, ski school, and ideas for one parent traveling with her 3 + 5 year old.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 14 May 2024

Negotiating Well with Kathryn Valentine EP 353

Today's episode features Kathryn Valentine specializes in Gendered Negotiation, or how to negotiate successfully as a woman.  Sarah and Laura chat about their feelings around negotiation, and then Kathryn joins Laura to discuss ways to negotiate successfully --including some strategies specifically for women, who have been shown to face different challenges in negotiation. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking about kid/teen chores - how do you manage chore expectations if older kids are busy with activities?See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 7 May 2024

Mayhem / MayCember -- Tips & Pep Talk! EP352

May is a packed month for most families but usually lots of the events are fun and positive ones! Laura and Sarah discuss strategies for enjoying (not just surviving) your May (and often early June, too!). Laura suggests a 3-part framework: don't get overwhelmed, find the right balance and manage your energy. Sarah and Laura chat about these strategies in depth and how they can be employed throughout and even before this full month.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 30 April 2024

Time, Work & Life with Google's Productivity Expert Laura Mae Martin EP 351

In today's episode, Sarah interviews Laura Mae Martin, Google's productivity expert and author of Uptime: A Practical Guide to Personal Productivity and Well-Being, which was released earlier this month. They chat meetings, setting priorities, task & calendar management, family life, and more. In the Q&A, Laura and Sarah answer a listener wondering how to balance vacations with nuclear family with extended family requests.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2024

Raising Financial Grown-ups with Bobbi Rebell EP 350

In today's episode, Laura and Sarah discuss when they themselves became "financial grownups" and then expert guest Bobbi Rebell joins Laura to share ways we can encourage a mature approach to money matters even from a young age. In the Q&A, a listener wonders how Laura and Sarah keep track of their calendars without relying on a digital system (like Google or Apple Calendar).See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 16 April 2024

Memory-Keeping, Traditions, and Celebrations! EP 349

Today's episode is dedicated to celebrating and preserving the moments that make up our lives, from the cutest baby phases to big milestones -- all of these things enrich our lives and have the power to turn the fleeting present moment into a deeper and more lasting experience. Laura and Sarah talk about the ways they preserve family (and personal) memories, and discuss the value and role of celebrations and traditions in their own families. In the Q&A, a listener writes in asking for fresh date night ideas!See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 9 April 2024

Slow Productivity & More with Cal Newport EP 348

Laura and Sarah welcome Cal Newport to Best of Both Worlds to chat all things slow productivity and how Cal's stage of parenting influenced a lot of his current thinking around productivity, pacing, and getting things done. In the intro, Sarah and Laura discuss their own planning habits going back to childhood, and in the Q&A a listener writes in asking about how Laura and Sarah read blogs - do they browse through individual urls, or is there another way? Cal Newport's book Slow Productivity released in March 2024 and is available wherever books are sold. Sarah's recommended feed reader: FeedlySee for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 2 April 2024

Spring Mailbag! Kid bedtimes, household chores, 'split shift' childcare, and more EP 347

Today's episode features a fresh crop of mailbag questions! Topics include: split shift childcare handling the daily household chores with young kids different formats for kid activities how has work / productivity changed since COVID thoughts on digital calendar frames retirement plans? dealing with kids that have disparate sleep needs how to handle the tension between wanting to stay up with teens and having your own morning routine the next 5 years of BOBW! Thank you to all for submitting questions - keep them coming! You can always find contact info on our websites, and lauravanderkam.comSee for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 26 March 2024

The Art of Endings with Emily P. Freeman EP 346

In today's episode, Laura chats with author Emily P. Freeman about endings, and in particular determining how and when to leave a situation that no longer fits. Emily's new March 2024 release is How to Walk into a Room: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away, available wherever books are sold. In the Q&A, Sarah and Laura discuss their experiences in coming back from recent injuries.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 19 March 2024

Getting to Know LV/SHU: A Fun Facts Episode EP 345

This episode is a departure from the usual topics + format, and is a chance to get to know Laura and Sarah just a little bit better as they share some very random things about themselves that (generally) have not been discussed on the podcast! From physical characteristics (flexibility + left-handedness) to Meyers-Briggs types to ideal superpower and much more - this is a fun conversational chat, recorded live together in Florida.See for privacy information.

Transcribed - Published: 12 March 2024

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