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Hunter Beless

Christianity, Christian, Religion & Spirituality, Woman, Podcasting, Journey, Journeywomen, Womanhood, Journeywoman

4.82.9K Ratings


Wherever you are on your journey to glorify God, we’re so glad you’re here. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

244 Episodes

Psalms 07: Remembering and Rejoicing Together

Psalms: 15, 20, 24, 29, 46, 47, 48, 50, 72, 76, 78, 81, 82, 87, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 115, 122, 132, 134, 144 In this week’s episode, we’re looking at the liturgical psalms, which are the psalms that lend themselves most easily to public worship in a community gathering. These psalms are full of joy, hope, and proclamations of who God is, as his people call to each other: Remember and rejoice! We pray that this episode reminds you of the truth of God’s character and that it compels you to join hands with your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ as you offer worship and praise to the Lord together. GET THE PSALMS READING PLAN FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Have you ever found it difficult to urge your heart to worship? What could you do right now to lift your eyes in praise even if you don’t feel like praising God? Think of someone you know whose heart may not feel like praising God right now. How could you help them remember God’s goodness and rejoice? How has corporate worship urged you toward hope when you might not feel hopeful? Who might you reach out to today to practice remembering and rejoicing God together? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 22 July 2024

Psalms 06: Grieving Together

Corporate Lament Psalms: 12, 44, 58, 60, 74, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 94, 123, 126, 129 In this week’s episode, we’re looking at the corporate lament psalms, which are those psalms where the writer is grieving on behalf of a people or nation, or writing songs that a community could use to grieve together. These psalms help us see how we can walk through difficult things alongside others, lean into the body of Christ in the midst of tragedy or trial, and know God more, even in that place. By his grace, God meets us deeply in our suffering, and as we walk through both the joys and the brokenness of this life we can even come to know him more—and we can do this together. GET THE PSALMS READING PLAN FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Have you ever walked through suffering alongside someone else or invited someone into your own grief? How did it feel different from grieving alone? Is there someone in your local church community who you know is suffering and needs someone to walk alongside them? Or if you are the one suffering, is there someone you could invite to help you bear your grief in a godly way? What aspect of God’s character is most comforting to you when you are suffering? Is it his nearness? His goodness? His kindness? His steadfast love? How does meditating on God’s faithfulness, even in the midst of difficulty, bring you hope? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 15 July 2024

Psalms 05: God's Kindness for Sinners

Penitential Psalms: 6, 32, 38, 51, 130, 143 Imprecatory/Judgment Psalms: 5, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 88, 137, 139, 140 In this week’s episode, we’re talking through the specialized lament psalms, which include penitential psalms, or psalms that express the writer’s remorse or guilt over sin, as well as several psalms of judgment, which show us God’s heart for justice. These are weighty psalms, but you’ll see that even here—in the midst of the shame and guilt and fear—there is hope to be found. These psalms show us the gracious heart of God, who calls out to us in our wretchedness and offers us redemption and relationship. GET THE PSALMS READING PLAN FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS In the midst of your struggle with sin, is it more natural for you to turn away from God than to turn to him? Why do you think that is? How might understanding God’s tender heart toward you—even in your sin—lead you to worship today? How might that help you fight your sin? How does thinking about God pulling you out of the pit of sin, guilt, and shame? How does meditating on what he’s done for you in Christ change the way you turn from your sin and fight for holiness? How does your view of God change when you think about his tender heart toward you, even in the depths of your sin? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 8 July 2024

Psalms 04: God Draws Near in Our Pain

Individual Lament Psalms: 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 17, 25, 28, 31, 39, 42, 43, 55, 61, 64, 70, 71, 77, 86, 120, 141, 142 In this week’s episode, we're looking at the individual lament psalms, or those that express grief or sorrow to God. These psalms are weighty, but they offer us a beautiful example of how lament can lead us to hope. GET THE PSALMS READING PLAN FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How does understanding God is near to you and hears you in your difficult circumstances bring you comfort? How might you practically remind yourself (or someone you love) that God is near in a current trial? When things are dark and difficult, do you feel comfortable crying out to God with your pain? Why or why not? How does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection affect your suffering today? How do the psalms of lament help give you a language for your own prayers? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024

Psalms 03: Christ in the Psalms

In this week’s podcast episode, we’re looking at messianic psalms, which are those that contain references or prophecies that point to our long-awaited Messiah, Jesus Christ. These psalms shape our understanding of who Jesus is! We pray this episode prompts you to see more of Jesus in Scripture, and that it compels you to trust in the gospel and love Jesus more deeply. GET THE PSALMS READING PLAN FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How does your thinking about Scripture change when you know it all points to Jesus? How does seeing Christ in the psalms grow your understanding of who he is? Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see Jesus in his Word and for the Spirit to use this knowledge to grow your love for Christ. What specific aspects of creation cause you to worship God as Creator? Is it the flowers in your yard, your child’s voice, a magnificent sunset? How does seeing the humility of Christ in Scripture lead you to worship? How might you worship God today, right now, in this moment? How does understanding all that Christ bore on the cross prompt you to worship him? How does thinking about Jesus’ death on the cross affect you as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death? How does it change your view of your Good Shepherd? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 24 June 2024

Psalms 02: God's Way of Wisdom

Wisdom Psalms: Psalm 1, 14, 36, 37, 49, 53, 73, 112, 127, 128, 133 In this week’s podcast episode, we’re chatting with Dane Ortlund about the Psalms. In our conversation, Dane gives some incredibly helpful background, overview, and context that will help you as you dive into the book of the Psalms. He also offers a wealth of encouragement to those who are walking through what the psalmist calls “the pit.” He reminds us of God’s heart to us in the midst of our pain, our sin, and our suffering, and he lifts our eyes to see Christ in this beautiful book of the Bible. GET THE PSALMS READING PLAN FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS When you think of a 'blessed life,' what specific things come to mind? If your home, your job, your health, your church, or your family were taken away tonight, would you still think you could live a life of "blessedness"? What might it look like to experience this true “blessedness” that Psalm 1 describes? In what ways do you feel the tension between your own brokenness and the brokenness of our world and the hope that you experience in the gospel? The way of wisdom is delighting in and trusting God and his Word. In what areas of your life are you struggling to delight in God and his Word? Spend a moment confessing that to the Lord, and ask him to give you a greater hunger for it and deeper trust in it. FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 17 June 2024

Psalms 01: Dwelling in the Heart of God with Dane Ortlund

✨ Get the Psalms Reading Plan ✨ In this week’s podcast episode, we’re chatting with Dane Ortlund about the Psalms. In our conversation, Dane gives some incredibly helpful background, overview, and context that will help you as you dive into the book of the Psalms. He also offers a wealth of encouragement to those who are walking through what the psalmist calls “the pit.” He reminds us of God’s heart to us in the midst of our pain, our sin, and our suffering, and he lifts our eyes to see Christ in this beautiful book of the Bible. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is your personal interaction/experience with the Psalms? Describe a circumstance where God met you in your own dark valley or “pit,” as the psalmist says. How, specifically, did this week’s episode remind you of God’s heart for you? What is one tangible way that you can cultivate a deeper heart for God’s Word this week? Is there a psalm that has had a great impact on you personally? Consider memorizing it this summer! FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to help you know and love God through his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church.

Transcribed - Published: 10 June 2024

Back to the Basics 08: Made to Worship with Natalie Brand

In this episode, Hunter talks with Natalie Brand about how we were made to worship God. They talk about what a grace it is that our self-revealing, Triune God has chosen to reveal himself to his people, and they remind listeners of the beauty and importance of good theology. We pray that this episode encourages you to strive for theological soundness so that you might more fully love, worship, and enjoy God. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Do you consider yourself a theologian? Why or why not? How, specifically, has your knowledge of God increased your love and worship of God? How have you seen your personal worship and love of God impact others in the church? Or how have you been personally impacted by someone else’s love and worship of God? What might it look like for you to enjoy God through your study of theology? How might you strive to live that out through daily worship? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 22 April 2024

Back to the Basics 8: Made to Worship with Natalie Brand

In this episode, Hunter talks with Natalie Brand about how we were made to worship God. They talk about what a grace it is that our self-revealing, Triune God has chosen to reveal himself to his people, and they remind listeners of the beauty and importance of good theology. We pray that this episode encourages you to strive for theological soundness so that you might more fully love, worship, and enjoy God. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Do you consider yourself a theologian? Why or why not? How, specifically, has your knowledge of God increased your love and worship of God? How have you seen your personal worship and love of God impact others in the church? Or how have you been personally impacted by someone else’s love and worship of God? What might it look like for you to enjoy God through your study of theology? How might you strive to live that out through daily worship? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 22 April 2024

Back to the Basics 07: Evangelism with Amy DiMarcangelo

In this conversation, Hunter is chatting with Amy DiMarcangelo about evangelism. They talk about what the gospel actually is, why it is good news, and what it is that compels us to share this good news with an unbelieving world. Amy offers encouragement to those who might feel hesitant or unequipped to evangelize, and she reminds us how beautiful it is to play a part in bringing brothers and sisters into the family of God. We pray this episode encourages you to share the good news with those around you! FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How does viewing evangelism as our part in God's grand story of redemption compel you to live out that calling more fully? How would you articulate the gospel to someone who had never heard it before? Speak it out loud or write it down. What comes more naturally to you—obeying the Great Commandment or the Great Commission? Why do you think that is? Is there someone in your life who you might consider sharing the gospel with? Pray for an opportunity or make a plan to speak to them this week. If there is not someone like this in your life, take a few minutes to pray that God might bring you that person even this week. What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 15 April 2024

Back to the Basics 7: Evangelism with Amy DiMarcangelo

In this conversation, Hunter is chatting with Amy DiMarcangelo about evangelism. They talk about what the gospel actually is, why it is good news, and what it is that compels us to share this good news with an unbelieving world. Amy offers encouragement to those who might feel hesitant or unequipped to evangelize, and she reminds us how beautiful it is to play a part in bringing brothers and sisters into the family of God. We pray this episode encourages you to share the good news with those around you! FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How does viewing evangelism as our part in God's grand story of redemption compel you to live out that calling more fully? How would you articulate the gospel to someone who had never heard it before? Speak it out loud or write it down. What comes more naturally to you—obeying the Great Commandment or the Great Commission? Why do you think that is? Is there someone in your life who you might consider sharing the gospel with? Pray for an opportunity or make a plan to speak to them this week. If there is not someone like this in your life, take a few minutes to pray that God might bring you that person even this week. What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 15 April 2024

Back to the Basics 6: Discipling with Courtney Doctor

In this episode, Hunter talks with Courtney Doctor about the beauty and the mutual edification of discipleship. As they talk, you will hear Courtney’s heart for God’s Word and her passion for knowing it, loving it, being changed by it, and teaching it. We pray this episode encourages you to seek out an older or younger woman with whom you can grow in godliness. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Describe your personal experience of being a disciple of Jesus. Where in Scripture do you see encouragement to disciple or be discipled? Have you ever felt inadequate for the task of discipleship? What specific encouragement did you draw from this conversation? Is there a person (younger or older) who was brought to mind as you listened to the episode? Consider initiating a conversation with them this week about entering into a discipleship relationship. What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 8 April 2024

Back to the Basics 06: Discipling with Courtney Doctor

In this episode, Hunter talks with Courtney Doctor about the beauty and the mutual edification of discipleship. As they talk, you will hear Courtney’s heart for God’s Word and her passion for knowing it, loving it, being changed by it, and teaching it. We pray this episode encourages you to seek out an older or younger woman with whom you can grow in godliness. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Describe your personal experience of being a disciple of Jesus. Where in Scripture do you see encouragement to disciple or be discipled? Have you ever felt inadequate for the task of discipleship? What specific encouragement did you draw from this conversation? Is there a person (younger or older) who was brought to mind as you listened to the episode? Consider initiating a conversation with them this week about entering into a discipleship relationship. What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 8 April 2024

Back to the Basics 05: Learning to Pray with Blair Linne

In this week’s episode, Hunter is chatting with Blair Linne about learning to pray. They talk about what prayer is, remind us of the heart of the God we are praying to, and offer some helpful encouragement for those who are looking to grow in their prayer life. Prayer is, simply put, communicating with God. And we pray that in this episode you will find both rich encouragement and practical helps that will spur you on in your communication with and intimacy with the Father. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is your experience with prayer? Has their been a time when prayer became precious to you? What does or might it look like for you to use Scripture as a springboard for prayer? How do you pray with other believers? How has that impacted your prayer life? Is there something you need prayer for right now? Consider sharing your request with someone. Is there something specific you could be praying for somebody else for? Take a moment now to lift these things up before the Lord. What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 1 April 2024

Back to the Basics 5: Learning to Pray with Blair Linne

In this week’s episode, Hunter is chatting with Blair Linne about learning to pray. They talk about what prayer is, remind us of the heart of the God we are praying to, and offer some helpful encouragement for those who are looking to grow in their prayer life. Prayer is, simply put, communicating with God. And we pray that in this episode you will find both rich encouragement and practical helps that will spur you on in your communication with and intimacy with the Father. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is your experience with prayer? Has their been a time when prayer became precious to you? What does or might it look like for you to use Scripture as a springboard for prayer? How do you pray with other believers? How has that impacted your prayer life? Is there something you need prayer for right now? Consider sharing your request with someone. Is there something specific you could be praying for somebody else for? Take a moment now to lift these things up before the Lord. What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 1 April 2024

Back to the Basics 04: Loving the Local Church with Megan Hill

In this episode, Hunter chats with Megan Hill about how to love and serve your local church. We talk a lot about the local church here at Journeywomen, and this conversation provides an even deeper dive into our heart for the church. Megan shares about the importance of the church in our personal sanctification, as well as in our evangelism and our witness to the watching world. We pray that this episode encourages you to invest deeply in your own local church, and that it reminds you of the beauty of God’s church. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is your experience with church? If you’re discussing these questions with a group, share if you’re comfortable. If you’re personally processing these questions, journal your answer. How have you seen the love and unity of a church body be a witness to the world? How have you experienced your local church producing Christlikeness in you? How has the gospel united you with brothers and sisters with whom you otherwise have nothing in common? Describe the importance of corporate worship in your life. What might you do or implement in light of this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 25 March 2024

Back to the Basics 4: Loving the Local Church with Megan Hill

In this episode, Hunter chats with Megan Hill about how to love and serve your local church. We talk a lot about the local church here at Journeywomen, and this conversation provides an even deeper dive into our heart for the church. Megan shares about the importance of the church in our personal sanctification, as well as in our evangelism and our witness to the watching world. We pray that this episode encourages you to invest deeply in your own local church, and that it reminds you of the beauty of God’s church. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is your experience with church? If you’re discussing these questions with a group, share if you’re comfortable. If you’re personally processing these questions, journal your answer. How have you seen the love and unity of a church body be a witness to the world? How have you experienced your local church producing Christlikeness in you? How has the gospel united you with brothers and sisters with whom you otherwise have nothing in common? Describe the importance of corporate worship in your life. What might you do or implement in light of this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 25 March 2024

Back to the Basics 3: Scripture Memory and Meditation with Glenna Marshall

In this episode, Hunter chats with Glenna Marshall about the practice of Scripture memory and meditation. This is a topic they are both deeply passionate about, which makes it such a fun episode to listen to! They chat about the “why” of Scripture memory as well as some very practical “how”s for burying Scripture in your mind. We pray that as you listen, you will be encouraged to hide God’s Word in your heart! FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How has God used Scripture memory and meditation in your life? How does Scripture memorization and meditation fuel your prayers? Is there a friend or fellow church member to whom you might reach out to begin memorizing Scripture together? Is there a passage of Scripture that has been particularly important to you? Consider memorizing that passage this week. What might you do or implement based on this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 18 March 2024

Back to the Basics 03: Scripture Memory and Meditation with Glenna Marshall

In this episode, Hunter chats with Glenna Marshall about the practice of Scripture memory and meditation. This is a topic they are both deeply passionate about, which makes it such a fun episode to listen to! They chat about the “why” of Scripture memory as well as some very practical “how”s for burying Scripture in your mind. We pray that as you listen, you will be encouraged to hide God’s Word in your heart! FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How has God used Scripture memory and meditation in your life? How does Scripture memorization and meditation fuel your prayers? Is there a friend or fellow church member to whom you might reach out to begin memorizing Scripture together? Is there a passage of Scripture that has been particularly important to you? Consider memorizing that passage this week. What might you do or implement based on this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 18 March 2024

Back to the Basics 2: Studying the Bible with Colleen McFadden

In this week’s episode, Hunter is chatting with Colleen McFadden about studying the Bible. Colleen is an incredible Bible teacher, and she is sharing some simple and helpful tips that will help you approach your Bible study with more confidence and excitement. Hunter and Colleen talk about how to read the Old Testament and the New Testament, how to see Christ throughout Scripture, how to understand context and cross-references, and—most importantly of all—how to meet God in the pages of his Word. We hope this episode compels you to open up your Bible and dig deeply in order to know God more through it! Get the Updated Bible Study Guide FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How has the Lord used Bible study to draw you to himself? How have you seen the character of God in Scripture? Are there specific passages where it stands out to you? Where in Scripture do you most clearly see the gospel? Consider memorizing that passage. What prevents you from regularly spending time in God’s Word? What small step might you take this week to pursue the Lord through Scripture? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 11 March 2024

Back to the Basics 02: Studying the Bible with Colleen McFadden

In this week’s episode, Hunter is chatting with Colleen McFadden about studying the Bible. Colleen is an incredible Bible teacher, and she is sharing some simple and helpful tips that will help you approach your Bible study with more confidence and excitement. Hunter and Colleen talk about how to read the Old Testament and the New Testament, how to see Christ throughout Scripture, how to understand context and cross-references, and—most importantly of all—how to meet God in the pages of his Word. We hope this episode compels you to open up your Bible and dig deeply in order to know God more through it! Get the Updated Bible Study Guide FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How has the Lord used Bible study to draw you to himself? How have you seen the character of God in Scripture? Are there specific passages where it stands out to you? Where in Scripture do you most clearly see the gospel? Consider memorizing that passage. What prevents you from regularly spending time in God’s Word? What small step might you take this week to pursue the Lord through Scripture? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 11 March 2024

Back to the Basics 01: Rehearsing the Gospel with Elizabeth Woodson

In this episode, Hunter is chatting with Elizabeth Woodson about the basics of the gospel and its application to everyday life. They explore the key elements of the gospel, including God's creation of man, humanity's fall into sin, Jesus' redemption, and the promised hope of consummation. This conversation is full of rich insights about the goodness of the gospel and what it means to love God and live out the gospel in all seasons of life. We hope it encourages you to more fully understand the gospel narrative of Scripture, to apply those truths to your own life, and to embrace the conviction, comfort, and transformed identity that that the gospel brings! FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS When do you remember hearing the gospel for the first time? How would you describe the gospel to someone who had never heard it before? How does the message of the gospel bring both conviction and hope? How do you apply the gospel to various hardships in your life? How do you "preach the gospel" to yourself? How does seeing the gospel as the climax of Scripture change the way you read your Bible? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 4 March 2024

Back to the Basics 1: Rehearsing the Gospel with Elizabeth Woodson

In this episode, Hunter is chatting with Elizabeth Woodson about the basics of the gospel and its application to everyday life. They explore the key elements of the gospel, including God's creation of man, humanity's fall into sin, Jesus' redemption, and the promised hope of consummation. This conversation is full of rich insights about the goodness of the gospel and what it means to love God and live out the gospel in all seasons of life. We hope it encourages you to more fully understand the gospel narrative of Scripture, to apply those truths to your own life, and to embrace the conviction, comfort, and transformed identity that that the gospel brings! FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES SPONSOR RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS When do you remember hearing the gospel for the first time? How would you describe the gospel to someone who had never heard it before? How does the message of the gospel bring both conviction and hope? How do you apply the gospel to various hardships in your life? How do you "preach the gospel" to yourself? How does seeing the gospel as the climax of Scripture change the way you read your Bible? FOR MORE Give to Journeywomen Ministries Listen on Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast, we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 4 March 2024

Rest for the Weary 12: Almost Home with Trey Richardson

Today we’re talking with Hunter’s pastor, Trey Richardson, about journeying as chosen exiles toward our heavenly home. Trey is married to one of Hunter’s lifelong best friends, Kristen, and together they have three kids. You can find out more about Ozark Baptist church at OzarkBaptist.church. This conversation with Trey brings our Rest for the Weary series to an end! We pray it’s encouraged you to work from the rest Christ achieved for us as you go about the work God has given you within the four walls of your own home, in your work outside the home, and in your local church. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS In what ways have you been tempted to create and achieve your own identity? To what have you looked to find your identity? How does trusting Christ for your identity bring you comfort? What passages of God’s Word have sustained you, given you life, or offered direction for you in the journey ahead? Consider memorizing one of these passages. How (specifically) has your local church helped you to faithfully persevere as you journey together towards your heavenly home? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen Ministries: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 4 December 2023

Rest for the Weary 11: Resting in God's Character with Ruth Chou Simons

Today we’re chatting with Ruth Chou Simons about how the character of God meets us in our weariness and brings us true and lasting rest. If you don’t know her, Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books, including GraceLaced; Beholding and Becoming; and When Strivings Cease. Today we’ll be discussing her brand new book, Pilgrim: 25 Ways God’s Character Leads Us Onward. As you’ll hear, Ruth is an artist, entrepreneur, and speaker, using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the word of God into people’s hearts. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How does resting in the character of God infuse courage in you as you face difficulties and hardships? What are some Scriptures that you cling to to remind yourself of God's character when you feel alone, abandoned, or weary? Consider memorizing one of those passages this week. How does God's mercy, grace, and love enable you to move forward, especially when you feel like you've failed? How does the hope of heaven and the truth of the gospel help you to persevere through difficulty? What might you do or implement in light of what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen Ministries: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 27 November 2023

Rest for the Weary 10: God's Grace in the Mundane with Maryanne Challies Helms

In today’s episode we’re chatting with Maryanne Challies Helms about how to glorify the Lord even in the midst of what we might consider to be the “mundane” everyday work of life and ministry. Maryanne is a wife, a mother of four, and a fellow member of Morningside Presbyterian Church in Georgia. Maryanne embodies so well what it looks like to faithfully live as a Christian, especially in the current online spaces, which we talk about some in this episode! We pray this episode encourages you to see your work—even if it is ordinary or mundane—as beautiful unto the Lord and glorifying to him. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What does ministry look like for you? This could be service in your home, service in the church nursery, service to aging parents, etc. Have you ever felt tired or weary as a result of your work? Explain. How (specifically) does Christ’s humanity and life of everyday work encourage you in your own daily work? What are some passages of Scripture that encourage you as you serve in the unseen places? Consider memorizing one of these passages this week. What might you do or implement in light of what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen Ministries: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Leave a rating & review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 20 November 2023

Rest for the Weary 09: When You're Burned Out with Dai Hankey

Today Dai Hankey is bringing some gospel grace to our weary souls. If you don’t know him, Dai is a church planter in Cardiff, Wales, and the founder of Red Community, a Christian charity that fights human trafficking. He is the author of Hopeward: Gospel Grace for Weary Souls. Speaking from a personal experience of burnout, Dai will come alongside those of us who feel weary to explore what it looks like to lean on Jesus and to enjoy his rest. We pray this episode encourages you to find your hope and rest in Christ. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is your personal experience with burnout and weariness? What comfort do you draw from Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:28-30? Are there ways that you have seen God use your weaknesses to display his power and strength? Where in God’s Word have you found nourishment when you feel weak and weary? Consider memorizing this passage this week. What might you do or implement in light of what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 13 November 2023

Rest for the Weary 08: Hope in the Hard with Melissa Kruger

Today we’re talking to with our friend Melissa Kruger about how to have hope in the hard moments of life. We pray this episode encourages you to look to the Lord in whatever hardship you’re facing today. Melissa Kruger serves as vice president of discipleship programming for The Gospel Coalition (TGC). She’s the author of multiple books, including The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World, Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood, Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests, and Wherever You Go I Want You to Know. Her husband, Mike, is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte and they have three children. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What has contributed to seasons of hardship in your life? Share if you feel comfortable. Has the gap between your expectations and reality ever led you to personal discontent or despair? What Scripture passages help you anchor yourself in truth as you’re navigating hardship? Consider memorizing the passage(s) this week. What are tangible steps you can take to prioritize time with the Lord in his Word? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 6 November 2023

Rest for the Weary 07: Dealing with Difficult People with Jamie Dunlop

Today we’re talking to Jamie Dunlop about one of the things that we can all probably say contributes to weariness in our lives: dealing with difficult people. Instead of running away from the relationships that drive us crazy, Jamie encourages us to pursue unity in Christ and to build genuine friendships across all of our differences as an opportunity to display the power of the gospel. Jamie serves as Associate Pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, and is the author of Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy. We pray this conversation encourages you to extend a hand of friendship across the aisle and move toward members of your local church in love. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 30 October 2023

Rest for the Weary 06: Serving When You Need to Be Served with Jessica Mathisen

Today we’re chatting with Jessica Mathisen about serving in the seasons in which you feel like you need to be served. We pray this conversation encourages you not to become weary in doing good, knowing that at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. If you don’t know Jessica, she lives outside of Atlanta with her husband and three kids. As a writer, Bible teacher, podcaster, and coach, her passion is to communicate God's love to others through words and relationships. She has written several books, her latest of which is An Overwhelming Hope: How the Spirit Brings Peace to Our Storms. We hope Jessica’s story of God’s faithfulness to her through seasons of transition, change, and weakness reminds you of his faithfulness to you too. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Have you ever felt exhausted or weary in your service of others? Write or share your experience. How does the gospel empower you when you feel like you have nothing left to give? What passages of Scripture encourage and strengthen you as you serve out of your weakness? How have you experienced being served and cared for by your local church? What might you do or implement in light of what you learned from this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 23 October 2023

Rest for the Weary 05: Contentment in Weakness with Emily Jensen

Today we’re sharing a conversation with Emily Jensen where she shares some much-needed encouragement for those who are feeling weak! If you don’t know her, Emily is the co-founder and content director at Risen Motherhood, co-author of the Risen Motherhood book, and author of a new book called He Is Strong: Devotions for When You Feel Weak. We pray that this conversation serves to bolster your faith in the One who is truly your steadfast foundation amidst all the challenges of life. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How have you personally experienced weakness? Where have you found strength amidst your weaknesses? Is there a particular Scripture that has brought you encouragement? (Consider memorizing the passage!) How does God’s character—strong, steadfast, sovereign—bring you encouragement during your seasons of weariness? Is there someone around you who might be feeling weak and weary? How might you come alongside them in their weakness? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 16 October 2023

Rest for the Weary 04: Nourishing Your Soul with Kristen Wetherell

Today we’re talking to Kristen Wetherell about where we can look to for hope and help when our souls are weary. Spoiler alert—it’s the one place we talk about all the time here at the Journeywomen Podcast: God’s Word. Kristen’s newest book, Help for the Hungry Soul shares eight encouragements to grow your appetite for God's Word. We pray that this episode will stir your affection for God’s Word and that it will encourage you to look to Scripture as your help in the midst of seasons of weariness. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What truth from this episode resonated most with you? How has God’s Word brought you comfort in seasons of weariness? How has your local church body supported you in seasons of weariness? What Scriptures have you clung to in the midst of difficult seasons? Consider memorizing one of those passages this week. What might you do or implement in light of what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Podcast Sponsors Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 9 October 2023

Rest for the Weary 03: Theology for Everyday Ministry with Jen Wilkin and JT English

If every person who has listened to one episode of our Rest for the Weary series donated the cost of one latte, we would completely meet our budget for 2024. | VENMO @JOURNEYWOMEN Today we're talking to Jen Wilkin and JT English about how our theology—or our understanding of God—influences our everyday life and ministry. This conversation is full of insights that will meet you right where you are in whatever work the Lord has set before you today! Jen Wilkin is an author and Bible teacher who is passionate about seeing others become committed followers of Christ who are grounded in the Word of God. JT English is the Lead Pastor at Storyline Church, the author of several books, and co-founder of Training the Church. Jen and JT are two of the co-hosts on the Knowing Faith Podcast, and they are also now co-authors of the new book You are a Theologian: An Invitation to Know and Love God Well. FULL SHOW NOTES REST FOR THE WEARY SERIES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is theology? Write or share a working definition in your own words. Why does your theology matter? How does it shape you? As a believer, you can be engaged in ministry work, even if it’s unpaid and informal. What do you consider to be your ministry? When you’re feeling weary, what part of God’s character offers you encouragement or rest? What Scripture passage encourages you? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. On the Journeywomen podcast we’ll come alongside you in the seasons and challenges of life to move you to know and love God and his Word, to find your hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in your local church as you go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 2 October 2023

Rest for the Weary 02: When You Feel Like a Failure with Missie Branch

Today we’re talking to my friend Missie Branch about what to do when you feel like a failure in the work the Lord has set before you, and what true success actually looks like. Heads up, it might not look how you expected! If you don’t know her, Missie serves as vice president of community engagement for Life Collective, Inc. She is a graduate of Southeastern Seminary with a master’s in ethics, theology, and culture. Missie is married to Duce and together they have four children. Missie is the cohost of the Women & Work Podcast and serves as a trustee for Charleston Southern University and the chairman of the board of trustees at Lifeway Christian Resources. Missie and I are going to be talking about how we define “success” in our work or our ministry, and it might not look how you expected! We hope you enjoy this conversation! FULL SHOW NOTES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How do you define success in ministry? What helps you find rest when you're feeling weary in the work the Lord has set before you? Where in Scripture do you see mention of “success” in work or in contribution to the kingdom of God? How would you encourage others to evaluate their ministry successes and failures? How might you lean on the discipline of prayer as you seek to reorient your understanding of success and rest in God’s work through you? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in today’s episode? FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 25 September 2023

Rest for the Weary 01: Christ Sustains Us with Jenny Manley

Today we’re kicking off a brand new series called Rest for the Weary with a conversation with Jenny Manley about how Christ sustains us in our weariness. Through years of ministering faithfully within the four walls of her home and as a pastor’s wife in her church on the Arabian Peninsula, Jenny, like many of us, has navigated seasons of weariness in the work the Lord has set before her. The wisdom that Jenny shares with us today will leave you refreshed and encouraged in whatever work the Lord has set before you today. FULL SHOW NOTES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How have you experienced Christ sustaining you in your personal seasons of weariness? What brings you rest in seasons of weariness? How can you find joy in Christ even when you feel weary? How can meditating on the life of Christ encourage you in the work he's set before you? How does the promise of Christ's return help you persevere in difficult seasons of life? What might you do or implement based on what you learned in this week’s episode? FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned.

Transcribed - Published: 18 September 2023

Women of the Faith 06: You Can Trust God with Hunter Beless

Women of the Faith: Amy Carmichael Amy Carmichael has had a profound impact on Hunter’s own life. So much so that it led her to write the book Amy Carmichael: The Brown-Eyed Girl Who Learned to Pray. In this episode, Hunter shares how Amy’s story helped her to trust God even when she didn’t understand what God was doing in her life. Amy’s life and story help us to remember we can trust God because of who he is and how he has proven himself faithful throughout all of redemptive history. Amy Carmichael: The Brown-Eyed Girl Who Learned to Pray by Hunter Beless is part of The Good Book Company‘s Do Great Things For God series. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen! Journeywomen comes alongside women to move them to know and love God and his Word, to find hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in their local churches as they go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2023

You Can Trust God with Hunter Beless

Women of the Faith: Amy Carmichael Amy Carmichael has had a profound impact on Hunter’s own life. So much so that it led her to write the book Amy Carmichael: The Brown-Eyed Girl Who Learned to Pray. In this episode, Hunter shares how Amy’s story helped her to trust God even when she didn’t understand what God was doing in her life. Amy’s life and story help us to remember we can trust God because of who he is and how he has proven himself faithful throughout all of redemptive history. Amy Carmichael: The Brown-Eyed Girl Who Learned to Pray by Hunter Beless is part of The Good Book Company‘s Do Great Things For God series. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen! Journeywomen comes alongside women to move them to know and love God and his Word, to find hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in their local churches as they go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2023

Women of the Faith 05: Unashamed with Irene Sun

Women of the Faith: Wen Wei Chieh In the face of intense shame heaped upon her by others throughout her life, Wen Wei Chieh was never ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This woman of the faith endured poverty, loss, and rejection at every turn, but she stood firm on the Word of God, knowing the Lord would remain faithful to her. She endured a traumatic childhood, the loss of countless family members, an unfaithful husband, and imprisonment in Communist China—most of the circumstances in her life could have filled her with shame, but she ultimately knew she had nothing to be ashamed of as a child of God. Irene Sun was born in Malaysia and is the author of the picture books Taste and See: All About God’s Goodness and God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World. She studied liturgy and literature at Yale University (MAR) and Old Testament and Semitic languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM). She now teaches her four boys at home with her preacher husband, Hans. They belong to Pittsburgh Chinese Church. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What did you learn about God through the life of Wen Wei Chieh? What part of your life might the Lord be trying to teach you to offer up to him for the sake of the Gospel? What do you think of when you think of the word, “meek”? How do you see meekness in Jesus? Do you see God’s provision for you in your life? Why or why not? What is the gospel and how does it impact your life today? SPONSORSHIP DETAILS Dwell is an audio Bible app that allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices—all to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription or 30% off Dwell for life. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Prep Dish is the best way for busy people to get healthy meals on the table—without the stress! Subscribers receive an email every week with an organized grocery list and instructions for prepping meals ahead of time. This means dinner time is quick and easy every day. Check out PrepDish.com/journey for a free 2-week trial! FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen! Journeywomen comes alongside women to move them to know and love God and his Word, to find hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in their local churches as they go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 29 May 2023

Unashamed with Irene Sun

Woman of the Faith: Wen Wei Chieh In the face of intense shame heaped upon her by others throughout her life, Wen Wei Chieh was never ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This woman of the faith endured poverty, loss, and rejection at every turn, but she stood firm on the Word of God, knowing the Lord would remain faithful to her. She endured a traumatic childhood, the loss of countless family members, an unfaithful husband, and imprisonment in Communist China—most of the circumstances in her life could have filled her with shame, but she ultimately knew she had nothing to be ashamed of as a child of God. Irene Sun was born in Malaysia and is the author of the picture books Taste and See: All About God’s Goodness and God Counts: Numbers in His Word and His World. She studied liturgy and literature at Yale University (MAR) and Old Testament and Semitic languages at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (ThM). She now teaches her four boys at home with her preacher husband, Hans. They belong to Pittsburgh Chinese Church. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What did you learn about God through the life of Wen Wei Chieh? What part of your life might the Lord be trying to teach you to offer up to him for the sake of the Gospel? What do you think of when you think of the word, “meek”? How do you see meekness in Jesus? Do you see God’s provision for you in your life? Why or why not? What is the gospel and how does it impact your life today? SPONSORSHIP DETAILS Dwell is an audio Bible app that allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices—all to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription or 30% off Dwell for life. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Prep Dish is the best way for busy people to get healthy meals on the table—without the stress! Subscribers receive an email every week with an organized grocery list and instructions for prepping meals ahead of time. This means dinner time is quick and easy every day. Check out PrepDish.com/journey for a free 2-week trial! FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen! Journeywomen comes alongside women to move them to know and love God and his Word, to find hope in the gospel, and to invest deeply in their local churches as they go out on mission for the glory of God.

Transcribed - Published: 29 May 2023

Women of the Faith 04: The Mother From Far Away with K.A. Ellis

Women of the Faith: Maria Fearing In this week’s episode, Karen Ellis is going to share the story of an incredible woman named Maria Fearing. Maria’s story will inspire you to set aside excuses and serve the Lord with gladness. We pray that this episode challenges you to use whatever God’s given you to build his kingdom. In our Women of the Faith series, we are talking about women from church history who will encourage us to trust our God who does not change. K.A. Ellis is the Director of the Edmiston Center for the Study of the Bible and Ethnicity in Atlanta, Georgia. She's passionate about theology, human rights, and global religious freedom. Mrs. Ellis is the Cannada Fellow for World Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary. She holds a Master of Art in Religion (MAR Theological) from Westminster Theological Seminary, a Master of Fine Art (MFA) from the Yale School of Drama, and is a Ph.D. candidate in World Christianity and Ethics at the Oxford Center for Mission Studies in England. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What did you take away from learning about the life of Maria Fearing? What do you learn about God through the life of Maria Fearing? How are you spending your time? What would it look like to “be about the Lord’s business” in your day-to-day life? Taking into account your current season of life, what are you passing along to the next generation and how can you do this unto the Lord? Do you care more about your name being recorded in history books or in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Explain. SPONSORSHIP DETAILS SEBTS offers flexible degree options that empower you to study the Bible deeply and teach God’s Word. Through its selection of certificate programs, master’s degrees, and advanced degrees, Southeastern equips women to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Kaleidoscope bridges the gap between storybook Bibles and adult translations, retelling every book of the Bible at an elementary reading level in beautifully-designed, single-volume chapter books for kids. Check them out at readkaleidoscope.com and take 10% off your order with the code JOURNEYWOMEN. FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 22 May 2023

The Mother From Far Away with K.A. Ellis

Woman of the Faith: Maria Fearing In this week’s episode, Karen Ellis is going to share the story of an incredible woman named Maria Fearing. Maria’s story will inspire you to set aside excuses and serve the Lord with gladness. We pray that this episode challenges you to use whatever God’s given you to build his kingdom. In our Women of the Faith series, we are talking about women from church history who will encourage us to trust our God who does not change. K.A. Ellis is the Director of the Edmiston Center for the Study of the Bible and Ethnicity in Atlanta, Georgia. She's passionate about theology, human rights, and global religious freedom. Mrs. Ellis is the Cannada Fellow for World Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary. She holds a Master of Art in Religion (MAR Theological) from Westminster Theological Seminary, a Master of Fine Art (MFA) from the Yale School of Drama, and is a Ph.D. candidate in World Christianity and Ethics at the Oxford Center for Mission Studies in England. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What did you take away from learning about the life of Maria Fearing? What do you learn about God through the life of Maria Fearing? How are you spending your time? What would it look like to “be about the Lord’s business” in your day-to-day life? Taking into account your current season of life, what are you passing along to the next generation and how can you do this unto the Lord? Do you care more about your name being recorded in history books or in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Explain. SPONSORSHIP DETAILS SEBTS offers flexible degree options that empower you to study the Bible deeply and teach God’s Word. Through its selection of certificate programs, master’s degrees, and advanced degrees, Southeastern equips women to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Kaleidoscope bridges the gap between storybook Bibles and adult translations, retelling every book of the Bible at an elementary reading level in beautifully-designed, single-volume chapter books for kids. Check them out at readkaleidoscope.com and take 10% off your order with the code JOURNEYWOMEN. FOR MORE Support Journeywomen: Give Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Share the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 22 May 2023

Women of the Faith 03: Faithful Under Oppression with Catherine Parks

Women of the Faith: Esther Ahn Kim and Charlotte Forten Grimke In this week’s episode, we are talking with Catherine Parks about two extraordinary women who you might not be very familiar with: Esther Ahn Kim and Charlotte Forten Grimke. Catherine describes these women as going about their daily lives “with resolve to do all they could to honor God and serve their fellow man. And it was this daily obedience that God used to give them both the opportunity and the strength to stand for justice and serve other people faithfully.” Catherine Parks is the author of several books, including two middle-grade biography collections, Strong and Empowered. She also serves as an acquisitions editor for Moody Publishers. Catherine and her husband, Erik, live in the Nashville, TN area with their children, Sophie and Micah. In her free time, she loves hiking, playing volleyball, and serving on her church's worship team. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What encouragement did you find from these women’s lives to walk in faithfulness in your own life? What might daily faithfulness look like for you in this season? What are some ways the Lord has used circumstances in your life to humble you and reorient your heart to serve him? What are some ways you could be faithful today to love your enemies amidst despair, injustice, and discouragement? What are some ways you might be able to pay attention to the world around you and find opportunities to shine Christ’s light into a difficult and dark situation? SPONSORSHIP DETAILS Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Dwell is an audio Bible app with unique features to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Dwell allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription or 30% off Dwell for life. Prep Dish is the best way for busy people to get healthy meals on the table—without the stress! Subscribers receive an email every week with an organized grocery list and instructions for prepping meals ahead of time. This means dinner time is quick and easy every day. Check out PrepDish.com/journey for a free 2-week trial! FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 15 May 2023

Faithful Under Oppression with Catherine Parks

Women of the Faith: Esther Ahn Kim and Charlotte Forten Grimke In this week’s episode, we are talking with Catherine Parks about two extraordinary women who you might not be very familiar with: Esther Ahn Kim and Charlotte Forten Grimke. Catherine describes these women as going about their daily lives “with resolve to do all they could to honor God and serve their fellow man. And it was this daily obedience that God used to give them both the opportunity and the strength to stand for justice and serve other people faithfully.” Catherine Parks is the author of several books, including two middle-grade biography collections, Strong and Empowered. She also serves as an acquisitions editor for Moody Publishers. Catherine and her husband, Erik, live in the Nashville, TN area with their children, Sophie and Micah. In her free time, she loves hiking, playing volleyball, and serving on her church's worship team. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What encouragement did you find from these women’s lives to walk in faithfulness in your own life? What might daily faithfulness look like for you in this season? What are some ways the Lord has used circumstances in your life to humble you and reorient your heart to serve him? What are some ways you could be faithful today to love your enemies amidst despair, injustice, and discouragement? What are some ways you might be able to pay attention to the world around you and find opportunities to shine Christ’s light into a difficult and dark situation? SPONSORSHIP DETAILS Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Dwell is an audio Bible app with unique features to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Dwell allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription or 30% off Dwell for life. Prep Dish is the best way for busy people to get healthy meals on the table—without the stress! Subscribers receive an email every week with an organized grocery list and instructions for prepping meals ahead of time. This means dinner time is quick and easy every day. Check out PrepDish.com/journey for a free 2-week trial! FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 15 May 2023

Women of the Faith 02: Fearing God and Not Our Circumstances with Laura Caputo-Wickham

Women of the Faith: Helen Roseveare, Corrie ten Boom, Betsey Stockton, Fannie Crosby Today we’re continuing our Women of the Faith series by talking with Laura Caputo-Wickham about some women in Church history who endured what we’d think of as unbearable circumstances for the sake of making Christ known. Laura has written about these women in one of my favorite children’s book series called “Do Great Things for God” published by the Good Book Company. We pray that this episode bolsters your faith in our God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. FULL SHOW NOTES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How has God used different Scripture passages to reveal himself to you? 2. What circumstances in your life has God used to bolster your confidence in his character? 3. How do you relate to the phrase, “ordinary people relying on an extraordinary God?” 4. Which of the women’s stories from this episode stood out to you and why? 5. What would it look like to fear God and not your circumstances? SPONSORS SEBTS offers flexible degree options that empower you to study the Bible deeply and teach God’s Word. Through its selection of certificate programs, master’s degrees, and advanced degrees, Southeastern equips women to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Kaleidoscope bridges the gap between storybook Bibles and adult translations, retelling every book of the Bible at an elementary reading level in beautifully-designed, single-volume chapter books for kids. Check them out at readkaleidoscope.com, and take 10% off your order with the code JOURNEYWOMEN. FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 8 May 2023

Fearing God and Not Our Circumstances with Laura-Caputo Wickham

Women of the Faith: Helen Roseveare, Corrie ten Boom, Betsey Stockton, Fannie Crosby Today we’re continuing our Women of the Faith series by talking with Laura Caputo-Wickham about some women in Church history who endured what we’d think of as unbearable circumstances for the sake of making Christ known. Laura has written about these women in one of my favorite children’s book series called “Do Great Things for God” published by the Good Book Company. We pray that this episode bolsters your faith in our God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. FULL SHOW NOTES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How has God used different Scripture passages to reveal himself to you? 2. What circumstances in your life has God used to bolster your confidence in his character? 3. How do you relate to the phrase, “ordinary people relying on an extraordinary God?” 4. Which of the women’s stories from this episode stood out to you and why? 5. What would it look like to fear God and not your circumstances? SPONSORS SEBTS offers flexible degree options that empower you to study the Bible deeply and teach God’s Word. Through its selection of certificate programs, master’s degrees, and advanced degrees, Southeastern equips women to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Kaleidoscope bridges the gap between storybook Bibles and adult translations, retelling every book of the Bible at an elementary reading level in beautifully-designed, single-volume chapter books for kids. Check them out at readkaleidoscope.com, and take 10% off your order with the code JOURNEYWOMEN. FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 8 May 2023

Fearing God and Not Our Circumstances with Laura Caputo-Wickham

Women of the Faith: Helen Roseveare, Corrie ten Boom, Betsey Stockton, Fannie Crosby Today we’re continuing our Women of the Faith series by talking with Laura Caputo-Wickham about some women in Church history who endured what we’d think of as unbearable circumstances for the sake of making Christ known. Laura has written about these women in one of my favorite children’s book series called “Do Great Things for God” published by the Good Book Company. We pray that this episode bolsters your faith in our God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. FULL SHOW NOTES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. How has God used different Scripture passages to reveal himself to you? 2. What circumstances in your life has God used to bolster your confidence in his character? 3. How do you relate to the phrase, “ordinary people relying on an extraordinary God?” 4. Which of the women’s stories from this episode stood out to you and why? 5. What would it look like to fear God and not your circumstances? SPONSORS SEBTS offers flexible degree options that empower you to study the Bible deeply and teach God’s Word. Through its selection of certificate programs, master’s degrees, and advanced degrees, Southeastern equips women to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Kaleidoscope bridges the gap between storybook Bibles and adult translations, retelling every book of the Bible at an elementary reading level in beautifully-designed, single-volume chapter books for kids. Check them out at readkaleidoscope.com, and take 10% off your order with the code JOURNEYWOMEN. FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 8 May 2023

Women of the Faith 01: Leaving a Legacy of Faith with Jenny-Lyn de Klerk

Women of the Faith: Puritans (Lucy Hutchinson, Agnes Beaumont, and Mary Rich) Today we’re kicking off a new series called Women of the Faith. In this series, we’ll dig into the lives of a few women from church history whose stories will encourage you to lean into the faithfulness of God as you walk in whatever he sets before you today. Jenny-Lyn de Klerk is joining us for today’s conversation about three Puritan women (Puritans Lucy Hutchinson, Agnes Beaumont, and Mary Rich) who will inspire you to walk in grace-driven obedience. Jenny-Lyn de Klerk (PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) works as an editor at Crossway and has multiple degrees in church history and historical theology, specializing in Puritan spirituality. She has also written articles for Themelios, the Midwestern Journal of Theology, and the Gospel Coalition and contributed to the Lexham Dictionary of Church History. Jenny-Lyn and her husband, JD, live and attend church in Tsawwassen, British Columbia. FULL SHOW NOTES SERIES RESOURCES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What did you learn about the Puritans? What would it look like for your life to be steeped in scripture? How can you walk in faithfulness where God has you today? What are some spiritual disciplines you could start practicing that would draw you nearer to the heart of Christ? What did you learn about God from looking at the lives of these Puritan women? SPONSORS Dwell is an audio Bible app that allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices—all to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription or 30% off Dwell for life. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Prep Dish is the best way for busy people to get healthy meals on the table—without the stress! Subscribers receive an email every week with an organized grocery list and instructions for prepping meals ahead of time. This means dinner time is quick and easy every day. Check out PrepDish.com/journey for a free 2-week trial! FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 1 May 2023

Leaving a Legacy of Faith with Jenny-Lyn de Klerk

Women of the Faith: Puritans (Lucy Hutchinson, Agnes Beaumont, and Mary Rich) Today we’re kicking off a new series called Women of the Faith. In this series, we’ll dig into the lives of a few women from church history whose stories will encourage you to lean into the faithfulness of God as you walk in whatever he sets before you today. Jenny-Lyn de Klerk is joining us for today’s conversation about three Puritan women (Puritans Lucy Hutchinson, Agnes Beaumont, and Mary Rich) who will inspire you to walk in grace-driven obedience. Jenny-Lyn de Klerk (PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) works as an editor at Crossway and has multiple degrees in church history and historical theology, specializing in Puritan spirituality. She has also written articles for Themelios, the Midwestern Journal of Theology, and the Gospel Coalition and contributed to the Lexham Dictionary of Church History. Jenny-Lyn and her husband, JD, live and attend church in Tsawwassen, British Columbia. FULL SHOW NOTES DISCUSSION QUESTIONS • What did you learn about the Puritans? • What would it look like for your life to be steeped in scripture? • How can you walk in faithfulness where God has you today? • What are some spiritual disciplines you could start practicing that would draw you nearer to the heart of Christ? • What did you learn about God from looking at the lives of these Puritan women? SPONSORS Dwell is an audio Bible app that allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices—all to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription or 30% off Dwell for life. Scriptura crafts new Bibles with custom leather covers and restores special Bibles that are falling apart. Journeywomen listeners can receive 15% off their order with the code JOURNEY15 at Scriptura.co. Prep Dish is the best way for busy people to get healthy meals on the table—without the stress! Subscribers receive an email every week with an organized grocery list and instructions for prepping meals ahead of time. This means dinner time is quick and easy every day. Check out PrepDish.com/journey for a free 2-week trial! FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 1 May 2023

A Journeywoman's Hope is in Heaven with Vanessa Hawkins

Today, we’re revisiting a conversation with Vanessa Hawkins on living in light of eternity because a Journeywoman’s hope resides in heaven. We talked about what a difference it makes as we navigate the seasons and hardships of life when we approach them with eternity in view. This is our last episode in the “What is a Journeywoman?” series. It’s been so wonderful revisiting these timeless conversations on what it means to be a woman of God. We pray that this episode encourages you—in the midst of whatever it is you are walking through today—to fix your gaze on eternity. That is what being a Journeywoman is all about. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How does living with eternity in view change the way you walk through the joys and sorrows of this life? How does fixing your eyes on eternity change how you engage with and encourage other believers who are walking through various joys and sorrows? How does understanding God’s character affect how you journey through life? What are some passages of Scripture that help you to fix your eyes on eternity? What are you going to do or implement as a result of what you’ve learned this week? SPONSORS SEBTS offers flexible degree options that empower you to study the Bible deeply and teach God’s Word. Through its selection of certificate programs, master’s degrees, and advanced degrees, Southeastern equips women to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. Promises Kept is a new Bible study by Courtney Reissig that will take you through five Old Testament covenants with the goal of seeing God’s beautiful storyline. Order your study today at moodypublisherswomen.com or on Amazon. Dwell is an audio Bible app that allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices—all to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription, or 30% off Dwell for life. FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 6 March 2023

A Journeywoman is Being Sanctified with Gavin Ortlund

Today we’re continuing our series “What is a Journeywoman” by diving into the topic of sanctification, because a Journeywoman is always being sanctified. We’re going back to a conversation we had with Gavin Ortlund on the topic. Gavin is a husband, father, pastor, and writer. We talked about how the Lord uses the seasons and challenges of life to encourage us to turn to the Word, to pray, and to be actively involved in our local churches—all things that the Lord uses to bring about holiness in us. We pray this episode encourages you as you continue to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that it is God who works in you for his good pleasure (Phil. 2:12-13). DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What means has the Lord used to grow you in the grace and knowledge of Christ throughout your life? How does rooting your sanctification in your justification allow you to rest in God’s work? How might you shift your prayer life to increase your reliance on the role of the Holy Spirit in your sanctification? Sanctification is a (sometimes slow) process. How does knowing that bring you encouragement as you see the ways God is gradually growing you? What might you do or change based on what you learned in this week’s episode? SPONSORS Dwell is an audio Bible app with unique features to help you get in the Word and stay in the Word. Dwell allows you to fully tailor the Bible reading experience with customizable themes, styles, fonts, music, and reading voices. Go to dwellbible.com/journeywomen to get 10% off a yearly subscription, or 30% off Dwell for life. Prep Dish is the best way for busy people to get healthy meals on the table—without the stress! Subscribers receive an email every week with an organized grocery list and instructions for prepping meals ahead of time. This means dinner time is quick and easy every day. Check out PrepDish.com/journey for a free 2-week trial! Kaleidoscope bridges the gap between storybook Bibles and adult translations, retelling every book of the Bible at an elementary reading level in beautifully designed, single-volume chapter books for kids. Check them out at readkaleidoscope.com and take 10% off your order with the code JOURNEYWOMEN. FOR MORE Subscribe: iTunes | Android Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook Support the podcast by writing a review Interviews do not imply Journeywomen’s endorsement of all writings and positions of the interviewee or any other resources mentioned. Affiliate links used are used where appropriate. Thank you for supporting the products that support Journeywomen!

Transcribed - Published: 27 February 2023

Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Hunter Beless, and are the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Tapesearch.

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