Hey lady! You’re in for a treat this week so we won’t delay. Dr. Thema Bryant, psychologist, author, professor, sacred artist, and minister joins Dr. Dom and Terri to bring a much-needed balm to our spirits with her wisdom, insight and soothing energy. Whenever Dr. Thema speaks it’s hard not to feel that everything is going to be alright! Dr. Thema is host of the popular The Homecoming Podcast and is no stranger to the podcast airwaves or the Cultivating H.E.R. Space podcast. Check out S3E12 and S8E12 to hear some of the timeless gems she shares. This week, Terri and Dr. Dom welcome Dr. Thema back to discuss how her new book Matters of the Heart can help everyone who is in need of healing in their relationships. Often when people discuss relationships the focus is on romantic relationships. Dr. Thema posits that healing our relationship with relating to others in all facets of our life will help us build the level of community needed to lead a healthy and fulfilled life. There are mindsets that one can adopt to help add clarity to her or his personal approach to their circle. Maybe you don’t need to cut that person off…you just need boundaries. Or, perhaps the relationship feels difficult because its run its course…and that’s ok. What can seem easy to understand in theory can often be difficult in practice, which is why Dr. Thema explains that she structured her book to be both a chapter book that can be read in order, but also a reference book that you can call upon for specific scenarios and situations. In short, it’s a true tool to aide in the healing of all your relationships. Lady, if it’s not evident yet, we’re going to need each other to get through this new phase of life. Healing and strengthening the relationships in your life not only provide peace, comfort and love but also serve as a powerful act of resistance against oppression and harm. Let’s love each other through this next chapter, lady! Want to find out how? Tune in. Quote of the Day: "I am worthy of giving and receiving love." – Dr. Thema  Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Dr. Thema Bryant: Website: Dr. Thema Bryant Book: Matters of the Heart Podcast: The Homecoming Podcast Podcast: The Homecoming Podcast Instagram: @dr.thema Twitter: @drthema Facebook: Thema Bryant Davis TikTok: @drthema  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/cultivating-h-e-r-space-uplifting-conversations-for-the-black-woman--5470036/support.
Transcribed - Published: 7 February 2025
Hey lady! This year is your year to take your pleasure to new heights. This is the year you take what makes you feel good and let it inform all the ways it makes your life beautiful and delicious. But, before you bloom like the beautiful rose you are, we need to get down to the root of what may be keeping you from experiencing the pleasure you so richly deserve. Remember, flowers bloom best in good soil. Dr. Janet Williams is a licensed physician and surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, where she is a board certified specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Janet, as her patients affectionately call her, is also the author of Why Don't I Like Sex Anymore?: The Grown Woman’s Guide to Getting Your Groove Back and Claiming Your Truth and the owner of Good Groove Coach, an bespoke intimacy coaching service that includes one-on-one coaching, hypnotherapy and access to Dr. Janet’s Confident Pleasure Program. She joins Dr. Dom and Terri to discuss the myriad factors that can impact Black women’s access to healthy, thrilling, memorable sexual encounters. These factors go deeper than lingerie or even body issues. Black women face an inordinate amount of pressures that come from socio-economic, class, and race. Those pressures cause stress and stress can often lead to illness. We know the statistics when it comes to heart disease and blood pressure with Black women but we don’t talk about the emotional and mental tolls that they take on Black women. Couple that with changing hormones, and shifting cycles that eventually lead to perimenopause and menopause and you have a recipe for intimacy confusion. That’s why Dr. Janet is on a mission to arm women with the information they need to really get their groove back. As we head into challenging political times we’re going to need each other and our joy more than ever! Find your community and find your way to your best orgasm in this week’s episode. Lady, holler at us on Patreon and let us know how you plan on getting your groove back in 2025! Quote of the Day: "My body and an inner knowing have always told me sex could be great, but for some reason, almost everything and everyone else has told me otherwise." – Dr. Janet Williams  Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Dr. Janet Williams: Website: Good Groove Coach Book: Why Don't I Like Sex Anymore?: The Grown Woman’s Guide to Getting Your Groove Back and Claiming Your Truth Instagram: @goodgrooveco Facebook: Good Groove Company  Altadena Seventh Day Adventist Church Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/cultivating-h-e-r-space-uplifting-conversations-for-the-black-woman--5470036/support.
Transcribed - Published: 31 January 2025
Lady! Are you ready to expand your horizons and tap into your spiritual side? Well, then come closer because we have the perfect guest to excite your imagination with tales of spiritual lore. Anita Kopacz is a lifelong storyteller. She’s made a career bringing fun and interesting stories to life as the former Editor-in-Chief of Heart & Soul magazine and now she is the author of The Wind on Her Tongue. Anita welcomes the audience into a world where spirituality intersects with real world scenarios to create a compelling narrative you won’t want to put down. In her page-turning book, Anita introduces her audience to the Orishas, spiritual deities that are most recognized in the African Traditional Religions (ATRs) of Ifa, Voudoo, and Hoodoo. Anita offers context about the ATRs and their importance in the African diasporic experience. She dispels some of the common myths and misconceptions regarding the ATRs and offers perspective on how some of the wisdom from the Orishas and the ATRs can provide insight into your life. Lady, whether you’ve promised yourself that you’ll read more this year or you’re asking yourself the big questions about the meaning of life and where our help comes from, we promise this is the episode for you. Let Anita’s calm energy transport you to the deeper well that resides within you. And, you’ll want to tune into the Aftershow this week. Dr. Dom and Terri offer a more in-depth peek into their creative process that can help spark your own. Dream big, lady! Quote of the Day: "No one is supposed to understand your calling. It wasn't a conference call." – Unknown  Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Anita Kopacz Website: Anita Kopacz Book: The Wind on Her Tongue Instagram: @anitakopacz Facebook: Anita Kopacz TikTok: @anitakopacz2  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 24 January 2025
Hey lady! How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Are you still on track with your health and wellness goals? If you started the year revved up and ready to go and already find yourself slouching back towards bad habits we want to help take some of the pressure off with a helpful reframe that will help sharpen your focus on your goals. This week, Alishia McCullough, a licensed clinical mental health therapist and founder of Black and Embodied Counseling and Consulting PLLC, stops by Cultivating H.E.R. Space to discuss her new book Reclaiming the Black Body: Nourishing the Home Within to discuss how Black women and femmes can unlearn the harmful narratives about our Black bodies. These stories have been passed down generationally and have been detrimental to how we view ourselves and our place in this world. Alishia offers new frameworks on how to view the Black body and divorce it from the way it’s been traditionally viewed by discussing our relationship with nourishing food, deep respect for our ancestral lineages, and combatting the images we see in the media. Lady, wherever you are in your health journey always remember that your mindset is the first part of you to conquer. Once you master how you view YOU, trust us, you will be unstoppable! Quote of the Day: "Food is a spiritual practice. Eating is a spiritual practice. Cooking is a spiritual practice. Farming is a spiritual practice. Gardening is a spiritual practice. Do you see how important food is to us a diaspora?" – Lyvonne Briggs  Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Alishia McCullough: Website: Black and Embodided Book: Reclaiming the Black Body: Nourishing the Home Within Instagram: @blackandembodied Patreon: Black and Embodied Facebook: Black and Embodied  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 17 January 2025
Hey lady! Last week, Dr. Dom and Terri introduced strategies for strengthening your discernment and creating a pathway to thriving in your relationships. This week they take it up a notch by diving deeper into tactics that will help you recognize manipulative behaviors quickly so that you remain in integrity and joyful in your life. Over the years, Dr. Dom and Terri have offered unique perspectives on keeping yourself safe from those who wish to use or harm you. They’ve discussed issues regarding narcissism, manipulation, and self-trust throughout the years so after you listen to this week’s episode be sure to scroll through the archives for more support in these areas. Tap in! 7 Tips to Build Discernment and Stop Letting Manipulators Into Your Life: 1. Develop Self-Awareness 2. Set and Maintain Boundaries 3. Vet People Before Letting Them In 4. Educate Yourself About Manipulative Tactics 5. Strengthen Emotional Resilience 6. Cultivate a Support System 7. Practice Discernment Daily  Quote of the Day: "Discernment is the ability to see things for what they REALLY are and not what we WANT them to be." – Unknown  Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 10 January 2025
Hey lady! Welcome to 2025! This is the year you take all of your power back and stand in your light! That’s why this week Dr. Dom and Terri waste no time in helping you remember the strength you carry within by outlining an actionable plan to keep manipulators and those who don’t wish you well as far away from you as possible. You know we love radical accountability at Cultivating H.E.R. Space podcast, which is why this episode is going to be the tough love to help you chart a path that works best for your life! We all know about narcissists, opportunists, and general manipulators but do you know that you have a built-in guidance system to help loosen their grip on you or deter them from approaching all together? That’s right, you have the power of your discernment and like with everything in this life, it is a muscle that can be strengthened and sharpened. It is your responsibility to take care yourself in a way that you greet life with your heart full and open and your eyes wide awake and aware. And, by growing your toolkit you’ll be armed with strategies to help you walk with your head high. With some practice and discipline you can place yourself in the driver’s seat of your life so that you are not afraid to live with your light dimmed, rather with the joy that is your birthright. This episode is an active one, lady. Grab your tea or cozy beverage and get your journal out because Terri and Dr. Dom have some impactful questions for you to consider as you create an action plan to help you grow your self-awareness and bolster your discernment. If you need a journal head over to the Cultivating H.E.R. Space shop (link below) and you’ll find all of the tools you need to help make this journey home to yourself one full of ease, compassion, and joy! Cheers to 2025 being your best year yet! 7 Tips to build discernment and stop letting manipulators into your life: Develop self-awarenessSet and maintain boundaries Vet people before letting them in Educate yourself about manipulative tactics Strengthen emotional resilience Cultivate a support system Practice discernment daily  Quote of the Day: "Discernment is the ability to see things for what they REALLY are and not what we WANT them to be." – Unknown  Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 3 January 2025
Hey lady! You made it! We’re at the end of the year and, hopefully, by now you’ve gotten some rest and can review your year and take stock of the good and the bad to discover where you’ve wound up. If this year went swimmingly, congratulations! If this year left much to be desired, it’s okay! Regardless of how the year settled for you the good news is that next year is brand new and ripe with opportunity and potential. That’s why this episode, Terri and Dr. Dom offer a glimpse into the highs and lows of their year and some perspective on how they will goal map and plan for a fruitful 2025. Do you have big goals and dreams and feel like you need some help to stop spinning your wheels and make some traction? Are you moving forward but need focused and strategic thinking to propel you to the next level? Or is it all going smoothly on the surface, but you notice something underneath that is keeping you from living your absolute best life? Whatever the reason you have a unique opportunity to build a life that you love through intention and imagination. Let this episode be the spark that lights the fire under your butt to make it one to remember. Don’t forget, if you’re looking for therapy to heal wounds or to help uncover your limiting beliefs and outdated programming, Dr. Dom has a therapy practice that might be right for you. And, if you’re ready to go from surviving to thriving, Terri is available to coach you through the steps that leads you to authenticity, integrity, and success in all facets of your life. Check out the links below for their individual offerings and head to Patreon for more juicy tips on how to make 2025 a year to remember! Cheers to a prosperous year, lady! 7 tips for Making the Next Year Your Best Year: Set Purposeful GoalsPrioritize Well-BeingCultivate a Growth MindsetBuild a Supportive NetworkEmbrace FlexibilityFocus on ProgressCreate Space for Reflection & RestQuote of the Day: “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” — Robin Sharma  Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 27 December 2024
Hey lady! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time when, hopefully, life is slowing down, and you can spend time reflecting on your year and your life. This time is a great opportunity to take stock of where you’ve been, how you’ve grown, and dream up where you’re going. And, the beautiful thing about life is that as adults we have the power of choice to determine our futures. Chances are that if you’re listening to this podcast you are an adult or advancing into adulthood and have real world obligations and responsibilities. That’s why this week, Terri and Dr. Dom spend some time breaking down what established adulthood is and how you can make the most of every single day! Established adulthood is a concept popularized by Dr. Clare Mehta and it describes the intersection of multiple significant responsibilities like marriage, parenting, and caregiving for aging parents while advancing in one’s career. These are the markers of life that can define what life is and how you operate in it. Dr. Dom and Terri explore what that really means when you don’t quite always feel like that adult and what it means when you know, for sure, that you are that adult. This fun episode offers perspective on how to embrace your adulthood and how to shift those good vibes into positive action for an even brighter, more fulfilling future as we head into 2025. Head to our Patreon so you can tap into the Aftershow for more insightful questions and tips on cultivating a life that lights you up! Tips for Navigating Established Adulthood Embrace Personal Growth and Identity Shifts Set Intentional Boundaries Develop a Flexible Relationship with Goals Invest in Health and Well-Being Make Space for Community and Connection Approach Failure as Part of Growth Live your best lifeQuote of the Day: “Adulthood is not about growing up but about growing into yourself.” – Unknown  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 20 December 2024
Hey lady! This week, Dr. Dom and Terri welcome Dr. Maisha Standifer, Director of Population Health, The Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine to offer fresh information about HIV, AIDS, the trends she’s seeing in sexually transmitted disease infection rates and what Black women need to know about keeping themselves safe and healthy. Dr. Standifer is a powerhouse of a woman and offers grounded perspective on the real issues that the Black community face in regards to HIV transmission and AIDS. The truth of the matter is that despite HIV/AIDS being known in the community for more than 40 years the stigma has transferred from white gay men to Black women and so much of that is because of a lack of information. In fact, 50 percent of new HIV cases are Black women. Dr. Standifer doesn’t sugarcoat the facts about the fact if you are sexually active you are HIV possible. Armed with that knowledge, she offers solutions for prevention, resources for care should you contract the infection, and hope for a future where HIV and AIDS is eradicated from the community. Tune into a powerful conversation chock full of valuable information. This is your one precious life, lady, treat it with the best care! Quote of the Day: “Understand others and their experiences as you talk and interact with them.” - Unknown  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Satcher Health: Website: Morehouse School of Medicine Website: Satcher Health Leadership Insitute Instagram: @satcherhealth Facebook: Satcher Health LinkedIn: Satcher Health Leadership Institute  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 13 December 2024
Hey lady! Are you sliding headfirst into the holidays completely exhausted by work demands, life obligations, and the oppressive beatdown that was the 2024 election season, and compounding worldwide strife? That short list doesn’t even include some of the pop quizzes that life springs on you – you know the kind; the ones that require the remainder of your energy reserves leaving you spent? Hopefully you can get some rest soon as the country begins to ease into holiday cheer. We want to help turn down the volume of life this week so we have a very special guest to help usher in moments of calm and respite. Jasmine Marie is a breathwork practitioner and founder of Black Girls Breathing, an online platform and community that features resources to help you regulate and heal your nervous system surrounded by like-hearted Black women providing support and encouragement in the journey. She’s also the author of Black Girls Breathing: Heal From Trauma, Combat Chronic Stress, and Find Your Freedom and she joins Dr. Dom and Terri for a beautiful conversation about all of the ways we’ve learned to keep it together and how some of them may be used to our detriment. The work to not only unlearn and heal, but grow resiliency so that you can thrive is not easy but if you have a solid toolkit you can make it fun. Jasmine Marie offers practical wisdom on why building a strong, resilient nervous system is essential to living a healthy life as a Black woman and gives tangible practices, including a sample breathwork session, that you incorporate into your daily life. Listen to the end for an extra special offer for our listeners! Quote of the Day: "I am worthy of giving my heart, mind, and body the attention it deserves." – Jasmine Marie  Hey lady! Try Black Girls Breathing for 50% off for the first three months of your membership with the code HERPODCAST at checkout! Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Jasmine Marie: Website: Black Girls Breathing Website: Sunday Balm Book with Bonus: Black Girls Breathing: Heal From Trauma, Combat Chronic Stress, and Find Your Freedom Book: Black Girls Breathing: Heal From Trauma, Combat Chronic Stress, and Find Your Freedom I Instagram: @blackgirlsbreathing Instagram: @thatgirl_jmarie Twitter: @blackgirls_bgb Facebook: Black Girls Breathing  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 6 December 2024
Lady! Have you ever been called the good girl? Are you perceived as dependable, reliable, and relatively harmless? Do people expect perfection from you and when you fall short from those expectations do, they make you feel shame and guilt? And, what happens to your good girl image once you decide to stick up for yourself or say no? Is the backlash swift and painful? If anything mentioned sounds familiar, then this week’s episode is for you. Terri and Dr. Dom share their experiences with being the good girl and why those perceptions and thereby responsibilities can be harmful as we mature into adulthood. Whether you are the oldest child, or you came from a strict family, or you had to figure out your upbringing on your own; we’ve all experienced the societal burden of being the good girl. The good news is now that we’re grown women we have the power of choice and can choose to untangle the deleterious programming we’ve been surrounded by through family, media, and society. Dr. Dom and Terri outline some of the harmful effects of the good girl mindset this episode. Don’t be surprised if some of the impacts are so subversive that they touch a tender spot in you. But, you know how we do. Check into the Aftershow for tips on how to heal and improve your life now that you know that you can be amazing, badass, and awesome without the low mantle of being good. Lady, this internal work can tough but it is necessary for growth and self-actualization. Check out our Cultivating H.E.R. Space shop for journals, pillows, latte mugs, and apparel to ease some of the awakenings you’re having while listening. They also make for great gifts this holiday season! Quote of the Day: "Being unapologetic means that I will be all of me. I will no longer shrink or compromise myself by playing small so others will not feel insecure in my presence.” – Lisa Nichols  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 29 November 2024
Hey lady! Can you believe that we are already at holiday time? This time of year, can be sweet and full of joy or rife with anxiety, tension, and heavy emotions. And, let’s be real, the current times we’re in can add in an additional layer of complex feelings that can trip up even the most internally sturdy among us. That’s why, this week, Terri and Dr. Dom offer strategies and tips on how to navigate an often energetically charged time of the year. Have you thought through how you’re going to enjoy this holiday season? Whether it’s optimizing technology to get the feast organized or discerning the appropriate boundaries when dealing with family members, you have options to make this season as comfortable for you as possible. You also have the power to decide to acknowledge any pain the holidays may bring and start a new tradition special to you and your loved ones. Lady, we wish you comfort, rest, and peace however you choose to spend this season. And, remember, we love our community and we’re here for you in the archives and on our Patreon! Quote of the Day: “Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.” – Sadie Delany  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2024
Hey lady! *Cue Beyonce* All my single ladies! Well, you know the rest. This week, Dr. Dom and Terri dive into all of the reasons why being single gets a bad rap and why it’s actually something that can be celebrated. In today’s modern dating climate women are finding themselves with autonomy and choice, which is a delicious and beautiful feeling. Even with all of that personal power, let’s not pretend that society doesn’t still place a stigma on singleness; especially if you are a woman. But, there are so many reasons why being single is the bomb and Terri and Dr. Dom want you to know all about them. Whether you have closed up shop and are totally invested in the happiness of you and your community, or you still long for love but know that life is what you make it – there are plenty of reasons to feel excited about a life of freedom. Terri and Dr. Dom explore the nuance that comes with being a woman who is free of bitterness because she’s accepted and embraced the gift of time she has to build a life of purpose and meaning so that she can leave a legacy of her choosing. Did you notice the key word in this episode? Happiness is a choice and we hope this episode inspires you to choose only the best for yourself because lady – you’re worth it! Holla at us on Instagram and tell us how you maximize your fly ass single life. And, tune into the Aftershow where the dynamic duo let their hair down in the realest of ways. Quote of the Day: "Single? No, I'm just in a relationship with freedom."  – Unknown  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 15 November 2024
Hey lady! It’s Fall, which means the temperature is dropping and there is an invitation to turn inward to reflect, recharge, and restore. The frenetic energy of the past few months is now slowing down and we can collectively use this time to check-in with ourselves and ask, “hey girl, how are you doing?” This week, Dr. Dom and Terri tap into their higher selves and offer some of the strategies that they use to replenish and nourish themselves during the beautiful quiet of the Fall and Winter months. Whether it be planning a luxurious spa day or setting boundaries around your cozy reading time it matters how...you do you. As with everything, take what you need and leave the rest as you grow your self-care toolkits. Hit us up on IG and let us know how you plan on tending to yourself during the cozy, cold months? Fall into Wellness: 7 Ways to Rest and Recharge Before the New Year 1. Nature Walks and Hikes 2. Digital Detox 3. Cozy Reading Sessions 4. Mindful Journaling 5. Practice Self-Care Rituals 6. Indulge in Nostalgia 7. Practice Gratitude Quote of the Day: “Every season is one of becoming, but not always one of blooming. Be gracious with your ever-evolving self.” – B. Oakman  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 8 November 2024
Hey lady! It’s Fall and for many, it’s officially homecoming season; the season when they’ll reunite with old classmates to reminisce on the fun times of their youth, but this week Terri and Dr. Dom want to focus on a more personal homecoming, one that is universally more accessible to all. Dr. Thema Bryant, a friend of the show and two-time previous guest, discusses the power of finding a path home to yourself on her podcast The Homecoming Podcast. She offers wisdom on all of the various ways we lose ourselves as we journey through life and provides strategies on how to cultivate the tools needed to journey through life with wholeness. Dr. Dom and Terri draw inspiration from her podcast and dive deep into the elements that make a personal homecoming something you can delve into at your own pace. Bittersweet undertones run through homecomings because they often come from tough lessons, but the glory and self-respect that you can generate from making the decision to return to yourself is often the greatest reward. Dr. Dom and Terri offer tips to help you usher in your personal homecoming. Whether it’s your first self-awakening or the latest chapter in an incredible story you have the tools to write the most beautiful scenes yet. 8 Ways You Can Come Home to Yourself 1. Engage in Self-Reflection: Take time for introspection through journaling or meditation. Reflecting on your thoughts and experiences helps clarify your values and desires, fostering a deeper connection with your authentic self. Research shows that expressive writing can significantly enhance self-awareness and emotional health. 2. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to cultivate presence and self-awareness. Mindfulness meditation can reduce anxiety and increase acceptance of your thoughts and feelings, promoting self-compassion. 3. Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to say no and prioritize your own needs. Establishing boundaries is crucial for self-care and maintaining your sense of self in various relationships. 4. Nurture Your Inner Child: Engage in activities that bring you joy and creativity, reminiscent of your childhood. This process can heal past wounds and foster a sense of freedom and authenticity, allowing you to reconnect with who you truly are. 5. Build a Supportive Community: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Having a network of like-minded individuals can reinforce your self-worth and provide encouragement on your journey of self-discovery. 6. Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for activities that promote your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Regular self-care practices can lead to increased self-love and help you reconnect with your desires and needs. 7. Pursue Your Passions: Identify and engage in hobbies or interests that ignite your passion. Pursuing what you love enhances your self-identity and fulfillment, allowing you to express your true self. 8. Embrace Change and Growth: Recognize that personal growth often requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Embracing change fosters resilience and helps you adapt to new aspects of yourself, ultimately leading to a stronger sense of self. Quote of the Day: “Homecoming is a return to authentic living that is based on truth, self-acceptance, and an aligning of action with values and purpose.” –Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis, Homecoming: Overcome Fear and Trauma to Reclaim Your Whole, Authentic Self  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 1 November 2024
Lady, today we’ve dropped a special bonus episode, and if you’ve been enjoying our podcast, this one’s especially for you. We’re at a crossroads, deciding what’s next for Cultivating H.E.R. Space, and we need your voice to guide us. This platform was created with you in mind, and your input is what keeps it meaningful, vibrant, and real. If our podcast has ever inspired, supported, or positively impacted your life, we’d be incredibly grateful if you’d take a moment to share your thoughts. Please click here to complete our survey — your feedback will help us shape future episodes, community events, retreats, and deeper ways to connect with you. Thank you for being part of this journey. Let’s keep this movement going together! ✨ Love, Terri and Dr. Dom Quote of the Day: “Sometimes the best breakthroughs come from the moments we feel like giving up—stay the course.” Visit this URL to complete our short survey: bit.ly/herspacesurvey1024 or visit our website herspacepodcast.com for a direct link.
Transcribed - Published: 30 October 2024
Hey lady! You know that we love grown woman conversations here at Cultivating H.E.R. Space podcast, which is why this week Terri and Dr. Dom are delighted to welcome Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons, a leading expert in sex research and the author of Good Sex: Stories, Science, and Strategies for Sexual Liberation, to discuss why good sex can lead to a healthier nation. What does she mean by that? You’ll just have to tune in to find out not only that, but also why putting some thought into your sexual “wishlist” and your “absolutely not” list are worthwhile endeavors for any sexually vibrant woman. Dr. Hargons offers perspective on what good sex is and why deeply meeting yourself can increase intimacy and communication with your partner or help you feel comfort and ease as you slow down your sexual activity. Whatever the reason you have for your sex life always remember that the best sex is the kind where you feel valued and respected – even if that means loving on your body is a solo activity. So, tap in ladies and cheers to good, ahem…vibes! Quote of the Day: "My book is giving nerdy Black girl sex researcher with a ratchet brilliant mind and oldest daughter becomes therapist vibes." – Dr. Candice Nicole  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons: Website: Dr. Candice Nicole Hargons Book: Good Sex: Stories, Science, and Strategies for Sexual Liberation Instagram: @dr.candicenicole  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2024
Hey lady! The Fall is often a time to self-reflect and take stock of your life and choices. When doing that life review and assessment, how do you feel about yourself? As a human it’s guaranteed that you will make a mistake in life, but grown women know that mistakes are not what define you – how you handle them is what defines you. This week Terri and Dr. Dom welcome world renowned athlete Marion Jones to Cultivating H.E.R. Space to discuss her unique life path and the lessons learned from the challenges that arose from her time both in the public eye and in prison. Marion shares her powerful testimony about how the experience of facing public scrutiny based on her choices and paying her debt to society allowed her to find the deeper meaning that can help others. Marion offers one important lesson – your mistakes do not define you and only you are in control of your narrative. Tune in to find out the other gems she shares to help you lift the veil of shame that is keeping you from owning your victory! Quote of the Day: “Your comeback is bigger than your setback.” – Marion Jones  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Marion Jones: Website: Marion Jones Instagram: @themarionjones  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 18 October 2024
Hey lady! How are you taking care of you these days? Are you ready to elevate your wellness and give your nervous system the support it needs? This week, Emily Butts, owner of InnerGreat Lymphatic Care Practice, stops by to share how incorporating holistic healing into her self-care practice changed her entire life and redefined her purpose. Emily explains why modalities like lymphatic drainage, Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF), neurofeedback and other techniques can help reduce inflammation, fatigue and improve the overall quality of your life. While these healing modalities may seem radical they are proving to be important remedies of dealing with the challenges that modern living offer. The question is, how can we make them more accessible to our communities? Tune in because Emily has insights that you won’t want to miss. We all know by now that it is up to us to make the daily changes to our lifestyle to keep us upright and well. Lady, find us on Instagram and let us know what healing techniques you employ to keep you healthy and strong. Quote of the Day: “Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion,” – bell hooks  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Emily Butts: Website: InnerGreat Lymphatic Care Practice Instagram: @innergreat_lymphatics  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 11 October 2024
Hey lady! We love you, for real. There’s so much going on in the world right now. Everything from the election to multiple genocides on Black and Brown people to the high price on groceries. On top of that it can feel like Black women are being mistreated across the board and disrespected at levels that are often disappointing. What was it that Malcolm X. said about the most disrespected, unprotected, and neglected person in America? Yep, it’s us. But, that is not the entirety of our story – in fact it barely scratches the surface of the wonderous, beautiful, and amazing experience of being a Black woman. This week Terri and Dr. Dom pour into each other and you with a love letter to Black women. This heart affirming, soul understanding episode is meant for the ladies who need a quick reminder that girl, you are the shit and don’t let nobody tell you different! Dr. Dom and Terri share some of their experiences being loved on, supported, and uplifted by Black women in the hopes that if ever there is a low moment in your journey to reflect on the ways that you’ve been supported by your community of Black women. Save this episode and tap in on Instagram. What’s one of your favorite memories of your sister circle? Quote of the Day: “Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. – Janelle Monáe  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 4 October 2024
Hey lady! It’s officially Fall and the temperature is starting to cool. All of you Autumn girlies are ready for your pumpkin spice and chunky sweaters, but is your home ready for cozy time? This week Terri and Dr. Dom uncover all of the elements that make their homes a place of sanctuary, rest and rejuvenation. Whether it’s placing a decorative faux plant or throw blankets soft as pillows, how you accentuate your home tells the tale of not only your personal style and vibe, but also your mental health and vibration. By sharing their favorites the two have been able to elevate their home space so that they can carry their unique energy into the world. We want to hear from you, lady. What does your comfy home checklist include? Tune in to the Aftershow for more styling and décor tips for your most inviting home experience! Quote of the Day: "Your home should tell a story of who you are and be a collection of the things you love." – Michelle and Steph, the founders of Blk and Home  Learn more about our advertiser, BiOptimizers, by visiting the link below. Use promo code herspace at checkout to enjoy 10% off your purchase!  URL: bioptimizers.com/herspace  Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC  Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 27 September 2024
The temperature is cooling down and it’s time to get cozy. Aside from the stack of books you’ve been meaning to read, the new soup recipes you’re excited to try, and the movies and shows you’re planning to watch, how else do you plan on finding comfort this Fall? If turning up the…ahem…heat is on your list of things to do this Autumn, then Terri and Dr. Dom have the essential list for you to plan a safe, fun cuffing season. Whether you are looking for a winter boo or the start of a long-term relationship, every gal in the know has a set of agreed upon boundaries that can keep every situation on the up and up until the temperature thaws. Hit us up on Instagram and holla at us about how you plan to keep it hot while it’s cold outside. Quote of the Day: "It's cuffin' season and now we got a reason..." – Sza Learn more about our advertiser, BiOptimizers, by visiting the link below. Use promo code herspace at checkout to enjoy 10% off your purchase! URL: bioptimizers.com/herspace Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 20 September 2024
Hey lady! Have you ever found yourself in a tense predicament where you and another person are at odds and have differing perspectives on how to find a solution? These everyday occurrences, also known as conflicts, are natural parts of life and when handled skillfully can increase your ability to relate to others and improve your self-respect. Conflicts can range from things as simple as asking a neighbor to stop blocking your parking space to much larger issues such as how to parent a child you share. There is no right way to handle conflict, but there are ways to improve your chances of finding a peaceful resolution. This week Dr. Dom and Terri have a framework to add to your toolkit when disagreements and troubling situations arise. Head to Patreon to grab your downloadable copy of the framework so you can review it and adapt it to your personal style. Once you understand how you can navigate conflict with this framework you’ll be in the driver’s seat of your experience and more able to meet life as it is. Quote of the Day: “The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respond to them.” – Thomas Crum Learn more about our advertiser, BiOptimizers, by visiting the link below. Use promo code herspace at checkout to enjoy 10% off your purchase! URL: bioptimizers.com/herspace Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 13 September 2024
Hey lady! Dr. Dom and Terri welcome Bianca Ordoñez to Cultivating H.E.R. Space to discuss a topic that affects one out of every 54 Black women in their lifetime. Bianca is a HIV awareness advocate and uses her light to discuss how contracting and living with the infection has shaped her life and allowed her to write her own narrative. Bianca’s journey is a harrowing series of events that began with inconceivable family shame that led to her escaping sex trafficking and being diagnosed with HIV at the age of 23. She shares her unique insight on how to build a life one can be proud of despite significant challenges. While today’s topic is serious, Bianca offers both a sobering perspective on finding your worth and hope for those who may feel that their life choices, predicated by events that may have been out of their control, do not have to define their destiny. This is a can’t miss episode and a reminder about the importance of health in every facet of your life. Be sure to take care of yourself through it. We love you, lady! Quote of the Day: "The pain of healing today is worth the peace and freedom you'll feel tomorrow.” – Bianca Ordonez Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Where to find Bianca Ordoñez: YouTube: Bianca Ordoñez Instagram: @bianca.ordonez_ TikTok: @bianca.ordonez_ Facebook: Bianca Ordoñez Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 6 September 2024
Calling all of the foxy cowgirls to the floor! If Beyonce’ got you excited with Cowboy Carter let Cultivating H.E.R. Space keep the good times rolling by introducing you to the dynamic trio making waves in country music. Chapel Hart is a Nashville-based country group with roots in Mississippi taking the genre by storm. The two sisters, Danica and Devyn Hart, and their cousin Trea Swindle join Terri and Dr. Dom for a lively, spunky, real conversation about the ups and downs breaking into a traditionally white, male genre. They talk about how getting their start in church gave them a solid foundation to not only keep themselves motivated, but also to keep their eyes on their own paper and run their race. This advice has taken the group far as a self-funded indie group letting their voices be heard on the America’s Got Talent stage (leading to them making it to the finals in 2022) and on the Grand Old Opry stage (where they received four standing ovations). They drop gems about what it means to own your dreams and not let anything deter you from being as successful as you want to be. Tune in for a fun and inspiring episode! Quote of the Day: "Don't you try to please no one except the one inside." – Chapel Hart Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Where to find Chapel Hart: Website: Chapel Hart Apple Music: Chapel Hart Amazon Music: Chapel Hart YouTube: Chapel Hart Instagram: @chapelhartband Twitter: @ChapelHartBand Facebook: Chapel Hart Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 30 August 2024
Hey lady! Checking in here to ask you one important question – how’s your self-talk these days? We know how hard it can be to keep yourself uplifted during these turbulent, unprecedented times. The truth of the matter is that the only way to get through the day is by staying true to yourself and doing YOU! How? Dr. Dom and Terri offer practical tips for increasing your self-regard, self-compassion, and authenticity. Listen to this episode when you need a boost or incorporate it into your daily affirmation playlist and allow yourself to believe in your greatness. Let Dr. Dom take you to church as she reminds you that your worth is not dependent on external validation even when it may seem as though your livelihood depends on it. Head to Patreon for more tips on how to create a lifestyle of positive self-image that will keep you anchored during the storms of life. Quote of the Day: “The best thing I can do for myself, my loved ones, and my community is to heal myself, love myself, and be true to myself.” – Terri Lomax Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 23 August 2024
Hey lady! This week, Dr. Dom and Terri welcome a truly inspiring guest who will bring a bright smile to your face. Dr. Trudy-Ann Frazer is a pediatric dentist, wellness expert, and social media influencer. She stops by Cultivating H.E.R. Space to drop words of wisdom and wise practices for dental hygiene. Dr. Trudy-Ann shares her inspiring story of how staying true to herself opened doors that allowed her to grow into a successful pediatrician and wellness practitioner. Dr. Trudy-Ann shares why she believes finding your sister tribe – the group of women who can walk with you as you strut into your best self – should be a high priority. And, she offers some of the health and wellness gems she shares with guests of her I Am Worthy retreat. She also shares pro tips on how to develop healthy dental hygiene habits for yourself and your little ones. Trust us, if you’re ready to elevate your oral care you won’t want to miss these tips! Quote of the Day: "Invest in yourself like you're the most valuable asset" – Dr. Trudy-Ann Frazer Where to find Dr. Trudy-Ann Frazer: Website: I Am Worthy Retreat Instagram: @drtudyann Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 16 August 2024
Hey lady! We know you know you’re a baddie, but do you really know the power you hold? Pretty privilege is often discussed on social media as an ideal, but it’s an actual concept with real consequences – good or bad. Pretty privilege is the notion that society favors people based on if and how they are perceived as conventionally attractive. Often, it can result in extra favors or treats because of your beauty, but sometimes the implication of extra favor for attractiveness can make for uncomfortable situations. After all, we want to be valued for our worthiness and merit over beauty, but being appreciated for having that je ne sais quoi doesn’t hurt either. Terri and Dr. Dom sit down and talk about when they first realized they were beautiful, ways that they’ve experienced pretty privilege, and how they’ve maintained control in their experience of it. They offer some reflection questions for you to dive deep into your own experience of it so that you can anchor why your level of hotness is top tier no matter what anyone says! Remember lady, true beauty does, indeed, start within. So, hold your head up high and strut through life like the Goddess you are! Quote of the Day: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 9 August 2024
Hey lady! Are you ready to step in the future? Well, even if you are not the future is here. Artificial Intelligence, once only imagined in sci-fi movies, is now a part of daily life. Whether it’s speaking into Siri for basic information or prompting ChatGPT to write your emails and official communications, AI is here and it looks like it is here to stay. So, is this a good thing? Dr. Dom and Terri explore their apprehensions about the technology and offer a few perspectives on the evolution of technology from the analog days until now where technology drives innovation. Still, questions linger about job security, privacy concerns, and keeping the use of data ethical. Lady, this is going to be an ongoing conversation and we want to hear from you about your stance on AI! Find us on Instagram and let us know are you ready for the technological revolution or does the idea of AI make you feel uneasy? Quote of the Day: "AI is not about man versus machine, but rather man with machine, complementing our strengths and compensating for our weaknesses." -ChatGPT Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 2 August 2024
Hey lady! Are you ready to expand your perspective? This week Terri and Dr. Dom welcome Esther Ikoro and Darren Calhoun, hosts of the podcast Second Sunday, an Ambie-nominated podcast about Black queer people finding, keeping, and sometimes losing faith in the Black church. The hosts gather to dive deep into all of the issues that Queer folk have as they navigate their relationship with faith, religion, and building community. Esther and Darren tackle nuanced conversations with depth and skill while also managing to keep it fun and sexy. Not sure what we mean by that? You’ll have to wait until the OhYouBlatchet! segment to find out. The two hosts offer strategies for overcoming church hurt, insight as to why finding community in church is as important an issue as ever, and possible solutions on how churches can energize their offerings to attract a younger crowd. Can we get an Amen? Tap in and find out how you can grow your faith community or support someone who is looking to find more like-hearted people with whom to fellowship! Quote of the Day: "The saints ain't ready for this...but we're still gonna talk about it." – Second Sunday Where to find Second Sunday: Podcast: Second Sunday Instagram: @secondsundaypod Instagram: @estheralready Instagram: @heydarren Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 26 July 2024
Hey lady! Have you ever been gaslit and traumatized by a toxic, narcissistic so-and-so who abused your trust, violated your boundaries, and caused you to doubt yourself? Does that sentence trigger you? Well, if it does then tune in to this week’s episode so Dr. Dom and Terri can help take the sting out of those words and give you the context around what certain terms mean so you can accurately assess and process events in your life. The Internet is a wonderful tool, but certain words and phrases can catch on and become buzzy and slowly their meaning can become distorted. This week, Terri and Dr. Dom identify terms that are trendy and provide accurate definitions and examples so that you don’t confuse lovebombing with something more benign. And, if you want to dive deeper into some of these concepts check out these previous episodes: ✓ S10E2: Is Your Partner a Narcissist? Diving into Dr. Ramani Durvasula's Narcissism Quiz ✓ S10E3: How to Finally Leave Your Narcissistic Partner with Dr. Ramani Durvasula ✓ S11E1: Getting Back to Dating After a Toxic Relationship ✓ S17E3: What Gaslighting, Red Flags, and, Manipulation Sound Like ✓ S17E4: How to Stand Your Ground and Hold Gaslighters Accountable ✓ S23E1: Trauma Bonding: Protecting Yourself From Unhealthy Relationships Words to Use Instead: 1. Gaslighting→ Manipulating, lying 2. Toxic→ Unhealthy, difficult 3. Traumatized→ Upset, embarrassed 4. Triggered→ Activated, reminded 5. Narcissist→ Selfish, self-centered 6. Boundaries → Limit, rule, guideline Quote of the Day: “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” – Rita Mae Brown Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2024
Hey lady! Doesn’t it seem like 2024 took off in a full sprint? This year has moved rather quickly, which is why this week Terri and Dr. Dom invite Ashley Menzies Babatunde, host of the No Straight Path podcast, to discuss the power of the pause, and why honoring the moments when life slows you down can be your biggest asset and opportunity to find and strengthen your authentic self. Ashley shares her inspirational story of advocating for herself after a major life event showed her the beauty in her present, albeit difficult, circumstance so that she could create a life rich with meaning. Her decision to embrace where her life took her next with curiosity and wonder opened possibilities that were better than she could have imagined. Join Dr. Dom and Terri for a motivating conversation about finding the blessings and beauty in your life stage. Quote of the Day: "The pauses in life taught me how to live." – Ashley Menzies Babatunde Where to find Ashley Menzies Babatunde: Website: ashleymenzies.com Podcast: No Straight Path Instagram: @ms_menzies Instagram: @no_straight_path LinkedIn: Ashley Menzies Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024
Hey lady! This week, Dr. Dom and Terri step in their bag and talk about the tender topic of trauma bonding and why it can cause serious harm to you if you let it go unchecked. What is trauma bonding? Social media has a way of amplifying new trends and concepts, but sometimes those new concepts are buzzy but inaccurate. Dr. Dom and Terri delve into what trauma bonding actually is so that you have a framework of how to navigate situations where the potential for harm is high. Break out your Cultivating H.E.R. Space journal, located in the Cultivating H.E.R. Space shop, and create a safe space for you to identify the areas where you can heal so that those who aim to trauma bond with you have nowhere to hook into you. And, remember take care and go at a pace that feels supportive while you listen – we love you, lady! Quote of the Day: "Our virtues are wrapped inside of our limitations. It is only when we are in close proximity to others that we begin to intimately explore the boundaries of our virtues by slamming into our limitations." – Resmaa Menakem Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 5 July 2024
Hey lady! Have you ever heard the saying you are who you say you are? Well, this week Terri and Dr. Dom dive deep into the power of our thoughts and what we say and why having a healthy relationship with both is the key to living the life of your wildest dreams. Dr. Dom and Terri have tips on how to get to the root of what’s blocking you from living your most fulfilled life. Rewiring your brain through positive self-talk is a major undertaking, but the reward is a clear vision of who you are authentically and worth the work involved. Grab your Cultivating H.E.R. Space journal and join in this interactive episode. Tap in with us on Instagram and let us know how you're doing the work to manifest your best life! Techniques to Change Beliefs 1. Cognitive restructuring: Identifying negative thoughts, challenging their validity, and replacing them with positive, realistic thoughts. 2. Affirmations and positive self-talk: Affirmations are powerful in reprogramming the subconscious mind and provide examples of effective affirmations. 3. Visualization and mental rehearsal: Visualizing desired outcomes can reinforce new beliefs and increase motivation. Practical Tips and Exercises: Daily practices to reinforce new, empowering beliefs 1. Start each day with positive affirmations. 2. Keep a gratitude journal to focus on positive aspects of life. 3. Surround yourself with supportive and positive influences. 4. Practice patience and be persistent as changing deeply held beliefs takes time and effort. Quote of the Day: “Life is about the management of energy, where you place your attention, is where you place your energy." – Dr. Joe Dispenza Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2024
Hey lady! This week it’s game time! That’s right, this week Dr. Dom and Terri play the classic game “Never Have I Ever” as a way to discuss their decision-making processes and how they keep a growth mindset in their self-development toolbelt. Life is full of lessons and can be a beautiful adventure if you allow yourself to apply them. So, how are you adding dimension and color to your story? And, how can you expand your point-of-view in a way that removes judgment and expands your capacity to have a psychologically rich experience? Terri and Dr. Dom offer powerful insights for increasing your ability to make solid decisions, but they spill hot tea in the Aftershow about where some of those decisions have taken them. Check them out on Patreon! 1. Embrace New Experiences "Never have I ever" moments often highlight things we've never tried. Step out of your comfort zones and try new activities. Lesson: Life is enriched by new experiences. Don’t be afraid to try something new, even if it seems daunting at first. 2. Learn from Missed Opportunities Reflect on things you haven’t done and consider why. Was it fear, lack of opportunity, or something else? Lesson: Understanding the reasons behind your "never" moments can provide insight and help you overcome barriers in the future. 3. Value of Shared Experiences Sharing “Never Have I Ever” stories can foster connections and understanding. It can be surprising to see how much you have in common with others. Lesson: Shared experiences, even those you haven't had yet, can bring people together and create a sense of community. 4. Growth Through Challenges Identify times when trying something new led to personal growth or overcoming a challenge. Lesson: Challenging yourself to try new things, even if they’re outside your comfort zone, can lead to significant personal growth. 5. Appreciate Individual Journeys Everyone's list of "Never Have I Ever" will be different. Appreciate and respect each person's unique journey. Lesson: Everyone’s life path is unique, and that's what makes our stories rich and diverse. 6. Reflect on the Past, Plan for the Future Reflect on things you’ve never done and consider making a list of things you’d like to try in the future. Lesson: Reflecting on the past can help set meaningful goals for the future. Quote of the Day: "I don't have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect, and beautiful journey of my life." — Kerry Washington Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2024
Hey lady! Do you know what your love language is? You know, the behaviors and actions that make you feel heard, seen, and understood? This week, Terri and Dr. Dom delve into the popular book by Gary Chapman to discuss how they express love and receive love; and what these concepts mean in modern-day relationships. The dynamic duo explore their quiz results and compares those results to when they initially took the quiz to measure their growth as people. They also reflect on how knowing their love languages and any changes over time help them navigate their relationships. Understanding your love language can be useful in how you show up for others and most importantly how you show up for yourself. In this episode, Dr. Dom and Terri share their insights on the nuances that can help you amplify how you love your partner, your friendships, and your most important relationship – the one with yourself! They also offer strategies to help you communicate how you feel loved to those most important to you. Tap in! Quote of the Day: "Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place" — Zora Neale Hurston Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 14 June 2024
Lady! This week Dr. Dom and Terri shine some light on an important topic that impacts our society. Byron Dean Tolson is a former NBA player with an inspiring story of overcoming odds and never giving up on your dreams. Dean shares his journey of leaving the only career he knew with a significant deficit. At the age of 32-years-old, he still could not read. Illiteracy is a nationwide problem that handicaps the quality of life for the nearly 1 in 4 Americans who live with the condition. This timely episode explores the importance of literacy, how you can increase your desire to become more literate, and how you can help the young people in your life develop a lifelong love of learning! Tune in for some impactful tips to help you become more informed and think critically about the world you live in. Knowledge is power so tune in today’s episode! Quote of the Day: "You only fail if you quit and give up." – Dean Tolson Where to find Dean Tolson: Website: Dean Tolson Book: Power Forward Instagram: @dean_tolson Twitter: @dean_tolson Facebook: Dean Tolson Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 7 June 2024
Hey lady! This week, Dr. Dom and Terri take you on a journey with their guest, lauded journalist Tiffany D. Cross, as she explores the richness of Black women's relationships with each other across generations. In her new podcast ACross Generations with Tiffany Cross, the host gathers women older and younger than her to discuss their life experiences and find the thread that ties us all together. Cross uses her storytelling skills and keen insight to offer gems for women to hold onto as they navigate their journeys. In this episode, though, Cross gives game on how women need to show up and move to make meaningful and impactful connections that can take them far in life. It doesn’t matter where you perceive yourself in your life, we could all use some straight talk from a straight shooter sometimes. So, girlfriend, tune in and find out some of the major keys Tiffany shares to tighten up your professional image and go out there and do the damn thing! You got this! Quote of the Day: "The journey to womanhood is precious and the beauty of the bruises shapes us and our choices make us." – Tiffany D. Cross Where to find Tiffany D. Cross: Website: Tiffany D. Cross Podcast: ACross Generations with Tiffany Cross Instagram: @tiffanydcross Twitter: @Tiffanydcross Facebook: Tiffany D. Cross LinkedIn: Tiffany D. Cross Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 31 May 2024
Hey lady! We’re nearing the halfway point of the year, which is always a good time to take a beat, reflect on how the year is going and pivot if you need to. This week, Kara Stevens, aka the Frugal Feminista, joins Terri and Dr. Dom to discuss how we can make small adjustments in our mindsets that can result in big shifts in our material world. Kara talks about her journey from impressive academic achievement and leadership in secondary education to leaving that world behind and journeying into a life that is full of passion and financial freedom. She outlines the blueprint for organizing your money to achieve financial freedom and focus on the things that matter to you so you can have sustainable wealth. And, the good news is that budget does not have to be a dirty word. In fact, a good budget is one that does not one that exists in deprivation rather gives you a roadmap to your life of comfort and joy. So, take a deep breath and set some intentions to help you get your mind right for the gems Kara drops. The keys to your financial future reside there first! Quote of the Day: "No amount of money in your bank account will make you feel safe unless you feel safe in your mind first." – Kara Stevens Where to find Kara Stevens: Website: The Frugal Feminista I nstagram: @frugalfeminista Twitter: @frugalfeminista Facebook: The Frugal Feminista Pinterest: The Frugal Feminista LinkedIn: Kara Stevens Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 24 May 2024
Lady! You might want to put your headphones on for today’s episode because our guest this week is determined to get you hot, hot, hot in all of the right ways. Bel Di Lorenzo is the author of The Goh!ddess Method and owner of goh!ddess, an online school dedicated to helping women unlock the sexual goddess that lives within them. She stops by Cultivating H.E.R. Space to talk to Terri and Dr. Dom about how they can spice up their bedroom using the ancient art of pompoir. What is pompoir you ask? It is a sexual practice with origins in the Far East used to enhance a woman’s sexual pleasure with or without a partner. Dr. Dom and Terri offer their perspectives having both read the book and tried the course and Bel peels back the layers that keep women from owning their sexual power. Lady, if you’re ready to radiate undeniable feminine confidence you have to tune in to this week’s episode! Quote of the Day: "Do NOT use what you learn on men you don't care about." –Bel DiLorenzo Get a 25% discount on The Gohddess Program with the code CULTIVATE at www.gohddess.com. Where to find Bel Di Lorenzo: Website: gohddess.com Book: The Goh!ddess Method Instagram: @goh.ddess Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 17 May 2024
Hey lady! Are you ready to step into your power in a way that is authentic to you? Are you ready to move in the direction that spirit tells you it’s time to move in? Are you ready to shine your light as bright as possible for the world to see? If you are ready for all of that then grab that journal, warm up that tea and prepare yourself for a powerful episode with Sarah Jakes Roberts. Sarah Jakes Roberts is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, philanthropist, copastor of One Los Angeles, and founder of Women Evolve. This multimedia platform provides women with the tools to make lasting changes and lead empowered lives. Sarah’s calm nature drops a dose of serenity in Cultivating H.E.R. Space as she talks about how she transcended the challenges that come with being a teen mom and daughter of world-renowned pastor, T.D. Jakes, to stake her claim as an empowered woman with something to say. She dives deep into what inspired her to write Power Moves, her newest offering, and why it is important for women to take all of the pieces of their lives – past and present – and remove judgment to step forward into their futures confidently. Lady, if you are ready to bless up your life, you won’t want to miss this dope conversation! Quote of the Day: “May you discover the power of being yourself and release the gift of you every place you go.” – Sarah Jakes Roberts Where to find Sarah Jakes Roberts: Website: Sarah Jakes Roberts X: @SJakesRoberts Instagram: @sarahjakesroberts Facebook: Sarah Jakes Roberts TikTok: @realsarahjakesroberts Podcast: Women Evolve Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 10 May 2024
Get ready to hear your favorite stories remixed with beats and hooks that you can’t find in books! In Once Upon a Beat, host DJ Fyütch and his sidekick/turntable Baby Scratch drop the needle on classic stories, spinning them up with a hip-hop twist. They’re turning the tables on your favorite fables – putting the Rap in Rapunzel, letting Goldilocks rock out, and helping the Ugly Duckling march to his own beat! Where hip hop and fables meet, It's Once Upon a Beat! Listen to new episodes of Once Upon a Beat here.
Transcribed - Published: 6 May 2024
Hey lady! Are you ready for a good time? Well, tap in because Dr. Ansel Augustine stops by Cultivating H.E.R. Space to discuss his unique perspective on the importance of religion and how his faith has sustained him over the years. Dr. Augustine is an Emmy-nominated Producer, author, and the former Director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministries for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He shares his knowledge as a culture bearer of New Orleans history with Terri, and shares some familial jokes with Dr. Dom, someone he's known for more than 20 years as they discuss the intersection of religion and ratchet. Tune in and feel inspired as Dr. Augustine talks about the ways he has allowed his faith to put him in places where he is both a servant and a leader. You won’t want to miss it! Quote of the Day: "The message is the same but the delivery needs to change." – Dr. Ansel Augustine Where to find Dr. Ansel Augustine: Website: Holyhotboy.info Website: BlackFaithMatters.com Instagram: @preach504 Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 3 May 2024
This episode contains mentions of sexual abuse and trauma. Please take care of yourself as you listen. Hey lady! This week Dr. Dom and Terri welcome gina Breedlove, a sound healer, vocalist, composer, grief doula, and author of The Vibration of Grace: Sound Healing of Rituals for Liberation, for a raw conversation about the deep work that is involved in healing past traumas. Healing is a complex and layered process with many tools and resources that can help you as you do the work. One key modality in healing is sound healing. You may have seen the singing bowls before, but gina breaks down all of the different ways sound can be used to heal trauma and remedy any energy incongruencies they may be experiencing – and, good news some of them are free and available to you right now! You don’t have to travel to Sedona for a retreat to experience the benefits of sound healing. gina offers a few tools that help you dig deep into your awareness to alleviate the symptoms of trauma. She also delves into her work as a grief doula and explains why we need to re-examine the ways we hold on to and release grief. Lady, get cozy, light a candle, and allow gina’s voice and presence to soothe your mind and spirit. You’re worthy of peace. Quote of the Day: “Healing is real. It is possible to free up a space in your body where you know that harm has been taking up residence and put yourself there.” – gina Breedlove Where to find gina Breedlove: Website: ginabreedlove.com Facebook: gina Breedlove Instagram: @ginabreedlove TikTok: @vibrationofgrace Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 26 April 2024
Hey lady! We’ve all heard about the importance of self-care, but how often do we hear about “me time”? You know that elusive section of time where it’s just you and you? The time you spend with yourself is critical to your continued evolution, development, and growth no matter what season of life you find yourself in. However, finding that time can be a different story when you have a full life of demands and responsibilities. Terri and Dr. Dom can relate and have tips and techniques to help you bake in me time so that your cup stays full and you can keep the most important relationship you have, the one with yourself, healthy and vibrant. Check out the Aftershow for a list of positive affirmations that you can carry with you throughout the day. And, remember sis, you’re worthy of the best, so be sure you’re giving yourself just that! Tips for cultivating Me Time: 1. Quality over quantity: · Whether it's five minutes or five hours, what's most important is doing something that pours into you. 2. Set boundaries to guard your time · Set alarms or timers to keep yourself honest about your time. · Communicate your needs with others 3. Make sure it is SOLO time · The time with self is different from being lonely; reframe how you look at time alone. 4. Be flexible · You don’t have to do the same things all the time Quote of the Day: "You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take time to nourish yourself and treat you the way you want others to treat you." – Dr. Dom Visit magicmind.com/cultivatingher and use code cultivatingher20 and you can get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days. Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 19 April 2024
Hey lady! Do you feel like most days you have more to-do list than you do hours to complete it? If that sounds like you then today’s episode will be right on time because Dr. Dom and Terri have some thoughts, tips, and strategies on how you can maximize your time to make the most of it. Lady, we are what we tell ourselves we are, so if you believe that you are busy and don’t have time to do the things that will make you feel fulfilled and content in life – so shall it be. But, once you flip the mindset to a life that is full of things you get to do, watch how your life organizes itself to match that vibration. Need some tips on how to structure your new-found time? Head to Patreon for the Aftershow! Dr. Dom and Terri have some solid tips on how to create a routine that is not only grounded in reality, but dare we say…fun? Tap in! Quote of the Day: "I have all the time I need to get everything done that needs to get done." – Terri Lomax Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 12 April 2024
Hey Lady! We know you already know that prioritizing your health is a top priority for living a full, fabulous life, but the overarching question is often with what time? Have no fear, this week Dr. Dom and Terri break down all of the ways they fit fitness into their busy lives. There’s no getting around the fact that keeping a healthy mind and body are paramount for Black women’s existence on the planet. But, getting fit doesn’t have to be something you loathe. Tune in to today’s episode for ideas on how you can get fine, save time, and have fun! You got this! 1. Focus on moving your body 2. Find a physical activity that you enjoy 3. Do it at a time and place that works for you 4. Understand the importance of your schedule 5. Monitor and adjust your mental dialogue 6. Seek professional guidance (E.g.; Trainer, therapist, physical therapist, medical doctor, mindset coach) 7. Bake fun into your fitness journey 8. Know that baby steps are perfectly okay Quote of the Day: “It’s time for you to move, realizing that the thing you are seeking is also seeking you.” — Iyanla Vanzant Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 5 April 2024
Sis! This week Dr. Dom and Terri are thrilled to welcome Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, the force and founder of Therapy for Black Girls and author of Sisterhood Heals, back to the podcast to discuss all of the wonderful moves she’s made since her first appearance in Season 3, Episode 8. The three dynamic women discuss the importance of finding your tribe, cultivating real relationships, and they address the prickly parts of growing and growing apart that can happen in friendships. Dr. Joy is a leading voice on mental health and emotional wellness, and she’s poured a lot of her wisdom into her new book, while also learning a lot about herself in the process. Lady, if you’re ready to transform your relationships so that they are deeper and more meaningful then this is the episode for you! Dr. Joy offers perspective on what building new friendships really entails (hint: rejection is a possibility) and why understanding your needs can help you call in your people. We want to hear from you! Tap in on Instagram and let us know how sisterhood has helped you along your journey. Quote of the Day: "That thing Black women feel when we gather is a kind of glue, a stabilizing force we actively created out of the pain and trauma of our lived experiences in order to hold us up and together." – Dr. Joy Where to find Dr. Joy Harden Bradford: Website: Dr. Joy Harden Bradford Website: Therapy for Black Girls Website: Sisterhoodheals.com Instagram: @hellodrjoy Instagram: @therapyforblackgirls Instagram: @sisterhoodheals TikTok: @hellodrjoy TikTok: @therapyforblackgirls X: @hellodrjoy X: @therapy4bgirls YouTube: Therapy for Black Girls Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 29 March 2024
Hey Goddess...yes you! Have you ever stopped to truly recognize the immense power within you? If not, come in close and turn up the volume! We're about to unveil secrets to unlocking your erotic power and igniting a whole new dimension of the incredible, fierce woman that resides within. Tyomi Morgan, certified sexologist and creator of the Cowgirl Workout, joins Terri and Dr. Dom for a juicy conversation about the ways women and penis havers can tap into their sexual power to gain access to deeper intimacy. Whether you're conservative in the bedroom or always on go with your wild side, there’s a richness that exists when you fully understand and accept your desires and sexual prowess. The key is to get to know yourself first intimately, remove shame and judgment, and pour love in all of the places your sexuality feels tender to the touch. Lady, we want you feeling your most delicious and sensuous self all day, everyday. So, tune in and find out how owning all of your power, including your erotic power, will help you level up in every area of your life. Quote of the Day: "We all have a sexual ego, and it’s okay to pour into it with affirmation and love!" – Tyomi Morgan Where to find Tyomi Morgan: Website: The Pleasure Academy Website: The Cowgirl Workout Website: Glam Erotica 101 Instagram: @realglamazontyomi YouTube: Glam Erotica 101 X: @Glamazontyomi Get a 25% discount on The Gohddess Program with the code CULTIVATE at www.gohddess.com. Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 22 March 2024
Hey lady! This week Dr. Della V. Mosley, healer, scholar-activist, and spacemaker, joins Dr. Dom and Terri for a powerful conversation about healing and what cultivating a lifestyle that supports healing actually looks like. Dr. Della dives deep into how she began her healing journey. Like many of you, she began to experience the real and painful signs of burnout and made big changes to give her life more spaciousness and ease. She offers the audience some of the juicy wellness practices that sustain her and unpacks how a part of her radical activism is caring for herself in the highest order. Lady, if you are beginning to understand yourself and your feminist frameworks, grab your favorite cozy blanket, light that sensuous candle, and your Cultivating H.E.R. Space latte mug (located in the Cultivating H.E.R. Space shop) and tune into the soothing conversation we have for you today! Quote of the Day: "If we’re not taking care of ourselves, how can we truly take care of others? Hurt people hurt people and we gotta stop the hurt." – Dr. Della V. Mosley Where to find Dr. Della V. Mosley: Website: Dr. Della V. Mosley Instagram: @dvmosley X: @DellaVMosley Facebook: The Wells Healing Center Instagram: @wellshealing Instagram: @blafemmehealing Get a 25% discount on The Gohddess Program with the code CULTIVATE at www.gohddess.com. Register here for the Vibrate Higher Empowerment Workshop! Wisdom Wednesdays with Terri Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice Branding with Terri Melanin and Mental Health Therapy for Black Girls Psychology Today Therapy for QPOC Where to find us: Twitter: @HERspacepodcast Instagram: @herspacepodcast Facebook: @herspacepodcast Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Transcribed - Published: 15 March 2024
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