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Conservative Daily Podcast

Conservative Daily

News, Politics, News Commentary

3.31.3K Ratings


Authenticity and Courage. We have spent the last few decades ignoring and accepting what (evil) is right in front of us. We were quiet and apathetic and at times agreeable. We were so busy we sacrificed our children and let the devil himself have a seat at the table. We lost sight of courage, we lost focus on the one that should be the thing that guides us, God. We are both the cause and the solution to this strife we face. We let Politicians speak a language that made us disengage while they destroyed the very fiber of our nation while we suffered yet not really understanding what was causing us pain. They lied to us long before 2020, yet that is when for the masses, God pulled back the veil and showed us what we should have always seen. So here we are, exposing the truth, speaking truth and examining all the things that we face as a nation. Courage is more infectious than fear. ”Am I the enemy because I tell you the truth” Galatians 4:16. Join us....while we boldly speak truth.

2188 Episodes

INSIDE JOB? Lawfare Failed, The Deep State Resorted to Assassination

This morning, Joe discussed FBI Director Wray's statements on the Trump assassination attempt, noting Wray's belief that Trump was hit by shrapnel, not a bullet, and mentioning FBI agents' disappointment that Trump survived. Joe questioned the lack of uproar over government dishonesty. After a break, guest Harrison Floyd joined to talk about whether the assassination attempt was an inside job, the fight for truth, and the need for restraint. Joe and Harrison also discussed the potential for the left to steal the election again, citing decreasing support for the Democratic Party as people become aware of their actions. Joe concluded by teasing upcoming developments on Frankspeech and announcing a time change for his show from 12 PM EST to 4 PM EST.

Published: 26 July 2024

America Needs Faith More Than Ever!

Check out the morning edition of Conservative Daily with Joe Oltmann and special guest Richmond Stoglin. Together the pair discuss the black community, how the republican party has historically been the party of black people, religion, and how we can restore god and integrity into our communities!

Transcribed - Published: 25 July 2024

Assassination Attempt Proves Local Gov. Is Our Only Hope!

This morning, Joe and David discussed USSS Director Cheatle's resignation and whether she should face consequences for USSS negligence during the Trump assassination attempt. They also considered the possibility of a second shooter. Sheriff Mack joined to discuss the failed July 13th investigation, questioning the lack of truth-seeking and encouraging local law enforcement involvement, given distrust in the FBI. They commented on roof footage and body cam conversations post-shooting. Sheriff Mack emphasized the role of local sheriffs and urged public involvement to ensure sheriffs are educated on their powers. Joe and David concluded with a discussion on accountability and ended with a prayer from David.

Transcribed - Published: 24 July 2024

Kamala Harris Will Push a Nation in Decline Into Free Fall

This morning, Joe discussed JD Vance, his book, and his challenging life, expressing hope for Vance as vice president and his potential to continue Trump's legacy. Joe then shifted to Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race and Kamala Harris being pushed as the Democratic nominee, questioning the party's commitment to her and what kind of country she would create if elected. After a short break, Joe welcomed guest Paul Benjamin, a Conservative Christian author and consultant, to discuss the lack of masculinity in communities and ways to reignite these values. Later, Joe talked about USSS Director Cheatle stepping down, inconsistencies in the Trump assassination attempt investigation, feeling invisible, the importance of faith, and Tina Peters' upcoming trial, concluding with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2024

Biden Drops Out of the Race. Is a Resignation Next?

This morning, Apollo discussed Biden's decision to drop out of the presidential race and the potential Democratic replacements, with a focus on Kamala Harris. After a break, Apollo and guest Ed Solomon talked about recounts, voting machine inefficiencies, and election certification under duress. They also explored media misinformation, potential successors to Biden, and the issue of election fraud as a uniparty concern.

Transcribed - Published: 22 July 2024

Exclusive Interviews with Laura Loomer, Neil Johnson & More!

Check out these two amazing exclusive interviews with Joe Oltmann, Laura Loomer, & Neil Johnson, as well as a great interview with Joe Oltmann and Ivan Raiklin.

Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2024

RNC Day 4 - Trump Becomes the Official 2024 Nominee

Join Joe for day four of the RNC with special guests Tim Ballard and Morgonn McMichael! Joe recaps day three of the RNC, highlighting delegates' solidarity with Trump and Kai Madison Trump's speech. Morgonn McMichael discusses youth involvement in politics, election fraud, the 2024 election, and the state of the education system. Tim Ballard joins to talk about child sex and organ trafficking, the failures of the justice system and Congress, and the importance of the southern border. Joe concludes by praying over Tim.

Transcribed - Published: 18 July 2024

Joe Oltmann Live With KANDISS TAYLOR at The RNC!

Hey Patriots, check out the evening edition of Conservative Daily with Joe Oltmann and Kandiss Taylor live from the RNC!

Transcribed - Published: 18 July 2024

RNC Day 3: RINO Appearances & What to Expect Today

Join Joe for day THREE of the RNC! He's got an awesome line up of interviews that you are NOT going to want to miss! This morning Joe began a conversation on the RINO show yesterday at the RNC, pointing at the appearances from Nikki Haley and Kevin McCarthy. But we also heard from an incredible woman named Madeline Brame. Not only that but we saw the lack of talk on stolen elections and LOTS of other braking topics. We'll recap and talk about what to expect today.

Transcribed - Published: 17 July 2024

Trump’s Comeback Week! Case Dismissal & RNC Success

This morning, Apollo discussed the recent Vice President pick, J.D. Vance, and whether he is a good choice. He then talked about Trump's appearance at the RNC and his Florida case being dismissed. After a break, Apollo was joined by guest Paul Kamenar. They discussed the implications of Trump's Florida case dismissal for his other cases and Jack Smith. They criticized the judicial system as unfair and called for an end to Trump's persecution. Paul also shared his thoughts on the assassination attempt on Trump and the necessary precautions. Apollo concluded the show by discussing the RNC's narrative, including Harmeet Dhillon's chant and Amber Rose's speech. He speculated on whether Biden would debate Trump before September, mentioned peculiarities about the assassination attempt, and ended with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2024

Divine Intervention Saves the REAL Unity Candidate

This morning, Joe discussed the peculiarities of the assassination attempt on Trump over the weekend, highlighting discrepancies and media misinformation. He noted the Secret Service's three-minute response time. After a break, Joe welcomed Dr. Meyn, who was close to the shooting and helped the wounded. Dr. Meyn shared his observations and videos of the incident. They concluded with a discussion about Dr. Meyn's questioning by authorities, praising Trump's bravery, and ended with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 15 July 2024

Biden’s Failed Press Conference Proves Garland Must Release the Hur Tapes

This morning, Apollo discussed Joe Biden's "big boy press conference," calling it a major embarrassment for the United States. He then welcomed guest Richard Manning, who served on President Trump’s Labor Department transition team and is a regular opinion writer and radio co-host. They talked about Biden's cognitive ability, Garland's refusal to hand over the Har tapes, and the potential influence of Obama in releasing the tapes. Apollo also questioned Garland's right to withhold the tapes from Congress and emphasized the need to "flush the swamp." After Manning's departure, Apollo discussed the media's portrayal of Trump as too old to run for office, the impact of illegal immigration on communities, and the media's recent focus on Kamala Harris. Happy Friday, and see you next week.

Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024

The Uniparty Always Sells Out to the Deep State

This morning, Joe discusses the botched election and the uniparty's obstruction of beneficial initiatives. He mentions Speaker Johnson asking Rep. Luna to halt her contempt case against Garland. After a break, Joe talks about the government-corporate fascist state with guest Karen Kingston, who highlights Supreme Court rulings affecting Big Pharma and urges adherence to constitutional protections. In closing, Joe and Karen debate the national removal of mRNA vaccines and emphasize local action despite challenges. Joe also touches on the strained relationship between Joe Biden and Obama, the SAVE Act, and the sacrifices made by patriots, ending with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024

Is Biden Guilty of Treason?!

This morning, Joe discussed human trafficking at the southern border, particularly focusing on children being taken from their families and placed in unsafe homes. He then talked about the Biden administration's opposition to the SAFE Act and Mike Johnson's response. Joe announced that the RNC confirmed he would not be barred from attending the convention. After a break, Joe welcomed J.J. Carrell, a recently retired U.S. Border Patrol Deputy Patrol Agent. They discussed the Biden administration's executive orders dismantling Trump's border policies. J.J. noted a lack of leadership in the Border Patrol and revealed that there have been 30 million illegal crossings, including 120,000 Chinese soldiers. Joe concluded the show by discussing the LGBT community's influence on children, criticizing Biden's competence, and ending with a call for truth and a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2024

Trash Over Truth

Check out the evening edition of Conservative Daily with Apollo! Tonight, he discusses Donald Trump receiving presidential immunity, the rampant election fraud our nation is facing, threats against our rights, and much more!

Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2024

The Republican Party Remains Corrupt & Milquetoast

This morning, Joe and David discussed Joe's ban from the RNC, determining it was the RNC Committee's decision as he wasn't flagged by the FBI or Secret Service. They also talked about the RNC's 20 platforms, noting many are merely policy changes without real impact. After a break, they welcomed Phil Lyman, a fifth-generation Utahn known for his leadership in San Juan County. Lyman discussed his recent election loss and efforts to challenge the results, emphasizing the importance of continuing to follow God. Following Lyman's departure, Joe and David discussed the frustrations of their ongoing fight and welcomed Carlos Cortez to talk about how the Fed manipulates the economy to influence elections. They also discussed protecting retirements and 401(k)s during the upcoming election. In closing, Joe and David had a profound conversation about truth, freedom, and continuing their fight for the country.

Transcribed - Published: 9 July 2024

What's with the Biden Narrative? Gaslighting in Europe Too...

Check out this evenings edition of the Conservative Daily podcast hosted by Apollo! Apollo has made his return and tonight he talks all things Europe, gun control laws, and the pervasive Biden narrative.

Transcribed - Published: 8 July 2024

They Can’t Make Biden Look Good So They’re Smearing Trump

Joe announced that he and Tina Peters will be banned from attending the RNC. Later, David Clements is joined by Tommy Tatum, a J6 defendant recently arrested after three years. Tommy recounts his arrest by the FBI, which involved four misdemeanor charges. He speculates on the timing of his arrest and explains the charges. David and Tommy also discuss the events of J6, particularly the death of Roseanne Boleyn and Jake Lang's attempt to defend her and Tommy from police brutality. They conclude by discussing the perseverance of J6ers, the significance of the J6 Freedom Corner, and the impact of a ruling on the unconstitutionality of using 1512. David ends with a prayer and some announcements.

Transcribed - Published: 8 July 2024

Doctor Feds Are After Speaks Out!

This morning, Joe discussed concerns about children being groomed into transgenderism by healthcare, education, and families. He highlighted Dr. Eitham Haim, a Texas surgeon who blew the whistle on sex changes performed on minors at his hospital, resulting in his indictment by the Biden Administration. After the break, Eitham joined Joe to talk about his legal battles, the task force targeting him and his wife, and his determination to fight for his family and the nation's future despite facing four felonies related to a HIPAA violation. Joe then discussed the nature of democracy, the disbarment of Rudy Giuliani, and the erosion of freedoms. In closing, he interviewed Athena AI about the 2020 election, Trump, and the U.S. government, ending with a discussion on the Fourth of July and a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 3 July 2024

Feds Come After Doctor Who Exposed Texas Children’s Hospital

This morning, Joe discussed the radical left turning immoral and harmful things like abortion into rights, stating they have a perverse agenda to destroy the nation's foundation. He also talked about LGBT propaganda in schools and Dr. Eitham Haim, a Texas surgeon who exposed sex changes for minors. After the break, Joe addressed Biden's press conference about the SCOTUS ruling on Trump's immunity, noting that some leftists are calling for Trump's assassination and questioning the left's honesty. Joe then welcomed Joe Hoft and Apollo, discussing Jack Smith's legitimacy and recent government actions. Apollo highlighted the cultural and political differences between Greece and the United States. In closing, Joe ended with a prayer, shared big announcements from FrankSpeech, and explained the Athena AI.

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024

PART 3: National Day of Repentance - Independence Day July 4, 2024

PART 3: This Independence Day, All 50 States, Washington D.C. and all U.S. Territories will have representation from national prayer groups, patriots, and the Body of Christ to Proclaim July 4th, a Day of National Repentance. We will welcome our King Jesus Christ, and issue a Notice of Eviction to the demonic rulers and authorities taking up residence in the nation's capitol, and state capitols. This interview seeks to describe the efforts of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call's labor of love for our country, both in their unceasing intercessory prayer for the United States since November 2016, as well as their ministry to evict demonic rulers and authorities over twenty year period. All materials including schedules, proclamations by state, and a historical explanation of the 24/7 Prayer Team's ministry are found here: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/june-30th-2024-covenant-documents-welcome-the-king-of-glory-into-the-usa-and-the-u-s-states-and-territories/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/notice-of-eviction-of-molech-from-the-us-states-and-territories-june-30-2024/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/restraining-order-and-notice-of-eviction-of-the-rider-on-the-white-horse-washington-dc-july-4-2024/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/the-restraining-of-evil-in-preparation-for-the-end-times-revival/ Support the Conservative Daily Network Sponsors! Protect your wealth and support the FrankSpeech Network Sponsors, BUY GOLD: Https://GoldWithJoe.com Go to https://Mypillow.com and use the promo code FAMILY to save up to 66% off and Mike Lindell will give a generous percentage back to The ConservativeDaily show to support our free broadcasts. Follow us on Social Media: https://libertylinks.io/ConservativeDaily https://libertylinks.io/JoeOltmann https://libertylinks.io/Apollo

Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024

The FBI Conceals CRUCIAL Information About Mass Shootings

This morning, Joe and David discussed the recent SCOTUS ruling in favor of Trump's presidential immunity, considering it a victory while stressing the need to continue fighting for freedom. They also examined the FBI's involvement in mass shootings, highlighting the role of psychotropic drugs. After a break, they welcomed guest Sheila Matthews, who connected psychotropic drugs, FBI grooming, and mass shootings. They discuss FBI cover-ups and the destruction of evidence. Following Sheila's departure, Joe and David discussed Steve Bannon reporting to jail, emphasizing the ongoing injustice faced by many J6ers. They also criticized Garland's response to the SCOTUS ruling and the lack of checks and balances in the DOJ. They concluded by discussing the National Day of Repentance, announcing upcoming events on FrankSpeech, and ending with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024

PART 2: National Day of Repentance - Independence Day July 4, 2024

PART2: This Independence Day, All 50 States, Washington D.C. and all U.S. Territories will have representation from national prayer groups, patriots, and the Body of Christ to Proclaim July 4th, a Day of National Repentance. We will welcome our King Jesus Christ, and issue a Notice of Eviction to the demonic rulers and authorities taking up residence in the nation's capitol, and state capitols. This interview seeks to describe the efforts of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call's labor of love for our country, both in their unceasing intercessory prayer for the United States since November 2016, as well as their ministry to evict demonic rulers and authorities over twenty year period. All materials including schedules, proclamations by state, and a historical explanation of the 24/7 Prayer Team's ministry are found here: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/june-30th-2024-covenant-documents-welcome-the-king-of-glory-into-the-usa-and-the-u-s-states-and-territories/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/notice-of-eviction-of-molech-from-the-us-states-and-territories-june-30-2024/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/restraining-order-and-notice-of-eviction-of-the-rider-on-the-white-horse-washington-dc-july-4-2024/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/the-restraining-of-evil-in-preparation-for-the-end-times-revival/ Support the Conservative Daily Network Sponsors! Protect your wealth and support the FrankSpeech Network Sponsors, BUY GOLD: Https://GoldWithJoe.com Support the Conservative Daily Network Sponsors! Go to https://Mypillow.com and use the promo code FAMILY to save up to 66% off and Mike Lindell will give a generous percentage back to The ConservativeDaily show to support our free broadcasts. Follow us on Social Media: https://libertylinks.io/ConservativeDaily https://libertylinks.io/JoeOltmann https://libertylinks.io/Apollo

Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024

Part 1: National Day of Repentance - Independence Day July 4, 2024

PART 1: This Independence Day, All 50 States, Washington D.C. and all U.S. Territories will have representation from national prayer groups, patriots, and the Body of Christ to Proclaim July 4th, a Day of National Repentance. We will welcome our King Jesus Christ, and issue a Notice of Eviction to the demonic rulers and authorities taking up residence in the nation's capitol, and state capitols. This interview seeks to describe the efforts of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call's labor of love for our country, both in their unceasing intercessory prayer for the United States since November 2016, as well as their ministry to evict demonic rulers and authorities over twenty year period. All materials including schedules, proclamations by state, and a historical explanation of the 24/7 Prayer Team's ministry are found here: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/june-30th-2024-covenant-documents-welcome-the-king-of-glory-into-the-usa-and-the-u-s-states-and-territories/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/notice-of-eviction-of-molech-from-the-us-states-and-territories-june-30-2024/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/restraining-order-and-notice-of-eviction-of-the-rider-on-the-white-horse-washington-dc-july-4-2024/ https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/the-restraining-of-evil-in-preparation-for-the-end-times-revival/ Support the Conservative Daily Network Sponsors! Protect your wealth and support the FrankSpeech Network Sponsors, BUY GOLD: Https://GoldWithJoe.com Support the Conservative Daily Network Sponsors! Go to https://Mypillow.com and use the promo code FAMILY to save up to 66% off and Mike Lindell will give a generous percentage back to The ConservativeDaily show to support our free broadcasts. Follow us on Social Media: https://libertylinks.io/ConservativeDaily https://libertylinks.io/JoeOltmann https://libertylinks.io/Apollo

Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024

States and The Federal Gov. At Odds Over COVID Jab?

This morning, Joe discussed four states planning lawsuits against Pfizer and welcomed Karen Kingston. They talked about COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer's role, and the bypassing of regular safety checks due to emergency laws. After the break, they discussed big pharma creating bioweapons, including engineered mosquitoes. Joe then commented on the Trump vs. Biden debate. Later, Joe welcomed Noel Roberts to discuss the southern border crisis and solutions. Joe concluded with updates on Conservative Daily and FrankSpeech, ending with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2024

So Much for ‘Conservative’ Justices! SCOTUS Fails to Uphold Free Speech

This morning, Joe discussed the SCOTUS ruling in Murthy vs. Missouri, highlighting government immunity in First Amendment censorship and a recent Supreme Court leak on an abortion law. Litigation lawyer Ron Coleman joined to criticize the lack of government accountability and suggested solutions. Joe then welcomed Tig to talk about the new Tig rifle release, hope for government reform, and whether citizens should continue to file taxes. Finally, Joe and Tig announced the DCF Liberty Fest Event on July 13th and 14th and concluded with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 27 June 2024

The Bureaucracy Will Be America’s Downfall

This morning, David joins the show to discuss the recent amicus brief for Steve Bannon, CIA collusion regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, and the evolving situation with Trump and Jack Smith. Later, guest Joe Banister shares his journey from joining the IRS to discovering that the 16th Amendment was not properly ratified. He and David discuss why billionaires and large corporations still pay taxes, examples of people who have fought the IRS, and whether average citizens are required to pay state income taxes. They also talk about the government's failure to ratify the 16th Amendment and the benefits of keeping taxpayers uninformed. In closing, they emphasize the importance of educating oneself about the 16th Amendment, weighing the risks of not paying income tax, and considering motivations for fighting for the country.

Transcribed - Published: 26 June 2024

CNN Reminds Americans It’s the Media That Divide Us, Not Trump

This morning, Joe addresses the consequences of open borders, citing the murder and rape of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray. He then criticizes mainstream media, especially CNN, for lying about Trump and censoring his representatives ahead of the presidential debate. Joe questions why people tolerate such deceit and injustice under the Biden administration. After the break, Joe covers Julian Assange's release, Adam Carolla leaving California due to Newsom's policies, and the decline in national ACT scores. Guest Joe Hoft joins to discuss election-related court cases, asserting DOJ involvement and the persecution of those questioning election validity. Joe and Hoft conclude by urging public involvement in elections and reporting any irregularities.

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024

P2: The Athena AI Announcement!

Part 2: Joe continues the show after Brandons departure with an announcement on the Athena AI that he has been developing. Over the next hour he asks Athena various questions, and demonstrates how it is capable of learning in real time.

Transcribed - Published: 24 June 2024

P1: Liar & Psycho, Study Proves Fauci’s Censorship of Jab Info Killed Thousands

PART1: This morning, Joe discussed a recent study linking 74% of deaths to COVID-19 vaccines, which was initially removed by *The Lancet* but is now published. He highlighted Dr. Fauci's dishonesty about COVID-19 and the effectiveness of pandemic measures. Joe also covered Kansas's lawsuit against Pfizer and Fauci's response to harmful vaccine studies. After a break, Joe interviewed Brandon Fellows, a recently freed January 6th defendant. They discussed the persecution of January 6th participants, conditions in the DC jail, Brandon's views on the election, and his future plans. They concluded by contrasting a lenient sentence in a child murder case with the harsher penalties for January 6th participants, critiquing the judiciary's corruption. Joe ended with a closing prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 24 June 2024


Joe Oltmann joined the Conservative Daily show with Linda Rantz, Shawn Smith, and Clay Parikh for a special 4-hour episode devoted to debunking Dominion's lies at the Custer County BOCC Special Workshop. You're not going to want to miss this show tonight: Tune in to the Conservative Daily evening show at 6pm EST, to hear Joe Oltmann and other special guests tell all.

Transcribed - Published: 24 June 2024

Saving America From a Ranked-Choice Voting Nightmare

This morning, Joe discussed the dangers facing our election system, highlighting measures that subvert the will of the people, including ranked-choice voting, which he claims leads to greater corruption. He then welcomed guests Linda Good, Rhonda Braun, and Peg Cage to discuss their opposition to ranked-choice voting, its auditability, its definition, the importance of primary elections, and the need to prevent its implementation. After a break, they talked about the necessity of hand-counted paper ballots with photo ID to maintain election integrity and discussed Kent Thiry's initiative to introduce ranked-choice voting in Colorado. Joe concluded by urging people to oppose ranked-choice voting in their communities and emphasized the need for unity to save their party, ending with a prayer and a message about community and saving the nation.

Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2024

Biden Gaslights Americans Over Mass Amnesty

This morning, Joe discusses the current economic landscape and the impact of the wars in Ukraine and Israel on the US economy with Jonathan Rose from Genesis Gold. They express concerns about the declining value of the US dollar and promote a 2oz silver "prepper bar" as a tangible asset. Later, Joe talks with Dan Lynman from InfoWars about Biden's amnesty plan for certain illegal immigrants and compares it to Europe's immigration crisis, advocating for mass deportations. The show concludes with a call for community building and a closing prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 20 June 2024

Deep State Comes After Alex Jones’ Social Media!

This morning, Joe discussed the ongoing court battles faced by Alex Jones and InfoWars, emphasizing the perceived injustice and financial motivations behind the persecution. He noted a recent favorable ruling for Jones to liquidate his companies. Joe then welcomed Owen Shroyer, host of WarRoom and InfoWars, to talk about the right to question mainstream narratives, referencing Jones's skepticism about Sandy Hook. They debated the future of InfoWars, with Owen doubting its survival due to ongoing attacks. After a break, they criticized the federal courts for granting themselves the power to shut down conservative social media platforms without cause, stressing the high cost of speaking the truth but affirming its importance. In conclusion, they urged listeners to stand against tyranny and Communism, with Joe highlighting the necessity of this fight and ending with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2024

Minnehaha Auditor Calls for Hand-Counted Audit

Joe and David discuss Dominion and Eric Coomer, highlighting Coomer's dishonesty and the persecution of election whistleblowers. They introduce Minnehaha auditor Leah Anderson, who calls for a hand-counted audit after investigating voting machines. Leah shares her challenges in obtaining information and releasing evidence and her concerns about election integrity. They also discuss irregularities Leah found during her audit and the potential for intensified attacks on her. Joe and David emphasize the importance of supporting election whistleblowers and demand investigations into software irregularities, urging people to stand together in unity.

Transcribed - Published: 18 June 2024

RINO Betrayals Continue

This evening, Joe began a conversation on Debra Flora and how she made a statement on Kyle Clark that she would never have Joe Oltmann on her show again. He then moves on to point out that there is a class in the GOP that is perfectly fine destroying our great nation for their own gain. Following the break, Joe discusses how the Denver GOP is calling for Dave Willams to be removed due to his God Hates Pride email, and then welcomes Dave Williams to weigh in. Together the pair discuss the importance of opposing the establishment, the LGBT grooming agenda, the persecution of Tina Peters, the necessity of election integrity, the DOJ corruption, and what Dave Williams platform will be! In closing, Joe endorses Dave Wlliams and ends with a prayer!

Transcribed - Published: 17 June 2024

Chinese Aggression Heightens! Where Does That Leave America?

This morning Joe began a conversation on Chinese aggression and the recent G7 summit in Italy where many leaders decided to begin placing sanctions on China. Joe points out that ultimately these sanctions hurt the United States, especially considering Chinese goods are our biggest import. Following the break, Joe welcomes Gordon Chang to the show! Together the pair discuss how the United States is currently waging 3 different proxy wars, the Chinese migrants coming across the northern and southern borders, and whether the USA is being set up to have a "250 year fall." Joe and Gordon then move on to question what the American people can do to be prepared for an attack on our own soil, and how our election on November 5th is one of the last ways for us to get ahead and potentially stop the complete and total destruction of our nation. The conversation then shifts to the situation in Russia and Ukraine, with Gordon stating that we must support Ukraine, while Joe points out that Russia is not in the wrong to be involved in Ukraine. After Gordons departure, Joe touches on how we have supported Ukraine enough and that their ruling class is doing much better economically than the United States due to the money that nations are giving them. Joe questions what China's motives are, discusses how black voters are shifting from democrat to republican, and ends with a closing prayer!

Transcribed - Published: 17 June 2024

Dave Williams Ousted? RINO Betrayal Needs to End!

This morning, Joe began a conversation on Debra Flora and how she made a statement on Kyle Clark that she would never have Joe Oltmann on her show again. He then moves on to point out that there is a class in the GOP that is perfectly fine destroying our great nation for their own gain. Following the break, Joe discusses how the Denver GOP is calling for Dave Willams to be removed due to his God Hates Pride email, and then welcomes Dave Williams to weigh in. Together the pair discuss the importance of opposing the establishment, the LGBT grooming agenda, the persecution of Tina Peters, the necessity of election integrity, the DOJ corruption, and what Dave Williams platform will be! In closing, Joe endorses Dave Wlliams and ends with a prayer!

Transcribed - Published: 14 June 2024

Lesson in Lawfare - Coming for Our Children

Catch up with Apollo tonight on the evening edition of Conservative Daily. He talks all things lawfare, Trump, Hunter Biden, and the importance of protecting our children.

Transcribed - Published: 13 June 2024

Talking Heads & Gov. Officials Still Covering for COVID Jab?!

This morning, Joe discussed the COVID-19 vaccination, highlighting that mainstream media is now admitting its ineffectiveness and harm. He played a video of Piers Morgan and Candace Owens, where Candace criticized the government. Joe then introduced his guest, Ted Nugent, and they discussed the government's failure to support the people, the inherent rights granted by the Constitution, and the decline of the American spirit. They also debated the legitimacy of the 2020 election, emphasized the importance of truth, and urged people to pressure their representatives for change. The show concluded with stories, a mention of the FrankSpeech Volvo giveaway, and a closing prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 13 June 2024

The Plan to Destroy Trump’s Finances

This morning, Joe discussed Alex Jones and Infowars, focusing on Jones converting his bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation and stressing the importance of questioning government claims. After the break, Joe and guest Carlos Cortez talked about the persecution of Trump and Republicans, advocating for avoiding victim mindsets to fight effectively. They also discussed finances, strategies to counter the left's financial power, PSQH stock, beginner investment tips, and a potential November crash. After Carlos left, Joe commented on the Hunter Biden verdict, suggesting it was a DOJ tactic to appear non-corrupt post-Trump verdict. Joe closed with a call for unity and resistance against evil.

Transcribed - Published: 12 June 2024

They "Got" Hunter so DOJ is "Fair" - Now for Riots and Gun Confiscation

Check out the evening edition of Conservative Daily with Apollo. Today he focuses on the Hunter Biden trial and verdict, pointing out that the entire thing isnt really fair, and is just another weak attempt by the government to say they are "doing something."

Transcribed - Published: 12 June 2024

Tina Peters Tells Her Story: Persecuted By The Regime

This morning, Tina fills in for Joe Oltmann as guest host on the show. She announces her upcoming trial and urges people to peacefully assemble at the Mesa court during the trial dates. Tina shares her story of persecution, highlighting her legal obligation to save election data, the lies about internet connections to voting machines, the deletion of election evidence, and the failure to follow election protocols. She discusses the findings of the three forensic Mesa County Reports and provides links to Freetina.com and Tinapeters.us for more information. In closing, Tina calls on people to speak up against corruption, emphasizing the power of the jury, the nation's crisis, and the importance of continuing the fight.

Transcribed - Published: 11 June 2024

Paxton, Magik Wheel in DC

Check out the evenig edition of Conservative Daily with Apollo. He talks all things Paxton, the southern border, and the corruption in DC.

Transcribed - Published: 11 June 2024

Democrats Desperate To Control Trump’s Rising Popularity

This morning, Joe and his niece Lindsey discussed their recent birthdays and shared fun videos of singer Coffey. After the break, Joe talked about Trump's ongoing persecution, including Kamala Harris's attempt to disqualify him from the election and the left's fears of imprisonment if Trump wins. He also mentioned Chelsea Handler's view that black people cannot vote for Trump. Joe then welcomed Will Johnson to discuss the Democrat party's manipulation of the black vote and the deterioration of Democrat-controlled black communities. They emphasized unity among all people to save the nation and highlighted fraternities in Detroit addressing gun violence and crime. Joe and Will also covered recent pro-Palestine and anti-Israel protests at the U.S. Capitol, the symbolism of bloody Biden masks, and the need for new leadership in both the U.S. and Israel. After Will left, Joe shared his motivation to fight for a better future for upcoming generations and ended with a closing prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 10 June 2024

Fighting Tyranny & Corruption: Winning the War for America

This morning, Joe discussed his involvement in the Eric Coomer vs. Clay Clark deposition, expressing frustration over court actions against him. He also covered the SCOTUS ruling in favor of the NRA, highlighting First Amendment suppression by DFS. After a break, guest Chris Street joined to talk about the collapse of leftist ideology, Obama and CIA collusion, and his study in Shasta County demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of hand counting over machines.Later, Harrison Smith appeared to discuss attacks on InfoWars and Alex Jones, the future of InfoWars, and the lack of unity in right-wing media to combat liberal influence. He urged the audience to be proactive in addressing national issues. Joe concluded with a flash sale announcement for Challenge Coins and Battle Axes on honorboundusa.com, advised against supporting major tech companies, and ended with a prayer.

Transcribed - Published: 7 June 2024

Joe WALKS OUT of Coomer Dominion Deposition Vs Clay Clark

Tonight, Joe Oltmann joined the Conservative Daily show to talk about the deposition with Dominion's Eric Coomer and Clay Clark, and how he walked out! Why did Joe Oltmann walk out on Dominion? Because the crooks in the courthouse are weaponizing the DOJ and other lawfare to not just hurt whistleblowers like Joe, but also YOU, the people of this great nation. The judge, in conjunction with Coomer's lawyer, are attempting to expose and kill the sources of the Antifa call.

Transcribed - Published: 6 June 2024

Lawfare Imploding: The 2020 Election Cover-Up Is Failing

This morning, Tina Peters guest-hosts, discussing AG Dana Nessel's actions against Trump and his voters, and Newsmax seeking sanctions against Smartmatic over DOJ bribery claims. After a break, Tina and guest Clay Parikh talk about election security, focusing on vulnerabilities in electoral software and the need for creating system images for security. They question why AGs aren't investigating voting firms like Dominion despite evidence and advocate for hand-counted paper ballots. The show concludes with Clay explaining Albert Sensors and the need for electoral reform to ensure system security.

Transcribed - Published: 6 June 2024

It's All Insane On Purpose - Trump Is Showing The World What Weaponized Justice Looks Like

Check out todays evening edition of Conservative Daily hosted by Apollo, the main topics discussed were the Trump trial and how it is ultimately showing the United States the truth about our crooked DOJ, the Hunter Biden Laptop and court case, facing consequences in real life, and rescripting reality to obliterate heterosexual sex and call it nature.

Transcribed - Published: 5 June 2024

Taking Back Our Country with Michigan's Anthony Hudson

This morning, Joe Hoft hosts a show discussing the recent congressional hearing about the Trump trial. He highlights how Gaetz and Massie effectively questioned Garland, leaving him unable to respond adequately. After a break, Hoft welcomes Anthony Hudson, a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Michigan's District 8. They talk about Hudson's campaign goals, his views on the Trump trials, the elections, and his support for President Trump. Later, Hoft examines how some Congress members, like Michael McCaul, amass wealth through stock trading and concludes with a discussion on government failures in protecting its people.

Transcribed - Published: 5 June 2024

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