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Catholic Answers Live

Catholic Answers

Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

4.82K Ratings


Catholic Answers LIVE is a daily, call-in radio program that airs live from 6-8 pm ET.

760 Episodes

#11778 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 01:01 – The bible says that if you evangelize the Holy Spirit will give you the words but why wont the Holy Spirit give you the words when talking to your children? 04:16 – Romans 8:28 How does it work for the physical world today? 06:58 – Should we consume the Eucharist when there is a miracle? 14:48 – There seems to be a divide between the Church teaching on marriage vs what Jesus and Paul taught. Can you explain where they come together? 20:34 – Where is the lineage of apostolic succession? 24:20 – What ranking is St. Michael in? Do demons also have rankings? 35:13 – Is the mark of the beast a future financial payment system? 45:19 – Did Constantine found the Catholic Church? 50:47 – Was there infallibility during the Old Testament period? …

Published: 26 July 2024

#11777 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 03:13 – How can we respond to Mormons who use Ep. 4:11 and 1 Cor 12:28 to say that the true Church must have modern day apostles? 06:27 – How can the pope grant faculties to SSPX if they are technically not under his jurisdiction? Is it ok to attend masses at SSPV chapels? 12:28 – Can you clarify on the deuterocanonical books and its validity since some Jews accepted them? 18:21 – What are some examples of moral relativism being adopted and failing in the secular world? 21:18 – Would you be Automatically excommunicated if you had a certain belief or doubt but never shared it? 28:40 – Regarding a new theory of purgatory and the detachment from sin. I don’t see how it fits with former papal documents. 40:45 – Can you give a brief overview of the sacrament of marriage and a good resource? 43:43 – When I adore the Eucharist, who or what am I exactly adoring? Is it Jesus on the cross in 33 AD? 49:26 – How do you think these new rules of the supernatural by the Vatican affect approval of miracles for canonization? 52:24 – Why do all Marian apparitions look different? Are they all the same person? …

Published: 25 July 2024

#11776 Overcoming Anxiety - null

Questions Covered: 17:50 – Is it necessary to dive into childhood or is it more about exposure? 22:00 – Can a moms feeling of just being overwhelmed actually be anxiety? 34:26 – I’m a middle school teacher. What tips do you have for helping my students through anxiety? 36:45 – I’m so filled with anxiety that I have torn up my skin and have ulcers. I need help in mitigating this experience? 43:00 – How do you deal with anxiety knowing that you’ll always fall to sin? 48:10 – Thought my anxiety would go away after being sober for 4.5 years. How do I deal with it now that it hasn’t gone away? 51:49 – How do you deal with anxieties when you don’t realize you have anxiety until it boils over? …

Transcribed - Published: 25 July 2024

#11775 Addiction and Healing - Scott Weeman

Questions Covered: 08:25 – How can I approach my wife about her codependency on our daughter and how unhealthy it is? 15:28 – I’m an alcoholic. I just want to share my light bulb moment. 18:12 – What does addiction to lust include? 22:30 – I have an attachment to food. I’m nervous about attending a meeting due to confidentiality. 29:45 – I am a workaholic. Does your organization offer help for that? 33:10 – I want to recommend the book! Will there be another one in the future? 37:05 – I think the 12-step program is for everyone. 44:04 – I lost my 21 one year old son to addiction. Thank you for doing this! I wish I had known about you before. 50:48 – I’ve been in 12 steps since January. I just want to share how much there is to offer. …

Transcribed - Published: 24 July 2024

#11774 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 3:45 – In the Creed it says that Jesus will judge the living and the dead. Who are the dead? 08:00 – How do I talk about Jesus to people who have questions but don’t actually seem to care? 13:04 – What’s the relationship between mortal sins of omission, and good works? Could you lose your salvation through a sin of omission? 17:29 – Is there a process of choosing a patron saint? 21:22 – Does a couple have to be married in the Church to bring up the gifts during mass? 24:07 – What exactly must one say when confessing sins, how specific must one be? 33:55 – What does it mean for a teaching to be essential? What considerations did the Church take to declare the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption? 38:04 – Why if Joseph had a house in Bethlehem, was Jesus born in a manger? 42:38 – Can you talk about the purpose of marriage? Is it strictly to procreate? 47:29 – Am I able to confess a mortal sin if I was intoxicated? 52:14 – Are guardian angels capable of being fallen angels? Could we have been assigned a fallen guardian angel? …

Transcribed - Published: 24 July 2024

#11773 Ask Me Anything - Colin Donovan

Questions Covered: 08:32 – What does a vocational call mean? 15:43 – How did people in the OT worship God and how is it similar to how we worship in the Catholic Mass? 23:59 – What is the proper understanding of Rev 19:15? 29:15 – In what way is the mass a propitiatory sacrifice? 35:20 – Why isn’t there adoration for the blood of Jesus? 40:42 – Why isn’t the Catholic Church against interest-based economics? 46:04 – My in-laws are not Catholic and were just introduced to the stations of the cross. What’s the history of them? 50:44 – I want to read the fathers of the Church. Where can I start with being led astray? …

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2024

#11772 Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 03:37 – How important is consolation during prayer in Mass? 11:19 – How do you respond to the claim that If the devil can portray himself as an angel of light, then the devil can potentially be present himself as Mary in apparitions? 16:49 – Does the bible support sprinkling of water in baptism? 23:32 – Why don’t we quickly baptize people like protestants instead of making people go through a whole class and dragging it out? 32:47 – Why does Catholic worship re-present the cross as a sacrifice when the passover wasn’t a sin offering? 42:46 – Is Jesus’ prayer for unity in Jn 17 meant to be now or unity when he returns? 51:05 – Critique my argument for the Immaculate Conception: If Joseph was worried about Mary committing adultery he would not have to quietly divorce her. He was protecting her because he knew the truth. …

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2024

#11771 Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 04:15 – How can I elaborate on the bread of Life discourse? 19:14 – In the Hail Holy Queen, Mary is called the ‘most gracious advocate’’ How can Catholics call her that since that’s who Jesus is the gracious advocate. 29:54 – I’m protestant considering Catholicism. What should I do if I believe something is morally wrong but the Church compels us to believe? 41:48 – How do I respond to the claim that Baptism doesn’t save you? 47:46 – How do we better understand the different I Am statements? 51:59 – Can you talk about why the center for worship is different for Catholics and Protestants? One is prayer and sermon, and the other is the Eucharist. …

Transcribed - Published: 22 July 2024

#11770 AMA - Tim Staples

Questions covered: 04:26 – How can God be infinite if he became man in the Incarnation? 18:10 – How do you respond to someone who says the Catholic Church got its traditions from the Roman Empire? 28:28 – Is my understanding of faith and works correct? 36:12 – The Catholic church teaches that in ongoing justification, works justify us and are not merely a sign. How is this different from a works-based salvation? 47:12 – When James 3 says teachers will be judged more harshly, does he mean judged by God or by men? 51:11 – Would it be sinful to read things formerly banned by the Church, like Machiavelli? …

Transcribed - Published: 20 July 2024

#11769 Divorce and the Eucharist - Rose Sweet

Questions Covered: 22:27 – A relative of mine just had his spouse leave him out of nowhere. How should we guide him towards hopeful reconciliation? 30:31 – If a couple is living in a sinful divorce, goes to confession, but then goes right back to that same lifestyle, do they have to confess again before receiving communion and keep doing that over and over? 33:58 – If your spouse had a previous marriage that was never annulled, and then they go through the annulment process, do you now need to get your marriage convalidated? 35:44 – My brother married outside the Church and got a divorce. Now he’s dating a Catholic, cohabitating with her, and receiving the Eucharist. Should I say anything? 42:01 – I was civilly married, then we had our marriage convalidated in the Church. My husband was a non-Christian. Now during our divorce he’s saying he never intended to become Catholic or raise our children Catholic. Is this grounds for annulment? 45:43 – If someone’s spouse dies, does she still need to get an annulment before marrying someone else? 49:12 – I’ve had two priests say it’s okay for me to date before I’ve had an annulment. Are they correct? …

Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2024

#11768 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 01:55 – The Church Fathers have different interpretations of the unforgivable sin. How can we know the true meaning of that passage? 10:50 – How do we reconcile the consecration to the Immaculate Heart with the accusations from Protestants that Catholics worship Mary? 14:11 – Is it possible there were non-human civilizations on Earth before Adam and Eve? 19:46 – I was surprised that Catechism 1856 names immoderate laughter and idle chatter as sins. Are they really sins? 29:02 – It seems like near death experiences confirm that the soul is eternal and this life is just a passing form. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church deal with this instead of persisting with the idea of Hell to scare people into being good? 40:54 – My family believes in Oneness theology. How might I convince them of the Trinity? 47:24 – Can you obtain an indulgence now for someone who is not dead yet? And for getting an indulgence for 30 minutes of Eucharistic adoration, does it have to be the exposed Eucharist, or can it be in a closed tabernacle? 53:17 -Are we obligated to fraternally correct others?   …

Transcribed - Published: 19 July 2024

#11767 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 05:21 – What is that Protestants have against Mary, and how can I give scriptural responses to their objection? 13:55 – I am a comic book artist. I want to create comics that are appropriate but not sterile. What principles can guide me to have this balance? 18:49 – How do we know for sure that the woman in Revelation 12 is Mary? It seems that part is really about Israel. 23:50 – It seems like there is a lot of tension between the Vatican and the Latin Mass People. Do you think the Vatican should have a concordat with the TLM community to keep the conversation going? 33:21 – Can you elaborate on the story of remote viewing Jesus that you mentioned a couple weeks ago? 36:38 – What is the Catholic Church’s teaching about cremation? And can you spread the ashes? 41:18 – Do you think there is any connection between the assassination attempt on Trump and the apparitions at Fatima? They both happened on July 13. And I’ve seen clips of a Protestant who supposedly prophesied the assassination attempt — do you think there is anything to this? 51:24 – I’ve heard that the canonization of St. Josemaria Escriva was controversial because there were some negative testimonies that were not heard. What do you make of that situation? Can someone be canonized who shouldn’t be? …

Transcribed - Published: 18 July 2024

#11766 Ask a Priest - Fr. Matthew Spencer

Questions Covered: 06:45 – Are sins you forget in confession still forgiven? 13:07 – Why are there so many Eucharistic prayers and how does a priest pick the one to use? 20:20 – We all came from Adam and Eve, why do we have so many races? 31:40 – What is the proper order of Sacraments when received as an adult? 36:00 – How can we know what the unforgivable sin is? 41:54 – How can I discuss Catholic Baptism and rebaptism with my non-Catholic Wife? 47:51 – Why do Catholics say Christ is present “body, blood, soul and divinity”? 52:14 – Is it always a Mortal Sin to miss Mass, or can you be excused based on age? …

Transcribed - Published: 18 July 2024

#11765 The Early Church Fathers - John Pepino

Questions Covered: 21:14 – The Church Fathers would have appreciated the term Epiousion in the original Our Father, why was this removed? 29:52 – Can you elaborate why Origen isn’t a Church Father? 37:15 – Where should we go to read about the Church Fathers? 46:05 – What Church Father said, “you can drive out the Christians and you’ll see what happens”? 48:18 – Of all the early Church Fathers, who do you find the most persuasive? …

Transcribed - Published: 17 July 2024

#11764 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 02:47 – I have a declaration of nullity but I still feel married. I feel like my husband is living with his girlfriend. Is there a prayer or something I can do to help me release this? 16:11 – The Catechism of JPII states that the covenant of the Jews has not been revoked. How does that relate to the Council of Florence which declares that the matters of the old law have been revoked? 41:14 – Would it have been possible for the Church to flourish without the Bible, and what do you think the Church would have looked like without the Bible? 48:41 – Is it wrong for my fiancé and I to purchase a home together before we are married? 52:23 – Why does Jesus affirm the authority of the Pharisees (as in Matthew 23)? …

Transcribed - Published: 17 July 2024

#11763 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 14:38 – My partner says she can’t become Catholic because of sexism in passages such as Ephesians 5, 1 Timothy 2, and 1 Pet 3. How can I respond? 29:45 – There are photos online of Adam and Eve’s grave sites — is that legit? And what do we know about what happened to Adam and Eve? 41:13 – Why don’t Protestants accept the Septuagint? And when did they take it out of their Bible? …

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2024

#11762 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 01:36 – Why is the book of Enoch not in the Bible? 12:15 – Was Judas one of the twenty-four apostles seen by John when on the island? 18:46 – How can I approach the pursuit of knowledge in the defense of faith? 24:47 – Since Jesus knew of his Crucifixion, why did he agonize in the garden? 36:00 – How can I help a friend understand the history of the Catholic Church? 43:03 – Is it a good practice to hand out Bibles? 44:44 – There are many passages in the Bible that say miraculous thing are from the devil. How can we trust source of miracles? 53:18 – In Genesis, when God condemns Cain, he is worried of being killed. How can this be since there were only 3 people? …

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2024

#11761 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 04:27 – When were the books of Maccabee and Wisdom added to the Bible? 07:39 – In the Gospel of Mark, who does the naked man in the garden represent? 16:56 – How do I explain why Catholic pious practices differ from what is described in Baruch 6:8? 29:35 – Where would you go for verses on Trust in the Lord from the bible? 33:08 – How can I put the Old Testament in good light, specifically Leviticus, to Jewish people? 42:26 – Who is Melchizedek in the Bible? 49:34 – What is the possibility that the evidence John saw at the empty tomb was the Shroud of Turin?   …

Transcribed - Published: 15 July 2024

#11758 Ask Me Anything - Mark Brumley

Questions covered: 05:47 – How do you respond to the claim that Baptism is a work? 15:44 – Can those outside communion with the church be heard by the Saints? 18:58 – In 1 Cor. 15 what would Paul mean when he mentions scriptures? 28:47 – My friend said the Papacy is wrong because Jesus left evangelizing the rest of the world to Paul (Gal. 2:7), not to Peter. He says the apostles were only supposed to evangelize to the Jews (Mt. 10:5). 41:49 – Is it going too far to make movies or TV shows about Jesus? 52:20 – Why do the patriarchs not always observe the rights of primogeniture with their firstborns? …

Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024

#11757 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions covered: 04:55 – What is your theory of atonement? 12:11 – How can I evangelize to a Jehovah Witness? 17:42 – What do Catholics believe about justification in relation to James 1:5? 20:33 – Can you explain the Catholic perspective on faith alone for salvation? 28:59 – How do we define Catholic? 33:55 – Why didn’t Jesus solve the problems of his time? 42:18 – Does the distinction between Jews and Gentiles still exist? 47:07 – Can you explain Biblical inerrancy of the resurrection accounts? 50:17 – How do you define the difference between Catholic values and virtues? …

Transcribed - Published: 11 July 2024

#11756 What Do You Seek? - Edward Sri

Cy sits down with Dr. Edward Sri …

Transcribed - Published: 11 July 2024

#11755 Questions from Non-Catholics - Steve Ray

Questions Covered: 06:15 – Why is the Filioque such a big deal? 11:24 – Was Mohammeds spiritual encounter authentic, and if it was, was it angelic or some other nefarious being? 14:10 – I was raised Pentecostal. I think I understand the Marian dogmas, but it feels weird, and it feels like worship. How can I make it feel less like worship? 19:19 – If your name is in the book of life then how could it ever be removed? 31:55 – What is the response to the claim that speaking in tongues is necessary? 35:55 – How and when did the Catholic faith start? 43:03 – If a priest is in mortal sin, how can he absolve me of my sins? 48:37 – How can we challenge the claim that only the apostles had the ability to forgive sins and not the successors? 52:39 – I want to go back to church, will it cost me money? What are the requirements? …

Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2024

#11754 Ask Me Anything - Jim Blackburn

Questions Covered: 04:38 – Was the material universe always supposed to be temporary? 16:28 – What does the verse that says Jesus is first born of all creation mean? 19:35 – What qualities do women lack that disqualifies them from being priests? 22:54 – Why in some places do they stand after the consecration before the great amen. What do bishops have to do to get those changes approved? 39:57 – Does God still chastise people for their sins on this earth like He did in the old Testament? 45:47 – What’s the difference between a Plenary indulgence earned during the day and one which is earned at the moment of death? 49:51 – What is a general confession? …

Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2024

#11753 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 04:05 – Can we ethically download software that is no longer sold? 12:45 – How do the motives of credibility that the bible is from an omnipotent being rather than an angel? 29:05 – I had a bad experience in confession where the priest was sharing bad theology. What should I do? 41:52 – I grew up Chaldean Catholic. Is it idolatry to pray to the saints? Do we need to pray to them and what benefit is there? …

Transcribed - Published: 9 July 2024

#11752 Ask Me Anything - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 03:30 – Why can only a priest consecrate the Eucharist if anyone can baptize with the right intention? 06:38 – How much of saintly intercession would apply to old testament figures? 13:41 – Is there a connection between Jesus entering into hades to retrieve the souls and the Catholic understanding of Purgatory? 17:13 – Regarding Isaiah 53:4, the story of a suffering servant. It says that the servant smitten is by God. How do we as Catholics understand this? 22:19 – Is there some way to determine if someone is in a state of grace? 30:01 – Was Judas ever given the grace to be saved or was he doomed to fail? 35:12 – I just became Catholic. My biggest issue was infant baptism. What am I supposed to say to my children if they grow up and question me why i didn’t give them a choice? 37:24 – Does God love some more than others? 41:43 – The Eucharist liturgy doesn’t make sense, especially transubstantiation. 45:34 – The Church claims infallibility but why should we believe the rest of the teachings that aren’t declared infallibly? …

Transcribed - Published: 9 July 2024

#11751 Ask Me Anything - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 03:11 – How do I make sense of 1 Corinth 11:5 on the topic of head coverings? 16:01 – How do I respond to someone who says they don’t adhere to the biblical interpretation of condemning homosexuality because times have changed? 20:55 – With Mary being called woman and the woman at the well being called woman, what’s the distinction in Jesus calling them both by the same title? 28:50 – Can you clarify and navigate the stern and loose interpretations of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus? What’s the clear correct understanding? 36:45 – If Catholics take John 6 literally, how can we call Protestants our separated brothers and sisters since they “have no life in them?” 43:47 – What’s the role of Mary in the Church? Is she being worshiped? 48:00 – I’m a convert. Is Mary the dispenser of all graces? How can all the saints hear all of our prayers? …

Transcribed - Published: 8 July 2024

#11750 Ask Me Anthing - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 02:22 – I have discussed the doctrine of whether or not the pope had supremacy, and whilst I quote church fathers, he states other who are against papal supremacy. Why don’t the church fathers agree? 08:08 – for a new convert from southern Baptist domination, should I be concerned my baptism is invalid because my pastor likely did not have the intent needed as stated in the catechism 14:23 – How can I put Leviticus in the most positive light for believing Christians that aren’t particularly sophisticated in their theology? 20:10 – How to convince Protestants of Marian doctrine? 28:57 – Why do we call Mary, Jesus, Moses, ect. just by their names, instead of St. Mary, St. Jesus, ect. ? 32:45 I just need help understanding the trinity. The more I learn, the more I think I don’t know. 35:50 – I’m trying to understand the Church’s Treasury of Merits? what exactly is it and how does it work with Purgatory? 42:10 – why are only the successors of Peter important and not the other apostles? When Peter died was the apostle John subject to his successor or did John hold more authority? Peace 47:21 – Is the SSPX in full communion with the Church? 49:45 – Is belief that elves exist compatible with catholicism? What is the strongest point against the idea of sola scriptura, or that every teaching must be found in the Bible? …

Transcribed - Published: 6 July 2024

#11749 Ask Me Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 05:11 – Would it be accurate to say the Nicene Creed is part of the deposit of faith? 08:23 – What is palmarian church 14:19 – Can there be a pope from one of the Eastern Catholic Churches? 17:41 – How can one be a liberal Catholic and still believe in the teachings of Christ 31:16 – Is it wrong to love God because you fear Hell? 36:40 – Do we need to confess venial sins that were taken away by our last communion? Or does that show doubt in the efficacy of communion? 41:22 – I see people often wondering if a life decision is God’s will. But as long as one is loving God fully, and loving their neighbor, isn’t everything that falls under that God’s will? 47:52 – IS the Sabbatine privilege for wearing brown scapular endorsed by Catholic Church ? 49:44 – is it true that God loves some people more than others?, hence why certain people have more graces, are chosen to be priests or even have a better fulfilled purposes in life. thank you. 52:46 – What is your commitment when it comes to honoring/respecting parents or grandparents when they refuse to communicate to you and tell blatant lies about you regarding serious sins? …

Transcribed - Published: 5 July 2024

#11748 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 02:22 – I was at a gun show in Idaho not long ago and one of the vendors was a born again Christian group handing out Jack Chick tracts. I walked past them fairly quickly, not because I didn’t want to engage but because I was trying to catch up to my son-in-law. As I was walking back up the aisle they were on I was distracted by a vendor selling antique rifles, some going back as far as the Revolutionary War, when someone said to me “thank you for your service!” I turned to my left to see a guy, about my age, and he repeated himself. I thanked him but explained I hadn’t been in the military. He looked surprised then said something about the color of my eyes (hazel/green) and when I realized who I was talking to I knew I was stuck. It was the Pastor of the group handing out the JC Tracts. Long story short he asked me if I knew I was saved. I said yes. He asked if I knew I was going to heaven I said it’s my hope, but that ultimately was up to me. Then he commences to break out a green, hand held, KJV military Bible (one that I have), reads me some scripture, and asks if I will pray with him. I said of course! We commence the praying and I realize this was my altar call…I was being made born again. After the prayer he congratulated me…and I started to feel uneasy. It’s bothered me since. I know I hadn’t renounced my Catholic faith because the prayer was pretty generic, but there’s a part of me that thinks I made a mistake. Did I, or am I being overly scrupulous? 05:47 – How did authorship work in the ancient and medieval periods? For example, I heavily doubt that Homer made a fortune selling copies of The Iliad and The Odyssey or that Plato sold copies of The Republic. How were ancient writings circulated? I imagine having to hand copy every word from every scroll would put a damper on how accessible they would be in markets. Did every individual who copies the Odyssey have to copy down “Written by Homer” with it? What if someone wanted to take the same Odyssey and pass it off as their original work? Also, how would the average man living in these periods know which authors (who are trying to pass information down) are genuine and which authors are hacks? 16:26 – I just learned about Hilazon blue. Is there a checklist of all the things needed for rebuilding the Third Temple, and what’s left? 18:36 – You have mentioned before that God could have created a universe that appeared to be eternal, that is, without a beginning (I hope I have that right…). I do not understand this, as being “created” would seem to require a beginning (otherwise, God would not need to create it). Or are you saying that it merely has the “appearance” of always existing, but was created? In which case, does that mean that God is deliberately deceiving? 22:01 – Why do we restrict Protestants from receiving the Eucharist except in certain limited circumstances (grave necessity)? Children baptized into the Catholic faith are able to receive the Eucharist before being confirmed. There is no difference (as far as I am aware) between a valid Catholic baptism and a valid Protestant baptism, so there is no ontological difference between a baptized-but-unconfirmed Catholic and a baptized-but-unconfirmed Protestant. Belief cannot be the answer, since many Protestants (while in RCIA and before their confirmation) have the same faith as Catholics. Is it prudential? 28:34 – Why is the Protestant account for the canon of scripture untenable? 34:05 – How will we be able to interact in heaven with our loved ones without a body? (That is, until they are resurrected.) 35:44 – John 20:22, our Lord breathed on the apostles and gave them the Holy Spirit. Thomas was not with them. When did Thomas receive the Holy Spirit? 40:47 – What is a good source to use to get authentic news from what th…

Transcribed - Published: 5 July 2024

#11747 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 03:36 – What did ancient people (by that I mean anyone born before the modern period with phones and movies) do for fun? 10:58 – How do we know if it is God or a coincidence, when a prayer is “answered”? 15:30 – If a third of the angels fell along with Lucifer, and these were the angels created to adore Jesus, do you suppose in some way that all of our guardian angels will fill this void when we enter the Church Triumphant? And sorry if this has been asked before but what about the guardian angels assigned to the souls that go to hell? I’m assuming they don’t get dragged along with poor souls that reject God’s mercy. 20:18 – My daughter missed confirmation because of COVID then leukemia. She still doesn’t have confirmation, does she need confirmation to still receive the Eucharist? 22:10 – Can you explain why some priests say the charismatic movement is not real and the talking in tongues in that movement is diabolical or that Baptism in the Spirit is not real, and then other priests say they have the gift of tongues and run charismatic renewal centers? I am conflicted by the different messages that seem contradictory. 28:54 – Christ said he had to go to the Father or the Holy Spirit would not come. Did Divine Procession effectively change due to the hypostatic union? 30:17 – Was the Blessed Mother’s “appearance” to James in Spain an “apparition” or ” biolocation”? 34:55 – Will we eat food in Heaven? Jesus in His resurrected and glorified body asked the apostles if they had something to eat. 40:25 – Can one who obeys the Natural Law be saved even if he doesn’t explicitly affirm Christ and his Church? 41:35 – Does the Holy Spirit prevent Popes from making prudential/pastoral decisions that can harm the Church, including undermining our understanding of the doctrines of the Church? 44:07 – We have consecrated virgins. My understanding is in the Latin rite we don’t have consecrated widows. Is it just the Latin rite, or all Catholic Rites? 45:27 – Was it a condition of the rich young man’s salvation to sell all he had and follow Christ? Was it an invitation he could morally decline? What about Mary when she was asked to be the mother of Jesus? More broadly, is choosing to not live the vocation God has invited you to a sin- the kind that can jeopardize your salvation? Are we free to choose “vocation B” even though God has asked us to choose “vocation A”? 51:01 – Why is Boethius not viewed as a Saint and Martyr? 53:10 – “1 Peter 3:21 says that baptism is ‘an appeal to God for a clear conscience.’ Therefore, babies cannot get baptized because they cannot make appeals.” How would you answer that objection to infant baptism? …

Transcribed - Published: 4 July 2024

#11746 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 03:21 – 1 Sam 18:10 says “an evil spirit from God rushed upon Saul.” How are we supposed to interpret that when nothing evil can come from God? 10:06 – Can you help me understand in what sense Jesus is God? How can a thing have two natures? Is it the same way the Burning Bush, or the Eucharist, is God? 19:39 – What are the reasons a person might hear voices? 28:55 – My spiritual director has been cautioning me against treating novenas and relics like magic. But in last Sunday’s gospel we hear of the woman who was healed because she believed if she touched Jesus’ clothes she would be healed. How can one have that kind of faith without treating it like magic? 38:05 – Does Matthew quote the Septuagint? 45:50 – What’s the difference between black magic and white magic? 48:42 – I had an experience in early youth that led to my conversion later in life. Have you heard anything like that before? What kind of experience is this? …

Transcribed - Published: 4 July 2024

#11745 Scriptural Apologetics - John Martignoni

Questions Covered: 10:52 – Does the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 relate back to a council 1 Chronicles 28? I’m thinking that if it does, it could be more proof for the papacy. 17:14 – Does Matthew quote the Septuagint? 21:53 – I heard an interpretation of the story of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac that Abraham failed because he should have offered himself in place of Isaac. Is there any truth to that interpretation? 31:46 – I find it’s hard to use 2 Macc 12:46 to defend Purgatory to Protestants because they don’t believe in that book. How do you deal with that? 40:20 – How do we answer someone who says that God is Jehovah? 45:22 – How do we answer free-gracers that bring up Rom 3:20 as proof that works of the law are all works? 49:50 – What is the biblical evidence for inclusivism, meaning that God has mercy for those who through no fault of their own have not heard the gospel? And if there’s time… Why does Acts 1:5 talk about a water baptism and a holy spirit baptism, but Eph 4:5 says “one baptism.” …

Transcribed - Published: 3 July 2024

#11744 Ask Me Anything - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 05:35 – My youngest daughter decided to leave the Church and became Lutheran. She will be getting married with a Lutheran pastor officiating. Can I attend? 17:58 – Why don’t we point to images of angels of death and say that it’s St. Michael the Archangel? Doesn’t he do God’s work of bringing death to the earth? 20:25 – How does NFP fit into a Catholic life and being open to life? 34:35 – Is pirating games online immoral? 40:54 – I’m not Catholic. What is the Catholic view of the rapture? 46:37 – I pray the Divine Mercy novena for family who has left the Church. Will this help them when they pass away to avoid hell? 50:36 – Why didn’t the Church make exorcism into a sacrament? 53:03 – Does the Church uphold the validity of a marriage outside of the Catholic Church in the situation of the previous caller’s daughter?   …

Transcribed - Published: 3 July 2024

#11743 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 07:03 – I’m close to coming to faith but hell doesn’t seem to fit with an all-loving God. Can you explain? 40:34 – Can you give a summary on the Catholic Moral life? 50:07 – If you start worshiping Buddha, Is that a big sin? …

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024

#11742 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 01:02 – Can someone tell me what verses talk about saints in heaven interceding for us? 09:55 – How can we be sure that the Catholic Church is the one true Church when the early church seems more conciliar like the Orthodox? 28:26 – My Eastern Orthodox friend argues that there’s 3 Petrine sees, and Rome does not have a right to override the others. How do I respond to that? 43:47 – I was raised Catholic and can’t get past the bible verse saying call no man father. What’s the answer? …

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024

#11741 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 06:29 – Can I attend a wedding of protestant family members? 16:33 – Does a priest have to touch the host during the consecration for the mass to be valid? 30:14 – Why does Jesus say that divorce is allowed only during infidelity in Matthew 19? 44:15 – Mt. 27:9. Is it true that there are ancient rabbinical documents that quote one prophet but attribute it to another prophet? 50:56 – When I talk to my protestant friends about a sacrifice at the mass they say that they have a sacrifice of praise. How do I respond to that? …

Transcribed - Published: 1 July 2024

#11740 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 06:42 – Is it possible to reconcile Young-Earth Creationism with findings of science that appear to say the earth is much older? 13:55 – During the apostolic age, was a mustard seed considered a weed or a harvestable crop? 19:11 – Did Jesus have an elemental soul like humans do? 22:43 – I’m having a lot of problems with two dioceses. They’re restricting my ministry and not telling me what’s wrong. What’s the next level I can go to to try and sort this out? 33:36 – How do the Catholic observances of holidays and seasons and feasts reconcile with Mathetes’ Epistle to Diogenetus, which seems to say that holidays and seasons are not Christian? 41:07 – With all the suffering in the world today, has anyone proposed that purgatory might be this world? 47:31 – Is it okay for Catholics to use supplements for your mood like adaptogens? 49:49 – What are some good sources I can read concerning typology of St. Peter in the Old Testament? …

Transcribed - Published: 29 June 2024

#11739 Faith and Science - Stacy Trasancos

Questions covered: 13:53 – How do we respond to scientific theories like the special theory of relativity that are based on thought experiments that seem to contradict Christianity? 18:16 – Alexis Carrel was a Catholic biologist who studied eugenics for the country of France. Can his profession be reconciled with his Catholicity? 29:54 – In our modern era, science is viewed as objective truth that matters more than faith; but also there’s a modern philosophy that everyone has their own truth. As a scientist, how do you use your profession to bolster your faith within that odd philosophical framework? 35:06 – What evidence is there that we have a soul that is rational and has intellect? 41:40 – How do you compare the difference between an atom being self-aware and a cell being self-aware? 45:15 – Can you recommend any reading or viewing material on how faith and science are complimentary? 47:28 – How should I teach chemistry from a Catholic worldview? …

Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2024

#11738 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 01:27 – What is the history of the use of the tetragrammaton/divine name in worship, particularly as it relates to Jehovah’s Witnesses? 07:44 – I heard your show where you mentioned a study in India on near death experiences where the people in India would see some spirits that were either good or evil spirits. Christians see angels, good or bad. So non-believers could argue that the fact that people don’t see the same thing is proof that these visions are due only to chemical reactions of a dying brain. How would you respond? 13:52 – What would be the best way for us as Catholics to answer some Protestants who claim what’s happening in Israel right now has to do with the 2nd coming of Jesus that in there minds is gonna happen soon or at any moment? 17:49 – Which allegedly evidential NDE do you think is the strongest? 23:57 – If the Pope has the keys to heaven and hell, could the Pope/Church canonize someone that God would not have allowed into heaven by ordinary means, but since the church/pope utilized the authority of those keys they now get in? what about the reverse a just person going to hell because the church invoked the keys of authority to condemn them? 28:25 – From what I understand, the Jesuits are not allowed to hold positions of Authority or power. Is this true? And if so, did it change to permit Pope Francis to be Pope? 29:55 – Maybe better for a weird questions episode but I recently had several blessed, holy objects go missing around the house and it occurred to me, if it WAS demons, is there 34:53 – From my 15 year old : Is God alive both scientifically as well as theologically? 39:30 – From my 13 year old: In the Skinwalker Ranch episode of Mysterious World there were three wolf- like activities and one of them was a wolf-like creature running around in the horse pen. One thing that I realized was that the description for the wolf was almost the same as the beast of Gevaudan. Do you think the beast could have been a skin walker? They were both red, had poofy tails, head like a wolf, heyena like bodies and boar like legs. I’d like to hear your thoughts. 43:51 – I remember a very helpful episode where you discussed the career of Dr. Steven Greer. I have been very curious about what you know about the legitimacy of the UAP claims by Bob Lazar and David Grusch? 48:56 – How can we better understand the word “Belief” with regards to God and our faith, and do Catholics and Protestants (specifically Lutherans, understand this idea of belief in God differently). Is it just about saying you know of God’s existence and profess to others that you know and understand of his existence; or, is there a deeper understanding of “belief in God” which also calls us to act or respond to this understanding of “belief” in Him. If there is a deeper understanding (or action) of belief, where do we find this ( in history, in scripture, or in the actual definition in or meaning of the word)? …

Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2024

#11737 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 03:09 – What are your thoughts on the prophecy of the angelic pope and great Catholic monarch? 06:40 – Until the Second Coming, we won’t have our bodies if we are in heaven (provided we get there, of course). How will we interact, then, with our loved ones who we hope are in heaven and we long to see again? What does that even look like? I believe the Church does not have definitive teaching on this, but what has been the speculation? 17:46 – Do you think there were sasquatches on the Ark? 19:56 – We say the Trinity is three Persons. I have been told, on inquiry, that these are not three “selves” as we would normally understand “persons”, but I’m also told that the Holy Spirit is the “love” between the Father and the Son, and that the Holy Trinity is a “community”. But only distinct selves can love each other or be in community; both of these, it seems to me, cannot be true. Can you elaborate? 23:54 – Is there any equivalent to Eucharistic Adoration for the Precious Blood? If so, why? If not, why not? 28:43 – What is the difference between feasting and gluttony? 31:49 – Someone w/ surname of Murray said the name meant they are descended from Mary, after she moved to France. (Pardon my French but WTH??!?!?!?!!) 33:49 – Make or dismiss the case that after the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to Mother Mary first and in private. 34:40 – What’s a good book that talks about how the apostles died rather than denying the Resurrection? 40:10 – What’s all this about the red heifers being prepared for slaughter in Israel as fulfillment of a prophecy? 46:24 – Please give your feedback on this statement: “Receiving on the tongue is the default option.” 46:56 – What really is sleep? 50:35 – What does the Church state about forcing men to take psychological exams before being accepted to seminary? …

Transcribed - Published: 27 June 2024

#11736 Life After Death: Heaven, Hell, & Purgatory - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 05:42 – How is it that we can’t keep cremated remains on the mantle but we can keep relics of saints? 13:10 – Do most Catholics believe that most people go to hell or most people go to purgatory? 19:00 – After purification in purgatory, do you think we’d even have the ability to think the same kind of thoughts we have here on Earth? 22:18 – In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, is the Rich man in purgatory or hell? 37:02 – Can the souls in purgatory pray for themselves? 41:54 – What do people do in Heaven? Also, what is this whole new heaven and new earth thing all about? 46:45 – Did Vatican II change the Catholic understanding of baptismal ecclesiology? My pre-conciliar catechism says we are born as soldiers of Christ, and priests are the officers. I like that. But now it feels like priests and laity are more like colleagues. …

Transcribed - Published: 27 June 2024

#11735 Life After Death: Heaven, Hell, & Purgatory - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 12:46 – In Purgatory, are human memories saved in the soul or in the body? 19:16 – I’m Protestant and it seems to me that scripture indicates that upon death one immediately either goes to Heaven or Hell. Is that not the Catholic view? 30:32 – How did people come up with the idea of Universalism when it seems clear in scripture that people will be lost? 39:52 – I want to pray for people in purgatory, but there’s so many people I know who have died, some from long ago. How do I know who I should be praying for, or if that person is even still in purgatory? 43:53 – My Protestant friend thinks purgatory is very legalistic or transactional, in that mortal sins send you to hell but venial sins only to purgatory. How can I answer him? …

Transcribed - Published: 26 June 2024

#11734 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 00:45 – Is in Persona Christi limited to the priest celebrating the mass or does it extend to the magisterium? 10:04 – Is there a possible connection between “calling no man father” and people in the New Testament being baptized and assigning their spirituality on those who baptized them? 17:04 – At what point is a marriage considered sacramental outside the Catholic Church? 22:33 – Why should I become Catholic if my western rite Orthodoxy is so similar without the baggage? 46:12 – My father is not a Catholic and is battling cancer. I’ve been offering holy communion for him. Is that allowed? What does the Church say about cremation? 49:59 – Should we respond with ‘because God said so’ when approaching social issues in apologetic debates? …

Transcribed - Published: 26 June 2024

#11733 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 05:41 – Is there any problem for a Catholic to believe in Mary as Co-Redemptrix? 21:50 – Why was Jesus baptized? 34:22 – My Baptist cousin is in seminary. What good resources could I use to challenge him without being confrontational? 42:22 – You’ve mentioned that you are a fan of the synodal process. Can you express why and what the process is? …

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024

#11732 Ask Me Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 03:02 – How is God being good in the story of the tower of Babel? 08:02 – What is the logic behind Mary’s sinlessness allowing her to freely consent to the incarnation? 18:03 – Is it alright for churches to have concerts in the actual church building? 21:49 – How can perfect contrition be mastered so that it can be had at will? 29:22 – How does full consent of the will and being culturally acceptable of a sin work together when considering something to be a mortal sin? 35:01 – What is the Church’s position on separation of church and state? 40:43 – How do we know Christian view of creation is correct? 45:36 – What is the case for the early Church being the Catholic Church? 48:40 – God asks things of all of us, why aren’t we in the same situation as Mary was? 50:33 – I live around a lot of 7th Day Adventists, and they say that you can be SDA and not have anything to do with Ellen White. How should I respond to this? …

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024

#11731 Ask Me Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 07:30 – Does non resistant, non belief have any bearing for protestant exploring Catholicism? 19:50 – If you’re praying the rosary while doing everyday things like mowing the lawn, do those things become good works? 31:02 – I’m converting to Catholicism. I’m convinced but what if God is a fundamentalist? 41:12 – Is Quo Primum by Pope Pius V ex cathedra? Can later popes get rid of the latin mass? 50:08 – If you’ve already been consecrated to Mary, can you be consecrated to other saints or Jesus? 52:00 – If angels are morally infallible, are they also inerrant? Can they make a mistake? …

Transcribed - Published: 24 June 2024

#11730 Ask Me Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 01:00 – Catholics like to try and validate the serpents claim that when you die you don’t really die. That’s how they end up teaching Mary and all the saints are not dead but in heaven. 05:46 – How should I love God and have a firm resolve especially after confession? 12:28 – When was the last time the pope spoke ex cathedra? 17:07 – Do you think it’s ok to use philosophy and theology to evaluate human evolution? 27:53 – I’m a recent revert. Why does the bible seem to suggest that Jesus is subordinate to the father? 36:39 – How are we sure the saints are in heaven if there’s a chance they went to purgatory? 46:23 – Are priests also counselors? …

Transcribed - Published: 22 June 2024

#11729 Hyper-spiritualization - Fr. Mark Doherty

Questions Covered: 21:47 – How do you know when God answers your prayer vs when he doesn’t? 30:06 – Am I over-spiritualizing my situation? I’ve been diagnosed with a disease that’s completely changed my life. What should I do? 47:33 – Most of my life I’ve felt alone. I’m married and now have a tendency to want to be alone, lazy, and unhappy. What am I battling? …

Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2024

#11728 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 02:00 – What is the necessity of purification after death but before heaven? 15:30 – What is the textual criticism of John 8 and the woman caught in adultery? 22:53 – Why is the pope pushing heresy by allowing people to receive communion after a divorce? 35:26 – How does one know if they believe in their heart? 41:20 – How does Jesus fulfill the prophecy of reuniting all the tribes of Israel? 46:18 – What are the requirements for being an apologist? 49:39 – My friend asked us to take their children if anything ever happened to them but told us to not baptize them. Would I have to honor that or are we morally obligated to baptize them? …

Transcribed - Published: 21 June 2024

#11727 Ask Me Anything - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 02:24 – Could life have come about naturalistically? 06:10 – My wife is agnostic. How do I reply to the questions, why should she care, and why should she believe that it’s the Christian God that exists? 16:39 – My convert friend is asking how do you know when something is dogma vs doctrine? 28:45 – Within the holy family, did Joseph have the spiritual authority of Mary and Jesus? 30:55 – What is the rule of the magisterium in regard to translation of the bible and why should we heed to those translations? 36:08 – How specific does my confession have to be for it to be valid? 41:55 – How do we know that St. Ignatius of Antioch’s letters are reliable? 45:05 – Can an unbaptized person receive the sacrament of confession? 47:35 – Has the use of extraordinary ministers of holy communion been abused? 52:20 – There are verses in the bible that say that miracles are signs, but it also says the devil will use them. How can the Church confidently say that the miracles it approved of are from God and not the devil? …

Transcribed - Published: 20 June 2024

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