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Ben Coomber Radio

Ben Coomber Radio

Ben Coomber

Health & Fitness

4.81.2K Ratings


Want to look awesome, feel awesome, be AWESOME? Tune into my show Ben Coomber Radio, a UK #1 rated podcast and top 10 in the world. A show centred around you being the best version of yourself, where I interview the worlds best guests in health, fitness, mindset, career success, business, and personal development, as well as Q&A shows with my co-host Tom, and solo shows with just me, and the mic!

A full fat, honest, direct, evidence based, practical, insightful, (and sometimes funny) show from a 7 year podcasting veteran.

Who am I? I'm a nutritionist, award winning coach, speaker, writer, award winning supplement creator, & former obese man sharing my journey, insights, and wisdom on life. I'm also a husband, dad, multiple business owner, and life long student of living an AWESOME life.

608 Episodes

The AWESOME Human is born - you but 2.0

The AWESOME Human is you, but next level. I’ve been studying high performance and health for 18 years and this new podcast, The Awesome Human, is my return to podcasting to bring you the most actionable, practical and tactical information to optimise you, your health, and your performance, in 30 minutes or less, every week. Expect to hear myself & guests discuss sleep, nutrition, new science, supplementation, fitness, longevity, spirituality and more. I want to make this new show your #1 podcast, by delivering an inspirational and educational hit of real world, actionable info every Thursday. See you over at the new show…. Search: The Awesome Human

Transcribed - Published: 9 July 2024

{SPECIAL} Why I wrote How to Live an Awesome Life - OUT NOW

Many have asked "Ben, why did you write How to Live an Awesome Life", why haven't you written a nutrition and health book? Well my mission has always been much bigger than that, its what I have strived for personally, and have tried to foster and inspire in others. Also, nothing works in isolation, you can't optimise some areas of your life without others, it has to all work in tandem, thats why I've written my new 11 step formula to living your most awesome life, which is out today. In this show I explain why I wrote the book, how my journey shaped it, what the 11 chapters cover, and what you'll get from reading or listening to the book. OUT NOW on Amazon, Audible, Kindle, just search my name, you'll see it, it's also in many book stores around the world!

Transcribed - Published: 5 January 2023

#685 - Hardest 2 Years of my Life

The last 2 years have been really challenging and have seen me change as a person more than at any time in my life, from battling long covid, to having kids, to losing myself, to getting a low testosterone diagnosis, and more. In this show I reflect on these last 2 years, why they have been hard, what I have learnt from the experience and why I am now a better human as a result of it. I hope you enjoy the reflections, this is my final podcast for now after 10 years doing it, follow the next phase of my journey to inspire and help others, by being on my book waiting list:

Transcribed - Published: 20 October 2022

#684 - Knowing when to quit

Knowing when to quit something in life is key, otherwise things sour, we get resentful, and we aren't doing things that keep us fulfilled and whole. It could be a job, a relationship, a commitment to someone else. We often use logic to decide whether to quit or not, but this is wrong, which I'll explain in this show. This is the penultimate podcast for Ben Coomber Radio, if you listen in, I'll explain why it's time to quit...

Transcribed - Published: 6 October 2022

#683 - Metabolism, can we increase it?

We're often sold products to help us "increase our metabolism". Many believe they have "a slow metabolism". There are many metabolic myths, this podcast breaks them all down, defines both metabolism and metabolic rate, how we can increase it, whether products like 'Lumen' - a metabolism hacking device is worth it, and a few other musings, all aimed for us to improve health and body composition. Enjoy.

Transcribed - Published: 29 September 2022

#682 - Diet Culture & Motivational Quotes

Diet culture is a problem, but it's also misunderstood in many ways. We re-look at this important topic and evolve our thinking on it, looking at fitness culture, how information is communicated online, the definition of it, how it intersects with mental health, how we should conquer our goals, and finish with a look at our favourite quotes, whether they are motivational or not, and how motivational quotes actually work in the brain.

Transcribed - Published: 22 September 2022

#681 - The Optimal Human Diet: A New Perspective

A cool new piece of research has come out looking at the gut microbiome, bacteria, what happens when people eat different diets, and what this means for that claims that are made around what is the optimal human diet, and how the gut feeds into that conversation. We ensure we make this show practical, but also get to the heart of what the science is trying to tell us. Enjoy. A link to the research paper:

Transcribed - Published: 15 September 2022

#680 - Sleep Supplements: What the Science Says

What sleep supplements are proven by science to be effective? CBD, Lavendar, 5HPT, Glycine? There is lots that is talked about online, but what's worth the money, and how effective are they? Find out in this sleep supplements talk, which also covers key lifestyle factors that play a role in sleep quality. Check out: for more, this is who I did the talk for.

Transcribed - Published: 8 September 2022

#679 - The 6 Life Experiences that made me an Entrepreneur

I've been self-employed since I was 20. And up until now I've always told the story of why and how I think I ended up being an entrepreneur. But I now think this was wrong, or at least incomplete, I don't think I've been telling the full story. In this solo show I break down the 6 life experiences that I feel shaped my journey as an entrepreneur and how you might learn from this self inquest, and your future goals and desires.

Transcribed - Published: 1 September 2022

#678 - Why aren't women exercising? with Jesse Lambert Harden

A recent poll indicates that 47% of women have done no vigorous activity in the last year. What's more, while 37% felt that their health has gotten worse over the same period, 67% reported a lack of motivation and 55% a lack of what's going on? In this show, CoHost Tom and guest speaker Jesse Lambert Harden, a successful coach and BTN Academy Graduate, break down the research before talking about the barriers commonly faced by women and what we, as coaches and people involved in fitness, can do about it

Transcribed - Published: 18 August 2022

#677 - We argue about fitness marketing, Carnivore MD & whether we should delete social media

There is A LOT online we disagree with scientifically and ethically in the world of fitness, and you could argue marketing has ruined it all. Tom and I have an argument about how we see fitness marketing and the ethics behind it, how science should be referenced online, whether AI can save social media, whether we should delete social media, and whether certain 'personalities' online should be cancelled... Enjoy.

Transcribed - Published: 11 August 2022

#676 - The Journey to Healing, Freedom & Belonging with Nicola Jane Hobbs

Do you feel a sense of freedom in your life, healed from past trauma you've experienced, and a sense of belonging in the world and in yourself? If not, todays podcast is for you. I talk to the amazing Nicola Jane Hobbs, a sports psychologist and integrative counsellor who has an amazing personal journey that is paired with her deep work helping others. Prepare to go deep, prepare for a shift in your energy, and prepare for a better tomorrow. Follow Nicola on social media @NicolaJaneHobbs Her website:

Transcribed - Published: 4 August 2022

#675 - Are some PTs giving out illegal and dangerous advice?

Social media gives free speech to all, and this is dangerous. But what is more dangerous is the standards PT training providers are equipping PTs with. Are PTs confident and credible to do their jobs after a L3 PT course? We explore the dangerous bits of advice we see online, and how PTs are stepping outside their remit of practice.

Transcribed - Published: 28 July 2022

#674 - Athletic Nutrition with Dr Tom Little

Do athletes eat differently to you and I? There is only one way to find out, bring an AWESOME expert onto the show to find out. Today I talk to Dr Tom Little, who has worked for many many pro football teams such as Manchester City, the FA, Saracens Rugby club, and many more. We discuss his Colour Fit Nutrition model, performance nutrition, how we can eat more intuitively but in a performance driven way, how his son inspired his app and book, and more. Check his book out here: "The Colour Fit Method" Follow him on social: @heroprosports

Transcribed - Published: 21 July 2022

#673 - Small Changes, BIG Results with David Birtwistle

The legend David Birtwistle is BACK on the show! He joins me to talk about the 'low hanging fruit' we have in our lives that can lead to BIG changes. In fitness, health and nutrition we can often focus on the micro, the detail, the things that don't matter until the foundations are in place. David has some interesting perspectives on the small stuff, from his years of coaching and personal exploration. Including movement, are we focusing our energy on the wrong things? Enjoy. Check out David on the gram @David.Birtwistle

Transcribed - Published: 14 July 2022

#672 - Moaning about Personal Trainers & Fitness Industry Standards

This is our part 2 pet peeves show after you answered our big social media post "what grinds your gears about the nutrition and fitness world". Today we focus the show on your comments regarding personal trainers, the standards that are present in the industry, who is to blame, what a personal trainer should do uphold as standards, and a few other - hopefully, insightful musings.

Transcribed - Published: 7 July 2022

#671 - Would you want to be famous?

Would you want to be famous? Most we think would say yes, but I've said no, I wouldn't, not proper famous anyway. This started off as an intro topic but turned into a show as Tom and I explored the benefits of being famous, the drawbacks, reports from celebrities like Example the musician and what they've experienced, and its potential effect on your mental health. After you've had a listen, let me know your answer...

Transcribed - Published: 30 June 2022

#670 - Gym Culture: Pet Peeves

What do you hate about gym culture, or things people do in the gym? This is part 1 of a mini series with myself and Tom as we explore the things that annoy you about the world of fitness and nutrition. Today, expect some F bombs, a few stories, and hopefully a few fitness lessons we can learn from!

Transcribed - Published: 23 June 2022

#669 - Fruit & Fructose: Is it bad for us?

Fruit, is it bad for us? Are smoothies a no no? How much sugar, and or fructose is too much? We cover fructose, fruit and sugar metabolism at length in this show so you can be informed, for you and your family's health.

Transcribed - Published: 16 June 2022

#668 - Calories on Menus, will it change anything?

Calories on menus are now mandatory for companies with 250 staff or more, but nutritionally, and psychologically, what does this mean? Does existing research even support the initiative? The government have brought this in to try help tackle the obesity epidemic, but big Qs are being raised. We cover the research, eating disorders, the option of having the option, and the 'meta' conversation in all this - why not put restrictions on the companies making the money here?

Transcribed - Published: 9 June 2022

#667 - Toxins, Fasting, and 'Nutritional Therapy'

In the world of nutrition there are some WILD claims, they even go as far to claim they can cure cancer - dangerous ground. A recent ‘Which’ survey did secret testing on the claims of ‘nutritional therapists’, and the outcomes weren’t good - some even saying "don't do chemo for your cancer". In this show we look at nutritional therapy, claims that are made, how to spot false claims, trends we see in this arena, and more - all spurred from a listener email after they attended a female health course with many scrupulous claims...

Transcribed - Published: 6 June 2022

#666 - The Science of Carbs & Salt in Exercise

Long ago carbs were bad in the world of nutrition, but many are still wary of them. Today we dive deep into carbs and salt and their use in fuelling exercise. We look at the recent sports nutrition data and how you can use this knowledge to enhance your training performance from your carb intake, and where your salt intake should be at.

Transcribed - Published: 26 May 2022

#665 - Gym & Sports Supplements: Beta Alanine & Creatine

This week we look specifically at beta alanine and creatine after its popularity and spotlight off the back of the Joe Rogan Matt Fraser interview. We delve into their science, application, and who should use them, and why. So if you hit the gym, or play sport, this show is for you to understand whether they are supplements you would take or not.

Transcribed - Published: 19 May 2022

#664 - "Think About The Positives" is BS Advice

Anxiety is at an all time high, and advice you often hear when you are feeling anxious about the situation is "think about the positives", rather than the negatives. But we think this is bad advice. We also think anxiety is phase 1 of what we are experiencing, fear is phase 2 - its a specific version of what we are feeling about the future. This then feeds into how we deal with situations and ultimately move more positively forward. Tom and I riff on the mics and hope to give you clarity on how you can effectively work through your anxieties and fears, and lead to more positive outcomes in your life.

Transcribed - Published: 12 May 2022

#663 - The 7 Types of Laziness with Brian Keane

Friend of the show Brian Keane (online coach & best selling author) re-joins us on the podcast to open a discussion on the 7 types of laziness. This was a post of his that went viral and caught my attention, it was a great breakdown of how we position problems as something simple, but they are not and then limit our ability to get past the problem. We've all said to ourselves "I'm lazy" with something in our lives, but there is a reason, and in this show we break down the 7 types with Brians expert insight. Follow Brian at @Brian_Keane_Fitness and grab "The Keane Edge" his new book online NOW

Transcribed - Published: 3 May 2022

#662 - You'll go Barefoot After this Podcast with Ben Le Vesconte

We all wear shoes, a lot, but how well is this allowing our feet to move, and how does this affect our knees, hips and back? I've been a fan of barefoot shoes for 15 years, and this show is dedicated to my love of barefoot movement which I've not given enough attention over the years, and how the shoes we wear aren't conductive to a natural way of movement. I discuss this with Ben Le Vesconte from Vivobarefoot, a company I'm a big fan of. Might be time to ditch those Nikes...

Transcribed - Published: 28 April 2022

#661 - Gut Health: The Latest Science with Alex Manos

Gut health is a popular area of study, and research links it to nearly every area of health, but how has the research evolved from the 90s, into the turn of the century, to now? I get Alex Manos back onto the show to talk all things bacteria, probiotics, testing, supplements vs food, how stress affects our gut, and more. Warning, its a super geeky show. Check out Alex testing company which I HIGHLY recommend, it's what I have been using to successfully sort my gut out post Long Covid.

Transcribed - Published: 21 April 2022

#660 - British Food, Farming Standards & Pesticides

How good is the quality of British food? It often gets a bad rap in some circles, but I feel this is unfounded, as it seems we have very high quality welfare standards. To debate this I talk to an Agronomist, Conor Campbell, who works with farmers to advise on their land, yield, which pesticides and fertilisers to use, and has a unique insight into our food standards compared to other countries. Want more info on UK food and farming? Search for 'The NFU' who have many fact sheets on UK farming practices.

Transcribed - Published: 14 April 2022

#659 - All or Nothing with Michelle Segar

Why are so many of us all or nothing people, we either do something to the extreme, or not at all? Problem is, science doesn't support this approach, and employing flexible restraint is a key determinant of long term success, with anything. Issue is, this all comes down to 'executive function', but what's the answer, what mental shifts do we need to make? Learn the 4 disruptors with Michelle Segar, who I welcome back to the show to discuss this, and her new book The JOY Choice. Take her quiz at:

Transcribed - Published: 7 April 2022

#658 - Exercise Isn't Therapy

To some the title of this podcast will feel like a controversial statement, after all exercise makes us feel good and is even prescribed now to people with depression. But have a listen.... there is important context around this statement. If you've had a listen, feel free to share your thoughts with me on social media. I'm always all ears....

Transcribed - Published: 28 March 2022

#657 - Changing Our Auto-Pilot Response with Bob Doyle

There is much we do on auto-pilot, and if we don't choose to become aware of these responses and change them, we'll continue to get the same outcomes. Bob Doyle joins me to discuss how the law of attraction started his journey into personal development (he was in 'The Secret' the film - but now feels its BS), how success hinges on our behaviours, how this ultimately comes down to the Q "Who do you want to be", as well as a few personal anecdotes to help give context to this important message. Have a go of Bob's Quiz at:

Transcribed - Published: 24 March 2022

#656 - My Experience With Long Covid

I've talked about having Long Covid on and off in parts on our long shows with Tom, but never in a succinct way. I've just written a full length comprehensive blog on my website about my Long Covid journey and recovery, but wanted to add context to my journey, and list the top 13 things that I feel helped my on my journey to recovery, things I would do straight away if I thought I had Long Covid. Please share this with anyone you know that has Long Covid.

Transcribed - Published: 21 March 2022

#655 - Don't Overthink It

When it comes to our mental health, how many of our problems can be caused by us overthinking something? It's easy to get stuck in our thoughts, the world of personal development teaches to learn, to reflect, to journal, to meditate etc etc, but when does that become of detriment? When is enough, enough? In this podcast I try to unpick how I've been feeling mentally recently, why I feel its happened, how I'm aiming to solve it, and how you can learn from my experience getting stuck mentally. Our mental health is key, it controls our enjoyment of life, and life is for ENJOYING.

Transcribed - Published: 17 March 2022

#654 - Is The Government EatWell Guide Correct?

The UK Government and NHS have a guide for nutrition, its called the EatWell Guide. It often gets a lot of criticism in the world of health and fitness, but is this criticism well placed, surely its an evidence based approach to nutrition? We explore the guide, the protein recommendations, why there fat comments seem odd - but somehow relevant, where the guide lacks context around sugar, and where, if followed, it could actually solve a lot of health problems. If you're interested in nutrition, this shows for you.

Transcribed - Published: 10 March 2022

#653 - Mental Wealth with Adnan Ebrahim

What does mental wealth mean? We hear mental health a lot, but it's a broad term. It's like money, we don't want to just earn it, we want to be wealthy over time. I chat to Adnan Ebrahim, a mental health advocate and owner of MindLabs, a new mental health app. We explore mental wealth, where neuroplasticity starts and stops, what non-invasive daily practices can look like, what a flexible approach to wellness looks like, his journey with his mental health, and more. Enjoy. Check out Mind Labs on iOS and on Social Media.

Transcribed - Published: 3 March 2022

#652 - Calling Ourselves Out

Is success as simple as personal choice? How powerful is environment? When is showing ourselves empathy appropriate, and when is it appropriate to call ourselves out on our own BS? This show is full of big questions. But we're hoping it could help you, the listener, shift your perspective and break through...

Transcribed - Published: 24 February 2022

#651 - Le Mans 24 Diet & Training with Phil Hanson

Want an insight into the diet and training of a Le Mans 24 race car winner? Well you're in for a treat as Phil Hanson from United Autosports who is the youngest driver to win the World Championship and to win the European Le Mans Series & 24 Hours of Le Mans race joins me to talk shop. We discuss his journey into the sport, his approach and mindset, his simple approach to nutrition, what data he values to fine tune his body, and how and when he trains. A fascinating conversation with an elite racing car driver. Check him our on IG @philhansonracing

Transcribed - Published: 17 February 2022

#650 - Rewriting Your Story with David McIntosh

If David can do it, surely we can all rewrite our story, however pre-determined it feels? Coming from a family of poverty, with a PTSD suffering father, to a parent dying young, to growing up in an environment where staying in poverty and never breaking out feels inevitable, to becoming Scotland’s 1st apprentice management consultant, best young consultant in the country to apprentice of the year 2020, to founding chairing 2 social networks for Social Mobility, to meeting the queen, and to partnering with Marcus Rashford at work, this is the story of David McIntosh. At just 23 I was in awe of his wisdom and ideas, it was a pleasure to interview David. We discussed how we as humans can choose to feel empowered and have agency in a digital age, how the internet when used correctly can bring people out of poverty, how radical courage at key sliding door moments can change your life, how having tunnel vision on ONE goal could bring you out of your bad situation, and how embracing your weirdness could set you apart in a world where everyone is trying to conform. A truly inspiring young man. I hope you enjoy this show, and if you find it inspiring, please send it on to someone else.... check David's podcast out at...

Transcribed - Published: 10 February 2022

#649 - Organic Food, Pesticides & Critical Thinking

Organic food is assumed to be better, but is it? What if we eat organic food and make it part of a Mediterranean approach to nutrition, is that better again? This is what recent research looked to uncover and the role of pesticides on our food. Thing is, to really get under the skin of any research we need to look at study design, bias, how that fits into the broader research, and the context we are reading it in. So we take a deep dive into the study, how to contextualise research for personal use, and try to fly the flag that 2022 needs to be the year of the expert, because they are just that, EXPERTS.

Transcribed - Published: 3 February 2022

#648 - Understanding Fatigue with Alex Howard

Fatigue is complex, and there is many levels to it. You've got the initial state of being tired and worn out, then you have overwhelm and burnout, and then you have an illness state of fatigue like CFS/ME, and what many people are now seeing with Long Covid. Alex Howard suffered with CFS for many years and has now made it his life long mission to help others with fatigue, largely in a clinical setting. In this show we explore the intersection of body : mind : spirit and how it all plays a role in fatigue. Recovery is long, slow, and multi-faceted, and it was an honour for me to interview Alex on this wildly complex topic. Whatever state of tired or fatigued you are in, this show will help you see the body in new way. Check out Alex at: I recommend his book 'Decode Your Fatigue' which I've personally read cover to cover.

Transcribed - Published: 27 January 2022

#647 - Make this Year YOUR Best Ever (Pt 2)

Part 1 went deep, let's recap on some key things and then get practical. In part 2 we discuss where to start when you don't know where to start, the importance of environmental and personal boundaries, the crux we all have with time allocation, habits that do and don't work and why, how we chalk up our behaviour and simply optimise it - never fight it, and you creating a plan of action for YOUR best year ever. If you enjoy the show, please share :)

Transcribed - Published: 20 January 2022

#646 - Make this Year YOUR Best Ever (Pt 1)

Want this to be your best year ever? It often feels easier said than done, so let's get under the hood and make it happen. In this 2 part show Tom and I discuss the journey to executing on a year you'll be proud to look back on. In part 1 we look at the habits and routines of great people, where success leaves clues, why its important to not essentialise your problems, why much self-help advice you see is hidden behind a deeper, truer reason for doing it (Ice Baths and Meditation being our chosen examples), this then leads us to see how people online (influencers) can lead us astray and waste our time, and how to closer to your true path. Its a deep one, but without going deep, truth is not found. Enjoy.

Transcribed - Published: 13 January 2022

#645 - It’s 2022… Scared or Excited?

It's 2022, are you scared, or excited? The world in many ways is still a mess, but the one thing we can control is ourselves, our state, and our future happiness. I firstly apologise for last week, the first time no show has been aired for 8 years, and then end up on a ramble outlining what you or I might need this 2022. What do you want to achieve this 2022? Are you willing to set yourself up for success? I am. Its time for you to be...

Transcribed - Published: 6 January 2022

#644 - Three Lessons from 2021: Tom's Yearly Roundup

2021 - What a year! ....but hat has it taught us? It's been an interesting year to say the least, but in this annual roundup, co-host Tom looks away from the main headlines, the news, and the politics that have taken up so much of the world's attention, and instead looks to the three things he's going to be taking away from 2021 and applying to the future. He covers: 1. The most important finding from scientific research this year 2. How Tom has had an Ah-HA moment that he will take into 2022 3. And a coaching tip that could help you get more PRs in 2022 Some of the best lessons come from self reflection, and we know you’re going to take something away from the last of Tom’s appearances this year - we hope you enjoy it!

Transcribed - Published: 23 December 2021

#84 - Fitness Degrees, Science & Coaching with Emma Storey-Gordon

Emma Storey-Gordon is this weeks special guest, we talk about what training she personally does, how she operates as a coach, what got her into the industry, what is fitness to her, her degree in fitness, and what kind of cuppa she likes.

Transcribed - Published: 21 December 2021

#643 - Back Pain with Troy Martin

Back pain affects up to 80% of adults in the UK, and is experienced by an estimated 2.5million people every day - but what is it? This almost seems like an odd question - pain is pain, right? Well, maybe not.... In this show Tom interviews Troy Martin: a back pain and injury rehab specialist. They talk about what pain is, how and why it occurs in the body, the mistakes we make in thinking and dealing with pain, whether or not certain exercises can cause pain, whether poor technique causes injuries (spoilers: far less often than you'd think) and the truth about what scans do and don't show. Whether you have experienced back pain (yet) or haven't, whether you lift weights or you don't, this show is going to be both useful and incredibly interesting. We hope you enjoy the chat! Check out Troy's work at @tmfitnessuk on Instagram, or check out his Back Pain Solution program here:

Transcribed - Published: 16 December 2021

#642 - Getting the most from your training with Jenny Todd

In this week's show, Tom brings back his coach - multiple-time champion strongwoman Jenny Todd - to talk through methods that you can use to get the most progress from your time in the gym. Often the soundbite advice that is given to those who aren't making as much progress in the gym as they'd like is to simply train harder (or at least that's what we expect it to be) but as you'll see throughout this deep-dive, often the real solution is a little more broad than that. Jenny has coaches athletes from beginners to The World's Strongest Woman, and her knowledge and expertise really shines through in this show which covers technical mastery, planned progression, the importance of intention during your session, training to failure, and active recovery. Whether you're brand new to the gym or an intermediate trainer with serious goals, there's definitely something for you this week so break out a notepad! Find Jenny on instagram @trapsliketodd

Transcribed - Published: 9 December 2021

#80 - TV's Matt Miller

Matt Miller is today's special guest. Matt is the hit of UK TV series 'Fat Fighters', and an all round hero in the fitness industry. Matt and I talk about his journey over from California, what fitness means to him, his involvement in the Olympics legacy, a lesson in life and business with his fitness edge at The Gym Box London, why the fitness industry is always chasing its tale, and why we love what we do. Check Matt out at:

Transcribed - Published: 8 December 2021

#641 - Keep Moving Forward with John Clark

This week Tom interviews John Clark, a man who has been at the top in strongman, who has played high level rugby, who runs successful businesses, and who has raised over £100,000 for charity doing events ranging from a 24 hour Ski Erg to running 48 marathons in 48 days - one in each English county! This inspirational conversation covers John's impressive athletic career - the successes and the injuries - and all of the lessons learned along the way about resilience, backing yourself, finding meaning in what you're trying to achieve, and ultimately asking yourself who you want to see when you look in the mirror. There is a ton of value in this interview, and we know you're going to enjoy it! Find John at @_john.clark on Instagram, and check out his charity work via the link in his bio

Transcribed - Published: 2 December 2021

#640 - Xmas weight gain anxiety

The Xmas period is one filled with great food and time spent together, but while this is supposed to be a time of year for celebration this prospect can fill many with anxiety. What if I gain weight? What if this sets me back? How can I avoid fat gain? In this show, Co-Host Tom takes us through a conversation he's having with his clients at the moment, detailing the mindset and approach you can adopt over the Xmas period to ensure that come January you have no regrets. He discusses: - What it really means to maintain your weight - The questions you can ask yourself to make sure you get the most out of every choice you make - The maths of fat gain, and how to set realistic expectations for the next few weeks It's a quick show, but one packed with practical ideas to implement in your life, we hope you enjoy it!

Transcribed - Published: 25 November 2021

Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Ben Coomber, and are the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Tapesearch.

Copyright © Tapesearch 2025.