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Scott Johnson

Touch, Utilities, Reviews, Gadgets, Apps, Ipod, Tech News, App, Games, Iphone, Technology

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Join Scott & Eric for your weekly dose of app store goodness. Reviews, news, and more!

110 Episodes

AppSlappy Infinity

AppSlappy Infinity

Transcribed - Published: 14 August 2013

AppSlappy 145: iOS7 is cool!

We talk about iOS7 and what we learned all week from WWDC, Scurvy Scallywags, Dumb Ways to Die, Word of the Rings, Oggle, Reddit readers, and more!

Transcribed - Published: 15 June 2013

AppSlappy 144: The apps you use the most

We talk a mess about the apps we still use the most during the week, Warhammer Quest, Dots, Poker Night 2, Say the Same Thing, why Scott did not like Star Command, and more!

Transcribed - Published: 4 June 2013

AppSlappy 143: Google does good

We dig deep into why this years Google IO was better than you think it was, we talk a tiny bit about the new MS Xbox One announcement, we review WazHack, Google Hangouts, Candy Crush Saga, Running with Friends, and talk about "A Simple Task". Enjoy! OH! And how cool is the new theme by Eric???

Published: 21 May 2013

AppSlappy 142: Waiting the big wait

AppSlappy 142: Waiting the big wait

Published: 7 May 2013

AppSlappy 141: Iteration Time

AppSlappy 141: Iteration Time

Published: 16 April 2013

AppSlappy 140: Nimble Quest and Halfling Wars

AppSlappy 140: Nimble Quest and Halfling Wars

Published: 28 March 2013

AppSlappy 139: Cashing it in

Quick reviews of King Cashing 2, and Pixel People, on this episode of AppSlappy!

Transcribed - Published: 8 March 2013

AppSlappy PSA

AppSlappy PSA: A note about where the show is, and where it might go.

Published: 14 February 2013

AppSlappy 138: The 0's all over again!

AppSlappy 138: The 0's all over again!

Transcribed - Published: 18 January 2013

AppSlappy 137: The great Map-Off

AppSlappy 137: The great Map-Off

Published: 10 January 2013

AppSlappy 136: Lost Monkey in a what?

AppSlappy 136: Lost Monkey in a what?

Published: 14 December 2012

AppSlappy 135: Endless Running

AppSlappy 135: Endless Running

Published: 29 November 2012

AppSlappy 134: The Mini Wini

AppSlappy 134: The Mini Wini

Published: 15 November 2012

AppSlappy 133: The iPad Mini is here

AppSlappy 133: The iPad Mini is here

Published: 25 October 2012

AppSlappy 132: Bring on the Jr.!

AppSlappy 132: Bring on the Jr.!

Published: 18 October 2012

AppSlappy 131: The 5, and what we think

AppSlappy 131: The 5, and what we think

Published: 27 September 2012

AppSlappy 130: The Jackson iPhone 5

AppSlappy 130: The Jackson iPhone 5

Published: 13 September 2012

AppSlappy 129: Weird Ear Buds

AppSlappy 129: Weird Ear Buds

Published: 6 September 2012

AppSlappy 128: Line up the keys!

AppSlappy 128: Line up the keys! The big apple court case, why apple does not go after Google directly, who's getting iPad minis, iPhone 5 might come first, Scott reviews Pet Sancuary, and 10000000, and Eileen reviews gMusic, Pinterest for iPad, and quick followup on the Olympics app all this time later, listener suggests a new podcasting app, and Puffin browser does your flash, and MORE!

Published: 29 August 2012

AppSlappy 127: VelociCRAPture

AppSlappy 127: VelociCRAPture Things 2.0 (with cloud) iPhone, Mac, iPad - Still expensive (iPhone 9.99, iPad 19.99, Mac $49.99) but AMAZING sync. Scott is sold all over again. Loving it! Alien Breed - Team 17 - Universal - $2.99 Very retro and fun. Has some issues though ERIC Velocirapture - $1.99 - Universal Bejeweled - .99¢ iPhone - $3.99 iPad

Published: 15 August 2012

AppSlappy 126: Do you want to play a game?

AppSlappy 126: Do you want to play a game? September dreams, Eric's take on a small iPad, Olympic complaints, and a followup Pocket Casts. REVIEWS: Genius Scan, War Games, Matching with Friends, SongPop. A fan recommends 10,000,000. And Midway goes cheap!

Published: 2 August 2012

AppSlappy 125: When 8 billion in profit is not enough

AppSlappy 125: When 8 billion in profit is not enough We think we are getting iPhone 5 in october, Apple removes Windows malware from the app store, universal connector might be changing with the 5, Scott reviews Pocket Casts, and his awesome new todo system combining Simple Note and Notational Velocity, while Eileen reviews NBC Olympics Live, and the new Julia Child app! Eric is in a boat somewhere. :) Also some talk of Tiny Wings, Walking Dead, Minecraft on the go, and why a iPad Mini makes a lot of sense for a listener in Western Mass. All that and more!

Published: 27 July 2012

AppSlappy 124: Google does good by iOS

AppSlappy 124: Google does good by iOS

Published: 11 July 2012

AppSlappy 123: Podcasts does podcasts

AppSlappy 123: Podcasts does podcasts

Published: 27 June 2012

AppSlappy 122: Podcast, RUN!

AppSlappy 122: Podcast, RUN!

Published: 14 June 2012

AppSlappy #121: What's Tim Cooking

AppSlappy #121: What's Tim Cooking

Published: 30 May 2012

AppSlappy #120: No news is good news

AppSlappy #120: No news is good news

Published: 24 May 2012

AppSlappy #119: 400 percent is a lot

AppSlappy #119: 400 percent is a lot

Published: 3 May 2012

AppSlappy #118: Mini Pads? Hmmm...

AppSlappy #118: Mini Pads? Hmmm...

Transcribed - Published: 19 April 2012

AppSlappy #117: Ever seen paper?

AppSlappy #117: Ever seen paper?

Published: 4 April 2012

AppSlappy #116: iPadded Show

AppSlappy #116: iPadded Show

Published: 22 March 2012

AppSlappy #115: The 3rd Generation

AppSlappy #115: The 3rd Generation

Published: 8 March 2012

AppSlappy #114: All in on the iPad 3

AppSlappy #114: All in on the iPad 3

Published: 22 February 2012

AppSlappy #113: The path to hell

AppSlappy #113: The path to hell

Published: 8 February 2012

AppSlappy #112: Hero Obsession!

AppSlappy #112: Hero Obsession!

Published: 1 February 2012

AppSlappy #111: Fair Use

AppSlappy #111: Fair Use

Published: 19 January 2012

AppSlappy #110: Running from the monkey men!

AppSlappy #110: Running from the monkey men!

Published: 11 January 2012

AppSlappy #109: Best and the Rest of 2011

AppSlappy #109: Best and the Rest of 2011 It's our TOP 15 apps of the year, plus a bunch of runners up! Tuck in!

Published: 28 December 2011

AppSlappy #108: The Paris Flu

AppSlappy #108: The Paris Flu

Published: 21 December 2011

AppSlappy #107: MINI Review of Sonic CD

AppSlappy #107: MINI Review of Sonic CD

Published: 17 December 2011

AppSlappy #106: MINI Reviews of New Bejeweled and Nuttcracker

AppSlappy #106: MINI Reviews of New Bejeweled and Nuttcracker

Published: 14 December 2011

AppSlappy #105: MINI Review of Spell Tower

AppSlappy #105: MINI Review of Spell Tower

Published: 10 December 2011

AppSlappy #104: MINI Review Infinity Blade II

AppSlappy #104: MINI Review Infinity Blade II

Published: 7 December 2011

AppSlappy #103: We can rebuild it!

AppSlappy #103: We can rebuild it!

Published: 1 December 2011

AppSlappy #102: Match Maker Make Me A Match

AppSlappy #102: Match Maker Make Me A Match

Published: 24 November 2011

AppSlappy #101: Someone light a Match

AppSlappy #101: Someone light a Match

Published: 16 November 2011

AppSlappy #100: They don't have food trucks therre!

AppSlappy #100: They don't have food trucks therre!

Published: 2 November 2011

AppSlappy #99: Siri, what episode is it?

AppSlappy #99: Siri, what episode is it?

Published: 19 October 2011

AppSlappy #98: 4s stands for 4s!

AppSlappy #98: 4s stands for 4s!

Published: 12 October 2011

Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Scott Johnson, and are the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Tapesearch.

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