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Matt and Lisa Jacobson

Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality, Kids & Family, Christianity

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FAITHFUL LIFE is a weekly Podcast with hosts Matt & Lisa Jacobson, authors of the bestselling books, 100 Ways to Love Your Wife & 100 Ways to Love Your Husband (over 250,000 sold!) What does it mean to be a biblical Christian in Marriage, Parenting, Church, and Culture? Each episode takes on a vital issue and explores what The Word says about it – topics like sex, purity, growing in oneness as a married couple, difficult parenting issues, being a biblical Christian in a fallen world and much more, including practical steps for real success and deep growth in these areas. . . we laugh a lot, too! Join us for deep encouragement every week!

90 Episodes

Ep 95 Say "NO!" to Pride and Instantly Improve Your Marriage Communication

TODAY'S TOPIC: A prideful spirit in your marriage . . . you don't struggle with that, do you? Well, maybe! For most of us pride finds its way into many encounters in marriage and always brings destruction with it. What does God have to say about pride? And, what can be done to remove it from our relationship? Join us for a great discussion about getting pride out of your marriage. IMPORTANT LINKS: (Matt’s new course, just released!) Learn the biblical path and discover God’s power to get free and find real, lasting victory from porn and all sexual sin. You can get free! GET 2 FREE CHAPTERS of The Flirtation Experiment - This is Lisa's and Phylicia Maisonheimer's new book. It's not out yet but you can get advanced access to the first 2 chapters here: (and, of course, you can pre-order it on Amazon BIBLICAL MARRIAGE COACHING AVAILABLE Matt works directly with couples seeking renewal for the marriage journey and/or biblical guidance for repair of damaged relationships. Contact Matt and explore if biblical marriage coaching is right for your marriage. Matt & Lisa's Books 100 Words of Affirmation Your Daughter Needs to Hear 100 Words of Affirmation Your Son Needs to Hear - Lisa’s site for women who have a passion for faith, husband, home, and family. A contributor site where you’ll find articles and encouragement each week from some of your favorite authors. - Matt’s site where he offers teaching, admonition, and encouragement on marriage, parenting, and biblical teaching Matt works directly with couples seeking renewal for the marriage journey and/or biblical guidance for repair of damaged relationships. Contact Matt and explore if biblical marriage coaching is right for your marriage. _________ SOCIAL MEDIA Club 31 Women on Instagram: @Club31Women Club 31 Women is also on Facebook Faithful Man on Instagram @FaithfulMan Faithful Man is also on Facebook: FaithfulManMinistries

Transcribed - Published: 13 July 2021

EP #94 Is Your Marriage Only Functional or Is It On Fire?

TODAY'S TOPIC: We're talking about the "lighter" side of marriage - maintaining the fun and yes, the frisky side of love. BUT . . . we're also discussing the wife's role in all of it. Should you wait around and hope that something will happen or should you initiate the fun? Is there anything in the Bible that talks about a woman stepping out and taking the initiative in flirting/foreplay/and fun? It's an interesting discussion! Don't miss it! IMPORTANT LINKS: (Matt’s new course, just released!) Learn the biblical path and discover God’s power to get free and find real, lasting victory from porn and all sexual sin. You can get free! GET 2 FREE CHAPTERS of The Flirtation Experiment - This is Lisa's and Phylicia Maisonheimer's new book. It's not out yet but you can get advanced access to the first 2 chapters here: (and, of course, you can pre-order it on Amazon BIBLICAL MARRIAGE COACHING AVAILABLE Matt works directly with couples seeking renewal for the marriage journey and/or biblical guidance for repair of damaged relationships. Contact Matt and explore if biblical marriage coaching is right for your marriage. Matt & Lisa's Books 100 Words of Affirmation Your Daughter Needs to Hear 100 Words of Affirmation Your Son Needs to Hear - Lisa’s site for women who have a passion for faith, husband, home, and family. A contributor site where you’ll find articles and encouragement each week from some of your favorite authors. - Matt’s site where he offers teaching, admonition, and encouragement on marriage, parenting, and biblical teaching Matt works directly with couples seeking renewal for the marriage journey and/or biblical guidance for repair of damaged relationships. Contact Matt and explore if biblical marriage coaching is right for your marriage. _________ SOCIAL MEDIA Club 31 Women on Instagram: @Club31Women Club 31 Women is also on Facebook Faithful Man on Instagram @FaithfulMan Faithful Man is also on Facebook: FaithfulManMinistries

Transcribed - Published: 6 July 2021

EP #93 What Can Be Done About His "Wandering Eyes"

TODAY'S TOPIC: Today we're discussing "wandering eyes". Is a wife (or husband) just supposed to quietly look the other way as their spouse checks out the room? What did Jesus have to say about it and what can a wife do when she sees that her husband isn't being faithful with his eyes. Join us for a challenging but warm conversation about God's path forward in these circumstances. IMPORTANT LINKS: (Matt’s new course, just released!) Learn the biblical path and discover God’s power to get free and find real, lasting victory from porn and all sexual sin. You can get free! Matt & Lisa's Books 100 Words of Affirmation Your Daughter Needs to Hear 100 Words of Affirmation Your Son Needs to Hear - Lisa’s site for women who have a passion for faith, husband, home, and family. A contributor site where you’ll find articles and encouragement each week from some of your favorite authors. - Matt’s site where he offers teaching, admonition, and encouragement on marriage, parenting, and biblical teaching Matt works directly with couples seeking renewal for the marriage journey and/or biblical guidance for repair of damaged relationships. Contact Matt and explore if biblical marriage coaching is right for your marriage. _________ SOCIAL MEDIA Club 31 Women on Instagram: @Club31Women Club 31 Women is also on Facebook Faithful Man on Instagram @FaithfulMan Faithful Man is also on Facebook: FaithfulManMinistries

Transcribed - Published: 29 June 2021

EP #92 The 4 Kinds of Love Every Thriving Marriage Needs

TODAY’S TOPIC We know we're supposed to love each other but did you know that the Bible speaks of 4 different kinds of love? A growing, healthy marriage needs each one. How are you doing building up your marriage with these different kinds of love? Leading the way? Or could your marriage (or someone you know) use a refresher on how to express the 4 different kinds of love spoken of in the Bible? ________ IMPORTANT LINKS: (Matt’s new course, just released!) Learn the biblical path and discover God’s power to get free and find real, lasting victory from porn and all sexual sin. Matt & Lisa's Books 100 Words of Affirmation Your Daughter Needs to Hear 100 Words of Affirmation Your Son Needs to Hear - Lisa’s site for women who have a passion for faith, husband, home, and family. A contributor site where you’ll find articles and encouragement each week from some of your favorite authors. - Matt’s site where he offers teaching, admonition, and encouragement on marriage, parenting, and biblical teaching Matt works directly with couples seeking renewal for the marriage journey and/or biblical guidance for repair of damaged relationships. Contact Matt and explore if biblical marriage coaching is right for your marriage. _________ SOCIAL MEDIA Club 31 Women on Instagram: @Club31Women Club 31 Women is also on Facebook Faithful Man on Instagram @FaithfulMan Faithful Man is also on Facebook: FaithfulManMinistries

Transcribed - Published: 22 June 2021

EP #91: Fresh Encouragement For the Next Season of Your Marriage

TODAY’S TOPIC Today were discussing being purposeful and connected in true fellowship with your spouse as you transition into a new season. When we’re not in sync, simple decisions and plans can become sources of tension and worse. Where are you at with your spouse, today? Right now? Are you walking in unity or have the pace and the demands of two over-busy lives got you just surviving? God’s way is so much better than just getting by. God always has a positive path forward . . . and it’s closer than you may think! ________ IMPORTANT LINKS: (Matt’s new course, just released!) Learn the biblical path and discover God’s power to get free and find real, lasting victory from porn and all sexual sin. - Lisa’s site for women who have a passion for faith, husband, home, and family. A contributor site where you’ll find articles and encouragement each week from some of your favorite authors. - Matt’s site where he offers teaching, admonition, and encouragement on marriage, parenting, and biblical teaching Matt works directly with couples seeking renewal for the marriage journey and/or biblical guidance for repair of damaged relationships. Contact Matt and explore if biblical marriage coaching is right for your marriage. _________ SOCIAL MEDIA Club 31 Women on Instagram: @Club31Women Club 31 Women is also on Facebook Faithful Man on Instagram @FaithfulMan Faithful Man is also on Facebook: FaithfulManMinistries

Transcribed - Published: 15 June 2021

90: How to Get On the Same Page in Your Parenting

One of the biggest challenges in parenting is often the differences in parenting styles. There's bound to be conflict when you're both right! How can you and your spouse work together and walk in unity and peace when comes to the kids? Join us for an encouraging conversation about the biblical approach to parenting. STRUGGLING WITH PORN/SEXUAL SIN? ENROLL IN MATT'S FREEDOM COURSE - Teaching men how to find true and lasting freedom from porn and all sexual sin. Go to (Matt teaches 4 sessions - LIVE! - 4 Weeks - Interact directly with Matt as you learn how to find true, biblical freedom and NEVER look back! Enroll today! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest, from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 13 October 2020

89: How to Have the Devotional Life You Want, Starting Today

Do you struggle to maintain a regular, consistent devotional life? We have good intentions but somehow, all those obligations and great opportunities manage to edge out meeting with God. Today, we explore those things that keep us from pursuing God and meditating on His Word, why this happens so often to so many Christians, and what can be done to change. A close, consistent devotional life with God is the last thing your Enemy wants. Are you ready to go deep with God, every day? Begin pursuing the devotional life you desire and that God desires for you. STRUGGLING WITH PORN/SEXUAL SIN? ENROLL IN MATT'S FREEDOM COURSE - Teaching men how to find true and lasting freedom from porn and all sexual sin. Go to (Matt teaches 4 sessions - LIVE! - 4 Weeks - Interact directly with Matt as you learn how to find true, biblical freedom and NEVER look back! Enroll today! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest, from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 6 October 2020

88: How to Encourage Singles to Live a Full Life NOW! Interview: our Daughter, Cambria Jacobson

Single men and women in the Church face powerful challenges. Do you know a single 20 something? Are you single? Special Guest, 22-year-old Cambria Jacobson (our daughter!) talks with me (Matt) about the challenges she faces as a committed Christian woman striving to live a godly, single life, and about the powerful impact married couples in the Church can have. It's a warm, inviting, interesting conversation between Dad and Daughter. STRUGGLING WITH PORN/SEXUAL SIN? ENROLL IN MATT'S FREEDOM COURSE - Teaching men how to find true and lasting freedom from porn and all sexual sin. Go to (Matt teaches 4 sessions - LIVE! - 4 Weeks - Interact directly with Matt as you learn how to find true, biblical freedom and NEVER look back! Enroll today! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest, from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 29 September 2020

87: What to Do When Your Spouse Has a Higher/Lower Sex Drive Than You

Couples often have very different needs when it comes to sex and if we're not careful, those differences can lead to feelings of neglect, on the one hand, or just being used, on the other. What should you do when your spouse's sex drive is far different than yours? Matt and Lisa talk about practical ways you can approach the beautiful gift God has given to married couples. STRUGGLING WITH PORN/SEXUAL SIN? ENROLL IN MATT'S FREEDOM COURSE - Teaching men how to find true and lasting freedom from porn and all sexual sin. Go to (Matt teaches 4 sessions - LIVE! - 4 Weeks - Interact directly with Matt as you learn how to find true, biblical freedom and NEVER look back! Enroll today! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest, from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 22 September 2020

86: How You Can Stay Close and Connected in These Busy (and troubled) Times

Matt & Lisa talk about how to avoid drifting apart as life gets busy and we get distracted from what really matters. Are you as close and connected with your husband/wife as you want to be? ENROLL IN MATT'S FREEDOM COURSE - Teaching men how to get free from porn and all sexual sin. Go to (Matt teaches 4 sessions - LIVE! - 4 Weeks - Interact directly with Matt as you learn how to find true, biblical freedom from porn, and all sexual sin and NEVER look back! Enroll today! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest, from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 15 September 2020

85: Encouragement for the Worn Out Wife & Mom and How Men Can Be a Blessing to their Wives

Motherhood is beautiful . . . but, it's also the hardest job on the planet and many moms come to the end of their energy long before they come to the end of the work. At some point, every mom feels worn out - spent - and yet needs to carry on. What can she do to deal with the exhaustion? And is this all on her, or do Husbands have a vital role in helping their wives persevere and find the rest they need to be their best? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at MATT'S FREEDOM COURSE - Teaching men how to get free from porn and all sexual sin. Go to (Matt teaches 5 sessions - LIVE! - 5 Weeks - Interact directly with Matt as you learn how to find true, biblical freedom from porn, and all sexual sin and NEVER look back! Enroll today! And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest, from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 14 July 2020

84: How to Rekindle Romance After a Rough Season in Your Marriage

Matt & Lisa discuss how to rediscover the heart of your marriage after life takes you through difficult times. Very encouraging! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at MATT'S FREEDOM CORSE - (Matt teaches 5 sessions - LIVE! - 5 Weeks - Interact directly with Matt as you learn how to find true, biblical freedom from porn, and all sexual sin and NEVER look back! And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest, from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 7 July 2020

83: Building Memories - Tips for a Great Family Vacation

Matt & Lisa share some of their best tips and creative ideas to make your next family vacation meaningful and memorable - building memories and a yearly tradition the older kids will never want to miss, even years after leaving the home! FREE CAMPING CHECKLIST: GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 30 June 2020

82: How to Never Allow a Root of Bitterness to Grow in Your Heart

Join Matt & Lisa as they discuss how to prevent bitterness - or to overcome bitterness - in marriage, relationships, and life. They offer both biblical and practical help to anyone who might struggle with a growing root of bitterness. GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: FOLLOW LISA on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and FOLLOW MATT on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and at And Don't Forget! 1) Please Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Do you like Matt & Lisa's content and positive, honest from-the-heart approach? Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 23 June 2020

81: Struggling With Temptation? Why You NEVER Have to Give in Again!

Did you know when it comes to being tempted, God made you a winner? Matt teaches what the Bible says about having victory over temptation, every time, and what God did to make it possible for you to stand strong, no matter how intense the battle. **Do you know about FREEDOM Course? The next FREEDOM course starts soon! Sign Up for Next Month's Course (for Men!) Learn to SAY "NO!" TO PORNOGRAPHY, become a Faithful Man, Walk in Victory over sexual sin and temptation and never look back! ENROLL IN THIS 5 WEEK, LIVE, CLASS TODAY! ** Go to Matt teaches 5 sessions over the course of a month - Live Teaching! Go to GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 Ways to Love your Son: at this Link: 100 Ways to Love Your Daughter:at this link: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Get the book mentioned in this episode: GOOD MAN by Nathan Clarkson, here: Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 12 May 2020

80: What the Heart of Every Child Needs from Dad and Mom

Join Matt & Lisa as they talk about how to reach a child's heart with what he/she needs most. Are you giving this to your child? The Jacobson's talk candidly about their triumphs and failures as parents, as well as offer help and encouragement on how to fill the heart of your child. **FREEDOM course starts soon! Sign Up for Next Month's Freedom Course (for Men!) Learn to SAY "NO!" TO PORNOGRAPHY, become a Faithful Man, Walk in Victory and never look back! ENROLL IN THIS 5 WEEK, LIVE, CLASS TODAY! ** Go to Matt teaches 5 sessions over the course of a month - Live Teaching! Go to GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 Ways to Love your Son: at this Link: 100 Ways to Love Your Daughter:at this link: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 5 May 2020

79: Bring Life & Love to Your Spouse & Kids with Powerful, Positive Words of Affirmation

Matt's Dad is passing into the Arms of His Loving Heavenly Father, this week. He shares about it openly and honestly in the introduction and then, a very popular episode from long ago is rebroadcast . . .(we hope you understand!) Are you using the power of positive affirmation in the life of your spouse & kids? This episode teaches you how to do it every day! We sometimes forget that we are establishing then culture in our home by how we speak to each other . . . Don't you want a positive, loving, life-filled marriage and family? This episode will challenge you and teach you how! **FREEDOM course starts soon! Sign Up for Next Month's Freedom Course (for Men!) Learn to SAY "NO!" TO PORNOGRAPHY, become a Faithful Man, Walk in Victory and never look back! ENROLL IN THIS 5 WEEK, LIVE, CLASS TODAY! ** Go to Matt teaches 5 sessions over the course of a month - Live Teaching! Go to GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 28 April 2020

78: Matt & Lisa Answer: How to Love A Challenging Child, Who Decides When Couples Disagree? . . . and other Listener Questions!

Matt and Lisa answer your questions about parenting, marriage like: What happens when you disagree over a major decision? How do you love a challenging child? What's the best approach for adding a second baby to the family? What is the one thing you wish you knew when you were single? What should you do if you catch your husband looking at porn? **FREEDOM course starts soon! Sign Up for Next Month's Freedom Course (for Men!) Learn to SAY "NO!" TO PORNOGRAPHY, become a Faithful Man, Walk in Victory and never look back! ENROLL IN THIS 5 WEEK, LIVE, CLASS TODAY! ** Go to Matt teaches 5 sessions over the course of a month - Live Teaching! Go to GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - Becoming The Next Great Generation by Jonathan Catherman - Provides teens with tools and information for becoming confident and capable adults in the 21st Century. CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 21 April 2020

77: Walking in Faith or Living in Fear? Finding Real Peace in a World That's Falling Apart

Are you walking in fear or living by faith? Is it possible to have confidence and find peace in the middle of a storm? Jesus thinks so! How, exactly, do you find rest for your soul when then world is falling apart? **FREEDOM course starts soon! Sign Up for Next Month's Freedom Course (for Men!) Learn to SAY "NO!" TO PORNOGRAPHY, become a Faithful Man, Walk in Victory and never look back! ENROLL IN THIS 5 WEEK, LIVE, CLASS TODAY! ** Go to Matt teaches 5 sessions over the course of a month - Live Teaching! Go to GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - Cousin's Camp by Susan Alexander Yates - Get a copy here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 7 April 2020

76: How to Keep Troubled, Uncertain Times From Damaging Your Marriage

Your marriage CAN thrive in the face of uncertain times! A World Pandemic with mandatory shelter-in-place and enforced Social Distancing has brought much stress, pressure, and yes, fear to the hearts of many Christians and friction to many marriages. Practical discussion on what to focus on, who your real enemy is, and the positive steps you can take for loving each other inspite of a world gone mad. DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A REVIEW! . . . HIGHLY IMPORTANT! . . . HIGHLY IMPACTFUL! **FREEDOM course starts soon! Sign Up for Next Month's Freedom Course (for Men!) Learn to say "No" to pornography, become a Faithful Man, Walk in Victory and never look back! How ** Go to Matt teaches 5 sessions over the course of a month - Live Teaching! Go to GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - Cousin's Camp by Susan Alexander Yates - Get a copy here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 31 March 2020

75: What Does the Bible Say About Children? And, How Many Should You Have?

When should you start a family? And, how many children should you have? Does God have an opinion or does He leave the question entirely in your hands, without input? What is the Bible's perspective on kids? Join Matt and Lisa for an interesting, wide-ranging discussion . . . and learn about the journey Lisa went on regarding kids and how many she wanted! DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A REVIEW! . . . HIGHLY IMPORTANT! . . . HIGHLY IMPACTFUL! **Sign Up for Next Month's Freedom Course (for Men!) Learn to say "No" to sexual sin, become a Faithful Man, Walk in Victory and never look back! How ** Go to Matt teaches 5 sessions over the course of a month - Live Teaching! Go to GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - Words of Courage for Women . . . Look Here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 24 March 2020

74: How Transparent Should You Be With Your Spouse? Fierce Marriage Hosts Ryan & Selena Talk About See-Through Marriage (Interview)

Fierce Marriage podcast hosts, Ryan and Selena Fredrick answer Matt's questions honestly and deeply about their ministry, marriage, and why every Christian couple should strive to have a "See-Through Marriage". How transparent are you with your husband ... wife? Should you tell everything - even past sins? What impact does being fully known have on your life, marriage, and the ministry God has prepared for you to do? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget! 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 17 March 2020

73: Why Sex With Your Wife Can't Save You From Your Porn Problem - Get Free, Get Clean, Walk Tall, Delight Her Heart!

Are you discouraged, defeated, and demoralized by your spouse's persistent use of porn? Are you one of those men (or women, increasingly) that keep going back for more only to feel gross and tell yourself how much you hate it, after the fact? Wasn't sex with your spouse supposed to fix all that? But, it didn't . . . and doesn't. Reality: Sex isn't a cure for sin. So, what's the answer? Matt and Lisa discuss this issue and the Biblical Solution. And, Matt makes a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT . . . About a new course he's teaching on how to have real and lasting victory over lust and sexual impurity. Sign up to GET the DETAILS Here: GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - 100 Words of Affirmation You Wife Needs to Hear & 100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear|1013587 CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget - Please... 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 10 March 2020

72: Biblical Love Means, It's Not All About Me. Are You a Selfless Lover? Part 3 of How to Have a 1 Corinthians 13 Marriage

Are you a selfless lover? Matt & Lisa Explore 1 Corinthians 13:5 - Love doesn't seek "it's own", is not easily provoked, thinks no evil. Are you giving yourself a "pass" on these imperative of selfless love? The truth is that happily ever after is about making a lot of everyday choices that say, "I love You" rather than choices that say, "I love me" and that's what v. 5 is all about - selfless love . . . does that describe you? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - MANAGE YOUR WORRY AND ANXIETY CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget - Please... 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Support this ministry and get your FREE Faithful Man & Faithful Woman wristbands (as our small token of thanks!) when you make a monthly donation of any size! February & March 2020 only! DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 3 March 2020

71: How to Have a 1 Corinthians 13 Marriage: 2 Things Love DOESN'T DO!

Do you desire a deeper, richer, closer marriage? Matt and Lisa openly discuss their own marriage and what "The Love Chapter" says a loving marriage DOESN'T have and challenge you to make an honest assessment of your own marriage. GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - MANAGE YOUR WORRY AND ANXIETY CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget - Please... 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Support this ministry and get your FREE Faithful Man & Faithful Woman wristbands (as our small token of thanks!) when you make a monthly donation of any size! February & March 2020 only! DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 25 February 2020

70: How to Start Building a 1 Corinthians 13 Marriage: Patience & Kindness (New Mini-Series)

Does your husband (or wife) think of you as patient and kind? How about your kids? 1 Corinthians 13:4 says Love is patient and kind. What does it mean if these qualities are missing or in short supply in your marriage? And how can you have a marriage that has more of both? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 ADVERTISED BOOK ON THIS EPISODE, Praying Women by Sheila Walsh - get a copy here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget - Please... 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!! Support this ministry and get your FREE Faithful Man & Faithful Woman wristbands (as our small token of thanks!) when you make a monthly donation of any size! February & March 2020 only! DONATE HERE:

Transcribed - Published: 18 February 2020

69: 5 Surprisingly Romantic, Doable Dates that Won't Break the Bank...for Valentine's Day & the Whole Year!

Matt & Lisa have a lot of fun talking about the Bible's surprisingly candid comments about romantic love (at least Matt does . . . Lisa blushes a lot and tries to change the subject!) Are you intentionally pursuing each other or is life just happening and your marriage is along for the ride? What priority does God place on romance in marriage? Many are surprised to learn, the Bible has a lot to say about it! And, it's not just the "big romantic gesture" that says it all. Matt & Lisa talk about all this and offer 5 Surprisingly Romantic, yet affordable, date ideas for every couple. 5 Inexpensive, Romantic Date Ideas: 1)Home Date: a.Earlier in the day get a couple of desserts from a bakery or store near you b.Put the Kids to bed c.Light a candle ( d.Put on some soft music e.Make drinks you both will enjoy f.Sit together ask each other questions . . . expand i.Favorite memory together ii.Favorite place you visited together . . . or would like to visit! iii.Express appreciation for the three things you love most about each other. g.Run a bath for two or shower together 2)Walking/Hiking Date a.Get to a trail, walk along a river, even a golf course b.Reach out and touch each other – hold hands, slip your arms around each other when you stop. c.Stop back at a cafe for coffee/tea/whatever you like d.Express something you love about each other e.Talk about the coming season ahead of you. 3)Winter Zone Date a.Tubing, sledding, snowshoeing (often done for kids but a lot of fun for just a couple, too!) b.Bring a warm blanket & Hot Chocolate in a thermos and a snack c.Sit close and share the blanket. 4)Inner City Walking Date a.Walk, holding hands and poking into various shops. b.Find a food cart and have lunch/early dinner (our story) c.Walk through a museum together 5)Ice/Roller Skate a.A lot of fun even if you’re not good! b.Gives you a good reason to hold onto each other! c.Hold hands d.Go out for coffee after GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 ADVERTISED BOOK ON THIS EPISODE, Praying Women by Sheila Walsh - get a copy here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and And Don't Forget: 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!!

Transcribed - Published: 11 February 2020

68: How to Love Your Kids . . . Do the HARD WORK of Training!

Defiant, Disrespectful kids are tough to be around, aren't they? And yet, in Christian homes, this behavior is too often tolerated. (Maybe you don't have kids but, you will some day . . . this is for you, too - Christian Single, young married without kids!) How can parents correct this behavior and get their children and the culture of your home on the right track? All parenting is discipleship and there is no more important job a parent has than to disciple the heart of their child to the right path. (PLEASE share this podcast with someone you know!) GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 ADVERTISED BOOK ON THIS EPISODE, Praying Women by Sheila Walsh - get a copy here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries and And Don't Forget: 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!!

Transcribed - Published: 4 February 2020

67: Conquering Fear in the Life of the Believer

Uncontained viruses, wars & rumors of wars, worry about a child's future, how to pay next months bills . . . Does fear play a huge role in your life as it does in so many? As a believer, does God want you to constantly struggle with debilitating fear? Here's how to find real and lasting freedom from the power of fear. GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 ADVERTISED BOOK ON THIS EPISODE, Raising the Challenging Child - get a copy here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And Don't Forget: 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!!

Transcribed - Published: 28 January 2020

66: Matt & Lisa Answer Listener Questions on Intimacy & 7 Other Marriage Topics

Intimacy, Feeling Appreciated as a Wife, Dealing with Arguments in Marriage, How do you help your Husband feel Successful? Matt & Lisa provide biblical answers on a variety of listener questions. GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 ADVERTISED BOOK ON THIS EPISODE: GOD'S HOSTAGE by Andrew Brunson -- Review book Here: CONNECT WITH MATT & LISA Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Please Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 21 January 2020

65: How to Free Your Kids From Feeling Entitled

Kids feeling entitled is quite common, but it doesn't happen on its own. Entitlement is a learned behavior -- inadvertently taught by many parents. Discover how you can raise grateful, happy kids instead of whiny kids who feel the world owes them everything. It's easier than you might think!

Transcribed - Published: 14 January 2020

64: Pursue a Loving Marriage, Grow Stronger in Your Faith this Year. Take the 100 Day Love Challenge!

Reflecting on the past, Focusing on the future God has for you in your marriage and your relationship with Him. Where was your marriage and relationship with God in 2019? Where are you, today? What will your relationship with God and your spouse be like in 2020? Setting Goals and taking action for your marriage and your spiritual growth in 2020. Take the 100 Day Love Challenge! Get the books (Hardcover Gift Editions) here! On Sale Right Now! - Reviews from Readers 100 Ways to Love Your Husband & 100 Ways to Love Your Wife ★★★★★ “Love Covers a Multitude of Sins” by K.S. I want to love my husband well! 100 Ways to Love Your Husband gave me the practical ways to do just that. This book showed me new ways to love him, as well as reminded me of ways I had forgotten. This book is an easy read and is written in such a way that I can read one way a day or several a day. My husband is not much of a reader but has enjoyed 100 Ways to Love Your Wife. I can tell he has taken to heart each way to Love me better. Marriage is tough, but we are called to love each other deeply. These books are a great way to start! ****** ★★★★★ “Go buy it now and transform your marriage one page at a time!!! by Amazon Customer The 100 Way to Love Your Husband/Wife books by Matt and Lisa Jacobson are an excellent and easy read. We have been married 22 years, and I would say we have a great marriage! But even so, we are always looking for ways to make it even better and grow it even deeper! These books teach us so many different ways to speak love to each other, ways that we may not even have realized WAS speaking love. I have bought a 2nd set now to give as a wedding gift! As with any books, the principles need to be read and “applied” for you to experience the difference in your own marriages! So go buy these books and happy reading!! ****** 5-Star Review by a Husband ★★★★★ “Something here to enrich any marriage out there” by ALBL This book can be very helpful if you apply it the way the author intended. Now, not everything in here will apply in every marriage or to every woman. That being said, there is something here to enrich any marriage out there. I have found myself doing some of these actions before I read the book, but now I have an actual purpose in doing these things. As a man working to repair a marriage, I read this book from front to back, applying a few of these ways to show love and affection every day. It has helped a lot this week alone. This is not a long drawn out book either, and it doesn’t take a lot of time away from you to start applying. I plan on reading this book again and highlighting key points that I want to apply more. Connect with Matt & Lisa! Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 7 January 2020

63: Christmas Special: Give Your Marriage a Gift This Christmas

Matt & Lisa get real about lessons they've learned in their marriage - some good laughs, too! (Matt likes embarrassing Lisa!) . . . along with a few tears for a hard place in the journey. GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE - Great for EVERY marriage!: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 10 December 2019

62: Marriage Weekend: What Happens When Your Wife Feels Heard and Understood . . .

Do you understand how your wife thinks? . . , your wife's way of processing and assimilating information? What happens when your wife feels heard and understood? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE - Great for EVERY marriage!: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 6 December 2019

61: When Your Spouse Doesn't Want to Have Sex With You

Sometimes your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you - even in a good marriage. Is withholding sex from a spouse who doesn't deserve it okay? Is it ever okay to say "no"? What does the Bible have to say to a couple who isn't having regular sex? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE - Great for EVERY marriage!: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 3 December 2019

60: Marriage Weekend: How to Have a No-Stress Holiday Season Together

Holidays can be stressful for about a bazillion reasons! 7 Tips for removing the tension and enjoying the holidays together, this year! HERE'S THE LINK TO THE AWESOME JONATHAN PARK AUDIO ADVENTURE SERIES: NOW AT 50% OFF ! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 29 November 2019

59: A Thankful Heart – Do You Have One?

What does the Bible say about giving thanks? How do you develop a thankful heart? If life’s a mess, is giving thanks even realistic? Is it reasonable? HERE'S THE LINK TO THE AWESOME JONATHAN PARK AUDIO ADVENTURE SERIES: NOW AT 50% OFF BUT, REMEMBER THE ADDITIONAL 20% OFF CODE AT CHECKOUT: FaithfulLife (hurry, ends today!) GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 27 November 2019

58: Marriage Weekend: Banish Angry Outbursts From Your Marriage - One of the Wisest Moves You Could Ever Make

Does the Bible have anything to say about angry outbursts (or silent outbursts of anger)? This doesn't happen in your marriage, does it? The real affect of anger in marriage and why happy, wise couples banish it for good! HERE'S THE LINK TO THE AWESOME JONATHAN PARK AUDIO ADVENTURE SERIES: NOW AT 50% OFF BUT, REMEMBER THE ADDITIONAL 20% OFF CODE AT CHECKOUT: FaithfulLife (ends in a few days so use it today!) GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and And, Don't Forget To Leave A Podcast Review!!

Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2019

57: How to Avoid Selfishness When Serving Those You Love

Biblical servanthood is about laying down your life for others. Is serving on your own terms really serving, at all? Selfless giving or selfish giving . . . Which one occurs in your marriage and home? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and

Transcribed - Published: 19 November 2019

56: Marriage Weekend: Are You Missing Out on the Power of Prayer in your Marriage?

Prayer is missing from so many marriages . . . is it missing from yours? Want your spouse to change? . . . talk to God about it! And, remember, He's at work, even in the silence! GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and

Transcribed - Published: 15 November 2019

55: Josh Harris, John Crist, Kanye West, Francis Chan - In Out, Up or Down - Who Are You Putting Your Faith In?

John Crist is on the way out, Kanye West is on the way up, Josh Harris left the Faith. Comedians, Entertainers, Celebrity Pastors - What to do when Christians you looked up to break your trust. GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (Big Discount!) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: (Big Discount!) MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and

Transcribed - Published: 12 November 2019

54: Marriage Weekend: Stop Doing This and Your Marriage Will Take a Giant Leap Forward!

Why is it so easy to notice and point out the shortcomings of your spouse but ignore your own? Good thing you never do that, Right? Here's a great way to start of your weekend together. . . GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (25% Discount) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and

Transcribed - Published: 8 November 2019

53: Are You a Biblical Christian . . . or Are You Just Faking it?

There is a vast difference between a Christian and a biblical Christian. Which one are you? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (25% Discount) 100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR: MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 WATCH THE NEW (MINI) MOVIE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE - A True Story of Hope for Every Marriage! Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and

Transcribed - Published: 5 November 2019

52: Marriage Weekend: A Strong-Hearted Woman or A Gentle & Quiet Spirit - Do Women Have to Choose?

Is there a place for the strong-hearted woman or does the Bible teach that women, having a meek and quiet spirit, should recede into the background? What does having a meek and quiet spirit actually mean? GET MATT & LISA'S BOOKS HERE: MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 WATCH THE NEW (MINI) MOVIE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE - A True Story of Hope for Every Marriage! 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (25% Discount) Follow Lisa at Instagram @Club31Women and on Facebook Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan & at

Transcribed - Published: 1 November 2019

51: The Difference Between Discipline & Training - The Secret Every Successful Parent Knows

Do this and the need for discipline of your kids will diminish by up to 80% in a very short time! Sound impossible? It's not! In this episode, we explore the vital difference between discipline and training. When was the last time you purposefully took the time to train your children? MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 WATCH THE NEW (MINI) MOVIE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE - A True Story of Hope for Every Marriage! 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (25% Discount) Follow Lisa at Instagram @Club31Women and on Facebook Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan & at

Transcribed - Published: 29 October 2019

50: Marriage Weekend: How Wise Wives Encourage Their Husbands to be Spiritual Leaders in the Home

Encouraging your husband to be the spiritual leader in the home. MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM -|1013587 MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER -|1013587 WATCH THE NEW (MINI) MOVIE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE - A True Story of Hope for Every Marriage! 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (25% Discount) Follow Lisa at Instagram @Club31Women and on Facebook Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan & at

Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2019

49: Can God Redeem a Difficult Marriage? . . . Is there Any Hope for Us?

Does God intend that you merely cope with a difficult marriage, or does He have far better plans? WATCH THE NEW (MINI) MOVIE: 100 WAYS TO LOVE - A True Story of Hope for Every Marriage! 100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS (25% Discount) Follow Lisa at Instagram @Club31Women and on Facebook Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan & at

Transcribed - Published: 23 October 2019

48: Marriage Weekend: Never Steal From Your Wife (. . . the "M" word)

Is it okay to gratify yourself sexually without your wife's/husband's knowledge? What they don't know won't hurt them . . . right? Get Matt & Lisa's New Books - 100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband/Wife Needs to Hear . . . here: And . . . 100 Ways to Love Your Husband/Wife here: Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women & at Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan & at

Transcribed - Published: 18 October 2019

47: The Choice That Changes Everything - Keeping Your Eyes On Eternity

What we focus on affects how we see everything else. Are we allowing our destination (Eternity) to inform how we live? Matt & Lisa's bestselling NEW BOOKS: 100 Words of Affirmation Your Wife/Husband Needs to Hear 100 Ways to Love Your Husband/Wife Follow Lisa on Instagram & Facebook @Club31Women and Follow Matt on Instagram & Facebook @FaithfulMan and

Transcribed - Published: 15 October 2019

46: Marriage Weekend: Are You A Controlling Wife? (Who, Me? Noooo!)

Of course, you're not a controlling wife . . . you're just being helpful, right? Are you sure you're not getting in the way of your husband's God-given responsibility to lead? Every marriage will look different. Should you step into lead if your husband is passive?.

Transcribed - Published: 11 October 2019

Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Matt and Lisa Jacobson, and are the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Tapesearch.

Copyright © Tapesearch 2025.