In this podcast, I give becca and you guys some advise on how to prepare yourself for your first relationship! This was. a really juicy and controversial episode because Becca didn't agree with ALL the advise that I had for her. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this juicy episode about getting a boyfriend. Please leave us a five star review! Talk to you guys next week on Cherry LipGloss! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 10 October 2022
In todays episode, Becca's secret insecurities about me liking her boyfriend finally came out! We also read some insane secret confessions that you guys put on my instagram. These juicy secrets spiced up the podcast as we reacted to some of them. As always we had a good laugh and a fun time talking drama with you guys. We'll talk to you guys next time on Cherry LipGloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 2 September 2022
In todays episode, we gave you guys a major life update! We talked about all the juicy drama in our lives and our next big steps that we're taking.Things like finally starting college, marriage, and even a possible new boyfriend! Thanks for tuning in on all the tea. Talk to you guys next time! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 21 August 2022
In this episode, Becca and I answer deep juicy questions that ask us about how we actually feel. We share our inner thought and feelings about each other and the people around us. Hopefully you enjoy listen to us spill all the tea about the things we love and hate. Talk to you guys next week on Cherry LipGloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 22 June 2022
In this episode, we got very emotional on the topic of loosing a sister. We played "who's most likely" and spilt the real tea on each other! This was a funny and juicy episode about our sister relationships. We also had a sad moment when we discussed moving away and not seeing each other as often. Hopefully you guys laughed and cried with us and enjoyed this episode. Talk to you guys next time on Cherry Lipgloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 25 May 2022
In todays podcast we talked about the things that used to be important to us when we were kids vs now! This turned into a really funny episode about Sarahs tragic and dramatic childhood crush stories. Hopefully you guys enjoyed our little goofy tea sesh. Hope to talk to you guys soon :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 1 May 2022
In todays episode Becca discussed all the newest and coolest trends in the world right now. We shared out thought and opinions on the new wacky styles and trends. This was for pure fun not to make fun of anyone who likes these things we just wanted to share our thoughts. What do you think of all the trends popping up? Thanks for listening and we'll talk to you guys next week :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 30 March 2022
In todays video Becca and I played truth or truth! This was a super fun podcast because we asked each other the juicy juicy questions in front of the podcast audience. What did you think of the tea we spilt? Make sure to leave us a 5 star review and subscribe to our podcast and we'll talk to you next time! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 15 March 2022
GUYS! We're not quitting the podcast! Becca and I just got really caught up in our school and work but now we're back and better than ever! In this episode we just caught you guys up on our lives for the 2 months we were gone. Huge thanks to the podcast supporters that keep us motivated to make podcasts for you guys we love you. We love sharing our juicy tea with you guys and making podcasts for you! Please leave us a five star review if you enjoyed this podcast and we'll talk to you guys next week :) --- Support this podcast:
Published: 28 February 2022
This episode was all about the bad habits Becca and I are trying to get rid of in 2022! In this episode Becca and I spilled the tea on all our dirt. We shared our insecurities and doubts about ourself that we want to work on. This episode gets super juicy and hopefully you guys enjoy! Please leave us a 5 star review so we can make more episodes! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 7 January 2022
In todays podcast we exposed all our girls out there by telling the guys the weird stuff we do!! Becca and I went through a list of "things girls secretly do that boys dont know about" and either confirmed or denied if we did them. We were 100% honest about it and it was super fun to laugh at our dumb selves. This was a super fun podcast full of juicy secrets! Thanks for listening and we'll talk to you guys next time :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 14 December 2021
In today's podcast we talked to my brother and successful YouTuber Legit Tim. He shared his story of how we got started and became successful on Youtube, TikTok, and Facebook. He told us the story of how hard it was getting started how much he got bullied because of his YouTube channel. This was an inspiring story for me to hear and hopefully motivates you guys! Thanks so much for listening it means so much to us and tune in next week for another episode :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2021
In this episode Becca and I talked about our next step and what we plan on doing in the future. We talked about self improvement and how we better our lives and encourage you guys to to do the same. We wanted to give advise this episode and try and motivate you guys to be your best self and go for gold in every area of your life. We loved talking to you guys and we'll catch up next week love y'all :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 21 October 2021
This episode was super fun because we had my boyfriend as a special guest. We asked him juicy questions that girls want to know about guys but are too afraid to ask! We heard the inside scoop on how guys really think. Thanks for listening to us interrogate Joe and the boy species. Love you guys and we'll talk to you next week!! Bye <3 --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 8 October 2021
This episode Becca and I spilled the tea about our sister relationship! We shared our dirty fights and drama. We shared all the issues we had being sisters and how we resolved them. We also talked about the wonderful part of having a sister and how we used to get along (sometimes). This was a super funny episode that had me rolling on the floor. We also fought just a little bit during the podcast lol. Anyways thank you for listening and we'll talk to you guys next week! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 23 September 2021
In todays episode Becca and I read your most secret most deep dark secrets to the whole world!! Anonymously of course ;) This was such a juicy episode where we spilled your tea instead of our own. Please give us a 5 star review so we can keep making episode and perhaps spill more of you guys tea in the future! Love y'all talk to you next week <3 --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 10 September 2021
In this weeks episode we had my mom come on to the podcast to talk all about our up bringing and how hard it was to raise us. This was such a fun episode to hear our moms perspective on all the dumb stuff we did and the struggle of raising 5 kids. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this funny and raw episode of our childhood. Let us know what you thought by leaving us a 5 star review to support the podcast <3 Talk to you guys next week. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 26 August 2021
This episode we talked all about our summer 2021! We went though our summer bucket list and talked about our experiences! We had a lot of ups and downs this summer which we shared with you guys. Hopefully your summer was great and hopefully you enjoyed hearing about ours. Leave us a review telling us what you did this summer. Talk to you guys next week :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 20 August 2021
In todays episode me and Becca spilled our guts on our inner most feelings. This was so juicy and we talked about how Becca doesn't ever feel wanted by anyone and how she constantly gets hurt by people. I also shared my feelings about being the "mistake child" and how I feel like my past mistakes still haunt me. Thanks so much if you listened all the way through I love you guys. We'll talk next week on Cherry Liplgoss --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 3 August 2021
In todays episode Becca and I talk about self improvement and how we get our stuff together before we look for a relationship. I think its so important to prioritize your relationship with Christ before looking for a man. Which is why we made an entire episode about creating a strong foundation in Christ and getting you life together!! Hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode and if you did please give it a 5 star review so we can continue to make episode for you guys :) Love y'all so much talk to you guys next week on Cherry Lipgloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2021
In todays episode, we put out sister hood to the test and of course the viewers to see how well we know each other. We asked questions to each other and to you all listening to try and guess what our answers would be! We surprisingly did horrible lol hopefully you guys did better than we did. Talk to you guys next week :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 10 July 2021
In todays podcast we talked about our jobs! We also wanted to call some of you and hear your worst rude costumer stories. However, most of you guys didn't answer :( Well hopefully you still enjoyed this podcast. If you did please give us a five star review. Love you guys talk to you next week! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2021
In todays podcast we took a glance back into the past. We talked all about how were were 3-4 years ago and how we looked at life. We talked about how naive we were with boys and how we used to act. This was a SUPER vulnerable episode were we talked about our past hurts and depression. We also ended the episode with READING MY OLD DIARY!!! Hopefully you found this episode juicy and will come back for more! Talk to you next week on Cherry Lipgloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 18 June 2021
In todays episode we talked about periods!!! ewwwww! Well all girls have them and they're completely normal. So today we asked you guys to ask us your period questions so we could be your big sisters and answer them for you. We also tried to call some of you guys to hear your tragic periods stories! Hopefully you found this episode entertaining if you did please give us 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast! Talk to you guys next week :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 12 June 2021
In this podcast we talk all about summer 2021 and our future plans! I absolutely love summer and im so excited to have new adventures! We shared our 2021 summer bucket lists and also our favorite summer memories. This was a super fun episode with our new podcast set up, so hopefully it sounds better for you guys. If you enjoyed the episode please leave a 5 star review so we can keep making episodes! :) Love y'all talk to you next week. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 4 June 2021
This episode me and Becca spill the tea on how to know if a guy likes you. Obviously we aren't guys so we shared the experience we have with you guys and then I asked the guys on my instagram how they act when they like and don't like a girl. Hopefully you guys learned something new about your crush and how to tell if they like you. Thanks so much for listening and we'll talk to you guys next time on Cherry Lipgloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 14 May 2021
This episode Becca interviewed Joe and I. She asked us questions about our relationship and we spill the real tea about our relationship. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the jokes and inside scoop. Thanks so much for listening catch you next time on Cherry Lipgloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 30 April 2021
This episode I talk about what the future holds, becoming an adult. Obviously Becca and I are no where qualified to give advise on adulthood but that doesn't stop us from making a podcast about it. We talk about starting are own career, getting married, and even buying our own house. Join us in this episode of Cherry Lipgloss for all the fun and laughter and make sure to leave us a five star review on your way out. Thanks for listening chat with you next time on Cherry Lipgloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2021
In this episode we had a JUICY Q&A on the podcast. We answered your juicy questions about or love lives and darkest secrets. This was a fun episode where we spilled all the tea. Hopefully you guys found this entertaining if you did leave us a 5 star review. Catch you guys next time on Cherry Lipgloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 16 April 2021
In this episode I gave advise to Becca and the viewers about college. To beware of mean teachers, jerk boys, and piles of homework. I walked Becca through the fun and struggles of college to give her a feel of what it will be like. She's planning on taking her college test in the summer to start taking courses. So I thought it would be fun to mentor her and tell her the DO's and DONT's when in college. Hopefully you found this podcast entertaining and some what helpful for the future. Thanks so much for listening talk to you next week on Cherry LipGloss. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 9 April 2021
In today’s episode me and Becca called subscribers live on the podcast. We asked him a little bit about themselves and told them to share one of the most embarrassing stories. Whether it be about their first case first date or even an embarrassing class experience. We also talk a little bit about our vacation and how it went. This was a super fun episode all about the viewers or we got to talk to you guys more! If you enjoy please leave us a review and tune next next week!! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 26 March 2021
This episode Becca and I talk about our craziest vacation stories. Summer is coming up again and it's about that time again when people start to travel. We don't exactly know how its going to work with corona. But, we thought it would be fun to talk to about our past vacations and just the funny stories we have from them. We also talk about our favorite part about traveling and the things we hate about traveling. Thanks so much for listening and supporting the podcast :) Please give us a 5 star review so we can keep making episodes for you guys. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 12 March 2021
This episode Becca and I talk all about our strengths and weaknesses. I think it's important to see what we need to work on in ourselves, as well as encourage ourselves with the positive things about ourselves. So today we talk about some of our bad parts like self consciousness, disorganization, procrastination, and how we can fix these things. However, we also brought each other up and pointed out the great things God put in us like being fun, talkative, and even creative. Overall we're learning to improve ourselves each day to become a better us. Enjoy this juicy episode where we dish our deepest insecurities. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 26 February 2021
This episode I let becca host for the first time ever!!! We talked about our first snow day experience and our upcoming trip. We also talked about our fitness life and diets! What was your favorite part of this episode? --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 21 February 2021
This episode is a little life update on mine and Becca's life. We also talk Valentines day!! What our favorite valentines day treats are and our past Valentines. Valentines can be either a lot of fun or honestly pretty sad. But me and Becca are going to have a blast either way!! We talk about our passion for fitness and just how our routines have been going. We just talk about everything we're into right now:) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 12 February 2021
This episode is all about making it happen!! We share our tips and trick to stay motivated in any area of your life and make your dreams a reality. I also share a 6 step plan that you can do at home today to help you achieve your goals. Hopefully yall found this more serious episode helpful in some way. Thanks so much for listening see you next time! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 15 January 2021
This is a hilarious episode all about mine and Becca's most embarrassing stories!!! We talked about horrible period leaks, farting in public, and even a story time about having lice! Not only did we share our funny stories, but we also asked you guys on instagram to tell us your, in detail, humiliating stories too! It was a blast to laugh and hear all of your personal things and really get closer with yall. Thanks to all who participated and hopefully you guys enjoyed this very goofy personal episode! See you guys next time :) --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 8 January 2021
In this episode me and Becca recap our entire 2020. We talk all about the good times and bad. Even thought there was much to be sad and upset about this year, there was also a lot of good. Me and Becca love to look on the positive side of things so in this episode we share all the great fun things that happened in 2020. And the even greater things to come in 2021. We have lots of goals and dreams that we cant wait to achieve in 2021. But as of right now all we can is hope that 2021 is better than 2020. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 5 January 2021
In this episode we were honestly all over the place! We started off talking about how our week went and how our relationship with christ is. Then we moved on to body positivity and how hard self confidence is to achieve. We continue to rant on about current world problems and then finish off with talking all about technology. We share our favorite forms of technology and how we feel like we're being listened to 24/7. In summary, this was a colorful episode that touched on a lot of teen topics. EPISODE 20 --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 18 December 2020
In this episode I had my sister in law Serinah as a co-host. We talked all about how it is trying to fit into your significant others family. Now that I have a boyfriend I'm trying to get used to his family and getting them to like me. Serinah shares her story of meeting my family and her advise on getting them to like her. This was a super juicy podcast on first impressions, embarrassing moments, and building relationships. EPISODE 19 --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 11 December 2020
This is the most emotional episode we've ever had! We talk about mine and Becca's disconnection and how my boyfriend is driving a wedge between us. We also talk about how friends come and go and will even stab you in the back. Lastly we cover some Tik Tok drama and are feelings about it. So hopefully you guys enjoy this juicy emotional episode where me and Becca try and build our bond again! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 4 December 2020
This episode is all about the holidays! We talk all about the awkwardness of Thanksgiving the stress of Christmas and the horrible New Years stories! The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year! However, sometimes they can go a little wrong or even make us a little sad. So this episode we chat all about it and of course talk about the best part of the holidays. Are you a fan of the holidays???! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 28 November 2020
In this very chill episode we talk about loads of things. From my current relationship status to the world possibly being taken over by AI!!! This was a very interesting episode that got really deep and we came to the conclusion that I’m actually very addicted to my phone, perhaps we all are. Let us know your thoughts on today’s modern technology. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 20 November 2020
In today’s episode we talked about the silent killer... stress. Everyone does it, everday, for some reason or another! Some people like me stress more than they should, about school, work, friends, or even boyfriends. So in today’s episode we talk about the main things that stress teenagers out. We also talked about how we get rid our stress by going to Christ and casting our cares on him. So enjoy this hopefully helpful episode about releasing stress. --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 30 October 2020
In this episode we share all our sister quirks and what its like to have a sister as a bestfriend! We shared out favorite and least favorite things about each other and I quickly found out Becca really doesn't love me!! LOL Just kidding ! Yes as sisters we do fight but we love being goofy and messing around, which I feel really showed through out this episode! Hopefully you guys enjoyed this funny/ saucy episode. What is your relationship like with this sister?! Are you close with your sister?? Thanks for tuning in this episode, make sure to turn in next Cherry Lipgloss Friday! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 23 October 2020
In this episode of cherry lipgloss we talked all about living in a family of nine. We have three brothers and two sister-in-law‘s and our parents! So you can imagine things got pretty chaotic! From petty sister fights to being home school together living in the same house was hard. We talked all about our funny childhood memories and our silly fights. We also share into depth details on our chaotic family moments! Tune in and hear all the tea and the real truth about the Sanchez Sqaud --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 16 October 2020
This episode is all about relationships!! Because I now have a boyfriend guys!!! Thats right previously talked about "Joseph" who's actual name is Joe asked me to be his girlfriend. Not going to lie this all happened pretty fast but im extremely happy and It was so fun to talk about with you guys. In this podcast we had special guest "Serinah Nicole (my sister in law) talk and give me and Becca advise on being in a relationship. She talks about how her and my brother kept a healthy Godly relationship, This podcast was super fun and super helpful for me who is now in a new relationship and hopefully it helped you guys out as well! Make sure to leave us a review and tune in next Friday!!! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 9 October 2020
In today’s episode me and Becca read y’alls secret confessions that y’all sent to us. All of these were completely anonymous so we won’t be sharing who said it. We also threw in two of our own secret confessions but you’re gonna have to guess which one ours was!! Make sure to add me on Instagram that way next secret confessions you guys can be included!!! We heard about some crazy confessions like stealing money and sneaking out at 4 AM!! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 26 September 2020
This episode was just a bit of a chill podcast were we talk about whatever the heck we wanted to. Becca was obviously having a bad week so it was a little deeper and just more in depth with our feelings and daily struggles. We also talk about a crazy experience when I had 3 guys at a party at the same time! 😂 --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 18 September 2020
In today’s episode we talk all about fitness and health, along with some other fun topics! We got real deep and dirty with eating disorders, and struggles of body insecurities. We also talked about my first date and how crazy it was. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and stick around to here more of the tea! --- Support this podcast:
Transcribed - Published: 11 September 2020
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