Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
**Sorry for the delay! We had like 5 things break on the ol' GeeklyInc backend the past week but most of those issues have been worked out! I really wanted to get y'all this ep last week but I am glad it can finally be enjoyed and loved on in your ears. Thanks!** It sure feels good to be back in the ASOIAF dragon saddle. With the cold war boiling over we pay a visit to many of the highborn around Westeros as they process the death of Lucerys last season. And oh boy is it a somber affair. I am sure everyone will have time to grieve in a healthy way before anything too intense happens. All future ASOIAF content will live here on our patreon! This will allow us to give the show the attention and love it deserves while freeing us to explore all the juicy tangents and musings that inspire us. Follow the hosts online! Nika Howard, Felicia Perez, Jennifer Cheek and Tim Lanning Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024
The finale of season 1! What a bittersweet moment for us. And a very bitter moment for the poor characters of this show. Season 1 was good to we were joined by Jennifer Cheek. Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 26 October 2022
Schemes up schemes upon schemes! Our heroes become villains! Our villains remain villains! Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 18 October 2022
Another , and most likely, the final time jump! We get some rad new faces to get used to all around but they look great and very scary. Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 11 October 2022
Things come to a boiling point with all our friends and family. You think your thanksgiving dinner is awkward….yikes. Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 4 October 2022
After 10 a ten year time jump our Westerosi heroes go through some awkward moments in court. And Die. We are joined by the wonderful Pat Edwards! Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 27 September 2022
Ok the first huge and bad decision and it happens at a wedding?!? Weird! The cast did not like it. Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 21 September 2022
Our characters continue to make poor decisions but we don’t really blame them, honestly… Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 13 September 2022
After a 3 ish year time jump our heroes deal with the consequences of their actions/ lack of actions. Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 6 September 2022
Episode two was a great Game of Thronesian political intrigue power house with back to back betrayals and court out maneuverings! We love to see it. Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 30 August 2022
The very first episode of House of the Dragon is finally out! Listen to our thoughts on the premiere of this brand new Game of Thrones series! We liked it : ) Follow the hosts – Tim Lanning, Nika Howard and Felicia Perez.
Transcribed - Published: 23 August 2022
Here we are! A new Cast of Thrones series covering The House of the Dragon which premieres on August 21st. Jennifer, Nick and Michael were understandably wary of hopping back on that donkey so Tim is joined by a new pod guard of wonderful folks. We are super excited for House of the Dragon while …
Transcribed - Published: 12 August 2022
The year is 2019. Our world is in chaos. But fear not, for hope still remains… in the form of a new Star Wars show called The Mandalorian. This delightful piece of content has brought the world so much joy that we just had to talk about it… in a weekly podcast called Bounty Buddies. …
Transcribed - Published: 27 November 2019
We’ve come a long way. This is it, the final Game of Thrones Year Endie Awards for the HBO Show. This is probably our best work. We discuss our pre season predictions. The results are shocking. Who will be the ham king? We also give out our prestigious awards as always. This isn’t the definitive end of Cast …
Transcribed - Published: 7 August 2019
Dear Internet, This week’s show is our live show from GeeklyCon 2019 and its Game of Thrones themed! For that reason, we are cross posting on Cast of Thrones. If you’re missing you Game of Thrones talk, this should hold you over for a bit. We talk about rude viewing partners, sexy time interruptions and personality quizzes. …
Transcribed - Published: 31 July 2019
We’re back again to dive deep into the series finale of Game of Thrones. This week, we do our standard BS and go through the episode line by line to see where everyone ended up. Jon is back where he started, Sansa’s a queen, and Danny is starting to regret her war tactics. Thank you …
Transcribed - Published: 22 May 2019
We didn’t want to wait on this one. Unfortunately with Michael, Tim, and Jennifer traveling we had to do a quick recording immediately following the episode. Don’t fret though. We will discuss the episode in more depth later in the week. For now enjoy our first impressions. Editors Note: There was some technical issues with …
Transcribed - Published: 21 May 2019
What an episode. Cinematic-ally flawless! Everything else…well not so much. This seemed to be a turning point for hardcore fans of the show. People are not happy about Danny and her turn to the darkside. We get into it, we get into it hard. Buckle up people. This one’s tough. Consider supporting us by going …
Transcribed - Published: 14 May 2019
Dany is having the WORST day. We recap what some people are calling the worst episode ever. Hey, the first 40ish minutes were pretty good! Sadly, Nick is off drinking cocktails out of coconuts on a cruise ship, but Greg Tito of Dungeons & Dragons fame valiantly steps in! Don’t forget to check out D&D …
Transcribed - Published: 7 May 2019
Well, that was a hell of a battle and a controversial episode. There was a lot of back and forth on social media about this episode. It’s hard to wrap up such a long story in a single episode, and some people were left wanting more. Either way, we had a ton of fun discussing …
Transcribed - Published: 30 April 2019
Episode 2 is another “table setting” episode but it delivers some of the most heartfelt moments of the series. We’ve waiting so long for our favorite characters to get together, and this season is giving them a little bit of chill time before they all probably die next week. Who’s to say? Brienne finally gets …
Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2019
The emotions swell in this episode as we get together at the start of the final season of Game of Thrones. This episode really does feel special, after waiting almost two years to get some closure. In this episode the gang is almost all back together, and we start to see the fallout of last …
Transcribed - Published: 16 April 2019
It has been too damn long! We are back and ready to go. After almost two years, things have gotten a bit foggy and we decided we should take a quick look at how last season wrapped up and talk about what we think will happen this year. Thank you all for coming back and …
Transcribed - Published: 8 April 2019
We’ve almost done it again! The penultimate episode. In this weeks episode we get all the dirt on what happened between MIB and his daughter. We mainly focus on William and see how he got to where he is, and what happened to his wife. We also have a brief but mind blowing run in …
Transcribed - Published: 19 June 2018
This weeks episode really takes a step back from the main story line and focuses on a character we’ve seen a lot in the background, but never gotten to know. This change of form pays of big time giving us one of the best most interesting episodes of the whole show. As Maeve is lying …
Transcribed - Published: 12 June 2018
This weeks episode was pretty divisive amongst the internet and our cast of humble hosts. There was a lot of shooting and fighting and that rubbed some of us the wrong way. Either way, there was a lot to unpack in this episode as we get to the end game of season 2. Ford and …
Transcribed - Published: 5 June 2018
Things are really picking up steam in this weeks episode! We get the biggest surprise reveal of the entire season and with it brings new questions and possibilities! Bernard is playing the latest in VR, MIB and daughter have a real heart to heart with bean man, and Dolores has a brand new Teddy. The …
Transcribed - Published: 29 May 2018
Sorry for the late episode! Someone forgot their audio. Anyway, this weeks episode takes us to Shogun world and we get to meet a bunch of familiar characters with new faces. The pieces are beginning to fall into place and how we get to robot soup is still quite the mystery. Maeve is picking up …
Transcribed - Published: 23 May 2018
This episode was my personal favorite of the season so far. We delved deeper into the mystery of season 2 and we learn more about a certain character from last week. Also, an old favorite from season 1 is back and that’s fresh as hell. This week on the hosts, we have a groundhog’s …
Transcribed - Published: 15 May 2018
This weeks episode is back to form, bloody crazy form. We get at Raj world, a park set in 1920’s -ish india. We learn how that tiger got drowned, Maeve meets a new friend, and Bernard is leaking again. Overall this was a positive episode with some interesting looks into the wider park as …
Transcribed - Published: 8 May 2018
This weeks episode was a bit divisive amongst the group. We retread a lot of the same ground in this episode and got to see some fun flash backs. We got to see how Delos got started with west world and a little bit more of the man in blacks journey on this new game. …
Transcribed - Published: 1 May 2018
It’s been too long since we’ve had our good pal HBO back in our lives. The premier of Westworld came back with a bang. This season is not playing around and it gives us one hell of an opener. Bernard is the new Dolores and the man in black finally has the messed up life …
Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2018
Sadly Game of Thrones did not qualify for this year’s Emmy Awards, but that’s ok! It just barely made it in time for the GOTYE’s, the Game of Thrones Year Endie Awards! We break down all the best moments and characters from season 7! It was quite a year, and this is the perfect wrap up! …
Transcribed - Published: 18 September 2017
It’s a sad day here in Westeros. We all have to pack up our armies for the season and put things on pause till next season when all our friends come back to school. Another season of Game of Thrones in the bag. We got a ton of reveals in this episode including, Jon’s real …
Transcribed - Published: 29 August 2017
The most divisive episode of Game of Thrones is here! We were iffy on how this little plan of Jon Snow’s would pan out and I think we were mostly right about that. We also hoped that Arya would be smart enough to see past Littlefinger’s ploys but sadly we were disappointed. All in all, …
Transcribed - Published: 22 August 2017
This weeks episode brings us back from the chaos of dragon killing and gives book readers tons of winks and nods. We cannot begin to tell you how excited we are to confirm that the show runners love memes. Gendry is no longer rowing, Arya is getting hoodwinked by littlefinger, Dany is more like her …
Transcribed - Published: 15 August 2017
Wow. Are you kidding me HBO? This episode was bananas. And I’m not talking Gwen Stefani Bananas, I mean legit crazy. This episode had so many fantasies of ours that we never thought we’d see. Arya was reunited with Sansa and Bran, Jon Snow is totally flirting hard with Danny, Davos has picked up Stannis’s …
Transcribed - Published: 8 August 2017
This weeks episode brought some divisive opinions among our esteemed cast of podcasters. We had an exciting episode with some controversial points from D and D. We get the reunion of some Stark children, the meeting of fire and ice, Cersei and Jamie are back together, and the Lannister plan is starting to make sense. …
Transcribed - Published: 1 August 2017
Note: We recorded this episode live after working non stop on Geeklycon to get this to you as soon as possible. We did the best we could with the audio. Thank you for understanding. This weeks episode was a doozy, there are tons of moving pieces here and things are already starting to move fast. …
Transcribed - Published: 25 July 2017
Another year, another season of Game of Thrones. The wait this year was extra long, but it only made that opening scene extra sweet. The sweet sweet taste of Arbor Gold. Arbor Gold, the best wine for revenge. Each season of Game of Thrones opens by setting the scene for the new season and checks …
Transcribed - Published: 17 July 2017
It’s almost time for a brand new season of Game of Thrones! So the Cast of Thrones crew is all back to get you ready. A lot happened last season so we have produced a finely tuned episode to get those juices flowing. We discuss the state of all our heroes at the end of last season. Then …
Transcribed - Published: 11 July 2017
We are back! In this episode we are talking about the latest spin off story from G.R.R.M The Rogue Prince. This short novella tells us what happened in the years leading up to the arguably more exciting The Princess and the Queen. Obviously there will be spoilers for this story, but honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it! We …
Transcribed - Published: 14 April 2017
It’s finally time for Wine, Women & Westeros 6, Part 2: 2 Queen 2 Furious! You may have noticed that there was quite a break in between Part 1 and Part 2…you may have also noticed that there is occasionally a bit of an echo in the audio…oddly enough, these things are related! I like …
Transcribed - Published: 22 November 2016
What do we have here?? By golly it’s a brand new podcast. The Cast of Thrones crew has found a new obsession that we think you’re going to love. Westworld is a new HBO show where robots allow rich jerks to play out there every fantasy in horrific ways. I’m sure no one will get …
Transcribed - Published: 6 October 2016
We are back with the second half of our GOTYE awards! This time we have all the big awards you’ve come to love and respect. Including, The ned starky award and Best Death. Some minor audio issues delayed this episode a bit, so we apologize for that, but it all came together in …
Transcribed - Published: 27 August 2016
Wow. This was an incredible season. We’ve seen people’s opinions all over the place on this one, but we can all agree there were some incredible reveals, deaths, and even butts. We are back once again to award the best of the best, their golden donkey. We’ve been in close contact with all the …
Transcribed - Published: 10 August 2016
We took an extended vacation, but the ladies of Wine, Women & Westeros are back to talk about season 6 of Game of Thrones! And also our deepest, darkest, fanfiction secrets and canned wine. We had so much to talk about that we’ll be doing at least one more episode, so stay tuned for Wine, …
Transcribed - Published: 28 July 2016
The white raven has finally come and with it, the winds of winter have arrived. With this episode, HBO has ruined the SEO for the next book forever, but they’ve also managed one of the best episodes of their run. We all predicted what Cersei’s plan was, but the way the show handled it was …
Transcribed - Published: 28 June 2016
I really want to call this the greatest episode in Game of Thrones history, and for some that is completely the case. Watching this episode in basically a theater with 60 of your best friends was an experience that can’t be replicated. We had so much pay off this week its crazy and out …
Transcribed - Published: 22 June 2016
This is the true story, of four people, picked to live in a house, and record a podcast. This weeks episode finds our heroes co located and recording in the tower of joy. We had some incredible moments this week including full on axe murdering hound, Arya remembers her name, Cersei is screwed (not in …
Transcribed - Published: 14 June 2016
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