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Big Brother Gossip Show (mp3)

Big Brother Gossip Show (mp3)

Scott Hudson

Big, Feeds, Brother, Cbs, Spoilers, Live, Tv & Film

4.6742 Ratings


The writers from gather to comment on theweek's activities in The Big Brother House!

161 Episodes

Big Brother Gossip Show #1114: Season Finale

What a shocking turn of events! Who knew that the finale would be as intriguing as it was? For our finale, we go over not only what happened on the final episode of the season but the few days of live feeds that preceded Cody’s surprise cutting of Nicole to go with Enzo. How long had he planned on making that move? We debate this turn of events, along with other intriguing things that happened during the finale. We thank you guys oh so much for following us throughout this long season, and we sincerely hope that we have provided insight as to what happened over the last three months.

Transcribed - Published: 30 October 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1113: Strong As Frick

So we’re now finally down to the last three players standing. Nicole, Cody, and Enzo. Who won the first of the three final HOH competitions? Who is likely to not only become the final two but who wins this season? We discuss all of this, along with much, much more on this week’s second to last episode.

Transcribed - Published: 25 October 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1112: Four’s a Crowd

It’s the most important week of the Big Brother season. The HOH winner automatically finds themselves in the the final three, as does the POV who also decides the third person in that trio. Who will not make the cut? Will it be “Big Moves Yo” Enzo, the “Whiny Assassin”, “Betty Broderick” Christmas, or the person who has pretty much ran the house from the very beginning (Cody)? We quickly know that Enzo is safe, as he won the HOH competition on Thursday evening? Weirdly, despite the fact that his nominations don’t really mean anything, one of the people he puts up has a hissy fit that lasts almost an entire day. Can you figure out who that is? We discuss everything that happens, including Enzo’s failure to see that just possibly Christmas is correct in whose departure would help Enzo’s end game. Of course, he doesn’t really care.

Transcribed - Published: 18 October 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1111: Return To Sender

Well, it finally happened. After ten weeks, Nicole Franzel finally won HOH. You’d think that would make her happy. Oh no, it doesn’t. She’s not happy with the time frame of her receiving her HOH basket. Then when she receives it, she’s still not happy. She didn’t receive all of the treats she expected. She’s not happy with her letter. I mean, she’s really not happy with her letter. Poor Victor, her fiance, just didn’t include all the niceties that she expected. She spent all of Thursday night complaining about this form letter that we all know CBS edits before the HOH receives it. And this doesn’t end her whining. It’s so hard to be HOH, you know. You have to make hard decisions. You have to spend way too much time talking to people you don’t want to really talk to. But a job is a job, and she finally fulfilled her obligations by nominating Memphis and Christmas. She wants Memphis to go, but do Cody and Enzo agree with her plans? They may tell her they’re cool with this, but there’s a conversation that happens that questions whether they will actually follow through with this goal.

Transcribed - Published: 11 October 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1110: Yo, That’s What I’m Saying

There’s actually a lot to talk about on this week’s episode. First off, there is the first ever triple eviction in Big Brother history (outside of Canada, of course). Yet things didn’t go exactly as planned for CBS. A production decision to take a wide shot on Julie exposed the supposed “surprise” to the houseguests that it was indeed a triple eviction night.Then we had what actually happened during the episode. For a few seconds, it seemed like Nicole was actually going to get the boot. It didn’t happen, but there was a little bit of tension that extended long after the three evictees got the boot. As predicted, Nicole certainly didn’t let anybody forget what she had to go through that night. She was, after all, nominated not once but twice.That incident also gave Cody an easy out when it comes to nominations. Certainly Christmas and Tyler had to go up. But who would vote for who? And that’s where we get our title for this episode, as nobody really knows who Enzo really wants to see evicted. He tells Tyler he’s got his back, but then he also says the same to Christmas. Nobody knows where Enzo’s loyalties lie…except for with Cody. That’s his man, yo.

Transcribed - Published: 4 October 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1109: Tit For Tat

Yes, we had to postpone this week’s episode for a day due to one of up attending a wedding. But that also means you get to hear all the details of last nights’ later than usual POV competition. Yes, it was OTEV, but what happened during that comp has everybody talking. There’s also the first tints in the armor of the “beloved” Committee alliance. The quotes are included as it’s never been the most fan base’s beloved alliance anyway. But even those in the actual alliance have never been that devoted. Well, this week sees some severe dissension, mainly between Christmas and Dani. Will that affect this Thursday’s triple eviction? Probably. Or at least we hope so.

Transcribed - Published: 28 September 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1108: Wise Guys

On first glimpse, this week should have been pretty cut and dry. One of the three not in the giant Committee alliance was bound to be getting the axe this week. And yes, that’s what ultimately will happen but things didn’t happen as it was originally planned. Plus, the plan that Nicole and Dani put together to hide Nicole’s vote against Ian actually worked! It caused tension between Day and David that was much more heated than anybody could possibly predict. Plus you have Memphis creating three final two’s and two final three’s in the course of thirty minutes!

Transcribed - Published: 20 September 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1107: Would I Lie To You?

Once again, a week that looks like it will be cut and dry actually turns out to have some drama. And it’s all because David won one of the powers last week, and he was forced to use it after being nominated by Dani. But David didn’t just routinely used his power. Oh no, instead he tried to convince the house that somebody else had a power that they used on him. Needless to say, this didn’t work out well for him. Yet it did create a few seeds of doubt that continue to affect the game as we went to air. You’ll love the little tidbits we uncover!

Transcribed - Published: 13 September 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1106: All I Want For Christmas

First things first. Yes we are a day later than normal. Hey, it’s a holiday weekend and one of us had some family obligations on Saturday. Due to the delay, however, we are able to go deeper in the week than normal. Not only did we talk about the post-eviction episode actions in the house and the nominations of Bayleigh and Da’Vonne, we were also able to chat about the POV competition.  But that’s not all. A lot of things happened on the feeds this weekend, and it wasn’t all about the nominees. There’s a simmering rivalry between Dani and Tyler that is bound to explode. Or is something else going to happen. We had some last minute conversations that if true could completely change the game. Could somebody else possibly be leaving?

Transcribed - Published: 7 September 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1105: Yo Yo Enzo

First off, this week marks the premiere of the 2020 Big Brother Gossip intro!!! Please let us know what you think of it (especially if you like it). I feel like I did capture the essence of the first few weeks of the show. And definitely let me know about a certain edit that goes from Dani to Keesha. Can you spot the differences in their voices? I can’t. As far as this week’s show we begin by talking about the departure of the “legendary” Janelle. We have Dani’s planned “hinky” vote, and Nicole’s nightlong despair over her supposedly nasty goodbye message. Janelle may be long gone, but she’s still there in Nicole’s mind even days after the fact. Then we have Enzo’s HOH reign. We show how Enzo is just as much of a liar as Danielle, but he’s much better at hiding it. Everybody just laughs at Enzo’s complaints about Danielle, David, Da’Vonne, and most of the rest of the house, but they’re starting to catch on to Danielle’s nefarious ways. Is she in trouble in the near future? Maybe.

Transcribed - Published: 30 August 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1104: Whiny Assassin

In what may be the most shocking revelation in the history of the Big Brother Gossip Show, we actually have some shocking comments to say about a member of this season’s all star cast. Yes, we really do compliment one of our least-favorite cast members of all time. Guess what, though? She was the master of everything that happened last week, and her histrionics on Friday night may have set the stage for what we see in the week’s ahead.Besides our shocking revelation, we go over everything else that happened this week. The departure of Nicole Anthony, Tyler’s HOH win, Danielle’s behind the scenes work, and as went to record the results of this week’s POV competition.

Transcribed - Published: 23 August 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1103: Walking In Memphis

After a relatively boring week of feeds things finally heated up Friday night. First off, Memphis wasn’t exactly happy that Christmas saved Ian in the Safety Suite competition. After all, Ian was one of Memphis’ targets. The look on Christmas’ face when Memphis complained to her was priceless. Then the drama really went down when Memphis nominated David and Nicole Anthony. Despite the fact that Nicole didn’t follow Memphis’ request of playing in the Safety Suite and he used that in his nomination speech, Nicole broke down because she felt betrayed. But then David also broke down in tears. But was it planned. We play some clips that indicate that may indeed be the case.There are two other major themes of the evening. One is the anger and lack of trust that Memphis’ alliance members have in him because he refrains from loudly babbling over and over his plans. That leads to the other theme of Danielle being…well, a brat. Besides a great gift of being able to lie on demand, she also just can’t handle people doing whatever she wants at the moment she wants it done. Could this lead to the demise of her alliance with Memphis? Oh how much fun we had tonight, and you should also enjoy our giggling throughout tonight’s episode. We thank you guys so much for listening to this show, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you’re a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button. You can find this show at all of the various podcast sites, or click here for a direct download!And if you really love what we do, please consider contributing to our Patreon. We offer all kinds of rewards, including access to Scott and Colette’s Day Drinking show. You can even be an executive producer of this lovely little program.Oh, and I almost forgot that we now have Big Brother Gossip merchandise! Click here for shirts, mugs, and other merchandise related to both this show and the Day Drinking bonus show!!

Transcribed - Published: 16 August 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1102: Manic Panic

For years and years, we’ve complained about the fact that Big Brother didn’t allow us to get the feeds for a full week after they entered the house. This year they’ve apparently listened to our complaints and not only did they turn on the feeds right away but the season premiere was live! Obviously that means we have a lot to cover, which explains why we have what is probably the longest episode ever. But there’s so much to cover. We have an all star cast that is surprisingly willing to talk about anything and everything. There’s so much tea spilled in these episodes. And there’s actually some game play, as some old school players are targeted by a new school HOH. The feeds have been nothing but great fun!

Transcribed - Published: 9 August 2020

Big Brother Gossip Show #1101: Season Premiere

]ust a few days ago, CBS announced that Big Brother was back. And it’s an all stars season! While CBS has not officially announced the cast, we have some behind the scenes info on who may be involved who may be entering the house. It’s so much fun to get the trio back together and talk about what we think may happen this season!Thank you to those who support us through Patreon. It’s because of you who help us create these shows every single season.

Transcribed - Published: 2 August 2020

Big Brother Gossip #1015: Season Finale

Big Brother 21 is now history but that doesn’t mean the Big Brother Gossip Show is finished. No, we had lots to talk about. In fact, even more than any of the three of us thought we had to say. We chatted a bit about what happened in the house before the finale, and then went in depth as to everything that happened on Wednesday’s finale. Was Nicole cheated out of a win? What did we think of the final pleas of the finalists? Or our thoughts on the controversial pre-jury questioning? We chatted about all of this and much more! Oh how much fun we had tonight, and you should also enjoy our giggling throughout tonight’s episode. We thank you guys so much for listening to this show, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you’re a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.

Transcribed - Published: 28 September 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1014: Three’s a Crowd

So we are finally down to the finale three contestants of the season. Are you happy with those three? Do you wish Cliff was still in the house? Who is going to win? We chat about all of these situations, starting with Cliff’s last ditch effort to stay in the house. There’s also our reaction to the latest jury house footage, including the shocking hookup between Kat and Nick (of all people). Then there is the first of the final three HOH competitions. We go over who won, and the reaction of the other two finalists. There’s actually more to chat about then we originally thought we’d have tonight.

Transcribed - Published: 22 September 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1013: Midlife Crisis

Once again it should have been an easy week. Holly was going to be evicted, despite what they told Jackson and Holly. Then Cliff spilled the beans and we had 24 hours of great feeds. Well, a handful of hours of great feeds and then CBS blocked them all day on Thursday. So we missed a house meeting that looks to be momentous, but we pieced together what really happened as opposed to what CBS showed on Thursday night. But that’s not all. While much of the past 48 hours have consisted of the final four laying around rehashing the season, there was an incident that set the stage for some crazy gameplay that will ultimately cost our favorite oil man the game. He probably would have gone anyway, but this one little conversation he had with Jackson on Friday afternoon made the decision of the POV winner that much easier. Oh how much fun we had tonight, and you should also enjoy our giggling throughout tonight’s episode. We thank you guys so much for listening to this show, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you’re a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button.

Transcribed - Published: 15 September 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1012: The Big Reveal

It looked to be a laid back sort of weekend in the Big Brother house. After the double eviction, the remaining five knew their spots in the house, especially after Jackson won HOH. There was a lot of laying around reminiscing about the past two months. Then out of the blue our little Broadway dancer revealed the biggest secret of the season. The Big Brother world went into a tizzy, especially when the feeds dropped for a few minutes. And this was followed by a statement from one of the five stating the possibility of a big shakeup if they won the POV. Which that person did then accomplish! Will Jackson’s main squeeze end up on the block? If so, will she go home? Suddenly a boring week was full of intrigue! We thank you guys so much for listening to this show, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you’re a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button. And if you really love what we do, please consider contributing to our Patreon. We offer all kinds of rewards, including access to Scott and Colette’s Day Drinking show. You can even be an executive producer of this lovely little program.Oh, and I almost forgot that we now have Big Brother Gossip merchandise! Click here for shirts, mugs, and other merchandise related to both this show and the Day Drinking bonus show!!!

Transcribed - Published: 8 September 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1011: Pity Party

Imagine that you’ve been in the Big Brother house for two months and not only are you unaware of the various alliances but you’ve yet to create your own. Imagine then that you’re told that you are probably going to be nominated for the first time since the early weeks of the game. Would you be disappointed? Sure. Should you be surprised? No. Yet that’s exactly what happened this week. Jessica has been a non-entity in the game but how dare she be a target for eviction. Hence this week’s title. The pity party she went on was pure insanity. First Christie had to endure an hour of her sob story. Then Nicole had to sit through almost two hours!  This is also the week of an endurance competition, and the dreaded “Hide and Go Veto” competition. Would some conspiring between Cliff and Jackson lead to a victory? If not, is Cliff still safe? We chat about all of this and so much more on this hilarious episode of the Big Brother Gossip Show!

Transcribed - Published: 1 September 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1010: Pranksta’s Paradise

When we finished last week’s episode it appeared that Christie was on her way out the door. Thanks to a combination of a tumultuous “Taco Tuesday” confrontation and Analyse’s lack of knowing how to couple nouns and verbs, it was Analyse who walked out the door on Thursday. Holly then won Thursday night’s HOH, but this is “Prank Week”. How would this affect her HOH reign? We chat about all of this, along with a wall yeller, a disagreement over the word “throw”, Zingbot’s appearance, and a pie or two in the face. And a whole lot more, including even more lunacy to come out of Christie’s mouth.

Transcribed - Published: 25 August 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1009: Mean Girl

Christie may think she has the universe under her thumb, but it seems like the Big Brother community has a bigger say in her future than she does. I mean, come on, last week it was the the fans who put her on the block. No matter what her manifestations this week, she is once again on the block this week…and it looks like she’s heading to jury. But the main focus of this week’s show is actually the other person who was nominated. Analyse finally found herself on the block, and even before this happened we saw her true colors. She wasn’t making fun of Cliff last week. According to her they were noting how “cute” he looked when he was running. After all, she doesn’t “need” to make fun of people. We saw similar instances of her true colors after she was put on the block next to Christie. Oh no, she’s just a sweet little girl who is an inspiration to all! This week’s great show highlights all of the silly things that came out of the mouths of both Christie and Analyse, along with everything else that happened in the house. We also extensively went through the craziness that occured on Wednesday night when Jessica was told by Nicole that she was left out of this brand new six person alliance, and Tommy’s futile attempts to revive the original six. Seriously, this was a great night of analysis!

Transcribed - Published: 18 August 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1008: Karma Is a Christie

This week could have been the best of the season!!! We had Christie on the ropes! Thanks to th fans she was on the block, and she was actually rethinking her beliefs on the universe and karma. And then at the very last minute before the show began disaster struck thanks to a POV win by the current HOH, Tommy. Yet we still had those two days of hilarious live feeds, and there’s so much intrigue in the house. Which side are Holly and Jackson on? Is Nick getting in Nicole’s head? Is the universe still helping Christie? We cover all of this and much, much more!

Transcribed - Published: 11 August 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1007: Comp Beast!

Nobody expected this to be an interesting week at all. Like all the previous weeks, it was bound to be another week controlled by the same handful of people that have bored us the last few weeks. Then things got weird. First there was a last minute free for all that saw the dissolution of the main alliance in the house. Then we saw the shocking HOH win of the least likely person in the house, followed by the same person winning POV! Could we have a strong player leaving this week? It sure seems that way!

Transcribed - Published: 4 August 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1006: Pose In Ivy

This should have been a quick, easy show. The week in the Big Brother house has been pretty cut and dry. The targets were obvious the minute Holly won HOH, and nothing really happened to create any question of what she was going to do with her power. Yet something happens whenever the Big Brother Gossip crew are firing on all cylinders, and this is such a week. Something was in the air, or at the very least the beer and wine were tasting mighty fine for the trio. But somehow this week of nothing turned into over 2 1/2 hours of hilarious and biting chatter. And we certainly don’t give anybody a pass when it comes to our commentary. Each and every person remaining in the house has major game or character flaws. Well, let’s be real. They have game AND character flaws. And we don’t hold back on any of them.

Transcribed - Published: 28 July 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1005: Boss Hogg

What a wacky week this was in the Big Brother house. We finally got rid of some folks, we had a successful blindside, and somehow Cliff survived the Camp Comeback comp. Not only that, but later that night he won HOH!!! So for the first time this season we have a house flip. How was Cliff going to handle this responsibility? Would he try to befriend the people who switched their votes to save Nicole, or would he team up with the rest of the downstairs crew? Well, he went for the big move and nominated Jack and Jackson That move raised other questions. Well, it raised one question. What was Christie going to do with her Diamond Power of Veto? Would she use it to save one her pals? Truthfully, she doesn’t even know, as we proved in this episode.

Transcribed - Published: 21 July 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1004: Manifest Destiny

We all thought it would be a slow week. Oh how wrong we were. A convo here, a lie there, and suddenly we have a person ostracized by a huge group of people hanging out in the HOH room. But was all of that manifested by a person who was told to hit the bathroom a 9:40 am this past Tuesday? It does seem to all come from that one person’s ear pressed against a door. We thank you guys so much for listening to this show, and it also helps us out a lot if you do some simple little things like retweet this post, or any post about the Big Brother Gossip Show. Or if you’re a member of our Facebook group, hit that little share button. You can find this show at all of the various podcast sites, or click here for a direct download!

Transcribed - Published: 14 July 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1003: Don’t Call It a (Camp) Comeback

All kinds of crazy stuff happened this week, including a new twist, a breakup, a drone, a couple of earthquakes, and a mule kick or two.

Transcribed - Published: 7 July 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1002: Reverse Backdoor

The live feeds kicked in this week, and we have all sorts of opinions about these new goofy house guests!

Transcribed - Published: 30 June 2019

Big Brother Gossip #1001: Season Premiere

It’s the season premiere, and we go over the cast of Big Brother #21!

Transcribed - Published: 23 June 2019

Celebrity Big Brother Gossip #205: Finale Talk

The season may have ended but we still have plenty to talk about what happened over the last few days.

Transcribed - Published: 16 February 2019

Celebrity Big Brother Gossip #204: Off The Rails On a Crazy Train

It’s a nutty week in the house, but who is the biggest nutjob? is it Lolo? Tom Green? Or Tamar? Hell, it can be anybody in this nutty house.

Transcribed - Published: 10 February 2019

Celebrity Big Brother Gossip #203: Friday Morning Fights

A crazy week in the celebrity big brother house is recapped, including one of the most disastrous HOH’s of all time.

Transcribed - Published: 2 February 2019

Celebrity Big Brother #202: Catch a Falling Star

It’s the first week of Celebrity Big Brother, and we recap everything that happened.

Transcribed - Published: 27 January 2019

Celebrity Big Brother Gossip #201: Season Premiere

We’re days from the first episode of Celebrity Big Brother, and we let you guys know everything there is to understand about the entire cast.

Transcribed - Published: 20 January 2019

Big Brother Gossip Show #915: Season Finale

It’s our postseason finale! We talk about the finale and all kinds of other stuff, including improvements on the finale and future seasons.

Transcribed - Published: 28 September 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #914: Mastermind JC

We’re in the last week of this season of Big Brother, and JC believes he’s the mastermind of the entire season. Is he? Listen and find out.

Transcribed - Published: 23 September 2018

Big Brother Gossip Special Release: The Sam Megamix II

The first Sam megamix worked so well that Scott made a second one. Thanks to your support we’re letting you guys have a copy!

Transcribed - Published: 17 September 2018

Big Brother Gossip Special Release: The Sam Megamix

Due to overwhelming requests, we’re offering up Scott’s megamix of Colette’s impressions of Sam!

Transcribed - Published: 17 September 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #913: Sam On Film

Angela may be the new HOH but Sam has found love. Unfortunately her new lover is behind the walls.

Transcribed - Published: 16 September 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #912: KC & the L6 Band

Kaycee is the new HOH so what is she going to do? Listen to this week’s show to find out. As always, there’s also an update or four on Sam’s goofy activities.

Transcribed - Published: 9 September 2018

Big Brother Gossip #911: Don’t Beam Me Up Scottie

Scottie return via Battle Back, but does it matter?

Transcribed - Published: 2 September 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #910: Love Will Tear Us Apart

Angela is the new HOH, and her targets are either Fessie or Haleigh.

Transcribed - Published: 26 August 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #909: Bizarre Love Triangle

Fessie is the new HOH. Does he make a strong game move, or does he go after his romantic rivals? I think it’s pretty obvious which direction he goes.

Transcribed - Published: 19 August 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #908: Sam Interrupted

This week’s HOH may have been Haleigh, but the week is all about Sam.

Transcribed - Published: 12 August 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #907: Hacked HOH

Angela is the new HOH, but there’s a new twist that may steal her power!

Transcribed - Published: 5 August 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #906: Plan Bay

Bayleigh is the new HOH and she’s in charge of this week’s plan. And maybe a “plan b”.

Transcribed - Published: 29 July 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #905: Sam Got ‘Er Done

The week is full of fun, including Brett’s lie, Rock Star’s reaction, and Sam’s HOH reign.

Published: 22 July 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #904: Revenge of the Nerd

There’s a new sheriff in town, and he’s the last American virgin.

Published: 15 July 2018

Big Brother Gossip #903: Lunatic Fringe

We love the crazies and Kaitlyn as HOH fulfills that role!

Published: 8 July 2018

Big Brother Gossip Show #902: Bad Robot?

Live feeds began this week and we cover everything that happened once we got to see what was actually happening in the Big Brother house!

Published: 1 July 2018

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