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At Last She Said It

At Last She Said It

Cynthia Winward

Religion & Spirituality, Feminism, Motherhood, Ldswomen, Spirituality, Lds, Thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints, Mormonwomen, Religion, Marriage, Mormon, Faith

5900 Ratings


At Last She Said It is a podcast that seeks to amplify and explore a variety of voices, stories, ideas and experiences of Mormon women.

211 Episodes

Episode 211: Who's the Decider? | A Conversation with Natalie Brown

When asked about the possibility of priesthood ordination for women in 1998, Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley famously told Larry King, “It would take another revelation to bring that about. I don’t anticipate it.” Big changes have come following revelations in LDS history, but must prophetic revelation always precede change? Even on a local level, many leaders are hesitant to innovate in small ways. Natalie Brown posits that “not every small experiment should require prophetic sign off.” In Episode 211, she joins Cynthia and Susan for a conversation about how change happens—or doesn’t—at church. Do debate and discussion have a place, and if so, whose opinions should be considered? And what about transparency in the decision-making process?

Transcribed - Published: 11 February 2025

Episode 210: Marriage Edition Part 2 | A(nother) Conversation with Dr. Jennifer Bird

In Part 2 of the conversation about biblical marriage, Susan and Cynthia ask Dr. Jennifer Bird about virginity, purity culture, and—of course!—biblical polygamy. Joseph Smith drew on polygamy in the Hebrew Bible to justify instituting the practice in early Mormonism, teaching that sometimes God not only condoned but actually mandated it. So what does a feminist biblical scholar say about it?

Transcribed - Published: 4 February 2025

Episode 209: Does That Scripture Mean What You Think it Means? Marriage Edition | A Conversation with Dr. Jennifer Bird

“If we want to look at this sacred collection called the Bible as our guide, let's be really clear and honest about what it was saying on its own terms first, then leave it up to everyone to figure out what we're going to do with that, because we're going to do different things with it,”  suggests Dr. Jennifer Bird. In Episode 209, she joins Susan and Cynthia for part one of a conversation about biblical marriage. Is it possible that in our reading of the Bible, we’ve layered a lot of our own ideas about marriage and relationships on top of it that were never there to begin with? What can we understand about biblical marriage based on what the texts actually say?

Transcribed - Published: 28 January 2025

Episode 208: Patriarchy 101 | A Conversation with Amy McPhie Allebest

Latter-day Saints have a complicated relationship with the word patriarchy. We reverence it, including variations in some of our highest callings and ordinances, yet many members won’t touch it in a discussion of women’s rights or organizational equality. So how can we have meaningful conversations about it with other Church members? Amy McPhie Allebest says, “There are two ways to try to reach people’s hearts and minds to say, ‘I’m serious, this is a problem.’ One is through facts, and one is through feelings.” In Episode 208, Amy joins Cynthia and Susan to explore both in a discussion aimed at preparing listeners to have hard conversations in effective ways.

Transcribed - Published: 21 January 2025

Episode 207: What About Religiosity, Violence and Abuse? | A Conversation with Dr. Susan Madsen

When it comes to talking about abuse and violence against women, “You have to become comfortable with being uncomfortable,” explains Susan Madsen. In Episode 207, Dr. Madsen joins Susan and Cynthia for a conversation about the link between religiosity and abuse, and the power disparity that fosters it. Even where the Church is strongest, the statistics are troubling, to say the least. How might our church and its members move from lip service to leading "the army to protect home, family, and children?”

Transcribed - Published: 14 January 2025

Episode 206: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Darice Auston

“How many things have to happen to you before something occurs to you," says Darice Auston, quoting Robert Frost. In Episode 206, Darice joins Cynthia and Susan to share some of the things that have occurred to her, and where those insights are leading her now. It's a conversation that illustrates the ways our unique experiences can shape and inform our spiritual life and church engagement, leading to a truer expression of our deepest personal beliefs.

Transcribed - Published: 7 January 2025

Episode 205: The Spiritual Nature of All Things | A Conversation with Kaylee McElroy

“The natural world, with all its varieties of God’s creations, shows us so many [other] ways of being,”  writes Kaylee McElroy. Zooming out as far as human imagination can take us may bring our ideas about God and our relationship to the physical world into clearer focus. In Episode 205, Susan and Cynthia are joined by Kaylee for a conversation about everything: structures, darkness, creation, connection, and the convergence of physics and spirituality.

Transcribed - Published: 17 December 2024

Episode 204: Do I Have to Care? | The Second Coming

In a church where everything is “true,” how do we allocate importance? With only so much bandwidth, we all have to make choices about what matters to us. Which ideas do we find to be consistently resonant, or generative? Which produce meaningful fruit in our lives and relationships? In Episode 204, Cynthia and Susan take on the current interest in the Second Coming in a discussion about deciding what really matters.

Transcribed - Published: 10 December 2024

Episode 203: An Evolving Faith | A Conversation with Valerie Hamaker

There are some topics that seem to surface again and again in our ALSSI conversations: love, fear, self, change, and patriarchy, to name a few. In Episode 203, Cynthia and Susan are joined by Valerie Hamaker for a conversation that touches on these themes and others as we discuss evolving faith.

Transcribed - Published: 3 December 2024

Episode 202: Who Deserves to Hear My Story?

When things start to shift around our faith, the need to tell people about the change can feel overwhelming. There are all kinds of reasons people want to share—it can feel isolating to carry such big thoughts, feelings, and experiences alone. But depending on the circumstances, spilling the details of your evolving faith can have all kinds of consequences. In Episode 202, Susan and Cynthia discuss the question, “Who deserves to hear my story?”

Transcribed - Published: 26 November 2024

Episode 201: What About Certainty? | What About Conscience?

David French wrote, “We live in an age of misplaced certainty, when even the smallest expressions of doubt or the slightest of disagreements break institutions and fracture families." In Episode 201, Cynthia and Susan take on certainty as it contributes to the development of a Church monoculture. Is there room for existential or intellectual humility in a "True" church? And as members of an organization built around checklists and worthiness assessments, can Latter-day Saints allow individual conscience to function as a holy disruptor?

Transcribed - Published: 19 November 2024

Episode 200: Let's Zoom Waaay Out

Our spiritual lives are our own, but they don’t exist in a vacuum. We can do all the inner work we want, but as Latter-day Saint women our personal journey is always going to intersect with our Church membership, theology and history, our marriages, friendships and families, our communities, education and politics, and all the messaging we absorb in these interactions. In Episode 200, Cynthia and Susan discuss how looking at our journey in context can help us better understand our individual story.

Transcribed - Published: 12 November 2024

Episode 199 (Bonus): Revisiting "Did It Ever Matter?" | Garments

“All dogma begins in mysticism,” says Rob Bell. But by the time programs, practices, and policies filter down to Church members, it’s little wonder the criteria for determining what really matters in the long term—and why—can feel a bit fuzzy. In light of recent changes, in bonus Episode 199 Cynthia and Susan revisit their conversation from Episode 102, Did It Ever Matter? What’s the point of all the trappings of our religious practice as Latter-day Saints? Why do some changes bring so much emotion? And who gets to determine what’s important to us?

Transcribed - Published: 29 October 2024

Episode 198 (Bonus): What About Women Leaving the Church? | Revisiting Messages to Our Daughters

An August 2024 Church Handbook update includes instruction inviting “Young Women class presidencies to organize youth to minister by welcoming visitors and members as they enter the chapel.” Does this baby step represent leadership’s awareness of the need for Latter-day Saint young women to have some kind of systematic responsibility at the ward level? In Episode 198, Cynthia and Susan discuss this change in the context of research detailing historic shifts in religious engagement for Gen Z men and women. This episode also revisits a previous exploration of the question many of the Church’s children are asking: “When will girls be able to pass the sacrament?”

Transcribed - Published: 1 October 2024

Episode 197: Season 8 | That's a Wrap!

As a finale to this season of conversations about women’s spirituality, in Episode 197 Susan and Cynthia revisit some ideas that stood out to them, discuss personal takeaways, and chat about what’s on each of their minds now.

Transcribed - Published: 27 August 2024

Episode 196: What About Ritual? | A Conversation with Selina Forsyth

“For me, broadening my thinking about ritual has given me more freedom to bring my whole self and my creativity to my spiritual life, as well as meet my unique and evolving spiritual needs,” explains Selina Forsyth, who joins Cynthia and Susan to discuss ritual in the lives of Latter-day Saint women. What about when the rituals provided by our religion no longer fit? Even if they do remain deeply meaningful, in a church where women have not been involved in creating official sacred rituals—and sometimes participate in them only as observers—it can be hard to feel we have authority to create personal sacred rituals for ourselves. Episode 196 is a conversation about the intentional making and marking of meaning in the big and small moments of our lives.

Transcribed - Published: 20 August 2024

Episode 195: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Candice Clark

Every Latter-day Saint woman’s walk is unique. Cynthia and Susan are joined in Episode 195 by Candice Clark, who shares a glimpse of her personal path and some valuable insights she’s picked up along the way. She reminds us, “As a mother raised in the Church, one thing I’m grateful to have finally learned is that my desires matter. They don’t matter more than anyone else’s; they also don’t matter less. It’s good to know what I want, whether or not I get it. And it’s okay for me to get what I want sometimes.”

Transcribed - Published: 13 August 2024

Episode 194: Mental Health, Spirituality, and Religion, Oh My! | A Conversation with C.A. Larson

“If one is religious but not spiritual, it will not enhance mental health,” says therapist C.A. Larson. In Episode 194, C.A. joins Susan and Cynthia for a conversation at the intersection of religion and spirituality. What are the differences between the two? How do they function together, and separately? And what influence might each one have on our overall wellbeing?

Transcribed - Published: 6 August 2024

Episode 193: What About Blessings, Part 3 | Things That Would Be Nice If They Were True

Bad things happen to good people—good works cannot protect us from the natural consequences of being human in an imperfect world. But in a church where the narrative often draws connections between worthiness and blessings, it can be hard to avoid internalizing the idea that we’re special and can achieve control by doing the right things. “How do I reconcile my life experiences with the things the Church teaches about blessings?” This prompt from a listener frames Susan and Cynthia’s discussion in Episode 193. It’s a conversation about one of life’s biggest questions, and the spiritual havoc members sometimes wreak by meeting suffering armed with well-meaning answers.

Transcribed - Published: 30 July 2024

Episode 192: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Anne Pimentel

“We can do things a little differently and still be okay,” says Anne Pimentel. She’s a natural—but also intentional—space-maker, devoted to the idea that one can be a “good member” of the Church without fitting the mold. In Episode 192 Anne joins Susan and Cynthia for a conversation about how she learned and has internalized this lesson for herself. She’s a Latter-day Saint woman whose desire to be an ally in all areas continues to shape the way she shows up in her ward and in the world.

Transcribed - Published: 23 July 2024

Episode 191: What About Grief? | A Conversation with Pam Heggie

“My faith life really begins with death,” explains Pam Heggie. “Meaning, the real, genuine experiences of my life that molded me, shaped me and taught me what love and empathy really are, began with deaths. Four (so far) to be exact. Five if you count my own.” In Episode 191, Pam joins Susan and Cynthia to discuss lessons she’s learned at the intersection of grief and faith. In what ways might being a member of our church make grieving easier...or harder? Her experiences are packed with insights that can help all of us in our desire to mourn with and bring comfort to each other in times of grief.

Transcribed - Published: 16 July 2024

Episode 190: What About Sister Missionaries? | Part 2

Bonus Episode 190 contains all the voicemails we couldn’t squeeze into the previous episode's discussion exploring unique complexities of being a Sister missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Transcribed - Published: 12 July 2024

Episode 189: What About Sister Missionaries?

In Episode 189, ALSSI team member and returned missionary Katie joins Cynthia and Susan for a dive into listener voicemails about women’s experiences as sister missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From the pressures around the decision to serve to the daily realities of mission life, there’s plenty to unpack. The rigors of mission service can pay big dividends and/or cause ongoing pain for years post-mission. Every missionary’s experience is individual—a complicated mix of hardship and reward—but is there additional complexity for women who serve?

Transcribed - Published: 9 July 2024

Episode 188: Jesus & the Canaanite Woman | Cynthia’s Sacrament Meeting Talk

“If you lift up a prism, depending on how you slightly turn it, the light will hit different facets, refracting and coming out in different ways. That's how I like to approach the scriptures,” explains Cynthia, “Turning them just ever so slightly to see what different meanings there could be.” In Episode 188, she turns her personal prism on the story of Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman, exploring some interpretations of the unique dialog between them. It’s a short story touching on big themes including vulnerability, growth, faith, persistence, and inclusiveness. Then Susan joins and together they dive a little deeper into Cynthia’s insights and discuss a few possible takeaways.

Transcribed - Published: 2 July 2024

Episode 187: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Amy Watkins Jensen

“Spiritual stretching ... makes you stronger, gives you more balance, and keeps you stable. It took me years to understand that my questions and seeking that stretch me, and are really difficult to wrestle with, are healthy and completely in line with our theology. [...] We need more stretchy saints.” Amy Watkins Jensen has plenty of hard-earned wisdom to share with those who may be experiencing challenges—even heartbreak—on their journey as Latter-day Saint women. In Episode 187, she joins Cynthia and Susan to talk about how her lifetime of church experience continues to fuel her faith.

Transcribed - Published: 25 June 2024

Episode 186: What Happened to Community? | A Conversation with Candice Wendt

“Life as a member offers relatively little social time or enjoyment,” writes Candice Wendt. “Being in the ward is mostly about passive listening and being told to follow leaders and go to the temple. [...] You’re more likely to get asked to clean our very dirty building than be asked to dinner." In episode 186, Candice joins Susan and Cynthia for a discussion of some of the ways church has changed, with more focus on things like covenants and temple attendance, and less on community. It’s a conversation about what we’ve lost, what’s important, what remains, and what it all might mean in the lives of members and the future of the organization.

Transcribed - Published: 18 June 2024

Episode 185: Does That Scripture Mean What You Think it Means? | A Dance with the Parable of the Talents

Rob Bell describes interacting with scripture like this: there’s the black ink (what’s written on the page), then there’s the white space around it (where we dance with what’s written). In Episode 185, Susan and Cynthia take on what Latter-day Saints commonly call the Parable of the Talents, from Matthew 25. It’s a conversation about grace out of hand, covenant relationship, and how we may have come to think about things the way we do. If you’re a fan of the #gracepeddlers, you won’t want to miss it!

Transcribed - Published: 11 June 2024

Episode 184: Am I Allowed to Change? | A Conversation with Jana Spangler

Many of us make temple covenants as young adults. Are we expected to have the same perspectives and priorities at 80 that we had at 18? In a church that emphasizes concepts like “staying on the covenant path” and “enduring to the end,” it can be hard to know how to navigate when our life experiences invite us to grow in new directions. In Episode 184, Jana Spangler joins Cynthia and Susan to discuss the challenges Latter-day Saints may face as they change and mature within an inflexible paradigm.

Transcribed - Published: 4 June 2024

Episode 183: What About Anger?

We asked, you answered! Of all emotions, anger might be the least acceptable for Latter-day Saint women. Many of us are not comfortable being around it, expressing it, talking about it, or even feeling it. But when we choose silence over healthy dialogue, what’s the toll on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being? In Episode 183, Cynthia and Susan share listener voicemails about anger. Can we create space in our church culture for women to both experience and express this natural response?

Transcribed - Published: 28 May 2024

Episode 182: The Harder the Better | A Conversation with Valerie Hamaker

Does devotion always require walking uphill? What’s the difference between good-hard and bad-hard? Do some Church members see the difficulty of a thing as a measure of the righteousness it requires? Has “more suffering and sacrifice” somehow come to mean “higher and holier” in the LDS narrative? In Episode 182, Valerie Hamaker of Latter-day Struggles podcast joins Susan and Cynthia to discuss these questions and more as they unpack the notion that harder is better when it comes to living our faith.

Transcribed - Published: 21 May 2024

Episode 181: What About the Sacrament?

As the centerpiece of Sunday worship and an ordinance pointing directly to Jesus Christ, the sacrament holds deep meaning for many Latter-day Saints. In Episode 181, Cynthia and Susan turn their grace-peddling to a conversation about the sacrament. What matters more: worthiness, or willingness? When did this simple remembrance of Jesus become about “renewing our baptismal covenant,” and what does that mean? How might the evolution of personal faith impact the way one thinks about and engages with this ordinance? Can a ritual that is so familiar take on new significance as we change and grow?

Transcribed - Published: 14 May 2024

Episode 180: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Mary Cox

Mary once put a vinyl motto above her kitchen door that read, “That’s What We Do!” It was a 4-word description of her life as a Latter-day Saint woman. For many years, she and her husband were “the couple who could get it done” at church. She describes looking back with grace for that younger self: “She was doing the best she could with what she knew. But she was exhausted and her children and family structure suffered. More importantly—she suffered.” Then Mary changed. In Episode 180, she joins Susan and Cynthia to talk about that change and rebuilding her spiritual life from the bottom up, with just 3 components in the foundation: “Love and Jesus and Me ... what else really matters?”

Transcribed - Published: 7 May 2024

Episode 179: Am I Spiritual?

What is spirituality? Am I doing it right? What does it look or feel like? Who decides? Episode 179 rounds out the intro of our theme with an exploration of James Finley’s idea: “The greatest teacher of God’s presence in our life is our life.” Cynthia and Susan discuss the difference between communication and communion, finding points of connection in our daily experiences, and identifying and/or choosing personal spiritual practices for ourselves.

Transcribed - Published: 30 April 2024

Episode 178: Women's Spirituality | A Conversation with Brittney Hartley

Like flowers in the cracks of a sidewalk, women’s spirituality has had to work its way around and through thousands of years of religious beliefs and practices established and maintained by and for men. “I have stopped trying to make my life look spiritually acceptable to men. Men have very specific criteria for what spirituality is, based on the reality that men have been the only ones writing religious rites and scripture,” explains Brittney Hartley. Her words are deeply resonant for many Latter-day Saint women who struggle to grow our own spirituality in a church that is patriarchy all the way down. In Episode 178, Brittney joins Cynthia and Susan for a conversation about women defining and redefining for ourselves what spirituality can be.

Transcribed - Published: 23 April 2024

Episode 177: Going Off-Brand

“There is room to honor and hold space for the precious and the meaningful even as we evolve in our beliefs, our homes, and our lives. It’s okay to bring some things with you.” These wise words from writer Sarah Bessey help shape the conversation of this Season 8 opener. Everyone who’s moved knows it can be hard to decide what to toss and what to keep. Latter-day Saint women may find it challenging to honor the evolution of our personal faith within the church brand we’ve known and loved. It's okay to need more space! How can we incorporate good fruit gleaned from new sources—those off-brand beliefs or practices we’ve found outside our previous boundaries that feel expansive, nourishing, or even essential to our growth?

Transcribed - Published: 16 April 2024

Episode 176 (Bonus): What About Season 8?

In this short bonus episode, Susan and Cynthia look ahead to the upcoming season of podcast conversations. Season 8 will center on Latter-day Saint women digging and drawing from our individual spiritual wells. Hope you’ll join us!

Transcribed - Published: 9 April 2024

Episode 175 (Bonus): Revisiting When Women Are The Problem

In this bonus episode, Cynthia and Susan revisit part of an earlier discussion exploring the idea of Latter-day Saint women’s complicity in our own marginalization. Recent events have once again highlighted ways women may be the biggest obstacle to achieving greater parity of roles within the organization. It’s still an itchy topic with no easy answers. This conversation is a call for women to support other women as a necessary first step to change. The underlying question remains: if we can’t allow for—and sit with each other in—different experiences, can we truly love one another?

Transcribed - Published: 2 April 2024

Episode 174 (Bonus): Exhibit A—Reactions to the Relief Society Broadcast

On March 17, 2024 the Church broadcast a Worldwide Relief Society Devotional featuring remarks from the RS General Presidency and President Nelson. In this bonus episode, Cynthia and Susan discuss some of the messages delivered and the social media outpouring from Latter-day Saint women in response.

Transcribed - Published: 19 March 2024

Episode 173: An Open Letter to the Church | The Imagination Episode

Some topics come up in these podcast conversations again and again, and that gets our attention. They frustrate us but also feel like obvious opportunities: areas where the church we love could take a step forward, and even small changes might make a big difference. In Episode 173, Cynthia and Susan call out a few of their frustrations and imagine possible responses that would feel like real progress.

Transcribed - Published: 30 January 2024

Episode 172: The Grace Peddlers are Back

Talk a lot about guilt and shame and eventually, you'll probably crave a hefty dose of grace! The conversation in Episode 172 is just that. Cynthia and Susan focus on challenges Latter-day Saints might have decoupling works and grace. Is it possible accepting grace actually requires more faith than depending on our own good works? How might pivoting toward grace propel us forward? Good news spoiler: We don’t have to save ourselves!

Transcribed - Published: 23 January 2024

Episode 171: What About Guilt and Shame? | A Conversation with C.A. Larson, Part 2

In Episode 171, Susan and Cynthia continue their discussion with therapist C.A. Larson about guilt and shame. Where are they coming from? What are some specific ways these emotions might affect Latter-day Saint women, and how can we recognize and work through them in healthy ways?

Transcribed - Published: 16 January 2024

Episode 170: What About Guilt and Shame? | A Conversation with C.A. Larson, Part 1

“The most liberating process is to realize that no one’s expectations for my life matter but my own,” says therapist C.A. Larson. In Episode 170, she joins Cynthia and Susan for the first part of a discussion about guilt and shame. What’s the difference between these two emotions? How do they help or hinder our growth and progress? And what tools can we use to manage them in healthy ways, and move toward greater self-acceptance?

Transcribed - Published: 9 January 2024

Episode 169: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Lisa Torcasso Downing

“My religious life is beyond the confines of my ward or stake,” says Lisa Torcasso Downing, a Latter-day Saint woman for whom using her voice is an integral part of her faith life. She describes her long-running blog, Life Outside the Book of Mormon Belt: "That's where I’ve been saying it!” In Episode 169, she joins Susan and Cynthia for a rich conversation about everything from her unique conversion story to some of the foundational ideas that shaped her Mormonism to the ups and downs of learning to advocate.

Transcribed - Published: 2 January 2024

Episode 168: Revisiting What Women Don't Get in our Church

Some questions need to be revisited often so we don’t lose sight of the fact that no satisfactory answer has been given. In Episode 91, Cynthia asked, “If history shows that patriarchy is bad for women, and data shows that girls and women fare better when they can see themselves at every level of leadership in our churches, schools, and societies…why do LDS women and men continue to cling to old ideas that deny history and data?” Unfortunately, her question stands, as little if any progress has been made. In Episode 168 we preface a rerun of this previous conversation with a few of the thoughts we have about it now.

Transcribed - Published: 26 December 2023

Episode 167: Behind the Scenes

Sometimes it’s good to just have fun! Episode 167 is a peek behind the curtain at ALSSI. Cynthia and Susan turn on the mics for an unscripted chat about everything from podcaster-pet-peeves to “spilled tea” to Christmas traditions. It’s the kind of conversation that’s probably good to publish now and then just to remind ourselves and everyone else: we’re two average LDS women trying to keep it together and figuring stuff out as we go.

Transcribed - Published: 19 December 2023

Episode 166: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Lyric Montgomery Kinard

Lyric Montgomery Kinard uses the word expansion to describe her faith journey because, as she says, “it feels like spirituality has burst my Mormon box wide-open.” In Episode 166, she joins Susan and Cynthia to talk about her experiences as a Latter-day Saint. It’s another glimpse into the life of a woman who’s given herself permission to walk the path in her own way, honest about what fills her and what doesn’t, and willing to speak her truth.

Transcribed - Published: 12 December 2023

Episode 165: BONUS | Still Talking About Patriarchal Blessings

We asked, you answered! In Bonus Episode 165, women from the ALSSI community share personal experiences and thoughts about Patriarchal Blessings.

Transcribed - Published: 8 December 2023

Episode 164: What About Patriarchal Blessings?

When it comes to Patriarchal Blessings, there are as many experiences as there are members who give and receive them. In Episode 164, Cynthia and Susan are joined by Blakelee Ellis for a discussion about some of the many ways these highly anticipated blessings can be complicated for Latter-day Saint women. From the experience itself to the advice given or promises made, there can be plenty to unpack at the time the words are spoken, but also as we continue to revisit the transcript throughout our lives.

Transcribed - Published: 5 December 2023

Episode 163: Finding Jesus Through Your Inner Compass | A Conversation with Autumn McAlpin

The image of the compass feels central to Autumn McAlpin’s book, But Jesus: A Conversation. Autumn explains, “Right now, my spiritual practice is centered on this—I read pure religion as found in the gospels in the New Testament, then try my best to keep up…” In Episode 163, she joins Cynthia and Susan to talk about the journey behind the book, and how her experiences as a mother and Latter-day Saint LGBTQ+ ally continue to shape her commitment to following Jesus and focusing on love.

Transcribed - Published: 28 November 2023

Episode 162: Stepping Out of the Box with Jesus—Claiming Space in the Gospel Narrative | A Conversation with Kajsa Berlin-Kaufusi

“I’m tired of putting Jesus in a hermeneutical box nailed together by patriarchal exegesis,” says Kajsa Berlin-Kaufusi. In Episode 162, she joins Cynthia and Susan to discuss what those words mean. What might they mean specifically for Latter-day Saint women as we approach the New Testament with a desire to broaden our scriptural understanding and interpretation? Can we excavate meaning by uncovering and examining biblical women in new light?

Transcribed - Published: 21 November 2023

Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Cynthia Winward, and are the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Tapesearch.

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