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The Rise of the Single-Family Home

The Daily

The New York Times

News, Daily News

4.597.8K Ratings

🗓️ 11 October 2022

⏱️ 34 minutes

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To tackle its critical shortage of affordable housing, California has taken aim at a central tenet of the American dream: the single-family home. Telling the story of one such property, in San Diego, can teach us about the larger housing crisis and how we might solve it.

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From the New York Times, I'm Sabrina Tavernici, and this is The Daily.


For years, California has been the place where the country's shortage of affordable housing


is at its worst. To tackle this problem, the state is now taking aim at one of the most


cherished features of American life, the single family home. Today, my colleague Connor


Dorety tells the story of one such home in San Diego and explains what it can teach us


about the larger housing crisis and how we might solve it.


It's Tuesday, October 11th.


So I'm an economics reporter at the Times, and I cover housing. Since the pandemic and


continuing through today, there's been a lot of discussion about how obscenely expensive


housing has gotten, even in a lot of cities like Spokane or Kansas City, where people have


expected the costs of living to be pretty low. And it kind of just makes me think of my


home state and where I live, California. California's housing market keeps breaking records


that have been. Housing affordability in California is at its lowest level in nearly


15 years. Here, the median home price is about $800,000, which is about twice the cost


of a house nationally. You need to make at least $300,000 a year to buy a home right now


in four of our Bay Area counties. To afford the rent, a person earning the minimum wage


here in California must work three jobs. California has some of the most overcrowded homes in


the country. Three, four families in a house meant for one. You drive through cities like San


Francisco and LA, and there are these block long homeless encampments across the sidewalks.


Nearly a quarter of homeless people in the entire United States live here in California.


The state is basically the most extreme example of this affordable housing crisis that is


now spreading everywhere. In a way, it sort of feels like the rest of the country is just


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