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Iran’s Unprecedented Attack on Israel

The Daily

The New York Times

News, Daily News

4.597.8K Ratings

🗓️ 15 April 2024

⏱️ 24 minutes

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Overnight on Saturday, Iran launched its first direct attack on Israeli soil, shooting hundreds of missiles and drones at multiple targets. Eric Schmitt, a national security correspondent for The Times, explains what happened and considers whether a broader war is brewing in the Middle East. Guest: Eric Schmitt, a national security correspondent for The New York Times.

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I'm Isabel Kirschner in Jerusalem. It's coming up to about 5.30 a.m. at the end of a very long and surreal night here for the first time in Israel's history,


the country came under a direct attack from Iran.


This night started ominously with cancellations of all educational activities for Sunday morning, then the reports on TV that the airport was


closing down after midnight, and then...




... came the announcement that swarms of drones were actually on their way.


There were lots of diagrams on TV, how long it takes drones to arrive, how long it takes


cruise missiles to arrive, how long it takes ballistic missiles to arrive.


So everybody was basically up and waiting. Sure enough it's about 2 a.m.


air raid sirens were going off in Jerusalem,


very quickly followed by a long series of booms in the sky and flashes of light.


Wow, wow, wow, you're going to go, to the way.


We're sure, okay.


My apartment building woke up, it came to life.


The neighbors were sitting on the stairs in the stairwell.


Everybody in this country is used to incoming rocket fire.


It was a fairly relaxed atmosphere, but quite surreal and bizarre nonetheless. And now Dawn is just about breaking. I can hear Bird's song and we're being told it's not over.


There will be some kind of Israeli response


and the question is whether that will be wrapped up within a couple of days or whether we are entering into an


unprecedented regional war.


From the New York Times, I'm Sabrina Taverny Sea, and this is the Daily. Overnight on the O'Connell overnight on Saturday, Iran launched its first direct attack on Israeli soil,


shooting hundreds of missiles and drones at multiple targets around the country.


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