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Churchill’s The World Crisis, Part Two

Hillsdale Dialogues

Hillsdale College

Courses, News, Education, Religion & Spirituality

4.61.7K Ratings

🗓️ 30 June 2023

⏱️ 36 minutes

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Dr. Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, joins Hugh Hewitt on the Hillsdale Dialogues for his series on "Churchill the Writer." On this episode, Dr. Arnn and Hugh continue their discussion of The World Crisis, Vol. 1, which covers the origins and earliest days of the war from 1911-1914.

Release date: 30 June 2023

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Every week Hillsdale College President Larry PR joins Hugh Hewitt to discuss great books,


great men, and great ideas.


This is the Hillsdale Dialogues, part of the Hillsdale College Podcast Network.


More episodes at podcast.hillsdale.edu or wherever you find your audio.


Hello at the Hillsdale College Podcast Network, check out the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour,


the Hillsdale College K-12 Classical Education Podcast, the Larry PR Show, and more, all at podcast.hillsdale.edu.


This is Dr. Larry Arn. We have been proceeding a pace through the corpus of Winston Churchill,


and barely touching it, because even though we spent a good many weeks on this, maybe a year now,


we're never going to get close to being done with it, but we are finally to chapter 1 of volume 1


of the world crisis. That is the vials of wrath, 1870-1904 by Winston Churchill, which I told you last


week, begins with to put on record what their grounds of feud were. Dr. Arn, that's Herodotus.


You wanted to read the first paragraph, and I agree with that. Please do.


I then spelled up very large, and I was a young man, right? So I treated it with dog bite,


puncture wound, antibiotic ointment, but I had for the dog. And my hand moved all up,


and I was house sitting, and the fella from whom I was house sitting had written his doctoral


dissertation on Churchill, and the books were there by the bed, and I couldn't move around much.


And so I reached over and I picked up the first volume of the world crisis, and I read this paragraph.


It was a custom in the palmy days of Queen Victoria for statesmen to


expatiate upon the glories of the British Empire, and to rejoice in that protecting providence,


which had preserved us through so many dangers and brought us at length into a secure and more


prosperous age. So that's long flowing sentence that's given, right? Yes. Little did they know


that the worst perils had still to be encountered, and that the greatest triumphs were yet to be one.


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