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600 - Talking About Sight

Speak English with ESLPod.com - 3 New Lessons a Week


Education, Courses, Language Learning

4.62.4K Ratings

🗓️ 19 July 2010

⏱️ 18 minutes

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If you can’t read this, then put on your glasses and listen to this episode on having bad eyes.

Slow dialogue: 1:07
Explanations: 2:45
Fast dialogue: 15:19

Sue: This medication I’m taking is messing with my vision. Everything is blurry.

Hamed: That’s a good reason for you to stay home from work today.

Sue: I can’t. I have to give a presentation this afternoon and I can’t flake out on my coworkers.

Hamed: What good are you to them if you’re blind as a bat?

Sue: Everybody else will have crystal clear vision, so all I have to do is to put in an appearance. Things may not be as sharp as I’d like them to be, but I can still make out people and objects – as long as they’re really big.

Hamed: I don’t think your coworkers are going to want you to blindside them today with your strange behavior. You’re going to do more harm than good.

Sue: I can see well enough. I only see double if I move my head like this. Whoa…

Hamed: At this point, I don’t care if you have X-ray vision. That medication is affecting more than your vision. It’s impairing your better judgment!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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Join more than 15 million people around the world who've learned to speak English the


fastest way possible using ESLPOD.com. Welcome to English as a second language podcast,


number 600, talking about sight.


This is English as a second language podcast, episode 600. I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillin.


Coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California,


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This episode is called talking about sight, about how you see and vocabulary related to


seeing. Let's get started.


This medication I'm taking is messing with my vision. Everything is blurry.


It's a good reason for you to stay home from work today.


I can't. I have to give a presentation this afternoon, and I can't flake out on my co-workers.


What good are you to them if you're blind as a bat?


Everybody else will have crystal clear vision, so all I have to do is to put in an appearance.


Things may not be as sharp as I'd like them to be, but I can still make out people and


objects as long as they're really big.


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