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225: Changes with the Seasons of Your Soul

Bucci Radio

Amanda Bucci

Entrepreneurship, Education, Self-improvement, Business

4.81.6K Ratings

🗓️ 21 July 2020

⏱️ 26 minutes

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There are just those moments in life that you have a strong intuition that you have to do something immediately. When I walked with Cooper earlier, something connected in me. It might be because of the things that have been going on in my life, or some things really need to be done. We need to have a conversation about it.

Today, we’ll be talking about the season of your brand energetics. Recently, I feel that my brand needs to have a shift, along with the changes that have been happening in the world, and me personally. It’s time to move away from things that I’ve long been sinking in towards new things where my heart wants to be.

In this episode, we’re going to deal with this change. When you’re focused on too many distractions and drowned yourself in massive clutter, you tend to lose sight of what’s important. My desire to scale the business has blinded me from seeing the necessity of putting energy on the things that matter. Looking at the numbers too much can literally drive you crazy! Am I still giving positive and valuable things to them? During our journey to the top, we still have to remember the people we serve.

After resting for too long in the pandemic, there’s also a point where we have to start picking ourselves up and begin creating again! At the end of the show, I’ll also be telling you what significant changes are in store for the podcast. I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for three years now. It’s about time for a well-deserved upgrade!

I’ll catch you all again next time here on Bucci Radio. Stay safe!


  • [02:20] Having the intuition to do something and acting on that thought.
  • [03:40] A major shift in my life. A challenging work environment and losing a solid foundation.
  • [06:01] Paying attention to the shift from within. Shifting business models to the things that matter.
  • [11:02] Being more energized to create new things again. Expect new things! Inviting the Divine Masculine back.
  • [14:13] Accepting this new season of change and taking interest in new ideas.
  • [19:19] What are you called to shift into? What are pretending not to know?
  • [21:40] The new path for Bucci Radio Podcast. Putting energy in the right places.

Find out the details of the episode by listening to the full Bucci Radio episode on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play

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Welcome to the Boucher Radio Podcast. I am your host Amanda Boucher. This


podcast is your favorite place to access the intersection between business coaching, social media


strategy and personal mastery. By listening to Bucci Radio, you'll get practical and


actionable tactics and strategies for business growth,


sales, coaching, offer curation, and social media growth


while we pair that with working through subconscious emotional


and mental blocks, creatively expressing yourself through your platform,


developing the highest version of you and supporting you to get into your power.


We know that coaches, entrepreneurs and people like you don't just want to make money and build


the business of their dreams. You want to know how to navigate the experience of putting yourself


out there to people on the internet, building something that truly serves you, and how to move through life to continue to stay in alignment, especially when things get messy.


This podcast will always give you the dose of realness, practicality, and empowerment you truly need.


So stick with us if you're ready for solo casts for me


and interviews from some of the best experts I know


to support you on your mission to flourish and conquer. I just want to express my gratitude to you for listening to the


Boucher Radio podcast and to subscribing and making this a part of your week. I so appreciate your time. I know how much time it


takes to get and listen to a podcast, but I know that this is serving you if you're


continuing to listen and something that I love seeing so much on Instagram where I am


hanging out all the time is a screenshot of the episode that you're listening to


with just whatever you feel like your biggest takeaway was from the episode.


And it makes me see exactly what you are getting out of the episode,


which allows me to continue to make more of what you really love.


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